The Robots Will Steal All Our Jobs And No, They Won't Create New Ones


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Tim Worstall


I have opinions about economics, finance and public policy.

Over in Wired they’ve another of those pieces talking about how the robots are going to take all our jobs. And as is usual with these sorts of articles they’ve managed to get the basic economics of the situation wrong. Here they’re wrong in a different direction than normal but still wrong. For they’re telling us that we don’t have to worry so much, while the robots will take our jobs we’ll all, or at least many of us, have jobs taking care of the robots. And that just isn’t how technological change happens nor how it makes us richer. What does happen is that the machines do take our jobs: leaving us free to go off and satisfy some other human desire or want.

Here’s Wired:

"Robots Will Steal Our Jobs, But They’ll Give Us New Ones"

No, that really isn’t what happens.

But the one thing it doesn’t do, says J.P. Gownder, an analyst with the Boston-based tech research firm Forrester, is steal jobs. In fact, it creates them. Before installing the robotic system, the airport already used automatic ticket machines, so the system didn’t replace human cashiers. And now, humans are needed to maintain and repair all those robotic forklifts. “These are not white-collar jobs,” Gownder tells WIRED. “This is the evolution of the repair person. It’s harder to fix a robot than it is to fix a vending machine.”

That some people will have jobs training or repairing the robots is true. But that’s not the effect of advancing technology on employment at all. Think it through for a moment with a simplistic example.

Say that we have to make bread by kneading the dough manually. It thus takes the labour of 100 people to produce the bread we desire. And now we invent a machine that kneads the dough for us. We now only need 50 people to make our bread. The argument here is that those other 50 people go off and make and maintain the bread kneading machines. But if that is true then we still need 100 people to make our bread for us, don’t we? We’ve not in fact advanced productivity at all: we still need the labour of 100 people to make our bread. And we’ve also not become any richer: we still need the labour of 100 people to make our bread.

What actually happens is that we now need 50 people to make our bread and perhaps one to maintain the bread kneading machines. This leaves 49 people without a job: the robots really have stolen the work. So, what do the 49 people do? Just curl up and die without work or an income?

The Robots Will Steal All Our Jobs And No, They Won't Create New Ones
Then we will develop a new economic system that base work on personal advancement and not work or die. Why shouldn't we develop robots to do many things for us? We could end hunger, end the need to do shitty jobs and make life more enjoyable.

People felt the same way during the start of the industrial revolution and life is so much better because of it.
There will have to be some way of getting rid of the useless and unskilled. War or disease works best.
Every species on Earth survived on doing two things. Self sustainance and reproduction. Humans have replaced their self sustainance with automation, and their reproduction with feminism.

We know, that 99 % of all species that ever were on Earth are extinct, and the remaining 1 % is expected to extinct in the future.

What would you do when the only work places left on Earth are enough for just 1 % of the population and you must compete for those? In that future, current egalistic North Korea may be an attractive immigration destination, won't it?
Every species on Earth survived on doing two things. Self sustainance and reproduction. Humans have replaced their self sustainance with automation, and their reproduction with feminism.

We know, that 99 % of all species that ever were on Earth are extinct, and the remaining 1 % is expected to extinct in the future.

What would you do when the only work places left on Earth are enough for just 1 % of the population and you must compete for those? In that future, current egalistic North Korea may be an attractive immigration destination, won't it?

I'd use the production from the robots to feed humanity and give us what we want. The idea of work is to survive. What happens when we no longer need to do that and can just rely mostly on robots???? While advancing in education and skills to get a even better job?

Capitalism favors productivity over someone that they have to pay more and give a clean work place at the bottom floor where this is mostly occurring...The question is why should flipping burgers be so important? Why not invest in our children's future to become far more and get high paying jobs.

We'd still have jobs for tech, robotics, repair and education without question.

This is another reason why I will vote for Clinton as I believe she will do the right thing and put forward a living wage and reorganize the system for the likely future. Republicans live too far in the past. I am so glad the anti-industrialization people in the 18th century didn't win!

Republicans want the 16th century while we should be thinking about the 21st.
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I'd like a lawn mower like that. And a tiller. And a brush hog. Something to do all the dishes would be nice too.

I got a robot to do the litter for me, though!

The robot lawn mower has been out for awhile.

You're beat on the tiller.

And no robot will be replacing my 9N anytime soon.

But you can get a robotic chef in 2018...

Every species on Earth survived on doing two things. Self sustainance and reproduction. Humans have replaced their self sustainance with automation, and their reproduction with feminism.

We know, that 99 % of all species that ever were on Earth are extinct, and the remaining 1 % is expected to extinct in the future.

What would you do when the only work places left on Earth are enough for just 1 % of the population and you must compete for those? In that future, current egalistic North Korea may be an attractive immigration destination, won't it?

I'd use the production from the robots to feed humanity and give us what we want. The idea of work is to survive. What happens when we no longer need to do that and can just rely mostly on robots???? While advancing in education and skills to get a even better job?

Capitalism favors productivity over someone that they have to pay more and give a clean work place at the bottom floor where this is mostly occurring...The question is why should flipping burgers be so important? Why not invest in our children's future to become far more and get high paying jobs.

We'd still have jobs for tech, robotics, repair and education without question.

This is another reason why I will vote for Clinton as I believe she will do the right thing and put forward a living wage and reorganize the system for the likely future. Republicans live too far in the past. I am so glad the anti-industrialization people in the 18th century didn't win!

Republicans want the 16th century while we should be thinking about the 21st.
Yes, there is a lot of investment into children in America. The entire student loan industry depends on it. The world's largest derivative market. Apart from this, republicans live in a world gone by, because they live on annuities, not work.
One day humanity will have no choice but to live off of the machine it created. Other than original thought I can't think of a single thing a robot couldn't do better than a human given enough technological advancement. In the end socialism will be our only option. Society won't be functional otherwise; there just won't be enough need for human labor.
One day humanity will have no choice but to live off of the machine it created. Other than original thought I can't think of a single thing a robot couldn't do better than a human given enough technological advancement. In the end socialism will be our only option. Society won't be functional otherwise; there just won't be enough need for human labor.

Some of us are just starting early huh?
Businesses care about productivity. The next 100 years will be a huge change in how we run a economy....Robots will do most of the crappy jobs and we humans will have to find a way to funnel some of this productivity towards feeding our population and affording the goods.

I say basic guaranteed income will become the solution. Want more then invent something someone wants or get a job that isn't taken by bots.

This choice was seen during the industrial revolution when machines took over.
Robots will certainly change how we work what we do but jobs are not a zero-sum thing. Robots, just as every tech advance has done, will create new opportunities that don't even exist now. Maintaining and programming them will be required for many years but entrepreneurial opportunities will also open up. I buy a few robots, teach them to garden, and open a landscaping business. Sure I might put some current landscapers out of work but if I can do the work cheaper, faster, and in places people can't work because of the danger, the business expands into new realms.
Robots are not interested in our jobs

They are here to steal our women

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