Hardly credible Trump claim about wanting to donate to Harvey relief

I donate zero to charity because people who need charity are stupid beyond belief. People who live on the Gulf or Atlantic coast should expect Hurricanes. The new Hurricane is Irma and headed West toward the Caribbean Sea with a possible veer North.
I take it you're a liberal. For the most part they contribute zip to charity because they think government should pay for everything. Sad that you're a heartless bastard.
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Sarah Sanders at today's WH press conference stated:

Trump "would like to join in the effort we've seen a lot of the people across this country do...He's pledging a million dollars of personal money to the fund...[he's] asked that I check with the folks in this room since you are very good at researching things and have been doing a lot of reporting into the groups and organizations [that are] best and most effective at providing aid."​

Sanders finished by saying she'd be happy to take the suggestions people had.

Sounds great, but Trump wants suggestions from the WH press corp? Seriously?? Why? On the morning of August 29th, Trump's re-election campaign sent out a list Tuesday of organizations to which Americans can donate in order to help with the Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The groups that have the Trump campaign's approbation are: American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, The United Way, The SPCA of Texas, The SPCA of Louisiana, The Houston Humane Society, and The Louisiana Humane Society.

What the hell?
LOLOL.....seasoned givers of charity, do not need instructions on how to donate...clearly this donating idea is completely new to this greedy, gray mf that promotes his merchandise every time he opens that tiny little mouth!!
At least one Democrat billionaire has pledged 10 million. Makes Donnie's pledge seem trite.

Remember when he pledged to donate all the profits from his DC hotel to charity. What ever happened to that?
How much of your income are you donating to charity?

At least one Democrat billionaire has pledged 10 million. Makes Donnie's pledge seem trite.

Remember when he pledged to donate all the profits from his DC hotel to charity. What ever happened to that?
How much of your income are you donating to charity?

I donate zero to charity because people who need charity are stupid beyond belief. People who live on the Gulf or Atlantic coast should expect Hurricanes. The new Hurricane is Irma and headed West toward the Caribbean Sea with a possible veer North.
I donate zero to charity because people who need charity are stupid beyond belief.

That is your prerogative, and I'm not of a mind to chide you for it. I'm also not of a mind to, purely because they choose not to make charitable donations, chide anyone else who opts not to donate to charity. I rebuke, chide and scrutinize people for the manifestations of cardinal sin, not for the failure to exhibit cardinal virtue. [1]

The question in this thread is the extent to which one, specifically the people suffering due to Harvey's winds and rain, can rely on Trump's having said he's donating money -- the sum he's cited isn't here a factor. I don't have anything to say about the extent of the resources he (or anyone) donates(-ed) to others. I will, however, ridicule one if one promises to donate "whatever" and one is later found not to have done as one claimed.
  • If one says one will donate $1M, $100 or $1, then one should not be found to have donated less than that.
  • If one says one will donate "whatever" tomorrow, then doing so next week constitutes not following through with an aspect of one's claim.
  • If one makes no explicit or public attestations/promises, one cannot be shown not to have followed through on them.
On the matter of charitable giving, Trump has throughout his life made numerous attestations about about the existential nature and extent of his charitable contributions, and time and time again it's been shown he didn't follow through.

  1. Note that sharing an observation that one's words/deeds are not indicative of a cardinal virtue is not the same thing as castigating them for not being thus virtuous.
    • Observation/descriptive assertion: Bill does not exhibit humility.
    • Criticism/castigatory assertion: Bill is a jerk because he exhibits no humility.
Both those statements need to be supported, but both are not vituperative.​
Sarah Sanders at today's WH press conference stated:

Trump "would like to join in the effort we've seen a lot of the people across this country do...He's pledging a million dollars of personal money to the fund...[he's] asked that I check with the folks in this room since you are very good at researching things and have been doing a lot of reporting into the groups and organizations [that are] best and most effective at providing aid."​

Sanders finished by saying she'd be happy to take the suggestions people had.

Sounds great, but Trump wants suggestions from the WH press corp? Seriously?? Why? On the morning of August 29th, Trump's re-election campaign sent out a list Tuesday of organizations to which Americans can donate in order to help with the Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The groups that have the Trump campaign's approbation are: American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, The United Way, The SPCA of Texas, The SPCA of Louisiana, The Houston Humane Society, and The Louisiana Humane Society.

What the hell?
LOLOL.....seasoned givers of charity, do not need instructions on how to donate...clearly this donating idea is completely new to this greedy, gray mf that promotes his merchandise every time he opens that tiny little mouth!!


seasoned givers of charity, do not need instructions on how to donate

Even unseasoned givers don't need such guidance.... LOL
Sarah Sanders at today's WH press conference stated:

Trump "would like to join in the effort we've seen a lot of the people across this country do...He's pledging a million dollars of personal money to the fund...[he's] asked that I check with the folks in this room since you are very good at researching things and have been doing a lot of reporting into the groups and organizations [that are] best and most effective at providing aid."​

Sanders finished by saying she'd be happy to take the suggestions people had.

Sounds great, but Trump wants suggestions from the WH press corp? Seriously?? Why? On the morning of August 29th, Trump's re-election campaign sent out a list Tuesday of organizations to which Americans can donate in order to help with the Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The groups that have the Trump campaign's approbation are: American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, The United Way, The SPCA of Texas, The SPCA of Louisiana, The Houston Humane Society, and The Louisiana Humane Society.

What the hell?
Give the guy a break for once, Xelor.
I give breaks to individuals who earn them.

Then said Jesus unto him, "Put up again thy [pen] into his place: for all they that take the [pen] shall perish with the [pen]."
-- Matthew 26:52 (adapted)​
I don't get it.
Trump "lives" by the "sword" of his words; thus he must "die" by the "sword" of his critics words. He has earned no quarter from such "blows."
Good grief, you need a job.
Sarah Sanders at today's WH press conference stated:

Trump "would like to join in the effort we've seen a lot of the people across this country do...He's pledging a million dollars of personal money to the fund...[he's] asked that I check with the folks in this room since you are very good at researching things and have been doing a lot of reporting into the groups and organizations [that are] best and most effective at providing aid."​

Sanders finished by saying she'd be happy to take the suggestions people had.

Sounds great, but Trump wants suggestions from the WH press corp? Seriously?? Why? On the morning of August 29th, Trump's re-election campaign sent out a list Tuesday of organizations to which Americans can donate in order to help with the Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The groups that have the Trump campaign's approbation are: American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, The United Way, The SPCA of Texas, The SPCA of Louisiana, The Houston Humane Society, and The Louisiana Humane Society.

What the hell?
Give the guy a break for once, Xelor.
I give breaks to individuals who earn them.

Then said Jesus unto him, "Put up again thy [pen] into his place: for all they that take the [pen] shall perish with the [pen]."
-- Matthew 26:52 (adapted)​
I don't get it.
Trump "lives" by the "sword" of his words; thus he must "die" by the "sword" of his critics words. He has earned no quarter from such "blows."
Good grief, you need a job.

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