Has Trump Been A Divisive President?

Has Trump been Divisive or Inclusive?

  • He's been divisive/partisan

    Votes: 16 59.3%
  • He's been inclusive/bi-partisan

    Votes: 11 40.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Or has he been an inclusive President?

Why/why not? And should he be?
He has most of the country thinking we're living in an alternate reality.
He has divided the country into two factions: the sane and the criminally insane.(35%)
The meat puppet faggot wasn't divisive telling the GOP to "get in the back of the bus", or that "listening to Fox News" wasn't going to get things done in DC?

After 8 years of that incompetent sociopath I want a divisive republicrat to undo the damage that piece of shit inflicted.

Let's be accurate here. Trump was attacked by EVERYONE when he ran. Attacked by the Democrats, the RINO's, the media, every nation on earth, every globalist on earth, every commie and socialist on earth, the Pope, foreign leaders, attacked by false allegations by women who promptly ended their lawsuit once he was elected, every celebrity and Hollywood clown, by the former President who took many days out of his schedule to shill for Hillary. I could go on and on.

He won the Will of the People. As he stated many times, he's just the messenger, the people looked past the BS and the globalists and said "time for a change, the standard plastic politician is not going to save America at the moment". Good for them, the voter is never wrong.

After the election he still faced the fire, constant, unyielding, dishonest, an agenda funded by many anti-Americans from every dark corner on the globe. So, in short, who is the divisive entity here?

One final point. I think Trump has been fairly passive and patient considering the efforts to usurp him (this is what it has been, without question in my opinion). If I were the president facing the communists, socialists and anti-Americans on top of the false narratives of wrongdoing, I would call them out even more and with vigor. The best defense is a good offense, I've learned this myself the hard way. Trump is NOT divisive, he is trying to enact the promises he made to the country, those opposing are divisive and have crossed the line many times.

God Bless America.
The meat puppet faggot wasn't divisive telling the GOP to "get in the back of the bus", or that "listening to Fox News" wasn't going to get things done in DC?

After 8 years of that incompetent sociopath I want a divisive republicrat to undo the damage that piece of shit inflicted.

No president, not even Lincoln, in our history has been as divisive as Trump.
Or has he been an inclusive President?

Why/why not? And should he be?
No one divided the country more than Obama, he is the very definition of hypocrisy. Barry is an elitist shit stain
Very telling partisan responses! Democrats are still so berry berry bitter! It warms the heart!
No president, not even Lincoln, in our history has been as divisive as Trump.

Let me know when trumps bodycount approaches 600,000. This statement alone shows what a brain dead progressive you truly are.
Very telling partisan responses! Democrats are still so berry berry bitter! It warms the heart!

No kidding! It's like the ultimate toddler temper tantrum! They just keep screaming and flailing around on the floor!

Trump hasn't divided us, we divided ourselves, and from this point forward we will remain divided for many years to come.
Get used to it, it wouldn't matter now if Ghandi were president.
Or has he been an inclusive President?

Why/why not? And should he be?
ahhhh, does he have a fat ass and worst ever comb over?

does Ivanka have ridiculously huge augmented breasts?

are his two eldest sons the creepiest cretins since ... well ...ever?

Is Melania a person who really didn't deserve this?

Does his inner circle of guys like Page and Cohen make one long for the days when the Sopranos were fiction?
35% approval rating - lowest in history after 5 months. I think the people have spoken what they think of this orange anus..
Anyone who thinks Trump has been bipartisan needs to put down the meth pipe.

Trump may be the most divisive president in history. Bush wasn't even this divisive.

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