Harvey Weinstein Hypocrisy

Democrats return donations from sexual predators.

Republicans nominate them for President.

Bill Clinton Nothing beyond lockerroom talk with President Trump.

For Progressives, a criminal background or jail time is merely a resume enhancement.

Ted Kennedy

Marion Barry

Rod Blagojevich

Ray Nagin

and the list goes on...and on...and on!
Democrats return donations from sexual predators.

Republicans nominate them for President.

Bill Clinton Nothing beyond lockerroom talk with President Trump.

For Progressives, a criminal background or jail time is merely a resume enhancement.

Ted Kennedy

Marion Barry

Rod Blagojevich

Ray Nagin

and the list goes on...and on...and on!
But Trump said something in 2006. Mike Pence has dinner with his own wife!
Now I see why these celebs has been throwing rocks at Pres.Trump ever since he has won the election. I knew that they were being blackmailed. Even in the wikileaks reports, that it says they were blackmailing police officers that were involved in racist acts. Like Richard Nixon was invited to Bohemian grove. I'm guessing that they wanted him to performed sexual acts with the men in the gathering, so that they can have something on him in order that they can controlled him. I betcha that they are blackmailing everyone, even the NFL players. They love wild and loose parties. I believe that is how they initiate them into the business.

I watched 45 min. of FIX news yesterday, it was amazing how much air time they devoted to Harvey Weinstein. I didn't see much FIX news air time devoted to Mark Sanford, Mark Foley, Richard Curtis, Jim West, Bob Packwood, and countless other prominent Republicans caught with under age boys, girls, cheerleaders, cocktail waitresses and and just about anyone other than their own wives. Let someone from show business or a Liberal step out of line, and FIX News, and others here (are you listening Trump supporters) pounce on the story like a hen on a june bug. Yes, Harvey Weinstein is probably a sexual predator, but what do they say about those who live in glass houses?

19 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals

Rating the Greatest GOP Sex Scandals of the Past 20 Years

Yeah. Them republican raping little girls butts and moving to France. Assholes.
The rapes, as you know, came before he became President. It was back when Bill was having the Arkansas Highway Patrol bring Bill's handpicked women to his room. And Hillary didn't know about this either!
Bill Clinton never raped anyone. But keep on reading Right-Wing conspiracy theories.

You don't know that.
Why did Juanita Broadrick refuse to say under oath that Clinton raped her?
Rose McGowan says Ben Affleck knew all about Harvey Weinstein's behavior: 'You lie'

Ben Affleck has been rated out as a tool of Weinstein or enabler, whatever term floats your boat.

Last I heard someone also rated out Matt Damon and Russell Crow for the same thing.

Everyone knew, which reminds me of the scandal at Penn State where everyone knew that boys were being abused by a coach, but the football program was too important to bring it to light.

Incidentally, Pedo state is having a really good year and ranked about 3rd in the country. Too bad cuz they should not even have a program.

Using a charity for boys to pimp them out with the big wigs at the University in the know? Really? How much lower can you go?
I can't give Affleck a pass but for any Trump supporters attacking him after the Orange anus' lifelong history of sexual assault that's the personification of hypocrisy.
Now I see why these celebs has been throwing rocks at Pres.Trump ever since he has won the election. I knew that they were being blackmailed. Even in the wikileaks reports, that it says they were blackmailing police officers that were involved in racist acts. Like Richard Nixon was invited to Bohemian grove. I'm guessing that they wanted him to performed sexual acts with the men in the gathering, so that they can have something on him in order that they can controlled him. I betcha that they are blackmailing everyone, even the NFL players. They love wild and loose parties. I believe that is how they initiate them into the business.

Hollywood's looking at us & thinking we're a bunch of fools for believing Harvey Weinstein is the only one. There's plenty more Weinsteins.
I watched 45 min. of FIX news yesterday, it was amazing how much air time they devoted to Harvey Weinstein. I didn't see much FIX news air time devoted to Mark Sanford, Mark Foley, Richard Curtis, Jim West, Bob Packwood, and countless other prominent Republicans caught with under age boys, girls, cheerleaders, cocktail waitresses and and just about anyone other than their own wives. Let someone from show business or a Liberal step out of line, and FIX News, and others here (are you listening Trump supporters) pounce on the story like a hen on a june bug. Yes, Harvey Weinstein is probably a sexual predator, but what do they say about those who live in glass houses?

19 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals

Rating the Greatest GOP Sex Scandals of the Past 20 Years
All, the snowflake is trying to distract from the fact that more leftist sexual deviant crimes are all over the news right now.

When I read the title of your thread I actually had hope for this threat.

I thought you were going to point out the hypocrisy of the Hollywood left who just kicked Weinstein out of the motion picture Academy ... despite the fact that they have kept sexual predators Bill Cosby and Polanski in the academy.

Instead, you tried to get the attention off of the hypocritical sexual deviant left and Hollywood left.
The HOLLYWOOD SIGN symbolizes oppression against the powerless. It needs to be taken down.
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Rose McGowan says Ben Affleck knew all about Harvey Weinstein's behavior: 'You lie'

Ben Affleck has been rated out as a tool of Weinstein or enabler, whatever term floats your boat.

Last I heard someone also rated out Matt Damon and Russell Crow for the same thing.

Everyone knew, which reminds me of the scandal at Penn State where everyone knew that boys were being abused by a coach, but the football program was too important to bring it to light.

Incidentally, Pedo state is having a really good year and ranked about 3rd in the country. Too bad cuz they should not even have a program.

Using a charity for boys to pimp them out with the big wigs at the University in the know? Really? How much lower can you go?
I can't give Affleck a pass but for any Trump supporters attacking him after the Orange anus' lifelong history of sexual assault that's the personification of hypocrisy.
Now I see why these celebs has been throwing rocks at Pres.Trump ever since he has won the election. I knew that they were being blackmailed. Even in the wikileaks reports, that it says they were blackmailing police officers that were involved in racist acts. Like Richard Nixon was invited to Bohemian grove. I'm guessing that they wanted him to performed sexual acts with the men in the gathering, so that they can have something on him in order that they can controlled him. I betcha that they are blackmailing everyone, even the NFL players. They love wild and loose parties. I believe that is how they initiate them into the business.

I never remembered any movie that George Clooney plays as a ladies' shoes salesman. Or was he reading from a movie script that later on that they had cancelled the movie.

Nicholas Joseph "Nick" Clooney (born January 13, 1934) is an American journalist, anchorman, and television host. He is the brother of singer Rosemary Clooney and the father of actor/director/producer George Clooney. Nick Clooney - Wikipedia
I guess Pres.Trump is now in the battle against the sex offenders. He needs to be more aggressive. They are using him as a pin cushion.



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