Has anyone noticed....not one conservative on USMB has celebrated tax reform?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
The biggest tell tell sign of complete failure.....is when members here never ever comment on the shit their GOP leaders sign off on........that's when you know in your gut, Trump and the GOP are failures....they'll talk about BLM, guns, gays, transgenders, etc...but never do they come here to tout these new laws or celebrate anything.....cause in their guts, they know its time to bend over boys!!
The biggest tell tell sign of complete failure.....is when members here never ever comment on the shit their GOP leaders sign off on........that's when you know in your gut, Trump and the GOP are failures....they'll talk about BLM, guns, gays, transgenders, etc...but never do they come here to tout these new laws or celebrate anything.....cause in their guts, they know its time to bend over boys!!

The good point I see is ending the mandate tigerred59

as for the rest of the bill, since the vote was split along party lines (as with ACA when that was passed by Congress),
I continue to advocate that taxpayers be given equal choice to fund and be under EITHER plan:
Plan A if you want to keep your Obamacare, mandates and work with that toward singlepayer plans as a collective program to register for
Plan B if you DON'T want to be under that, but prefer the other tax reforms and structure

so pick your poison!

Let's get our tax forms changed to a postcard picking plans A-E or other.
And whatever plan you register for, you work with THAT set of taxpayers and reps governing
THAT plan, and decide the terms and programs for which your taxes will be paid and administered.
An income tax is unconstitutional and the 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states to begin with. The SCOTUS ruled on four different occasions that the 16th amendment did not give the "guberment" new taxing powers as it pertains to the graduated income tax by the stealing of one's labor. A graduated income tax is one of the planks of the communist manifesto.

I barter my labor in one hour increments in exchange for something that I can barter with (federal reserve notes of debt) in order to eek out an existence... how and the hell does this corporate entity we call the federal "gubermint" get off by claiming that they are entitled to proceeds from my labor? Explain that to me, Tigerred.........bring some REAL game.
It is so interesting how tigerred is able to use a computer.

How cute...

I heard koko the gorilla knew sign language and tigerred uses a computer?

How interesting. Just fascinating.
An income tax is unconstitutional and the 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states to begin with. The SCOTUS ruled on four different occasions that the 16th amendment did not give the "guberment" new taxing powers as it pertains to the graduated income tax by the stealing of one's labor. A graduated income tax is one of the planks of the communist manifesto.

I barter my labor in one hour increments in exchange for something that I can barter with (federal reserve notes of debt) in order to eek out an existence... how and the hell does this corporate entity we call the federal "gubermint" get off by claiming that they are entitled to proceeds from my labor? Explain that to me, Tigerred.........bring some REAL game.

I agree with Dale Smith that income tax is based on voluntary compliance.
Otherwise it would be unconstitutional based on "no taxation without representation"
or "involuntary servitude" taking the income of one's labor by force of law without consent of the taxpayer.

if people AGREE to the terms of taxation, and AGREE to pay for military defense and veteran benefits,
that's one thing. if they DON'T agree to terms to pay for the health care or welfare of others, that's different.

This is why I urge that we consider the best way to divide taxpayers choice of which plans to pay
for under what terms or reps. I suggest doing this by party. And at this point, I'm considering
ways to refine and expand on the Electoral college system of reps per district to redistribute
taxes under the political representation chosen by the people themselves, per district and state
to govern social programs and policies that become too diverse, individualized and divided for federal govt to manage.
An income tax is unconstitutional and the 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states to begin with. The SCOTUS ruled on four different occasions that the 16th amendment did not give the "guberment" new taxing powers as it pertains to the graduated income tax by the stealing of one's labor. A graduated income tax is one of the planks of the communist manifesto.

I barter my labor in one hour increments in exchange for something that I can barter with (federal reserve notes of debt) in order to eek out an existence... how and the hell does this corporate entity we call the federal "gubermint" get off by claiming that they are entitled to proceeds from my labor? Explain that to me, Tigerred.........bring some REAL game.

I agree with Dale Smith that income tax is based on voluntary compliance.
Otherwise it would be unconstitutional based on "no taxation without representation"
or "involuntary servitude" taking the income of one's labor by force of law without consent of the taxpayer.

if people AGREE to the terms of taxation, and AGREE to pay for military defense and veteran benefits,
that's one thing. if they DON'T agree to terms to pay for the health care or welfare of others, that's different.

This is why I urge that we consider the best way to divide taxpayers choice of which plans to pay
for under what terms or reps. I suggest doing this by party. And at this point, I'm considering
ways to refine and expand on the Electoral college system of reps per district to redistribute
taxes under the political representation chosen by the people themselves, per district and state
to govern social programs and policies that become too diverse, individualized and divided for federal govt to manage.

emilynghiem: Due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933, we unwillingly became surety against the debt of USA.INC and our labor was pledged as collateral. Our birth certificates were printed on bond paper and used as a negotiable instrument because under the Uniform Commercial Code (i.e Admiralty Law/ Statutory Law) anything can be "monetized" as an instrument to be used as a security against the debt (that we do not owe) by a corporation government that provides the nineteen essential services as a "successor to contract" per the "Act of 1871"...why are we still under the Lieber Code after the Civil War? Where is the treaty that ended it?

The fact is....there was no treaty.... thus the Lieber Code is still in effect. We all became subjects/ citizens under the jurisdiction of USA.INC via the 14th amendment. The Civil War did not free the slaves, it simply put every "citizen" under the jurisdiction of the corporate entity that was established by the District Of Columbia and thus subservient to their wishes.....whose wishes? Those that own USA.INC which is the very same banking oligarchs that own every central bank, the IMF, Bank For International Settlements and the Global Bank....and all owned by the same 13 bloodline families going all the way back to the Knights Templar. THAT is what this fiat currency banking system is based on.
It is so interesting how tigerred is able to use a computer.

How cute...

I heard koko the gorilla knew sign language and tigerred uses a computer?

How interesting. Just fascinating.

I think he only uses it when Mom and dad are out for the night.

Otherwise, they might wonder why their 15 year old white suburban kid is pretending to be a particularly stupid old black women.
They have to pass the final bill so we can see what's in it.

Sound familiar?
No. Obamacare took 14 months and had over 1500 GOP additions to it. Which is why it was a surprise not a single Republican voted for it.

This bill hasn't even been read by other Republicans. Both houses passed it without knowing what's in it after just a couple of days.

You can't compare the two. Unless you are mentally deficient. Which would explain a lot.
They have to pass the final bill so we can see what's in it.

Sound familiar?
No. Obamacare took 14 months and had over 1500 GOP additions to it. Which is why it was a surprise not a single Republican voted for it.

This bill hasn't even been read by other Republicans. Both houses passed it without knowing what's in it after just a couple of days.

You can't compare the two. Unless you are mentally deficient. Which would explain a lot.

Did Piglosi say they needed to pass the bill to see what was in the bill?

Doofus, you failed....again
My thoughts-
  • Permanently cutting the corporate tax rate to 20% is excellent. 15% would have been better.
  • Getting rid of the Obamacare "mandate" is great news.
  • Doubling the standard deduction will save a lot of low income taxpayers money. Both in tax preparation costs and in taxes
  • Getting rid of the SALT deduction is a mistake.
  • Capping mortgatge interest at $1,000,000 is fair, $500,000 is too low.
Dude ignore the thread. The stupid racist OP nigga posts and then runs. Multiple threads on the same topic. Every thought they have gets its own thread. I guess considering how few thoughts the OP actually has. maybe they should feel better if they make an actual thread out of each one.

They are nothing more than a black troll. They post and then run because they have no substance and they love to watch people fight in their threads.

Don't give them the thrill. Ignore the thread and let it die its proper death.
An income tax is unconstitutional and the 16th amendment was never ratified by enough states to begin with. The SCOTUS ruled on four different occasions that the 16th amendment did not give the "guberment" new taxing powers as it pertains to the graduated income tax by the stealing of one's labor. A graduated income tax is one of the planks of the communist manifesto.

I barter my labor in one hour increments in exchange for something that I can barter with (federal reserve notes of debt) in order to eek out an existence... how and the hell does this corporate entity we call the federal "gubermint" get off by claiming that they are entitled to proceeds from my labor? Explain that to me, Tigerred.........bring some REAL game.

I agree with Dale Smith that income tax is based on voluntary compliance.
Otherwise it would be unconstitutional based on "no taxation without representation"
or "involuntary servitude" taking the income of one's labor by force of law without consent of the taxpayer.

if people AGREE to the terms of taxation, and AGREE to pay for military defense and veteran benefits,
that's one thing. if they DON'T agree to terms to pay for the health care or welfare of others, that's different.

This is why I urge that we consider the best way to divide taxpayers choice of which plans to pay
for under what terms or reps. I suggest doing this by party. And at this point, I'm considering
ways to refine and expand on the Electoral college system of reps per district to redistribute
taxes under the political representation chosen by the people themselves, per district and state
to govern social programs and policies that become too diverse, individualized and divided for federal govt to manage.

emilynghiem: Due to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933, we unwillingly became surety against the debt of USA.INC and our labor was pledged as collateral. Our birth certificates were printed on bond paper and used as a negotiable instrument because under the Uniform Commercial Code (i.e Admiralty Law/ Statutory Law) anything can be "monetized" as an instrument to be used as a security against the debt (that we do not owe) by a corporation government that provides the nineteen essential services as a "successor to contract" per the "Act of 1871"...why are we still under the Lieber Code after the Civil War? Where is the treaty that ended it?

The fact is....there was no treaty.... thus the Lieber Code is still in effect. We all became subjects/ citizens under the jurisdiction of USA.INC via the 14th amendment. The Civil War did not free the slaves, it simply put every "citizen" under the jurisdiction of the corporate entity that was established by the District Of Columbia and thus subservient to their wishes.....whose wishes? Those that own USA.INC which is the very same banking oligarchs that own every central bank, the IMF, Bank For International Settlements and the Global Bank....and all owned by the same 13 bloodline families going all the way back to the Knights Templar. THAT is what this fiat currency banking system is based on.

Sure Dale Smith
and if we CONSENT to be under these debts that is still "voluntary" servitude.
If we do NOT consent, then it is "involuntary" servitude.

I agree with you, we have the right to consent or dissent to the terms of this
"servitude" so that it is VOLUNTARY not involuntary.

Totally agree we need direct say in the terms of the contract!

So Dale Smith what do you think of this idea of approaching
the Electoral College and asking for a Constitutional Convention?
And restructure a process through the Electors per district to
* receive GRIEVANCES and complaints from the public per district
regarding unconstitutional or ethical violations
* mediate conflicts and refer problems or solutions to the
respective levels or offices of govt responsible for redressing those grievances,
abuses or violations
* document the conflicts in beliefs and policies and/or spell out the
terms, points or positions where parties AGREE on solutions
or disagree and demand separation of funding and policy from each other
* organize panels of reps where each district can represent its population
proportionally by party, and use the party structure from precinct and district
to state and national levels to give citizens, taxpayers, and workers
equal voice and direct representation in shaping public policy
so that taxation represents the consent and interests of the people governed?
The biggest tell tell sign of complete failure.....is when members here never ever comment on the shit their GOP leaders sign off on........that's when you know in your gut, Trump and the GOP are failures....they'll talk about BLM, guns, gays, transgenders, etc...but never do they come here to tout these new laws or celebrate anything.....cause in their guts, they know its time to bend over boys!!
What do you expect? A ticker tape parade? They are kinda sorta doing the job we sent them to do.

Not much to get excited about in that.
I think he only uses it when Mom and dad are out for the night.

Otherwise, they might wonder why their 15 year old white suburban kid is pretending to be a particularly stupid old black women
You're giving "him" too much credit. He is a stupid black woman. Well, not really stupid, just blinded by her hatred for the white man and the many gifts he bestowed on the world.
Dude ignore the thread. The stupid racist OP nigga posts and then runs. Multiple threads on the same topic. Every thought they have gets its own thread. I guess considering how few thoughts the OP actually has. maybe they should feel better if they make an actual thread out of each one.

They are nothing more than a black troll. They post and then run because they have no substance and they love to watch people fight in their threads.

Don't give them the thrill. Ignore the thread and let it die its proper death.
I know he reads my posts.....which is also just fascinating. You think they use a type of conditional response of some kind to get these things to be able to do that? Like, using slices of watermelon, or bananas to use the language?

I would like to know.

All we do know for a fact is the blacks cannot accomplish a thing without white people patronizing them. Just ask them. Look at how he still votes for the party of slavery.

Just fascinating. What I do know is the party of slavery certainly uses conditional pavlov techniques to get them to remain to be slaves for them.

Personally, I think that is funny.
We will take up the pathology seen in post #4, if the reader accepts that 'a graduated income tax' is real materiality.

'Why does the law turn out to be unable to found the process of the constitutionalization of social labor?....First, one should note that law represents a long tradition of nonsociality. It occupies an ambiguous position, either as a "norm of objective right" or as "an act of the State's will directed toward posing the norm."
There is a moment when the new democratic foundation of sovereignty seems to allow all of this to become a stable form of development -- and the importance of this fact should not be underestimated.....It is only an apparent solution because the democratic techniques detach the moment of the constitutionalization of labor-power from the concrete determinations of the socialization of labor-power, and they suspend this nexus, abstracting it and configuring it as a separate moment in the middle of the process.
Law is general and abstract; the social management of labor-power imposes material and concrete measures. Law legislates over the immutable and typical continuity; sociality is a continuously mobile situation and requires commands that are adequate to this situation. If one still wanted to speak of generality and abstraction, in an effort to preserve this nexus. one would have to say that the first moment simply contemplates "the generality of the temporal order, or rather the possibility of repeated applications of of the precepts" and that the second moment, articulated with some heterogeneous criterion such as equality, serves to represent the impersonality of command.'
(Labor of Dionysus: A Critique of State Form, p. 89, Labor in the Constitution)

The democratic leukemia (Baudrillard) of the impersonality of the State apparatus lies camouflaged behind the discourse of the heterogeneous.
They have to pass the final bill so we can see what's in it.Sound familiar?

Unfamiliar, because what Pelosi said was "we have to pass it so you know what's in it, outside the fog of controversey".

By lopping off the second half of that statement, you end up proving her entire statement true.
Mountains and molehills, can easily be coalesced to expose the collective pathology..

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