Hardly credible Trump claim about wanting to donate to Harvey relief

Wait a minute............................Trump has spent the past year and a half demonizing the "lamestream media" and the "fake news", and now he's asking them for advice as to where to donate money?

You've gotta be kidding me.................................he spends a whole bunch of time bad mouthing the media repeatedly, and now he's looking to them for advice.

You can't make this crap up.
Trump has spent the past year and a half demonizing the "lamestream media" and the "fake news", and now he's asking them for advice as to where to donate money?

Thank you. I wondered how many posts'd go by before someone remarked on that aspect of the matter. LOL. Touché

I think it was Trump spitting in their eye. They are worthless and he likes to point that out...
What is equally clear is that, as I stated before, you have resorted to mocking me and have put forth nothing that indicates the implausibility of what the OP states or posits. Neither do you have sound and credible answers to the questions the OP asks.

Trump has pledged $1 million to Harvey relief, White House says

Trump doesnt carry a million USD in his back pocket dude.

WTF do you expect him to say "I am donating a million in cash right now to THAT Fedex guy right over there to donate to charity groups for me. In fact I already gave it to him in cash five minutes ago."

No, he is setting the wheels in motion and you understand this no doubt.

This is just more antiTrump hysteria you libs have been susceptible to since Nov 2016
1 million is not -0-, give him credit when its due. I criticize when I do not think his actions are best for the nation, time for some praise when he donates to any worthy org.
1 million is not -0-, give him credit when its due.

Sure. I give Trump credit for having said he'll give $1M to the cause.

He won't get credit for giving $1M to the cause until he actually disburses the money.

no that was Obastard
What is equally clear is that, as I stated before, you have resorted to mocking me and have put forth nothing that indicates the implausibility of what the OP states or posits. Neither do you have sound and credible answers to the questions the OP asks.

Trump has pledged $1 million to Harvey relief, White House says

Trump doesnt carry a million USD in his back pocket dude.

WTF do you expect him to say "I am donating a million in cash right now to THAT Fedex guy right over there to donate to charity groups for me. In fact I already gave it to him in cash five minutes ago."

No, he is setting the wheels in motion and you understand this no doubt.

This is just more antiTrump hysteria you libs have been susceptible to since Nov 2016

How he executes the donation isn't really what I care about and it isn't the point of the OP. The point of and question asked in my OP is whether Trump's assertion that he'll donate $1M to "Harvey" relief efforts is credible. The reason that is the thread theme is because:
  • Trump's made all sorts of attestations about things he's done that it turns out he did not.
  • Trump's made specific claims about the nature and extent of his charitable giving that have been shown to untrue.
Were Trump to have a track record of being as charitable as he claims, there'd be no reason to ask the question I have.

Trump doesnt carry a million USD in his back pocket dude.

That's almost certain to be so.

do you expect him to say "I am donating a million in cash right now

No. I expect him to do what most anyone else donating that large a sum would do: contact their financier/banker/accountant and instruct them to effect $1M in disbursement(s) -- one time or multiple payments -- within the next 48 hours to "such and such" an organization or individual. If he actually has that much in liquid funds -- sitting there "right now" -- I expect him to just write a check or authorize an ACH transfer or wire transfer.
Last edited:
At least one Democrat billionaire has pledged 10 million. Makes Donnie's pledge seem trite.

Remember when he pledged to donate all the profits from his DC hotel to charity. What ever happened to that?

Democrats are the 1% they got all the 'old money' from their slave plantations.
At least one Democrat billionaire has pledged 10 million. Makes Donnie's pledge seem trite.

Remember when he pledged to donate all the profits from his DC hotel to charity. What ever happened to that?
At least one Democrat billionaire has pledged 10 million. Makes Donnie's pledge seem trite.

Well, the sum Trump has promised to donate is large and whether it could be larger or not is not an argument I'm going to try making. People donate sums they feel they can spare and it's not my place to say any individual should donate more than they have. The point of and question asked in my OP is whether Trump's assertion that he'll donate $1M to "Harvey" relief efforts is credible. I'm thrilled for the people of Houston that Trump has verbally pledged the money. I just haven't much confidence that he'll actually donate it.

As goes the matter of the sum of money, what stands out to me is that JJ Watt donated however much he personally did, in part by soliciting his fans, friends, colleagues, etc. and he's thus far raised some $13M for the cause.

I would have thought that Trump (perhaps Melania, Ivanka, Eric, Don Jr., etc), or one of his billionaire appointees or multi-hundred-millionaire appointees, would have coordinated a similar effort. How much any one of them donated isn't the point; that at least one of them (or a family member) made instructed such an effort to be made. Truth be told, I haven't even heard Trump so much as say something to the effect of his challenging his cabinet, $200K-membership Mar-a-Lago members, to each donate $1M, $500K, $100K, etc, as he claims he will.
How he executes the donation isn't really what I care about and it isn't the point of the OP. The point of and question asked in my OP is whether Trump's assertion that he'll donate $1M to "Harvey" relief efforts is credible. The reason that is the thread theme is because:
  • Trump's made all sorts of attestations about things he's done that it turns out he did not.
  • Trump's made specific claims about the nature and extent of his charitable giving that have been shown to untrue.
Were Trump to have a track record of being as charitable as he claims, there'd be no reason to ask the question I have.

One million USD is Trump change, (get it? :D)

He can easily afford the cash pay out than he can afford the scandal of not following through on his pledge.

Besides, I'm not worried about it.

Texans are some tough mean MFers and they will pull through with or without anyones help. I know that more than anything else.
Why yes, let's pretend altruism a bad thing if Trump does it.
How much more did the Obamas donate to New Orleans during that flood? I don't recall a figure. Was it more, and did he get down there right away to assess the damage? And did he ask for the FEMA money to be returned?
What is being said here is that Trump has promised, and no one has seen the money yet. He promised before, and had to be shamed into actually doing what he promised.
How he executes the donation isn't really what I care about and it isn't the point of the OP. The point of and question asked in my OP is whether Trump's assertion that he'll donate $1M to "Harvey" relief efforts is credible. The reason that is the thread theme is because:
  • Trump's made all sorts of attestations about things he's done that it turns out he did not.
  • Trump's made specific claims about the nature and extent of his charitable giving that have been shown to untrue.
Were Trump to have a track record of being as charitable as he claims, there'd be no reason to ask the question I have.

One million USD is Trump change, (get it? :D)

He can easily afford the cash pay out than he can afford the scandal of not following through on his pledge.

Besides, I'm not worried about it.

Texans are some tough mean MFers and they will pull through with or without anyones help. I know that more than anything else.

He can [more] easily afford the cash pay out than he can afford the scandal of not following through on his pledge.

Is the edit I made to your statement apt?

If the edit I made is apt....For most rational people that is how they'd see the matter. It's not at all clear Trump sees it that way. Consider his remarks about his contributions -- personal and via his now defunct Trump Foundation -- to veterans organizations.
  • Big Trump checks to vets groups sent on day of media report
    At a news conference Tuesday, Trump released a list of 41 groups he said had received $5.6 million....“Most of the money went out quite a while ago,” Trump said. “Some of it went out more recently. But all of this has gone out.” The Associated Press spoke or left messages with each of the organizations Trump named. Of the 30 groups that responded by Tuesday, about half said they had received checks from Trump just last week. Several said the checks were dated on or about May 24 — the date as Trump’s interview with the Post — and shipped out overnight.
  • Trump Said He’d Donate Hotel Profits-Here’s a list of other similar promises Trump hasn’t kept
  • June 2016 -- Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years -- Trump has a poor record of following through on his charitable contribution promises.

    In May, under pressure from the news media, Donald Trump made good on a pledge he made four months earlier: He gave $1 million to a nonprofit group helping veterans’ families.

    Before that, however, when was the last time that Trump had given any of his own money to a charity?

    If Trump stands by his promises, [one would see charitable donations from him] occurring all the time. In the 15 years prior to the veterans donation, Trump promised to donate earnings from a wide variety of his moneymaking enterprises: “The Apprentice.” Trump Vodka. Trump University. A book. Another book. If he had honored all those pledges, Trump’s gifts to charity would have topped $8.5 million.

    But in the 15 years prior to the [$1M] veterans’ gift [he was shamed him into making], public records show that Trump donated about $2.8 million through a foundation set up to give his money away — less than a third of the pledged amount — and nothing since 2009. Records show Trump has given nothing to his foundation since 2008.

    In recent weeks, The Post [dug] up records going back to the late 1980s and canvassing a wide swath of nonprofits with some connection to Trump. That research showed that Trump has a long-standing habit of promising to give to charity. But Trump’s follow-through on those promises was middling — even at the beginning, in his early days as a national celebrity.

    In the 1980s, Trump pledged to give away royalties from his first book to fight AIDS and multiple sclerosis. But he gave less to those causes than he did to his older daughter’s ballet school.

    [You remember his first book, Art of the Deal, which he claimed was the "the No. 1 selling business book of all time."]

    In recent years, Trump’s follow-through on his promises has been seemingly nonexistent. The Post contacted 188 charities searching for evidence of personal gifts from Trump in the period between 2008 and this May. The Post sought out charities that had some link to Trump, either because he had given them his foundation’s money, appeared at their charity galas or praised them publicly.

    The search turned up just one donation in that period — a 2009 gift of between $5,000 and $9,999 to the Police Athletic League of New York City.

Texans are some tough mean MFers and they will pull through with or without anyones help. I know that more than anything else.

No doubt.
How he executes the donation isn't really what I care about and it isn't the point of the OP. The point of and question asked in my OP is whether Trump's assertion that he'll donate $1M to "Harvey" relief efforts is credible. The reason that is the thread theme is because:
  • Trump's made all sorts of attestations about things he's done that it turns out he did not.
  • Trump's made specific claims about the nature and extent of his charitable giving that have been shown to untrue.
Were Trump to have a track record of being as charitable as he claims, there'd be no reason to ask the question I have.

One million USD is Trump change, (get it? :D)

He can easily afford the cash pay out than he can afford the scandal of not following through on his pledge.

Besides, I'm not worried about it.

Texans are some tough mean MFers and they will pull through with or without anyones help. I know that more than anything else.

He can [more] easily afford the cash pay out than he can afford the scandal of not following through on his pledge.

Is the edit I made to your statement apt?

If the edit I made is apt....For most rational people that is how they'd see the matter. It's not at all clear Trump sees it that way. Consider his remarks about his contributions -- personal and via his now defunct Trump Foundation -- to veterans organizations.
  • Big Trump checks to vets groups sent on day of media report
    At a news conference Tuesday, Trump released a list of 41 groups he said had received $5.6 million....“Most of the money went out quite a while ago,” Trump said. “Some of it went out more recently. But all of this has gone out.” The Associated Press spoke or left messages with each of the organizations Trump named. Of the 30 groups that responded by Tuesday, about half said they had received checks from Trump just last week. Several said the checks were dated on or about May 24 — the date as Trump’s interview with the Post — and shipped out overnight.
  • Trump Said He’d Donate Hotel Profits-Here’s a list of other similar promises Trump hasn’t kept
  • June 2016 -- Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years -- Trump has a poor record of following through on his charitable contribution promises.

    In May, under pressure from the news media, Donald Trump made good on a pledge he made four months earlier: He gave $1 million to a nonprofit group helping veterans’ families.

    Before that, however, when was the last time that Trump had given any of his own money to a charity?

    If Trump stands by his promises, [one would see charitable donations from him] occurring all the time. In the 15 years prior to the veterans donation, Trump promised to donate earnings from a wide variety of his moneymaking enterprises: “The Apprentice.” Trump Vodka. Trump University. A book. Another book. If he had honored all those pledges, Trump’s gifts to charity would have topped $8.5 million.

    But in the 15 years prior to the [$1M] veterans’ gift [he was shamed him into making], public records show that Trump donated about $2.8 million through a foundation set up to give his money away — less than a third of the pledged amount — and nothing since 2009. Records show Trump has given nothing to his foundation since 2008.

    In recent weeks, The Post [dug] up records going back to the late 1980s and canvassing a wide swath of nonprofits with some connection to Trump. That research showed that Trump has a long-standing habit of promising to give to charity. But Trump’s follow-through on those promises was middling — even at the beginning, in his early days as a national celebrity.

    In the 1980s, Trump pledged to give away royalties from his first book to fight AIDS and multiple sclerosis. But he gave less to those causes than he did to his older daughter’s ballet school.

    [You remember his first book, Art of the Deal, which he claimed was the "the No. 1 selling business book of all time."]

    In recent years, Trump’s follow-through on his promises has been seemingly nonexistent. The Post contacted 188 charities searching for evidence of personal gifts from Trump in the period between 2008 and this May. The Post sought out charities that had some link to Trump, either because he had given them his foundation’s money, appeared at their charity galas or praised them publicly.

    The search turned up just one donation in that period — a 2009 gift of between $5,000 and $9,999 to the Police Athletic League of New York City.

Texans are some tough mean MFers and they will pull through with or without anyones help. I know that more than anything else.

No doubt.
Yeah, your edit is what I intended to post and consistent with its meaning.

Trump does not like to get into the weeds regarding his charitable giving.

Here is an example where he gave over a million USD but kind of hid his donations.
Donald Trump may have donated over $1.4 million to Penn

But it is funny how prior to running for President against Hillary Clinton no one ever called Trump a racist or a Nazi, and now those assertions and smears are all over the place, and the same goes with his charitable giving. Now that he ran against a major political party, the Establishment wolves have been put on him with every intention of destroying his reputation whether it is justified or not.

That is how the political operatives work and you sound like you are buying into it.
How he executes the donation isn't really what I care about and it isn't the point of the OP. The point of and question asked in my OP is whether Trump's assertion that he'll donate $1M to "Harvey" relief efforts is credible. The reason that is the thread theme is because:
  • Trump's made all sorts of attestations about things he's done that it turns out he did not.
  • Trump's made specific claims about the nature and extent of his charitable giving that have been shown to untrue.
Were Trump to have a track record of being as charitable as he claims, there'd be no reason to ask the question I have.

One million USD is Trump change, (get it? :D)

He can easily afford the cash pay out than he can afford the scandal of not following through on his pledge.

Besides, I'm not worried about it.

Texans are some tough mean MFers and they will pull through with or without anyones help. I know that more than anything else.

He can [more] easily afford the cash pay out than he can afford the scandal of not following through on his pledge.

Is the edit I made to your statement apt?

If the edit I made is apt....For most rational people that is how they'd see the matter. It's not at all clear Trump sees it that way. Consider his remarks about his contributions -- personal and via his now defunct Trump Foundation -- to veterans organizations.
  • Big Trump checks to vets groups sent on day of media report
    At a news conference Tuesday, Trump released a list of 41 groups he said had received $5.6 million....“Most of the money went out quite a while ago,” Trump said. “Some of it went out more recently. But all of this has gone out.” The Associated Press spoke or left messages with each of the organizations Trump named. Of the 30 groups that responded by Tuesday, about half said they had received checks from Trump just last week. Several said the checks were dated on or about May 24 — the date as Trump’s interview with the Post — and shipped out overnight.
  • Trump Said He’d Donate Hotel Profits-Here’s a list of other similar promises Trump hasn’t kept
  • June 2016 -- Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years -- Trump has a poor record of following through on his charitable contribution promises.

    In May, under pressure from the news media, Donald Trump made good on a pledge he made four months earlier: He gave $1 million to a nonprofit group helping veterans’ families.

    Before that, however, when was the last time that Trump had given any of his own money to a charity?

    If Trump stands by his promises, [one would see charitable donations from him] occurring all the time. In the 15 years prior to the veterans donation, Trump promised to donate earnings from a wide variety of his moneymaking enterprises: “The Apprentice.” Trump Vodka. Trump University. A book. Another book. If he had honored all those pledges, Trump’s gifts to charity would have topped $8.5 million.

    But in the 15 years prior to the [$1M] veterans’ gift [he was shamed him into making], public records show that Trump donated about $2.8 million through a foundation set up to give his money away — less than a third of the pledged amount — and nothing since 2009. Records show Trump has given nothing to his foundation since 2008.

    In recent weeks, The Post [dug] up records going back to the late 1980s and canvassing a wide swath of nonprofits with some connection to Trump. That research showed that Trump has a long-standing habit of promising to give to charity. But Trump’s follow-through on those promises was middling — even at the beginning, in his early days as a national celebrity.

    In the 1980s, Trump pledged to give away royalties from his first book to fight AIDS and multiple sclerosis. But he gave less to those causes than he did to his older daughter’s ballet school.

    [You remember his first book, Art of the Deal, which he claimed was the "the No. 1 selling business book of all time."]

    In recent years, Trump’s follow-through on his promises has been seemingly nonexistent. The Post contacted 188 charities searching for evidence of personal gifts from Trump in the period between 2008 and this May. The Post sought out charities that had some link to Trump, either because he had given them his foundation’s money, appeared at their charity galas or praised them publicly.

    The search turned up just one donation in that period — a 2009 gift of between $5,000 and $9,999 to the Police Athletic League of New York City.

Texans are some tough mean MFers and they will pull through with or without anyones help. I know that more than anything else.

No doubt.
Yeah, your edit is what I intended to post and consistent with its meaning.

Trump does not like to get into the weeds regarding his charitable giving.

Here is an example where he gave over a million USD but kind of hid his donations.
Donald Trump may have donated over $1.4 million to Penn

But it is funny how prior to running for President against Hillary Clinton no one ever called Trump a racist or a Nazi, and now those assertions and smears are all over the place, and the same goes with his charitable giving. Now that he ran against a major political party, the Establishment wolves have been put on him with every intention of destroying his reputation whether it is justified or not.

That is how the political operatives work and you sound like you are buying into it.

Yeah, your edit is what I intended to post and consistent with its meaning.


But it is funny how prior to running for President against Hillary Clinton no one ever called [the nation's attention to Trump's charitable giving], and now those assertions and smears are all over the place.

(See and accept or deny my edit of your statement. I made the edit because the other behaviors you mentioned aren't among this thread's topics/themes. I don't mind responding to the above statement's theme with regard to those behaviors, but I'll only do so in thread where they are or are part of the actual thread topic.)

I don't know the extent to which that is so. I agree that once Trump declared his candidacy for POTUS, his charitable giving became one of many foci of attention regarding the nature and extent of Trump's behavior, thoughts and remarks, and the degree to which the three align and corroborate one another. That's as it should be. The man asked for the nation's approbation in response to his bid for the U.S.' highest elective office.

The same scrutiny occurs with regard to every major party "finalist" in the race to be POTUS. What doesn't happen with regard to every major party presidential nominee is that are found chasmic dichotomies between the letter and spirit of what they say and say they have done, seen or thought and what they in fact have done and said, and occasionally thought. Where and when no such lacuna is found, there's not much for others to say, for the candidate/official already said "X" and "X" is found to be so or materially accurate enough that the nature of variance from "pure X" isn't worth mentioning.

What seest thou else
In the dark backward and abysm of time?
If thou rememberest aught ere thou camest here,
How thou camest here thou mayst.
-- William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2
It really is getting old.

The pitiful, childish behavior of the far left Progressives. They have yet to get over the presidential election. Likely they never will. Decades from now, if you want to light up a progressive, just say to them, "Hey, how about that election in 2016?" They'll show all the same childish hate and vitriol they did nine months ago and still do today.

Thus far, the response and actions from President Donald Trump have been perfect. His words to the first responders and volunteers in Texas, SPOT ON! Progressives SO wanted the response to be total chaos and be proof that he could not handle a crisis.

Not surprising. Progressives, pathetically wish for more victims and President Trump is supporting the Texas and Redneck philosophy that they will pull together, black, white, Hispanic anyone and make Texas and Louisana GREAT AGAIN.
Sarah Sanders at today's WH press conference stated:

Trump "would like to join in the effort we've seen a lot of the people across this country do...He's pledging a million dollars of personal money to the fund...[he's] asked that I check with the folks in this room since you are very good at researching things and have been doing a lot of reporting into the groups and organizations [that are] best and most effective at providing aid."​

Sanders finished by saying she'd be happy to take the suggestions people had.

Sounds great, but Trump wants suggestions from the WH press corp? Seriously?? Why? On the morning of August 29th, Trump's re-election campaign sent out a list Tuesday of organizations to which Americans can donate in order to help with the Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The groups that have the Trump campaign's approbation are: American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, The United Way, The SPCA of Texas, The SPCA of Louisiana, The Houston Humane Society, and The Louisiana Humane Society.

What the hell?
you assholes find whatever you fan to keep your hate alive. you have zero credibility and the continued refusal to at least NOT BITCH at trump means you will never be unbiased nor fwir.

so tired of the whiney ass babies out there who just sit n WAH WAH all the time cause their ass hurts.
Wait a minute............................Trump has spent the past year and a half demonizing the "lamestream media" and the "fake news", and now he's asking them for advice as to where to donate money?

You've gotta be kidding me.................................he spends a whole bunch of time bad mouthing the media repeatedly, and now he's looking to them for advice.

You can't make this crap up.
you mean like cnn riding in rescue,helicopters?
you mean l9ke cnn faking a "rescue"?
you mean like cnn saying reporters are across the country from each other when in same parking lot?
you mean like "we need our weaves!"

cnn has been busted more times than a 90 year old vegas hooker n you still defend them for no other reason than… .


fucking ignorant.
Harvey due in Central Ohio this evening and we need rain. One million is chump change for Trump but a valiant effort showing Good Will.

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