Hate in the us

E.a M

Aug 18, 2014
Hate it's a major issue in this country. Whether it's because of one’s color ,financial status, love life ,weight/looks, religion, sex, job ,disability etc some people will find a reason to hate you.

Some people are so full of hate they feel the need to let it out and taint the world with it and when they do this they usually pick a particular group of people (though some hate people in general) aim and put their hate on blast.

I pity such people, people so full of hate of vileness that they need to unleash it on the world to make their selves feel better even if it's just for a moment that seems like a sad existence to me.

People hate people for all types of reasons but all have one thing in common their vile hatred that rots them from the inside out.

Today I'd like to talk about racism the form of hate that receives the most attention in this country and a form of hate Many people experience in their lives a form of hate that I am no stranger to.

The first experience with racism I can remember most clearly occurred in grade school around the third grade. Throughout my schooling I have mostly been one of the few the group that sticks out. I was singled out and mocked by both peers and teachers for my lack of sameness.

This was just the beginning of my experiences with hate I have been hated for both my skin color and sex but most of my experiences with hate have been related to my color. I have been jumped harassed, degraded ostracized and assaulted because of the color of my skin.

If I were to check one of those stupid boxes that asks you your "race"(which really shouldn't exist we're all human what's it matter what color we are) the box I'd check is white even though in all reality I'm olive toned.

Some people may stop reading right about now or be angry or think that I couldn’t possibly understand racism or experience it because I’m white and that’s okay your entitled to your opinion but so am I so here it is my opinion my experiences. That’s not to say it’s the right opinion or the only one.

Everyone is capable of hate and therefore racism and everyone is at risk of becoming a victim of it though some are more at risk than others I don't deny that.

When I was in the third grade it might have been the second I attended a summer day camp as usual I was the only white girl I was use to it growing up in a neighborhood where I was the minority it never bothered me I honestly never really paid it any mind maybe it was childhood naivety I don't know but one day when I refused to do the electric slide in front of the whole camp because the counselors wanted to see the "white girl" dance I was teased and laughed at by not only fellow day campers but camp counselors as well the one remark that I remember most clearly was "what do you expect she's a white girl" I actually knew every last dance step but was extremely shy and the thought of getting up and dancing in front of everyone had me about to puke all over the ugly tile in the cafeteria/auditorium/gymnasium. Instead I ran to the bathroom and cried

I had never thought about skin color before then people were people and that was that I didn't see blacks and whites me and them this experience could have changed that for me it could have planted a seed of hate within me but my mother who can be quite wise told me I should never judge the many by my experiences with the few that I should always judge people individually and by the way they treat me and even then if they aren't very nice I should keep in mind that there's probably a reason why they are the way they are (maybe they themselves have experienced so much hate they can't help but be hateful or maybe life hasn't been kind to them) and if anything I should pity them never hate them because that just spreads more hate into the world and nothing taints the soul like hate . So I chose not to let that experience taint me I chose to continue seeing people as people.

I wish I could say that was my last experience with hate but it wasn't.

In the sixth grade I was pushed up against a wall pinned and felt up by a fellow class mate while he whispered things like "you have a nice ass for a white girl" and " let me get in that pussy white girl" " what you think your too good for me white girl yeah well we'll see how good you are when I'm done with you snow"

Later that year I was cornered in a secluded part of the school by another classmate who put his hand over my mouth and began trying to drag me into a empty classroom whispering " you need some black dick snow" I was a virgin then at that point I had never even said that word so as far as I was concerned I didn't need any dick no matter the color luckily another classmate saw us and made him let me go.

I was seen as different less and therefore not worthy of my fellow classmates respect. Not every classmate saw it that way but those who didn't were few and even then I was still “the white girl"

I was jumped by groups of people four different times and it was always made clear it was because of my skin color " stay out of our neighborhood white girl" was the most common statement that came with these attacks kind of hard to stay out of a neighborhood when you live there or go to school there

In high school I was assaulted and harassed on my way to and from the subway my mode of transportation to school grabbed and pushed and pinned while hateful and derogatory things were spewed at me "dam white girl you got a ass on you" "give me a piece of that white ass" "what are you doing here white girl"

I am shy and quite by nature I dress conservatively I did everything I could to go unnoticed kept my eyes downcast so as to not accidentally make eye contact with the wrong person but still I drew the wrong kind of attention

I have been refused service in a store because of my skin color. I had a really bad knot in my hair one time and a friend of mine from school recommended this oil that she said would make it much easier to get out the only place that I could find that carried it was a African American hair care store I was nervous and apprehensive going in because I knew I would stick out but I never expected to be refused service but that's what happened I walked in the door and was promptly and rudely told "we don't serve your kind here"

I've even been refused a job because of my skin color told I had a great resume and seemed like A good worker " but I just wouldn't fit in with the other employees" so they were going to keep looking
I just don't understand this way of thinking wouldn't fit in? Because our skin colors different last time I checked were all humans all the same species isn't it time we start acting like it?

A few months ago I was stopped in the middle of a target store when a elderly African American woman went off on me about allowing my "white" daughter to have a "black" baby doll yelling hateful things at me as my special needs child who already struggles with the outside world cried and clung to my leg gripping one of her favorite dolls (the one the woman had taken issue with) I politely told the women I was sorry she felt that way and walked away as she screamed after me telling me I should be ashamed. Ashamed of what ashamed of teaching my daughter how not to be a racist I don't want to be the type of person who tells their kid they can't have the doll they want simply because it's a different color then they are. Heck if they had a transgender Barbie and my daughter wanted it I'd have no problem buying it for her. Hate is taught racism is taught in the home and in society and I'll be damned if I'm going to teach it to my child. She also has a Asian doll and two Hispanic dolls she picked these dolls out herself and I wouldn't dream of telling her she couldn't have a certain doll because it wasn't the same as her that's never going to change so anyone who has a issue with it will just have to deal.

When you think about it racism makes no sense. We are all people we all have the same organs we all bleed we have the same range of senses and emotions we are all human. We are all made up of the same matter.

It’s a silly anecdote but Say your baking chocolate chip cookies the first batch comes out a light tannish color you leave the second batch in a little longer so they come out a darker color not burnt not even close just a different shade than the first batch they are still the same delicious cookies the best recipe you've ever used would you simply throw one batch away because they aren't the same shade as the other batch that would be rather silly wouldn't it throwing away perfectly good delicious cookies because of their shade that's how ridiculous racism is we are all made up with the same ingredients so it's silly and wrong and narrow minded to hate someone just because they happen to be a different color.

It also makes very little sense to hate someone simply because they hate you or to hate someone because they happen to be the same color as someone who wronged you or someone who is the same color as you all this does is perpetuate the cycle of hate. If we took every seed of hate planted in one person by another person and replaced it with a seed of love/empathy/human kindness the world would be a much better place.

But instead so many people keep answering hate with hate all that does is create more people full of hate which creates more victims of this hate.

I can't count the times I've been called "white girl" "snow" "honkey" "cracker"
"Frosty" "Casper" "yakoo" "mic" "wop" "wic" "wonder bread" and the list goes on sometimes the words were said to cut and sometimes said ignorantly oblivious to their sting

I would never call someone "hey black girl" or "hey Hispanic girl" etc because I think people are so much more then the color of their skin.

People are the smile they put on others faces with a kind word the helping hand they give to someone who really needs it the beautiful art and words and traditions they share with the world. The scientific discoveries and medical breakthrough they make. The love and hope they can spread with one small simple act. They are the things they create the things they share and the things they teach they are their ability to put aside their differences and band together in dire times of need they are their smiles and laughs and tears and dreams and hearts and souls and so so much more these things are so beyond color or sex or religion, disability, looks or financial status and so on these are the types of things that make up a person the types of things that matter most.

I believe that everybody's life matters no matter your skin color, or how much money you have, no matter what god you pray to or don't pray to no matter who you choose to for your life partner no matter your sex we are all human beings that's the one thing that should matter the rest shouldn't unfortunately a majority of society can't manage this way of thinking.

Some people will answer this post with hate. Some will say that the hate that I've experienced doesn’t matter because as a "white" girl I still have it easier in the world. Some will even condone the things that happened to me because someone who happened to be the same color as me put someone who happened to be the same color as them into slavery or committed some type of crime against them or showed them only hate. Some people who happen to share my skin color will look at my experiences with racism and use it to justify their own hate. But some will support its message understand its message at least that's my hope even if it only makes one person think before they do or say something hateful to or about a person or an entire group of persons just because they happen to have a different skin color lifestyle set of beliefs etc then I am beyond thankful.

I wish to live to see this country get its act together to cease throwing labels on everyone I wish to see less hate and more harmony in this country but though I am only twenty five I doubt I will live to see this not at the rate were going of late. But even if I don't get to live to see it I will continue to do everything in my power to contribute to it in the hopes that my child and her children etc will live in a country that is if not hate free at least less hateful.

As long as we think in terms of us and them blacks and whites straights and gays rich and poor this religion and that religion or lack of religion instead of this person and that person the hate will never stop because we are setting ourselves up in neat little boxes making ourselves targets of people looking for someone to hate.

Our government won't be the one to end racism we will the everyday people who make a decision to change their outlook a decision to refuse to be labeled and refuse to label others. It's society that places these labels on us to mark our differences from our peers we put too much stock in these things variety makes life beautiful but instead we live in a country where people continue to punish one another for these variations. We could put a end to it all we are the very society that puts those labels on ourselves that pushes each of us to label others and because we are that society all of us together if we all made the decision to put a end to it to change the way we look at people who are varied from us we could put an end to the hate. These variations are a part only a part of us they don't change that in the grand scheme of things we are fundamentally the same maybe we are a different shade or our mind works differently maybe we chose a life partner who is the same sex as us maybe we believe in one god a Christian god or Allah or many gods or no gods at all it doesn’t change the fact that we are human we just happen to be a human who is this shade or that shade, gay or straight, Christian or Islam or atheist but in the end we are still human and all our lives are equal and should be valued and our beautiful variations should be embraced and encouraged no one should ever be made to feel bad or fearful for something that is a part of them. It's like hating someone for having lungs it's a part of us something that is an essential piece of us you can't survive without it you can't stop it or take it away without ceasing to be. But at the same time it's just a piece of us we aren't just a set of breathing lungs we are someone with a set of lungs that allows us to breathe while we create art or help someone out or instill hope within others just as someone who is white or black or gay isn't just white or black or gay those are parts of them not all that they are I'm not just a white girl I'm a girl who happens to be white that likes to get lost in a good book, write and draw and sing( as long as no one is around to hear) who enjoys helping others and loves her family dearly who wishes for a better world a less hateful one none of these attributes have anything to do with being white and everything to do with being human.

Let’s stop calling racism a “ race” issue its not it’s a human issue that all of us together could put an end to if we stop dividing ourselves up into nice little categories. Human life doesn’t work that way any one person can be a 100 different things. Stop looking at things as just a “white” problem or a “black” problem because here is the thing it affects us all. A person of one color wrongs a person of another color and the wronged group becomes outraged so they lash out indiscriminately against anyone who happens to be the same color as the wrong doer so then the group who happens to be the same color as the wrong doer become outraged because they are being lumped together and judged unfairly just because someone who happens to be the same color as them did something wrong and thus begins a never ending ping pong game with hate as the ping pong ball constantly tossed back and forth between the two groups the hate will never ever end that way.

I could have taken my experience with hate and used it as an excuse to hate anyone who happens to be the same color as those who hurt me but I didn’t because that solves nothing and besides I have had many many good experiences with people of a color opposite of mine the student who made my attacker let me go and made it known that if the guy ever touched me again he’d get the crud beat out of him was a different color than me that store that refused me service my friend who recommended the oil went back with me the next day and made sure I got the oil and even helped me get the knot out . The saying "Know me before you judge me" is a saying that has always stuck with me I don’t want people to just look at my skin color and make a judgment based on that so I would never do that to someone else.

I’m gonna wrap up this post because lord knows its long winded as it is sorry for that. And I am sorry if this post offended anyone that is not the point of it. This post is about love and acceptance and whether you happen to be the same color as me or a different one I hope you got that from this post. It makes me sad to see so much hate in our country and in the world in general. I hope to see that change I know we as fellow human beings are capable of making it happen it won’t be easy but it isn’t impossible. My hope is that this post makes at least one person less inclined to hate and that they go on to do the same for someone else. Thanks for reading. SPREAD THE LOVE STOP THE HATE!
Thngs are FAR worse for white people in a black environment, than they are for black people in a white environment. Racism is extremely rampant in that community.
Blacks may want to look in the mirror at themselves. They're the ones that started to call it a white hate crime and accuse us of this shit.

THey murder twice as many whites every year. Should we protest? Asshole? Should we? Should we be fucking angry.
Blacks may want to look in the mirror at themselves. They're the ones that started to call it a white hate crime and accuse us of this shit.

THey murder twice as many whites every year. Should we protest? Asshole? Should we? Should we be fucking angry.

Not really sure if this is a rhetorical question or if you were asking me directly (I have trouble telling the difference I can be a bit of a ditz with these things sorry) I am white this article is about my experience with black on white racism and no where in my post did I say one shouldn't be angry about that sort of thing all I said was hating (there's a diff btw hate and anger) every last black person because some black people hurt me makes no sense to me and I don't think it helps anything just like I don't think a black person hating every last white person because of their experience with some white people makes sense.

Take care,
I don't hate all blacks, but I really do wish the ones that do resort to rioting, looting and accusing whites of it. Would sit down and reconsider as this shooting had nothing to do with race.

I am not the one rioting
I am not the one looting
I am the one that wants this figured out and calm.
China called, they want their wall back....


Welp sorry they will just have to do without it I've grown quite fond of it

*********and fair warning to future readers the post is very long winded which if you make it through the whole thing (god bless you) you will see I apologize for it was never meant to be quite so long what can I say I get long winded when passionate about something so if your not prepared for a substantial bit a reading don't read it .

Take care,
Hate it's a major issue in this country. Whether it's because of one’s color ,financial status, love life ,weight/looks, religion, sex, job ,disability etc some people will find a reason to hate you.

Some people are so full of hate they feel the need to let it out and taint the world with it and when they do this they usually pick a particular group of people (though some hate people in general) aim and put their hate on blast.

I pity such people, people so full of hate of vileness that they need to unleash it on the world to make their selves feel better even if it's just for a moment that seems like a sad existence to me.

People hate people for all types of reasons but all have one thing in common their vile hatred that rots them from the inside out.

Today I'd like to talk about racism the form of hate that receives the most attention in this country and a form of hate Many people experience in their lives a form of hate that I am no stranger to.

The first experience with racism I can remember most clearly occurred in grade school around the third grade. Throughout my schooling I have mostly been one of the few the group that sticks out. I was singled out and mocked by both peers and teachers for my lack of sameness.

This was just the beginning of my experiences with hate I have been hated for both my skin color and sex but most of my experiences with hate have been related to my color. I have been jumped harassed, degraded ostracized and assaulted because of the color of my skin.

If I were to check one of those stupid boxes that asks you your "race"(which really shouldn't exist we're all human what's it matter what color we are) the box I'd check is white even though in all reality I'm olive toned.

Some people may stop reading right about now or be angry or think that I couldn’t possibly understand racism or experience it because I’m white and that’s okay your entitled to your opinion but so am I so here it is my opinion my experiences. That’s not to say it’s the right opinion or the only one.

Everyone is capable of hate and therefore racism and everyone is at risk of becoming a victim of it though some are more at risk than others I don't deny that.

When I was in the third grade it might have been the second I attended a summer day camp as usual I was the only white girl I was use to it growing up in a neighborhood where I was the minority it never bothered me I honestly never really paid it any mind maybe it was childhood naivety I don't know but one day when I refused to do the electric slide in front of the whole camp because the counselors wanted to see the "white girl" dance I was teased and laughed at by not only fellow day campers but camp counselors as well the one remark that I remember most clearly was "what do you expect she's a white girl" I actually knew every last dance step but was extremely shy and the thought of getting up and dancing in front of everyone had me about to puke all over the ugly tile in the cafeteria/auditorium/gymnasium. Instead I ran to the bathroom and cried

I had never thought about skin color before then people were people and that was that I didn't see blacks and whites me and them this experience could have changed that for me it could have planted a seed of hate within me but my mother who can be quite wise told me I should never judge the many by my experiences with the few that I should always judge people individually and by the way they treat me and even then if they aren't very nice I should keep in mind that there's probably a reason why they are the way they are (maybe they themselves have experienced so much hate they can't help but be hateful or maybe life hasn't been kind to them) and if anything I should pity them never hate them because that just spreads more hate into the world and nothing taints the soul like hate . So I chose not to let that experience taint me I chose to continue seeing people as people.

I wish I could say that was my last experience with hate but it wasn't.

In the sixth grade I was pushed up against a wall pinned and felt up by a fellow class mate while he whispered things like "you have a nice ass for a white girl" and " let me get in that pussy white girl" " what you think your too good for me white girl yeah well we'll see how good you are when I'm done with you snow"

Later that year I was cornered in a secluded part of the school by another classmate who put his hand over my mouth and began trying to drag me into a empty classroom whispering " you need some black dick snow" I was a virgin then at that point I had never even said that word so as far as I was concerned I didn't need any dick no matter the color luckily another classmate saw us and made him let me go.

I was seen as different less and therefore not worthy of my fellow classmates respect. Not every classmate saw it that way but those who didn't were few and even then I was still “the white girl"

I was jumped by groups of people four different times and it was always made clear it was because of my skin color " stay out of our neighborhood white girl" was the most common statement that came with these attacks kind of hard to stay out of a neighborhood when you live there or go to school there

In high school I was assaulted and harassed on my way to and from the subway my mode of transportation to school grabbed and pushed and pinned while hateful and derogatory things were spewed at me "dam white girl you got a ass on you" "give me a piece of that white ass" "what are you doing here white girl"

I am shy and quite by nature I dress conservatively I did everything I could to go unnoticed kept my eyes downcast so as to not accidentally make eye contact with the wrong person but still I drew the wrong kind of attention

I have been refused service in a store because of my skin color. I had a really bad knot in my hair one time and a friend of mine from school recommended this oil that she said would make it much easier to get out the only place that I could find that carried it was a African American hair care store I was nervous and apprehensive going in because I knew I would stick out but I never expected to be refused service but that's what happened I walked in the door and was promptly and rudely told "we don't serve your kind here"

I've even been refused a job because of my skin color told I had a great resume and seemed like A good worker " but I just wouldn't fit in with the other employees" so they were going to keep looking
I just don't understand this way of thinking wouldn't fit in? Because our skin colors different last time I checked were all humans all the same species isn't it time we start acting like it?

A few months ago I was stopped in the middle of a target store when a elderly African American woman went off on me about allowing my "white" daughter to have a "black" baby doll yelling hateful things at me as my special needs child who already struggles with the outside world cried and clung to my leg gripping one of her favorite dolls (the one the woman had taken issue with) I politely told the women I was sorry she felt that way and walked away as she screamed after me telling me I should be ashamed. Ashamed of what ashamed of teaching my daughter how not to be a racist I don't want to be the type of person who tells their kid they can't have the doll they want simply because it's a different color then they are. Heck if they had a transgender Barbie and my daughter wanted it I'd have no problem buying it for her. Hate is taught racism is taught in the home and in society and I'll be damned if I'm going to teach it to my child. She also has a Asian doll and two Hispanic dolls she picked these dolls out herself and I wouldn't dream of telling her she couldn't have a certain doll because it wasn't the same as her that's never going to change so anyone who has a issue with it will just have to deal.

When you think about it racism makes no sense. We are all people we all have the same organs we all bleed we have the same range of senses and emotions we are all human. We are all made up of the same matter.

It’s a silly anecdote but Say your baking chocolate chip cookies the first batch comes out a light tannish color you leave the second batch in a little longer so they come out a darker color not burnt not even close just a different shade than the first batch they are still the same delicious cookies the best recipe you've ever used would you simply throw one batch away because they aren't the same shade as the other batch that would be rather silly wouldn't it throwing away perfectly good delicious cookies because of their shade that's how ridiculous racism is we are all made up with the same ingredients so it's silly and wrong and narrow minded to hate someone just because they happen to be a different color.

It also makes very little sense to hate someone simply because they hate you or to hate someone because they happen to be the same color as someone who wronged you or someone who is the same color as you all this does is perpetuate the cycle of hate. If we took every seed of hate planted in one person by another person and replaced it with a seed of love/empathy/human kindness the world would be a much better place.

But instead so many people keep answering hate with hate all that does is create more people full of hate which creates more victims of this hate.

I can't count the times I've been called "white girl" "snow" "honkey" "cracker"
"Frosty" "Casper" "yakoo" "mic" "wop" "wic" "wonder bread" and the list goes on sometimes the words were said to cut and sometimes said ignorantly oblivious to their sting

I would never call someone "hey black girl" or "hey Hispanic girl" etc because I think people are so much more then the color of their skin.

People are the smile they put on others faces with a kind word the helping hand they give to someone who really needs it the beautiful art and words and traditions they share with the world. The scientific discoveries and medical breakthrough they make. The love and hope they can spread with one small simple act. They are the things they create the things they share and the things they teach they are their ability to put aside their differences and band together in dire times of need they are their smiles and laughs and tears and dreams and hearts and souls and so so much more these things are so beyond color or sex or religion, disability, looks or financial status and so on these are the types of things that make up a person the types of things that matter most.

I believe that everybody's life matters no matter your skin color, or how much money you have, no matter what god you pray to or don't pray to no matter who you choose to for your life partner no matter your sex we are all human beings that's the one thing that should matter the rest shouldn't unfortunately a majority of society can't manage this way of thinking.

Some people will answer this post with hate. Some will say that the hate that I've experienced doesn’t matter because as a "white" girl I still have it easier in the world. Some will even condone the things that happened to me because someone who happened to be the same color as me put someone who happened to be the same color as them into slavery or committed some type of crime against them or showed them only hate. Some people who happen to share my skin color will look at my experiences with racism and use it to justify their own hate. But some will support its message understand its message at least that's my hope even if it only makes one person think before they do or say something hateful to or about a person or an entire group of persons just because they happen to have a different skin color lifestyle set of beliefs etc then I am beyond thankful.

I wish to live to see this country get its act together to cease throwing labels on everyone I wish to see less hate and more harmony in this country but though I am only twenty five I doubt I will live to see this not at the rate were going of late. But even if I don't get to live to see it I will continue to do everything in my power to contribute to it in the hopes that my child and her children etc will live in a country that is if not hate free at least less hateful.

As long as we think in terms of us and them blacks and whites straights and gays rich and poor this religion and that religion or lack of religion instead of this person and that person the hate will never stop because we are setting ourselves up in neat little boxes making ourselves targets of people looking for someone to hate.

Our government won't be the one to end racism we will the everyday people who make a decision to change their outlook a decision to refuse to be labeled and refuse to label others. It's society that places these labels on us to mark our differences from our peers we put too much stock in these things variety makes life beautiful but instead we live in a country where people continue to punish one another for these variations. We could put a end to it all we are the very society that puts those labels on ourselves that pushes each of us to label others and because we are that society all of us together if we all made the decision to put a end to it to change the way we look at people who are varied from us we could put an end to the hate. These variations are a part only a part of us they don't change that in the grand scheme of things we are fundamentally the same maybe we are a different shade or our mind works differently maybe we chose a life partner who is the same sex as us maybe we believe in one god a Christian god or Allah or many gods or no gods at all it doesn’t change the fact that we are human we just happen to be a human who is this shade or that shade, gay or straight, Christian or Islam or atheist but in the end we are still human and all our lives are equal and should be valued and our beautiful variations should be embraced and encouraged no one should ever be made to feel bad or fearful for something that is a part of them. It's like hating someone for having lungs it's a part of us something that is an essential piece of us you can't survive without it you can't stop it or take it away without ceasing to be. But at the same time it's just a piece of us we aren't just a set of breathing lungs we are someone with a set of lungs that allows us to breathe while we create art or help someone out or instill hope within others just as someone who is white or black or gay isn't just white or black or gay those are parts of them not all that they are I'm not just a white girl I'm a girl who happens to be white that likes to get lost in a good book, write and draw and sing( as long as no one is around to hear) who enjoys helping others and loves her family dearly who wishes for a better world a less hateful one none of these attributes have anything to do with being white and everything to do with being human.

Let’s stop calling racism a “ race” issue its not it’s a human issue that all of us together could put an end to if we stop dividing ourselves up into nice little categories. Human life doesn’t work that way any one person can be a 100 different things. Stop looking at things as just a “white” problem or a “black” problem because here is the thing it affects us all. A person of one color wrongs a person of another color and the wronged group becomes outraged so they lash out indiscriminately against anyone who happens to be the same color as the wrong doer so then the group who happens to be the same color as the wrong doer become outraged because they are being lumped together and judged unfairly just because someone who happens to be the same color as them did something wrong and thus begins a never ending ping pong game with hate as the ping pong ball constantly tossed back and forth between the two groups the hate will never ever end that way.

I could have taken my experience with hate and used it as an excuse to hate anyone who happens to be the same color as those who hurt me but I didn’t because that solves nothing and besides I have had many many good experiences with people of a color opposite of mine the student who made my attacker let me go and made it known that if the guy ever touched me again he’d get the crud beat out of him was a different color than me that store that refused me service my friend who recommended the oil went back with me the next day and made sure I got the oil and even helped me get the knot out . The saying "Know me before you judge me" is a saying that has always stuck with me I don’t want people to just look at my skin color and make a judgment based on that so I would never do that to someone else.

I’m gonna wrap up this post because lord knows its long winded as it is sorry for that. And I am sorry if this post offended anyone that is not the point of it. This post is about love and acceptance and whether you happen to be the same color as me or a different one I hope you got that from this post. It makes me sad to see so much hate in our country and in the world in general. I hope to see that change I know we as fellow human beings are capable of making it happen it won’t be easy but it isn’t impossible. My hope is that this post makes at least one person less inclined to hate and that they go on to do the same for someone else. Thanks for reading. SPREAD THE LOVE STOP THE HATE!

You seem angry. Maybe a support group is in order? :D
Hate it's a major issue in this country. Whether it's because of one’s color ,financial status, love life ,weight/looks, religion, sex, job ,disability etc some people will find a reason to hate you.

Some people are so full of hate they feel the need to let it out and taint the world with it and when they do this they usually pick a particular group of people (though some hate people in general) aim and put their hate on blast.

I pity such people, people so full of hate of vileness that they need to unleash it on the world to make their selves feel better even if it's just for a moment that seems like a sad existence to me.

People hate people for all types of reasons but all have one thing in common their vile hatred that rots them from the inside out.

Today I'd like to talk about racism the form of hate that receives the most attention in this country and a form of hate Many people experience in their lives a form of hate that I am no stranger to.

The first experience with racism I can remember most clearly occurred in grade school around the third grade. Throughout my schooling I have mostly been one of the few the group that sticks out. I was singled out and mocked by both peers and teachers for my lack of sameness.

This was just the beginning of my experiences with hate I have been hated for both my skin color and sex but most of my experiences with hate have been related to my color. I have been jumped harassed, degraded ostracized and assaulted because of the color of my skin.

If I were to check one of those stupid boxes that asks you your "race"(which really shouldn't exist we're all human what's it matter what color we are) the box I'd check is white even though in all reality I'm olive toned.

Some people may stop reading right about now or be angry or think that I couldn’t possibly understand racism or experience it because I’m white and that’s okay your entitled to your opinion but so am I so here it is my opinion my experiences. That’s not to say it’s the right opinion or the only one.

Everyone is capable of hate and therefore racism and everyone is at risk of becoming a victim of it though some are more at risk than others I don't deny that.

When I was in the third grade it might have been the second I attended a summer day camp as usual I was the only white girl I was use to it growing up in a neighborhood where I was the minority it never bothered me I honestly never really paid it any mind maybe it was childhood naivety I don't know but one day when I refused to do the electric slide in front of the whole camp because the counselors wanted to see the "white girl" dance I was teased and laughed at by not only fellow day campers but camp counselors as well the one remark that I remember most clearly was "what do you expect she's a white girl" I actually knew every last dance step but was extremely shy and the thought of getting up and dancing in front of everyone had me about to puke all over the ugly tile in the cafeteria/auditorium/gymnasium. Instead I ran to the bathroom and cried

I had never thought about skin color before then people were people and that was that I didn't see blacks and whites me and them this experience could have changed that for me it could have planted a seed of hate within me but my mother who can be quite wise told me I should never judge the many by my experiences with the few that I should always judge people individually and by the way they treat me and even then if they aren't very nice I should keep in mind that there's probably a reason why they are the way they are (maybe they themselves have experienced so much hate they can't help but be hateful or maybe life hasn't been kind to them) and if anything I should pity them never hate them because that just spreads more hate into the world and nothing taints the soul like hate . So I chose not to let that experience taint me I chose to continue seeing people as people.

I wish I could say that was my last experience with hate but it wasn't.

In the sixth grade I was pushed up against a wall pinned and felt up by a fellow class mate while he whispered things like "you have a nice ass for a white girl" and " let me get in that pussy white girl" " what you think your too good for me white girl yeah well we'll see how good you are when I'm done with you snow"

Later that year I was cornered in a secluded part of the school by another classmate who put his hand over my mouth and began trying to drag me into a empty classroom whispering " you need some black dick snow" I was a virgin then at that point I had never even said that word so as far as I was concerned I didn't need any dick no matter the color luckily another classmate saw us and made him let me go.

I was seen as different less and therefore not worthy of my fellow classmates respect. Not every classmate saw it that way but those who didn't were few and even then I was still “the white girl"

I was jumped by groups of people four different times and it was always made clear it was because of my skin color " stay out of our neighborhood white girl" was the most common statement that came with these attacks kind of hard to stay out of a neighborhood when you live there or go to school there

In high school I was assaulted and harassed on my way to and from the subway my mode of transportation to school grabbed and pushed and pinned while hateful and derogatory things were spewed at me "dam white girl you got a ass on you" "give me a piece of that white ass" "what are you doing here white girl"

I am shy and quite by nature I dress conservatively I did everything I could to go unnoticed kept my eyes downcast so as to not accidentally make eye contact with the wrong person but still I drew the wrong kind of attention

I have been refused service in a store because of my skin color. I had a really bad knot in my hair one time and a friend of mine from school recommended this oil that she said would make it much easier to get out the only place that I could find that carried it was a African American hair care store I was nervous and apprehensive going in because I knew I would stick out but I never expected to be refused service but that's what happened I walked in the door and was promptly and rudely told "we don't serve your kind here"

I've even been refused a job because of my skin color told I had a great resume and seemed like A good worker " but I just wouldn't fit in with the other employees" so they were going to keep looking
I just don't understand this way of thinking wouldn't fit in? Because our skin colors different last time I checked were all humans all the same species isn't it time we start acting like it?

A few months ago I was stopped in the middle of a target store when a elderly African American woman went off on me about allowing my "white" daughter to have a "black" baby doll yelling hateful things at me as my special needs child who already struggles with the outside world cried and clung to my leg gripping one of her favorite dolls (the one the woman had taken issue with) I politely told the women I was sorry she felt that way and walked away as she screamed after me telling me I should be ashamed. Ashamed of what ashamed of teaching my daughter how not to be a racist I don't want to be the type of person who tells their kid they can't have the doll they want simply because it's a different color then they are. Heck if they had a transgender Barbie and my daughter wanted it I'd have no problem buying it for her. Hate is taught racism is taught in the home and in society and I'll be damned if I'm going to teach it to my child. She also has a Asian doll and two Hispanic dolls she picked these dolls out herself and I wouldn't dream of telling her she couldn't have a certain doll because it wasn't the same as her that's never going to change so anyone who has a issue with it will just have to deal.

When you think about it racism makes no sense. We are all people we all have the same organs we all bleed we have the same range of senses and emotions we are all human. We are all made up of the same matter.

It’s a silly anecdote but Say your baking chocolate chip cookies the first batch comes out a light tannish color you leave the second batch in a little longer so they come out a darker color not burnt not even close just a different shade than the first batch they are still the same delicious cookies the best recipe you've ever used would you simply throw one batch away because they aren't the same shade as the other batch that would be rather silly wouldn't it throwing away perfectly good delicious cookies because of their shade that's how ridiculous racism is we are all made up with the same ingredients so it's silly and wrong and narrow minded to hate someone just because they happen to be a different color.

It also makes very little sense to hate someone simply because they hate you or to hate someone because they happen to be the same color as someone who wronged you or someone who is the same color as you all this does is perpetuate the cycle of hate. If we took every seed of hate planted in one person by another person and replaced it with a seed of love/empathy/human kindness the world would be a much better place.

But instead so many people keep answering hate with hate all that does is create more people full of hate which creates more victims of this hate.

I can't count the times I've been called "white girl" "snow" "honkey" "cracker"
"Frosty" "Casper" "yakoo" "mic" "wop" "wic" "wonder bread" and the list goes on sometimes the words were said to cut and sometimes said ignorantly oblivious to their sting

I would never call someone "hey black girl" or "hey Hispanic girl" etc because I think people are so much more then the color of their skin.

People are the smile they put on others faces with a kind word the helping hand they give to someone who really needs it the beautiful art and words and traditions they share with the world. The scientific discoveries and medical breakthrough they make. The love and hope they can spread with one small simple act. They are the things they create the things they share and the things they teach they are their ability to put aside their differences and band together in dire times of need they are their smiles and laughs and tears and dreams and hearts and souls and so so much more these things are so beyond color or sex or religion, disability, looks or financial status and so on these are the types of things that make up a person the types of things that matter most.

I believe that everybody's life matters no matter your skin color, or how much money you have, no matter what god you pray to or don't pray to no matter who you choose to for your life partner no matter your sex we are all human beings that's the one thing that should matter the rest shouldn't unfortunately a majority of society can't manage this way of thinking.

Some people will answer this post with hate. Some will say that the hate that I've experienced doesn’t matter because as a "white" girl I still have it easier in the world. Some will even condone the things that happened to me because someone who happened to be the same color as me put someone who happened to be the same color as them into slavery or committed some type of crime against them or showed them only hate. Some people who happen to share my skin color will look at my experiences with racism and use it to justify their own hate. But some will support its message understand its message at least that's my hope even if it only makes one person think before they do or say something hateful to or about a person or an entire group of persons just because they happen to have a different skin color lifestyle set of beliefs etc then I am beyond thankful.

I wish to live to see this country get its act together to cease throwing labels on everyone I wish to see less hate and more harmony in this country but though I am only twenty five I doubt I will live to see this not at the rate were going of late. But even if I don't get to live to see it I will continue to do everything in my power to contribute to it in the hopes that my child and her children etc will live in a country that is if not hate free at least less hateful.

As long as we think in terms of us and them blacks and whites straights and gays rich and poor this religion and that religion or lack of religion instead of this person and that person the hate will never stop because we are setting ourselves up in neat little boxes making ourselves targets of people looking for someone to hate.

Our government won't be the one to end racism we will the everyday people who make a decision to change their outlook a decision to refuse to be labeled and refuse to label others. It's society that places these labels on us to mark our differences from our peers we put too much stock in these things variety makes life beautiful but instead we live in a country where people continue to punish one another for these variations. We could put a end to it all we are the very society that puts those labels on ourselves that pushes each of us to label others and because we are that society all of us together if we all made the decision to put a end to it to change the way we look at people who are varied from us we could put an end to the hate. These variations are a part only a part of us they don't change that in the grand scheme of things we are fundamentally the same maybe we are a different shade or our mind works differently maybe we chose a life partner who is the same sex as us maybe we believe in one god a Christian god or Allah or many gods or no gods at all it doesn’t change the fact that we are human we just happen to be a human who is this shade or that shade, gay or straight, Christian or Islam or atheist but in the end we are still human and all our lives are equal and should be valued and our beautiful variations should be embraced and encouraged no one should ever be made to feel bad or fearful for something that is a part of them. It's like hating someone for having lungs it's a part of us something that is an essential piece of us you can't survive without it you can't stop it or take it away without ceasing to be. But at the same time it's just a piece of us we aren't just a set of breathing lungs we are someone with a set of lungs that allows us to breathe while we create art or help someone out or instill hope within others just as someone who is white or black or gay isn't just white or black or gay those are parts of them not all that they are I'm not just a white girl I'm a girl who happens to be white that likes to get lost in a good book, write and draw and sing( as long as no one is around to hear) who enjoys helping others and loves her family dearly who wishes for a better world a less hateful one none of these attributes have anything to do with being white and everything to do with being human.

Let’s stop calling racism a “ race” issue its not it’s a human issue that all of us together could put an end to if we stop dividing ourselves up into nice little categories. Human life doesn’t work that way any one person can be a 100 different things. Stop looking at things as just a “white” problem or a “black” problem because here is the thing it affects us all. A person of one color wrongs a person of another color and the wronged group becomes outraged so they lash out indiscriminately against anyone who happens to be the same color as the wrong doer so then the group who happens to be the same color as the wrong doer become outraged because they are being lumped together and judged unfairly just because someone who happens to be the same color as them did something wrong and thus begins a never ending ping pong game with hate as the ping pong ball constantly tossed back and forth between the two groups the hate will never ever end that way.

I could have taken my experience with hate and used it as an excuse to hate anyone who happens to be the same color as those who hurt me but I didn’t because that solves nothing and besides I have had many many good experiences with people of a color opposite of mine the student who made my attacker let me go and made it known that if the guy ever touched me again he’d get the crud beat out of him was a different color than me that store that refused me service my friend who recommended the oil went back with me the next day and made sure I got the oil and even helped me get the knot out . The saying "Know me before you judge me" is a saying that has always stuck with me I don’t want people to just look at my skin color and make a judgment based on that so I would never do that to someone else.

I’m gonna wrap up this post because lord knows its long winded as it is sorry for that. And I am sorry if this post offended anyone that is not the point of it. This post is about love and acceptance and whether you happen to be the same color as me or a different one I hope you got that from this post. It makes me sad to see so much hate in our country and in the world in general. I hope to see that change I know we as fellow human beings are capable of making it happen it won’t be easy but it isn’t impossible. My hope is that this post makes at least one person less inclined to hate and that they go on to do the same for someone else. Thanks for reading. SPREAD THE LOVE STOP THE HATE!

Blacks may want to look in the mirror at themselves. They're the ones that started to call it a white hate crime and accuse us of this shit.

THey murder twice as many whites every year. Should we protest? Asshole? Should we? Should we be fucking angry.
I'll expose the fact now that there is no proof it WASN'T a hate crime and the fact that the police for some reason needed such a long period of time to tell or come up with a story is questionable.

Also, your statistics about blacks are off topic, but I'll bite.

When your grandparents cut them off from employment and schooling and almost everything else.........what did you think their children would end up like?

Even today some want to cut education to black neighborhoods.......

Yet when a mass shooting happens, we jump to the conclusion it was because of uneducation.....
Some do.
Some people hate things they understand perfectly.

Simple bumper sticker slogans don't cover it.
You are wrong.........if you understand something you gain the ability to overcome it with information. And the Pen (thinking) is mightier than the sword (hate).

Only the weak minded hate. Hate leads no where except down in life and more hate.

Learn how to solve problems and not hate them. Do you hate advanced math proflems?
You are wrong.........if you understand something you gain the ability to overcome it with information. And the Pen (thinking) is mightier than the sword (hate).

Only the weak minded hate. Hate leads no where except down in life and more hate.

Learn how to solve problems and not hate them. Do you hate advanced math proflems?

Actually I do. Lol! Not only do I hate them, I despise them. I'm a math racist.
I'll expose the fact now that there is no proof it WASN'T a hate crime and the fact that the police for some reason needed such a long period of time to tell or come up with a story is questionable.

Also, your statistics about blacks are off topic, but I'll bite.

When your grandparents cut them off from employment and schooling and almost everything else.........what did you think their children would end up like?

Even today some want to cut education to black neighborhoods.......

Yet when a mass shooting happens, we jump to the conclusion it was because of uneducation.....

My grandparents didn't cut anyone off from anything..but I understand you need that fantasy to support your argument.

for over fifty years we've empowered them, franchised them, pampered them, placed them on pedestals as creatures of worship or pity.
...and for all that spending, pampering and pandering, we have vast urban areas of slums, ghettos, ruins filled with some of the most violent, blood thirsty, savage, feral creatures to ever stride the planet. We've had 50 years of forced integration. 50 years of generous social entitlement programs. 50 years of excuses. And, the fears expressed by white leaders in the late 1950s and early sixties have come to pass.

Since the mid sixties, we've elevated the non-white, specifically the negro.
We've given money to bring them out of poverty, we've passed laws to prevent non-white discrimination, we've advanced them in our schools without them needing to learn, we've given them jobs and home loans they didn't qualify for.

Some 50+ years after civil rights movement demanded blacks be included into white society, we are more segregated now than ever before. Blacks culture is so far removed from the main stream culture that is unrecognizable as progressive and has more in common with the African tribal warriors of the first century BC.

Since 1965, Negroes were truly free to chart their own course. No longer could whites dictate special polices for handling Homo Sapiens Africansis. No longer could this savage hominid be contained in special game reserves (segregation).

It is 2014, 49 years later, and we see, in places like Detroit, just what the negro has done with that freedom.
Around the globe, from Atlanta to Zimbabwe, the negro lives a life of savagery, of instinct, or brutality. There is no building, no development, no creative thought. No negro civilization has arose nor could they maintain the ones given to them.
'whiteness' sets a standard of achievement that 'blackness' can't replicate, without government assistance.

Now we endure the transferring of white wealth to non-whites as punishment for the eternal, un-payable debt of the standard of civilization blackness can't replicate, sustain, or even maintain.
what has been done to negroes is incredibly unfair. They were forced to try to assimilate in a society which they could never hope to live up to, to live and work around people who are their intellectual superiors, and to see their own inadequacies mirrored back to them every day of their lives.

Most negroes have and nurture a deep resentment and hatred of White people.

It really is better now for everyone to just segregate, and let each race go where it may. There are too many wounds there that will never heal, too much hatred to overcome, and blacks will never improve their lot when they are constantly living in our shadow.

America has reached its evolutionary dead-end.
I hate seeing businesses trashed
I hate seeing people not thinking about the evidence, but allowing haters like Sharpton control their every thought.

I hate seeing twice as many whites being gunned down by 13% of the population than the 63% gunning down the 13%.

How exactly do we whites hate? Using police to stop rioters, looters and thugs from destroying isn't hate. Somehow this is what the president and the race baiters are trying to accuse us of. So what do you expect will happen if we remove them?

I don't know the full story of Brown, but what followed afterwards has done more harm to his case than good. Couldn't wait a few months for all the evidence. jeezzz.
Did you know that white people were slaves at one time too? It's true.

Check it out!

White slavery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Everyone took part in slavery.
Blacks---Who do you think sold us their own people?
Asians---Japanese treated the other Asian people like shit and marching them on the baton death march.
Arab slave trade.

People that scream about how whites are the only ones to ever do this, aren't intelligent enough to have this debate.

Somehow, this gives the left, a right to justify looting someones business?

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