Has Nibiru been discovered?


Gold Member
Sep 24, 2013
Just saying...

Don't fall for the thing that it is a gas giant smaller than Neptune. It's a massive body, that could be a rocky planet! About 2-4 times the diameter of the Earth! Just like the Sumerians said....

I argued this shit about 20 years ago in BAD ASTRONOMY. They said, with no restraint, that there is "no way a planet can exist out there without us already knowing about it!".

Obviously I had a field day with that statement, and how oblivious these "scientific" minds were of possibilities.

And now, it looks like a new "huge" planet has been discovered underneath their noses! I would love to be able to go back there right now, and quote the "impossible" posts.

But the question is, is it Nibiru? Can it sustain life in that orbit?

I was never one to argue that Nibiru was in our solar system. I actually had major problems with Sitchin's theories regarding Nibiru. I still do! But this planet is VERY INTERESTING!

It is just as likely a rocky planet than it is a mini-gas giant. Scientists just can't imagine a planet being thrown out there, and not being made of gas...
Nibiru is a witch that people have been hunting for a long time.

Most planets in our early solar system were either destroyed by collisions, or ejected due to gravitational encounters.

"Super Earths" are very common exoplanets. To discover one in our own solar system would be a huge library of knowledge on these poorly understood planets.

I don't see how it could possibly be a gas giant. I would imagine our infrared telescopes would be able to identify it easily. If it's too cold to see, it seems more likely that it would be rocky (or just frozen solid from being 20 billion miles away from the Sun).
I argued this shit about 20 years ago in BAD ASTRONOMY.

Doubtful. Maybe 15 years ago, but there weren't any websites in 1996.

They said, with no restraint, that there is "no way a planet can exist out there without us already knowing about it!"

And they were correct, and you were totally wrong, given how the Niburu babbling proposed a planet close enough to collide with earth, and that such a large planet at such a close distance could not be missed.

In contrast, the new theorized planet would be out at 20 times the distance of Neptune, and our current infrared sky surveys can't spot a Neptune-sized body at that distance. Jupiter-sized, yes, but not Neptune-sized.
Another theory as to why comets get their orbits disturbed is our Oort Cloud intersects with Alpha Centauri's.

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