Harris and Biden’s have a change of thoughts on the Vaccine

You fucking idiot. When Biden took office the vaccines were all sitting around in warehouses. Donald didn't have a plan for distribution much less a vaccination plan. Donald didn't give a shit anymore about anything after he lost in November. I've read about his indifference to everything except contesting the election from several sources.

January 24, 20219:58 AM

Trump administration had no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan: White House​

By Reuters Staff

Biden and Harris jumpstarted the distribution plan and got shots in arms.

You're full of shit.

Avoiding the issue fallacy - "Description: When an arguer responds to an argument by not addressing the points of the argument. Unlike the strawman fallacy, avoiding the issue does not create an unrelated argument to divert attention, it simply avoids the argument."
You fucking idiot. When Biden took office the vaccines were all sitting around in warehouses. Donald didn't have a plan for distribution much less a vaccination plan. Donald didn't give a shit anymore about anything after he lost in November. I've read about his indifference to everything except contesting the election from several sources.

January 24, 20219:58 AM

Trump administration had no coronavirus vaccine distribution plan: White House​

By Reuters Staff

Biden and Harris jumpstarted the distribution plan and got shots in arms.

You're full of shit.
Full of shit about what? Did you watch a different video? Damn, you people are delusional.

In that video there is no discussion about vaccines in warehouses, nor is Trump in it bragging about how fast he got it distributed . It’s about Biden and Harris not trusting the vaccine.

They are to blame for all the vaccine hesitantly. They have taught people to not trust it.

People are dying because of them!

How Republican Coronavirus Vaccine Opposition Got to This ...
Jul 17, 2021 · In a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, 47 percent of Republicans said they weren’t likely to get vaccinated, compared with just 6 percent of …
I thought brainwashed cult members listen to their leader no matter what?

If it weren’t for these 2, everyone would have been vaccinated by now and this whole Covid thing would be over.

These 2 should be impeached for vaccine Mis-information and are a danger to society

So what you're saying is that if Joe and Kamala has said they opposed the vaccine, Republicans would be lining up for it? Is that what you're saying Skippy?

Republicans completely oppose ANYTHING that Democrats are in favour of. Biden and Harris were among the very first to be publicly vaccinated. The people who aren't getting vaccinated are those living in red states, some of whom have a vaccination rate of 40% or less.

Democrats and Blue States are getting vaccinated. Red States, which called covid a "hoax", put no premium on vaccination. Ron DeSantis made no effort whatsoever to get anyone but his rich white voters vaccinated. I have Canadian snowbird friends who Ron vaccinated. They just showed up with their tax bills and got the jab.

But the poor and minorities - the people most likely to get sick and die, DeSantis didn't bother with them and guess who's getting sick and dying now?
Full of shit about what? Did you watch a different video? Damn, you people are delusional.

In that video there is no discussion about vaccines in warehouses, nor is Trump in it bragging about how fast he got it distributed . It’s about Biden and Harris not trusting the vaccine.

They are to blame for all the vaccine hesitantly. They have taught people to not trust it.

People are dying because of them!

Only 7% of Democrats say they won't take the vaccine.

Herd immunity will be difficult if such a large group refuses the vaccine. ... Republican men: 49%. Trump supporters: 47%. ... The amount of Biden supporters who said they won't get vaccinated was ...
the president and Vice President don’t even believe that.
Video evidence

Over a third of Republicans don't want the COVID vaccine ...
Republicans are the least likely to say "yes," they will get the vaccine or "already did" — 42% — compared to 46% of independents and 70% of Democrats.
Over a third of Republicans don't want the COVID vaccine ...
Republicans are the least likely to say "yes," they will get the vaccine or "already did" — 42% — compared to 46% of independents and 70% of Democrats.
That'll thin the heard huh?
Try these:

Just like Flip Flop Fauci.
Which one do I believe?

I’m not not sure… therefore I cannot trust this vaccine and will not be inoculated.

They screwed up and are giving many people very little confidence in this vaccine.

Now that vaccinated people still need to wear masks and social distance; I feel even less confident in the vax
Only 7% of Democrats say they won't take the vaccine.

Herd immunity will be difficult if such a large group refuses the vaccine. ... Republican men: 49%. Trump supporters: 47%. ... The amount of Biden supporters who said they won't get vaccinated was ...
Not Trumps fault. He never said 1 bad thing about the vax. Can you quote him saying something bad about it?

Don’t blame republicans for not getting jabbed. It’s your own leaders fault.
Just like Flip Flop Fauci.
Which one do I believe?

I’m not not sure… therefore I cannot trust this vaccine and will not be inoculated.

They fucked up and are give many people very little confidence in this vaccine.

Now that vaccinated people still need to wear masks and social distance; I feel even less confident in the vax

Have you been vaccinated?
You're a doctor?

Maybe not but I’m sure he’s heard of many that have been silenced and banned off of the internet.

Only state funded technocrats are allowed an opinion on the vax and they must all share the same opinion
Maybe not but I’m sure he’s heard of many that have been silenced and banned off of the internet.

Only state funded technocrats are allowed an opinion on the vax and they must all share the same opinion

Doctors haven't been banned off the internet. What a childish lie.
Doctors haven't been banned off the internet. What a childish lie.

How quickly did you forget DemonRats are controlling the information on Facebook

Why doesn’t the CDC listen to the inventor of MRNA vaccines and why doesn’t CNN and other MSM publish this article?

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