Harley Davidson going Green

The White House itself once harvested the power of the sun. On June 20, 1979, the Carter administration installed 32 panels designed to harvest the sun's rays and use them to heat water.
Here is what Carter predicted at the dedication ceremony: "In the year 2000 this solar water heater behind me, which is being dedicated today, will still be here supplying cheap, efficient energy…. A generation from now, this solar heater can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of a road not taken or it can be just a small part of one of the greatest and most exciting adventures ever undertaken by the American people."

Stupid misinformed fuckwad

We can thank Reagan for removing it for no effin reason. Don't blame Carter for that. The good news is solar is far, far more advance today and it is far from a joke!

It is a joke
I am staying at a bb this evening in maine
Lady tells me shes off the grid! Now she has to pay off the 67k loan
Hopefully i will get some sleep tonight
She said because of rain last few days she has to run the fucking generator to make hot water to do laundry
The damn thing has been running and farting and belching ozone for three fucking hours now
Its right outside my window!
I asked her what she paid for that monstronsity and that was only 10k
If i want to take a shower tonight it will take 10 minutes for the water to heat up and travel 200 yards from the well
Take your solar power and shove it up your ass

If she is off the grid by choice, then that was a bad decision. A grid tied system allows the best of both worlds. And if you add a battery backup, spendy, but doable, you have a bulletproof system.
Well I see the far left has no clue what it posts other than what it is told to do by their rich white far left masters.

Exactly. Their demographic is money. They are just doing what any other company does to keep revenues up.
Well I see the far left has no clue what it posts other than what it is told to do by their rich white far left masters.

Exactly. Their demographic is money. They are just doing what any other company does to keep revenues up.

Kosh is a broken record as everyone here is aware. He is only here to provide boring, canned, rw responses

as to the OP, i'll be interested in seeing the final product after testing is completed.
Well I see the far left has no clue what it posts other than what it is told to do by their rich white far left masters.

Exactly. Their demographic is money. They are just doing what any other company does to keep revenues up.

Kosh is a broken record as everyone here is aware. He is only here to provide boring, canned, rw responses

as to the OP, i'll be interested in seeing the final product after testing is completed.

s0n.....time to pull your head out. The AGW religion has taken dozens of historically HUGE hits in recent years = they are losing. Nobody cares about climate science in 2014......this thread has so many links proving it, it makes your head spin!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:


:DObviously, many, many, many non-k00ks have been peeking in to get the REAL score!!!:D
We can thank Reagan for removing it for no effin reason. Don't blame Carter for that. The good news is solar is far, far more advance today and it is far from a joke!

It is a joke
I am staying at a bb this evening in maine
Lady tells me shes off the grid! Now she has to pay off the 67k loan
Hopefully i will get some sleep tonight
She said because of rain last few days she has to run the fucking generator to make hot water to do laundry
The damn thing has been running and farting and belching ozone for three fucking hours now
Its right outside my window!
I asked her what she paid for that monstronsity and that was only 10k
If i want to take a shower tonight it will take 10 minutes for the water to heat up and travel 200 yards from the well
Take your solar power and shove it up your ass

If she is off the grid by choice, then that was a bad decision. A grid tied system allows the best of both worlds. And if you add a battery backup, spendy, but doable, you have a bulletproof system.

Is that the type of system you have?
Of course it isnt, idiot
You shoot your mouth off about how wonderful solar is, but you have neither the money, the balls, nor the property to do so.
Go turn a light off in your trailer and jerk off to your anthony weiner collection
There is a fringe market for everything. Look at energy for example. Sure they'll sell a % of electric Harleys. But anybody who thinks in several years Harley guys are going to be cruising US highways on EM's........well, what can I say? Tunnel vision doesn't happen with a vast majority. I cant help you.
Guess what screamed by me as I was jogging this afternoon :eusa_whistle:

A Tesla :eek: :cool:

Its the future people! :mad:

They start at 69.9k
Knock yourself out cumstain
It will look beautiful in your 100k solar garage

Yep.....costs don't matter to people on the left, particularly the ones on a crusade.

And lets put this into some perspective. Virtually ALL of the AGW crusaders said on here just 5 years ago that by now most of the country would be driving electric vehicles and hybrids. Yep ahhhhh ( takes toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion )......how did that work out?:banana::2up::banana::2up::banana::rofl:
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For Goddamned sure you would never be caught writing an intelligent post.

Before this decade is done, EV's, cars, trucks, motorcycles, will be wiping up the road with ICE's. I suspect that the batteries that come out of Musk's new factory will be more powerful than what is on the market today, and that will just be the beginning of the increase in storage capacity. Already the Tesla has changed the equation on acceleration, style, and quality in EV's.

When an electric vehicle can manage 300MPH from a standing start in 4 seconds, let me know! (I will not hold my breath...)

How many gasoline cars can do that? Maybe a few rocket vehicals, but not even nascar could do this kind of speed.

Top Fuel dragsters & Fuel Funny Cars have been doing so for 15+ years. This despite regular rule changes designed to slow them down!
For Goddamned sure you would never be caught writing an intelligent post.

Before this decade is done, EV's, cars, trucks, motorcycles, will be wiping up the road with ICE's. I suspect that the batteries that come out of Musk's new factory will be more powerful than what is on the market today, and that will just be the beginning of the increase in storage capacity. Already the Tesla has changed the equation on acceleration, style, and quality in EV's.

When an electric vehicle can manage 300MPH from a standing start in 4 seconds, let me know! (I will not hold my breath...)

When your hog can do this let me know.

Videos - Lightning MotorcycleLightning Motorcycles

Don't have a "hog" and never will, actually.
If you ride without reflective gear (especially at night), you are an idiot!

Now Jar, Warts has already proven himself to be an idiot. Reflective gear, whether a bike or motorcycle is an excellant investment. Neither is that visible at night in the driving rain.

Vests are for girls
Get one and wear it proudly, asswipe

I will give you one trillion dollars if you can point to where I mentioned a vest of any kind. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand...GO TO IT!
When an electric vehicle can manage 300MPH from a standing start in 4 seconds, let me know! (I will not hold my breath...)

Top Fuel Dragster Facts

How many gasoline cars can do that? Maybe a few rocket vehicals, but not even nascar could do this kind of speed.

Top Fuel dragsters & Fuel Funny Cars have been doing so for 15+ years. This despite regular rule changes designed to slow them down!

* One Top Fuel dragster 500 cubic-inch Hemi engine makes more horsepower than the first 4 rows at the Daytona 500.

* Under full throttle, a dragster engine consumes 11.2 gallons of nitro methane per second; a fully loaded 747 consumes jet fuel at the same rate with 25% less energy being produced.

* A stock Dodge Hemi V8 engine cannot produce enough power to merely drive the dragster's supercharger.

* With 3000 CFM of air being rammed in by the supercharger on overdrive, the fuel mixture is compressed into a near-solid form before ignition. Cylinders run on the verge of hydraulic lock at full throttle.

* At the stoichiometric 1.7:1 air/fuel mixture for nitro methane the flame front temperature measures 7050 degrees F.

* Nitro methane burns yellow. The spectacular white flame seen above the stacks at night is raw burning hydrogen, dissociated from atmospheric water vapor by the searing exhaust gases.

* Dual magnetos supply 44 amps to each spark plug. This is the output of an arc welder in each cylinder.

* Spark plug electrodes are totally consumed during a pass. After 1/2 way, the engine is dieseling from compression plus the glow of exhaust valves at 1400 degrees F. The engine can only be shut down by cutting the fuel flow.

* If spark momentarily fails early in the run, unburned nitro builds up in the affected cylinders and then explodes with sufficient force to blow cylinder heads off the block in pieces or split the block in half.

* Dragsters reach over 300 MPH before you have completed reading this sentence.

Yep. And the technology is totally impractical except for that specific purpose. Tesla is brand new and blowing old tech ICE's off the road in performance. In another 15 years it will be doing that at 1/4 the price it is today.
It will all come down to costs Ray......nothing else will matter.

Im not seeing it......not when you look at any reputable projection on energy use by type. The fix is in on fossil fuels to at least the mid-21st century. All manufacturing is designed around a fossil fuel model. Like the analyst said about the electric Harley division......its a marketing stunt that will likely disappear.

Anyway.....people who try to screw with the economic status quo tend to end up on the bottom of the north atlantic or meeting their end in a "fluke" jet malfunction.
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ICE's are so 20th century. Electric motors= 0-15,000 RPM instantaneously. Can a ICE Harley do that :eusa_whistle: :doubt: :eusa_shhh:
It's not designed to. My big twin will go from 900 rpms to 6,000 in about 2 seconds. That's all I ask of it. I do not want a motorcycle that looks like a cobbled together monstrosity carrying 200 pounds of batteries. I ride a Harley Davidson not because of the performance. I ride it because it's a Harley Davidson. I've ridden Harleys for 45 years just like my father and grandfather did.
My children all ride Harley Davidsons and if they ever bless me with grandchildren, I would be willing to bet that they will ride Harley Davidsons as well.
If I have to explain it to you, Dorothy, you just won't understand.

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