Has Noah's Ark Been Found on Turkish Mountaintop?


Agent P
Sep 15, 2008
Little Rock, AR
The remains of Noah's Ark have been discovered 13,000 feet up a Turkish mountain -- according to a sensational claim by evangelical explorers.


A group of Chinese and Turkish evangelical explorers say wooden remains they have discovered on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey are the remains of Noah's Ark.

The group claims that carbon dating proves the relics are 4,800 years old, meaning they date to around the same time the ark was said to be afloat. Mt. Ararat has long been suspected as the final resting place of the craft by evangelicals and literalists hoping to validate biblical stories.

Yeung Wing-Cheung, from the Noah's Ark Ministries International research team that made the discovery, said: "It's not 100 percent that it is Noah's Ark, but we think it is 99.9 percent that this is it."

FOXNews.com - Has Noah's Ark Been Found on Turkish Mountaintop?
They have been running this Arrarat nonsense for 50 years now..

its not there
Supposedly Noah's Ark used to be a pilgrimage site on Ararat till covered by a glacier sometime in the middle ages. I'm going off of fuzzy memory, but seem to recall it was common for pilgrims crazy enough to take the very dangerous journey up to the ark and take a piece of it. Of course, the only corroboration is supposedly in very old church texts that well... not many people talk about so... YMMV.

You're right though about secular scientists never agreeing to verify this find if it is true. But it isn't like, for instance the discovery of the Egyptian Army at the bottom of the Red Sea, and the curious instance that the mountain where the Ten Commandments were carved by God Himself being in the middle of a Saudi Military installation (supposedly).

Be very interesting if anything happens about this. Could be earth-shattering to many if true.
Once corroborated, this is the archaeological find of the century.

every now and again we find bigfoot too.

this will turn out to be just as impotent as a gorilla suit in a block of ice.

not that dogma junkies will stray from their fiction..
Supposedly Noah's Ark used to be a pilgrimage site on Ararat till covered by a glacier sometime in the middle ages. I'm going off of fuzzy memory, but seem to recall it was common for pilgrims crazy enough to take the very dangerous journey up to the ark and take a piece of it. Of course, the only corroboration is supposedly in very old church texts that well... not many people talk about so... YMMV.

You're right though about secular scientists never agreeing to verify this find if it is true. But it isn't like, for instance the discovery of the Egyptian Army at the bottom of the Red Sea, and the curious instance that the mountain where the Ten Commandments were carved by God Himself being in the middle of a Saudi Military installation (supposedly).

Be very interesting if anything happens about this. Could be earth-shattering to many if true.

they could find dino fossils in the ark. still in chains.
Supposedly Noah's Ark used to be a pilgrimage site on Ararat till covered by a glacier sometime in the middle ages. I'm going off of fuzzy memory, but seem to recall it was common for pilgrims crazy enough to take the very dangerous journey up to the ark and take a piece of it. Of course, the only corroboration is supposedly in very old church texts that well... not many people talk about so... YMMV.

You're right though about secular scientists never agreeing to verify this find if it is true. But it isn't like, for instance the discovery of the Egyptian Army at the bottom of the Red Sea, and the curious instance that the mountain where the Ten Commandments were carved by God Himself being in the middle of a Saudi Military installation (supposedly).

Be very interesting if anything happens about this. Could be earth-shattering to many if true.

they could find dino fossils in the ark. still in chains.

You have been to the creation mueseum in northern Kentucky?
Seems like all of the old religions in that area have a myth about a great flood.
Perhaps it is from when the mediterranean flooded the black sea area after an ice age?
Brainwashing 102

No divine calculations needed. The measurements are based on the cubit and there is some discussion over which cubit Noah used. The shortest ancient cubit was 445 millimetres which gives an ark of 433 feet. The longer Royal Cubit (the longest known ancient cubit) at 524 mm would give an ark of 488 feet.
Hope this helps.

Yessir, I just Google Earthed Arafa...errr....Ararat. It aint there. Neither is Arafat.Yassir.
Supposedly Noah's Ark used to be a pilgrimage site on Ararat till covered by a glacier sometime in the middle ages. I'm going off of fuzzy memory, but seem to recall it was common for pilgrims crazy enough to take the very dangerous journey up to the ark and take a piece of it. Of course, the only corroboration is supposedly in very old church texts that well... not many people talk about so... YMMV.

You're right though about secular scientists never agreeing to verify this find if it is true. But it isn't like, for instance the discovery of the Egyptian Army at the bottom of the Red Sea, and the curious instance that the mountain where the Ten Commandments were carved by God Himself being in the middle of a Saudi Military installation (supposedly).

Be very interesting if anything happens about this. Could be earth-shattering to many if true.

If it was a pilgrimage site, don't be surprised to find that the wood is carbon dated as much younger than the so-called 4000 year mark.

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