Had a friend go to the Las Vegas gun show today

Somebody should look up and see the OP's point flying overhead.

The thickness of the typical nutter's skull prevents him from paying attention to trends in the posts of others, thus rendering him incapable of determining when another nutter is being sarcastic.
Dummy he had no point to make. he only repeat heresy. And even that may be a stretch

Dummy. And I mean that sincerely, TyroneWeaver is a gun-focused nutcase just like you. He was being sarcastic. Anyone with the ability to retain information would know this. You are classically dense.

Now.....tell me how much you don't care about what other posters say.

A dummy trying to call someone who is knowledgeable a dummy. that's classic Saul Alinsky.
"IT'S TIME for America to wake up to a new reality - that for more than a generation, a radical fringe group has held sway over the nation's politics.

"We're talking about a cadre that traffics in conspiracy theories as loony as many militias or "Patriot" groups, accusing the president of planning to grant himself dictatorial powers while embracing "black helicopter"-style tropes about the United Nations. It's a posse that's clashed with America's police chiefs over public safety while thwarting all efforts to eliminate weapons that are good only for committing mass murder."

Marginalize NRA as the radical group it is - Philly.com
your faggot assed ban isn't going to stop the bad guys...

You failed at banning beer
You failed at banning drugs
You failed at banning proverty
Now you want to fail at banning guns?

Your track record sucks the big one!

Do you know you're a loony tune? If it ever comes to pass, that passing a psychological examination to own, possess or have in one's custody and control a firearm, you will lose that right.

who the hell banned beer or even tried?

Prohibition was instituted with ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution on January 16, 1919, which prohibited the "...manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States..." Congress passed the "Volstead Act" on October 28, 1919, to enforce the law

Prohibition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
40% of gun sales aren't background checked. A NRA-Pub-dupe disgrace.

Must it be pointed out to you that the democrats are in power? That they are the majority party. Not the NRA and not the "pubs."
your faggot assed ban isn't going to stop the bad guys...

You failed at banning beer
You failed at banning drugs
You failed at banning proverty
Now you want to fail at banning guns?

Your track record sucks the big one!
Columbine is a good example of failure of gun bans, but let's try it again.
Dude you have so many fucking holes in your op I'm not even going to bother with it. Have fun with your bullshit thread.

Somebody should look up and see the OP's point flying overhead.

The thickness of the typical nutter's skull prevents him from paying attention to trends in the posts of others, thus rendering him incapable of determining when another nutter is being sarcastic.
Dummy he had no point to make. he only repeat heresy. And even that may be a stretch

Dude, don't you know that sheep travel in flocks? One starts a thread and the rest of the sheep thank him for the post and then defend his lunacy to the point of ridiculousness.
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Somebody should look up and see the OP's point flying overhead.

The thickness of the typical nutter's skull prevents him from paying attention to trends in the posts of others, thus rendering him incapable of determining when another nutter is being sarcastic.
Dummy he had no point to make. he only repeat heresy. And even that may be a stretch

Dude, don't you know that sheep travel in flocks? One starts a threat and the rest of the sheep thank him for the post and then defend his lunacy to the point of ridiculousness.

WooooooooHoooooooo! Another one!

TyroneWeaver is a limp-wristed gun grabber! WooooooooHoooooooo!
who the hell banned beer or even tried?

Remember Prohibition?

your faggot assed ban isn't going to stop the bad guys...

You failed at banning beer
You failed at banning drugs
You failed at banning proverty
Now you want to fail at banning guns?

Your track record sucks the big one!

this idiot doesnt know that it was religion that got booze banned?
same with drugs

the left has never claimed to try and ban poverty either.

we have reduced it in the past but the right always seems to like a certain level of poverty

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