Has Trump breached his duty?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
McConnell has breached his duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That is without a doubt.

I also believe Trump has put himself above the people, as well as the oath he swore to support and defend the Constitution.

McConnell's nonfeasance and misfeasance border on malfeasance, and his behavior is sufficient to hold him in contempt. Unfortunately, a Senator seems to be above the law (and spirit of democracy) unless expelled by the other Senators.

However, the President is culpable for Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance, IMO, and yet based on the votes in the Senate, he cannot be Convicted if impeached.

No where in COTUS is the policy of the DOJ, that a POTUS cannot be indicted for a crime, exists. Not withstanding Mr. Mueller's written comment, and no where in case law does this exemption occur.

Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law. How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?
Ain't it funny how the same moonbats who had no concern whatsoever with constitutional constraints and lawfulness of politicians for the previous regime (including the OP), now pull the Constitution out like their magical blanket of righteousness?

Not funny as in ha-ha...Funny as in disingenuously pathetic.
You revealed your ignorance and bigotry in your very first sentence.

"That is without a doubt"? Hardly, lol.

You are crippled by TDS and incapable of intelligent debate.

Thread over.
You revealed your ignorance and bigotry in your very first sentence.

"That is without a doubt"? Hardly, lol.

You are crippled by TDS and incapable of intelligent debate.

Thread over.

Uh, Oh, You just made another person available to Trump for a Cabinet Position.
McConnell has breached his duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That is without a doubt.

I also believe Trump has put himself above the people, as well as the oath he swore to support and defend the Constitution.

McConnell's nonfeasance and misfeasance border on malfeasance, and his behavior is sufficient to hold him in contempt. Unfortunately, a Senator seems to be above the law (and spirit of democracy) unless expelled by the other Senators.

However, the President is culpable for Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance, IMO, and yet based on the votes in the Senate, he cannot be Convicted if impeached.

No where in COTUS is the policy of the DOJ, that a POTUS cannot be indicted for a crime, exists. Not withstanding Mr. Mueller's written comment, and no where in case law does this exemption occur.

Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law. How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?

You want to know a dirty little secret?




If Dems controlled the Senate they still wouldn’t impeach!
Has OP's cheese done slid right off his cracker due to TDS?

Why yes, yet it has. :eek:

Do you understand what he is talking about, even in big fonts I don't have a clue, or is this some MSNBC talking point them thinking the president is not in charge of enemy's invading our borders?
Ain't it funny how the same moonbats who had no concern whatsoever with constitutional constraints and lawfulness of politicians for the previous regime (including the OP), now pull the Constitution out like their magical blanket of righteousness?

Not funny as in ha-ha...Funny as in disingenuously pathetic.

It's funny how Bush Jr and Obama killed Americans with out due process and he is accusing Trump of???.

McConnell has breached his duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That is without a doubt.

I also believe Trump has put himself above the people, as well as the oath he swore to support and defend the Constitution.

McConnell's nonfeasance and misfeasance border on malfeasance, and his behavior is sufficient to hold him in contempt. Unfortunately, a Senator seems to be above the law (and spirit of democracy) unless expelled by the other Senators.

However, the President is culpable for Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance, IMO, and yet based on the votes in the Senate, he cannot be Convicted if impeached.

No where in COTUS is the policy of the DOJ, that a POTUS cannot be indicted for a crime, exists. Not withstanding Mr. Mueller's written comment, and no where in case law does this exemption occur.

Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law. How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?
Do you have your antifa mask on now?
McConnell has breached his duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That is without a doubt.

I also believe Trump has put himself above the people, as well as the oath he swore to support and defend the Constitution.

McConnell's nonfeasance and misfeasance border on malfeasance, and his behavior is sufficient to hold him in contempt. Unfortunately, a Senator seems to be above the law (and spirit of democracy) unless expelled by the other Senators.

However, the President is culpable for Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance, IMO, and yet based on the votes in the Senate, he cannot be Convicted if impeached.

No where in COTUS is the policy of the DOJ, that a POTUS cannot be indicted for a crime, exists. Not withstanding Mr. Mueller's written comment, and no where in case law does this exemption occur.

Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law. How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?

So the House is not doing its duty by not writing articles of impeachment. Maybe we should throw out all the House and Senate and start over.
McConnell has breached his duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That is without a doubt.

I also believe Trump has put himself above the people, as well as the oath he swore to support and defend the Constitution.

McConnell's nonfeasance and misfeasance border on malfeasance, and his behavior is sufficient to hold him in contempt. Unfortunately, a Senator seems to be above the law (and spirit of democracy) unless expelled by the other Senators.

However, the President is culpable for Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance, IMO, and yet based on the votes in the Senate, he cannot be Convicted if impeached.

No where in COTUS is the policy of the DOJ, that a POTUS cannot be indicted for a crime, exists. Not withstanding Mr. Mueller's written comment, and no where in case law does this exemption occur.

Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law. How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?

So the House is not doing its duty by not writing articles of impeachment. Maybe we should throw out all the House and Senate and start over.

Don't be stupid. Of course that may be like leading a whore to water and can't making her think.
Well, the OP could start by citing the exact language in the Constitution that he believes is under assault, explain how it is being breached, and then maybe we could talk (write) about it.
Ain't it funny how the same moonbats who had no concern whatsoever with constitutional constraints and lawfulness of politicians for the previous regime (including the OP), now pull the Constitution out like their magical blanket of righteousness?

Not funny as in ha-ha...Funny as in disingenuously pathetic.

To be fair, the OP believes that Trump is guilty of obstructing Hillary from the White House
No doubt I was spot on in the OP:

"Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law".

How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?

No one above has the ability to answer these two questions, and needed to default to the logical fallacy, ad hominem.
Remember when Trump smashed his cell phones and wiped his servers that were requested as part of a Federal inquiry?
No doubt I was spot on in the OP:

"Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law".

How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?

No one above has the ability to answer these two questions, and needed to default to the logical fallacy, ad hominem.

Such greatness, for such a feeble TDS afflicted mind.
You go, boy!

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