Happy Columbus Day!!

Miami knows how to celebrate Columbus Day, The yearly Columbus Day Regatta in Biscayne Bay,,, fun time for all
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Happy Columbus Day — say it loud, say it proud

"Happy Columbus Day. There, I said it. And I mean it. I don’t wish you a solemn Columbus Day, nor a mournful one, nor still a guilty one. No, I wish you a happy Columbus Day.

It’s a day to celebrate the contributions of Italian-Americans to our nation’s history. That was the original intent behind the holiday, after all, to elevate Italians at a time when they still faced marked bigotry. But more than that, it’s a day to celebrate a man whose example of courage and determination we need, as they say, now more than ever.

Christopher Columbus wasn’t just the man most responsible for opening up the New World to the Old; he was also an example of the American Dream centuries before our nation was born."

I always like Columbus Day, its a day to celebrate the Italian people. Open up a can of Chef Boyardee and a bottle of delicious red wine.

Unfortunatlely, they discontinued the former tremendous Dago Red brand of wine because of its offensive name. Although I'm not sure why, as they haven't insisted that the Republic of Guinea change its offensive name or the Burger King abolish the Whopper, which you can't order without uttering an ethnic slur.
So I'm confused. Don't know whether to celebrate Happy Injun Day or Happy Dago Day.


If captivity and death weren’t enough, Columbus and his men had a particular reputation for cruelty. Bartolome de las Casas, a young priest who participated in the conquest of Cuba and wrote a history of the Indies, describes the treatment of the natives: “Endless testimonies ... prove the mild and pacific temperament of the natives. ... But our work was to exasperate, ravage, kill, mangle and destroy; small wonder, then, if they tried to kill one of us now and then.... The admiral, it is true, was blind as those who came after him, and he was so anxious to please the King that he committed irreparable crimes against the Indians ...“ Las Casas describes how Spaniards rode on the backs of natives. How the Spaniards "thought nothing of knifing Indians by tens and twenties and of cutting slices off them to test the sharpness of their blades." Las Casas adds "two of these so-called Christians met two Indian boys one day, each carrying a parrot; they took the parrots and for fun beheaded the boys."
While this is all true?

The fact is, during this period in human history, peoples that Columbus was interacting with? Weren't any better.

If you think the Aztecs and the Incan Empires were somehow morally superior, you have been indoctrinated. You don't have an impartial view of human civilization.

Empires rise, and they fall.

Columbus was one actor in the drama of the clash of civilizations.

The natives of the new world lost the battle of civilizations, fair and square.

Well, maybe not "fair," they lost the luck of the draw when it came to which resources were on the America continent as far as "starting position."

. . . and their development of tech lagged necessarily as an outgrowth.

With that said?

If the folks of the New World had had superior technology, you can bet, they would have boarded ships and colonized and conquered Europe and Africa. We know this from their behavior toward each other. Humans are all the same.

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Happy Columbus Day — say it loud, say it proud

"Happy Columbus Day. There, I said it. And I mean it. I don’t wish you a solemn Columbus Day, nor a mournful one, nor still a guilty one. No, I wish you a happy Columbus Day.

It’s a day to celebrate the contributions of Italian-Americans to our nation’s history. That was the original intent behind the holiday, after all, to elevate Italians at a time when they still faced marked bigotry. But more than that, it’s a day to celebrate a man whose example of courage and determination we need, as they say, now more than ever.

Christopher Columbus wasn’t just the man most responsible for opening up the New World to the Old; he was also an example of the American Dream centuries before our nation was born."

The SJW extremist have been accusing Columbus of genocide for decades.
But, Columbus didn't not try to murder the native population of the western hemisphere.
That is just more dumb liberal bigot hate mongering and lying.

genocide [ˈjenəˌsīd] NOUN 1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
Actually, he had absolutely no regard for the natives of the new world.

. . . but? In that regard, he was no different than most folks of his era, including the natives of the new world.
Considering what Europeans were doing to each other during times of war, it's not surprising they took advantage of technologically and politically inferior natives.

Remember this was still a time when non noble captured soldiers were killed off if they winning army didn't think they could get money for them, and sieged towns that did not surrender at the start were sacked and pillaged.

AND it is worth noting, the Aztecs were conducting human sacrifice on an industrial scale.

It just shows the value of human life at the time, which wasn't much.


They point to the actions of some random white guy in history, and judge him by today's standards, without any context of what the world was like then.

It is a form of lying.

All of these are the points we need to keep in mind, which SJW's and historical revisionists depend on us to forget.

By our standards today? If you read the logs of Columbus' second, who recorded everything that was happening, and you really know the truth? Yeah, what they did, and had been doing? Sounded absolutely horrific, I read them myself in Howard Zinn's book. It would make a good horror movie. It honestly would.

OTH? If you keep perspective about how ALL NATIONS AND CIVILIZATIONS on the planet behaved at that time in history? What Columbus did was what had to be done for Empires to succeed.

Naturally, from a global socialist mindset, they can't comprehend competition between civilizations. The strongest survived. If you study anthropology, and found out how the Mongols were successful? It would turn your stomach. The Romans were NOT softies. Nor were the Aztecs.

If a civilization wanted to survive, grow and thrive, it had to be blood thirsty and vicious.

Probably the most benevolent and kind empire to ever exist in the history of humanity is the United State of America. . . it gives these loons the freedom to slag Columbus, because they are too stupid to understand any of this.

No historical perspective. NONE

You think that the settling of America is any different than any other nation? And what were europeans leaving when they came to america? Persecution, torture, death for their BELIEFS. They were chrisitan civilians looking for freedom because staying there meant they would lose their lives for their christian beliefs.

Moreover, the indians were as cruel to the newcomers..as later we were to them. HEY. there's an analogy in that previous sentence. Oh...maybe i better point it out. We have 'newcomers' coming into this country ILLEGALLY, harming americans, taking our services, gov't pandering to them, they kill our children, rape them...... hmmm....historically there seems to be a 'turning point'...if you will.
The woke judges the past by the present. Historically the people were brutal and violent. All of them. The goal was reached over lakes of dead bodies. There was no such thing as compassion, empathy, sympathy, going along to get along. We are the better for it.
billyboom said:
Don’t complain when it happens to you, colonizer.

oh you think it is not happening right now. OUR OWN GOV"T is allowing the filthy hoards to come across our southern borders. Biden Regime is using them to conquer this nation and bring it down to third world shithole status. YOU will be part of it. You think it won't touch you? it WILL.

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