Hamas along other factions to come up with initiative for national unity

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement said it is embarking on preparing an initiative with the participation of all Palestinian factions and forces to find a way out of the inter-Palestinian impasse and achieve the national reconciliation.

Spokesman Barhoum accused Fatah faction of exporting its internal crises through making press announcements about alleged initiatives without directly talking to Hamas about them.

He also denied that his Movement received an initiative on ending the internal division from Salam Fayyad, noting that Fayyad does not represent any Palestinian party in order for Hamas to accept from him any overture.

The spokesman pointed out in another context that Hamas was able to establish contacts with the ruling military council in Egypt after the downfall of Hosni Mubarak's regime, expressing hope that the relations between Hamas and Cairo would improve in the coming days.


Hamas along other factions to come up with initiative for national unity
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