Haiku Moments

Thanksgiving Revisited

Carving the turkey,
We pray for those who hunger:
Poor, starving Vegans!

The young soldier cried
On the red soaked uniform
A friend from childhood

They laughed together
over an old comic book
The sky was so blue

Eternal summer
Wilson leather and red stitch
Going, going....gone

Redneck Haiku​

Damn, in that tube-top
You make me almost forget
That you're my cousin.

Naked in repose,
Silvery silhouette girls
Adorn my mudflaps.

A painful sadness.
Can't fit big screen TV through
Double-wide's front door.

In WalMart toy aisle,
Wailing boy wants wrestling doll.
Mama whups his ass.

Unemployment's out,.
Hey, maybe I can get on

Distant siren screams.
Dumb-ass Verne's been playing with
Gasoline again.

Flashlights pierce darkness.
No nightcrawlers to be found.
Guess we'll gig some frogs.

Joyous, playful, bright
Trailer park girl rolls in puddle
Of old motor oil.

Seeking solitude,
Carl's ex-wife Tammy files for
Restraining order.

I curse the rainbow
Emblazoned upon his hood.
God damn Jeff Gordon.

Tonight we hunger.
Grandma sent grocery money
To Jimmy Swaggart.

Set the VCR:
Dukes of Hazzard Marathon
At 9 O'Clock.

White noise, buzzing static.
Call Earl. Satellite dish
needs new descrambler.

Sixty-five dollars
And cyclone fence keeps me from
My El Camino.

In early morning mist,
Mama searches Circle K for
Moon Pies and Red Man.
I'm on another forum where this guy only posts in haiku. No matter if he is starting a thread or replying. Quite the hoot.

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