Has Obama been good for the black community?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Obama has been in office for 5 years, two of which he had total control. So what is....
the UE rate among blacks?
The high school drop out rate?
The crime rate?
The teenage pregnancy rate?
The abortion rate?
The murder rate?
Single parent family rate?
Incarceration rate?
Despite affirmative action whats the college participation rate?
What is the current state of racial affairs?

Seems to me before you blame the GOP you should look to your current leader and at the underlying problems within the black community. Most of these stats have gotten worse under Obama's leadership.
Now I'm not saying they don't have hurdles to overcome but those hurdles weren't placed there by the gop.
Obama hasn't been good for ANYONE but his cronies...they've all made out like a bandit..

Hillary-sec of state
jon Kerry
susan rice
and the croney list is too long to post...
and take GREEN ENERGY....all associated with Obama and the Democrat party

AND OBAMATAX is the jackpot for OBAMA CRONIES...

and you who voted him got a nice little slogan....hope and change
Obama is the worst president in the US history, so, by extension, he has been the worst for the black community as well.
What is the white guy child molestation rate and why is that not being addressed?

It was addressed with Jessicas Law

Why is the rate so high and what are whites doing about it besides fapping?

Killing them as soon as they get to prison. But the fact remains that the rate of that terrible crime isn't reflective of a culture but rather a sick individual and it is rare. Not only that it is a crime that isn't bound by color. But by all means ignore the topic and keep eating straw.
Obama hasn't been good for ANYONE but his cronies...they've all made out like a bandit..

Hillary-sec of state
jon Kerry
susan rice
and the croney list is too long to post...
and take GREEN ENERGY....all associated with Obama and the Democrat party

AND OBAMATAX is the jackpot for OBAMA CRONIES...

and you who voted him got a nice little slogan....hope and change

Of course. But that is true for any demrat resident. The difference is the level f corruption. This one is above anybody in the level of corruption - approaches the commies
Obama hasn't been good for ANYONE but his cronies...they've all made out like a bandit..

Hillary-sec of state
jon Kerry
susan rice
and the croney list is too long to post...
and take GREEN ENERGY....all associated with Obama and the Democrat party

AND OBAMATAX is the jackpot for OBAMA CRONIES...

and you who voted him got a nice little slogan....hope and change

Of course. But that is true for any demrat resident. The difference is the level f corruption. This one is above anybody in the level of corruption - approaches the commies

US Grant was a commie!?

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