Guys, have you ever...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
...assaulted a girl in the manner described by Kavanaugh's accuser?

That is, held her down forcibly, and tried to grope her and remove her clothing, with the intention of copulation?

I never have. But I don't know about anyone else, even my friends from the time. Not something we would have talked about, I suppose.

Have you?
Nope. I always let them hold me down forcibly, grope me and remove my clothing, with intent. :113:
Oh I groped a lot, but usually the girl friend liked it. If she didn’t, I stopped and found a girl who did.
Nope. Not even during my former liberal personification.

Her entire story reeks of a desperate last-minute power play. They know he's going to be confirmed so they're going to throw everything they can dredge up against him. Watch: When the Senate gets back together to sort through this, the Democrats are going to continue trying to turn it into a bizarre circus.

Christine Blasey Ford is probably spending the weekend with some drama coach that Feinstein hired, so she can polish up on being hysterical and crying on demand.

I wouldn't doubt that Feinstein will dredge up some other man-hating SJW who will claim that Kavanaugh "inappropriately touched her" back in grade school or something.

Meanwhile, the gallery will be packed with Code Pink operatives, angry lesbians dressed like penguins, old burned-out 60's hippie radicals, and street bums they paid $20 to if they'd interrupt the proceedings.

The whole thing is going to be a disgusting shitshow put on by the Democrats. But like they tried to do with Clarence Thomas, it's not going to turn out like they expected it would.

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