Hakeem Jeffries falsely accuses RFK Junior of antisemitism- almost every Democrat in Congress and the Senate support racism an anti-Americanism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Don’t any democrats ever care about the minimum wage, Unions , national healthcare. ?

Look at what you’re voting for my fellow Democrats. How can any of you support, Joe Biden, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries. How can any of you do this ..would you look at what you’re doing to your children. Think about that for the future my friends.

I can’t believe it has got to this point. You can look at various bills put forward by Democrats and what not where they talk about racism all made up completely made up. There is no racism in America accept from BLM and the Democrats that support them.

There is actual racism from almost every Democrat in politics when they do things like take a knee.

It’s unbearable to watch the first 30 seconds or so of this video above where you see Hakeem Jeffries literally make up this idea that the Republican Party is racist… and even a fellow democrat Robert F Kennedy junior, the son of Robert F Kennedy, and the nephew of John F Kennedy… is a racist.

It’s a shocking thing that in just three or four years time the Democrat party has turned into what it is today.

We always have hope for the future the Democratic Party will always be the party of JFK. And God willing we will be back.
Hakeem Jeffries is a racist.
The real problem now is that he is an educated hater. Pure Prog Socialist Communist. This is not good. Defenders of the realm. Parasites who live off of those who built the nation before them. We see the decline now. To no avail. We must find the right balance.
Democrats like Hakeem Jeffries tolerate - even defend - antisemites and only condemn it when it is politically expedient. RFK represents a threat to the Left’s march to Marxism and the destruction of what made America great, so now they all of a sudden have a problem with antisemitism.

Hakeem has defended both Farrakhan and his uncle - both virulent Jew-haters.

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries once defended antisemitic speech, Louis Farrakhan
Ever notice that catch-all word "racism" sorta goes by the wayside and anti-Semitism is used in it's place when referencing the Jews?

Why isn't that done with the rest of the ethnicities/sub-groups as it would be proper to do so and narrow things down a bit?

Anti-black, anti-white, anti hispanic, anti-Roma, etc.?
All the DemocRATS have is PROJECTION!
They feeeeel that everyone is as psychotic as THEY ARE.
It comes naturally to these FREAKS!
Hakeem Jeffries is a racist.
He is either that or he’s just a moneygrubbing opportunity but either way many of his statements are racist

Debbie Wasserman Shultz is an extremist racist as well. Again or she’s just in it for the money but her comments are extremist and racist.

Why do all of the Democrats in the US message board act like none of this matters? Or what they seem to do is invent the view that other people are racist like Republicans.
I will be interested to see what the more moderate Democrats on the US message board had to say about this … how they can defend all democratic members of the senate and congress, who again pretty much vote in line for bills or act in line when one democrat accuses somebody fasely of racism.

Because that’s how this one is working, RFK Junior gets falsely accused of being a racist… and then every Democrat who is interviewed about it simply agrees with it or says no comment.
This is just about as bad as it gets. RFK, Junior, a man who comes off as kind and compassionate, even if you disagree with and politically. This guy openly supports Israel.

It’s that level of degradation, weakness and it’s a level of self-hatred what’s going on with fellow Democrats on the US message board… how can they let this thing pass by act like it means nothing?

It’s quite painful to see racist like Hakeem Jeffries, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chuck Schumer it’s practically every Democrat in the Congress and senate who is engaging in this type of racism. Wow, I can’t believe this is happening in this country

but it’s all about staying positive. Part of this is design by Democrats to get people angry, so I just look at the facts and I think everyone else does too.
Ever notice that catch-all word "racism" sorta goes by the wayside and anti-Semitism is used in it's place when referencing the Jews?

Why isn't that done with the rest of the ethnicities/sub-groups as it would be proper to do so and narrow things down a bit?

Anti-black, anti-white, anti hispanic, anti-Roma, etc.?
RFK Junior has been falsely accused of both but it seems that Democrats falsely think the American people will be more motivated to support them if they accuse someone of antisemitism.

This is got to be the worst time in the history of the Democrat party. This is certainly the most anti-American Democrat party we’ve ever seen in the history of this country. Unfortunately, they have some Republican support.
The real problem now is that he is an educated hater. Pure Prog Socialist Communist. This is not good. Defenders of the realm. Parasites who live off of those who built the nation before them. We see the decline now. To no avail. We must find the right balance.
Hakeem Jeffries seems like he wants to imitate Barack Obama. But he’s nothing like Obama I think Obama came off more pleasant .. I don’t think Obama would have ever accused RFK Junior of being an antisemite. Much as I might disagree with President Obama on a few things.

Hakeem Jeffries tries to present himself, as well educated, articulated, but it’s easy to see through him when he tries to defame people. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be an American anywhere in this country that l supports somebody like Jeffries. I think we should just try and have compassion for these types of Americans who support people like Jeffries.
Why do all of the Democrats in the US message board act like none of this matters? Or what they seem to do is invent the view that other people are racist like Republicans.
Because the mantra of Left is that the biggest threat to security in the history of the world are White Supremacists.

They spout that bullshit to rile up Blacks so they can maintain their racist voting block.

The Democrat Party thrives on hate.

For instance, the Ho will be in Florida today to spout racial hatred to stir up the Negroes to hate White people.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has endorsed quack doctor Sherri Tenpenny as someone who’s “leading this movement” against vaccines and recently featured her at a “health policy roundtable.” Tenpenny last year promoted the conspiracy theory that the COVID-19 vaccine is a “bioweapon” that doesn’t affect Jewish people and has shared numerous antisemitic claims on social media, including Holocaust denial and praise for The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Tenpenny’s promotion of the conspiracy theory about Jewish people and the COVID-19 vaccine is newly relevant as Kennedy recently made a similar claim, stating that there’s “an argument” that COVID-19 is “ethnically targeted,” adding: “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

Bobby would be ashamed that his kid turned out to be a nut.
I will be interested to see what the more moderate Democrats on the US message board had to say about this … how they can defend all democratic members of the senate and congress, who again pretty much vote in line for bills or act in line when one democrat accuses somebody fasely of racism.

Because that’s how this one is working, RFK Junior gets falsely accused of being a racist… and then every Democrat who is interviewed about it simply agrees with it or says no comment.
Dems accuse EVERYONE who doesn’t kowtow to their leftist agenda a racist - including other Dems.
Covid-19 targets certain races and gives others immunity: Kennedy Jr. was caught on camera telling fellow diners that “Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people” and “the people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” according to a video made public in the New York Post, which also shows him saying the U.S. “put hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted microbes” and labs in Ukraine collected Russian and Chinese DNA “so we can target people by race.”
He's not just a racist but he's crazy.


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