Halloween Costume Ball: Must Be in Costume to Enter

Very interesting night to say the least. I'm a substitute teacher at my local high school so I stayed for this political thing they had at the school tonight.

They had different teachers act as the candidates and each had a student act as their running mate.

Before the show the kids were all asked to stand on a nolan chart that was laid out on the floor and the kids were told to stand where they felt they belonged.

About 20 kids stood in the republican box and about 160 kids stood in the liberal (obama) box.

They were told to remember where they stood.

They were then presented with all the issues and each of the Presidential candidates spoke on where they stood. The kids were asked to fill out a form, after learning about the different views, and answer where they stood on the issue now that they knew about all of them.

The issues ranged from Health Care to the War to Abortion etc...Social and Economical.

When they were done they had to add the scores divide them blah blah blah...and this would tell them where they stood in the political spectrum.

Well, lo and behold.....the Libertarian side got packed and the Republican side grew by a third.

A very interesting night and the kids learned a lot about who THEY are. Most kids listen to their parents view and follow in their foot steps. Now these kids can come to their own realizations about how the issues relates to them in their own life.

Every school should do this! It was a very introspective night for all of them.

Bravo to your school, Gigi! I am delighted that the exercise was educational and the students began learning to think for themselves. Are any of the students actually eligible to vote? I watched a report that the seniors in Broward county high schools were being shepherded to voting places.

On a lighter note, I don't know how you do it; you've changed costumes more often than the Academy Awards host/hostess! LOL! Getting better I might add...
Bravo to your school, Gigi! I am delighted that the exercise was educational and the students began learning to think for themselves. Are any of the students actually eligible to vote? I watched a report that the seniors in Broward county high schools were being shepherded to voting places.

On a lighter note, I don't know how you do it; you've changed costumes more often than the Academy Awards host/hostess! LOL! Getting better I might add...

lol PoliticalChic....I seem to be getting younger, daily, no? lol

There were many seniors there last night and I'm sure some of them can vote. The best part of it was the surprise on the kids faces when they realized that they weren't who they claimed to be. My own daughter went in a Republican voting for McCain and left a left leaning libertarian voting for Nadar lol --They are having Mock elections at the school today!
it's time to dance and drink.....I need it lol

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Happy Halloweennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!

Whoo Hoooo We'res my Candy! We're's my Drinks, We're's he Vampires and Werewolves.....whoo hooooooooooo

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