Guns don’t kill


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
GUNS DON’T KILLBut people use guns to kill. Guns are the enablers of mass killers. Never heard of anyone beating more than one person to death. Guns allowed in anyone’s hands is gun in the hands of criminals. bad people use guns to kill as well as good law abiding people. Guns easily turn good people into killers just because the gun is readily available. Guns in good homes to protect children often accidentally kill children.

Actually, Guns Do Kill People
For those who are quick to argue that "guns don't kill people, people kill people," it is instructive that the Norway killer took many more lives with his guns than with his explosives. Violent individuals intent on inflicting multiple fatalities don't choose knives or baseball bats. With few exceptions, they choose guns.
Dennis A. Henigan: Actually, Guns Do Kill People
GUNS DON’T KILLBut people use guns to kill. Guns are the enablers of mass killers. Never heard of anyone beating more than one person to death. Guns allowed in anyone’s hands is gun in the hands of criminals. bad people use guns to kill as well as good law abiding people. Guns easily turn good people into killers just because the gun is readily available. Guns in good homes to protect children often accidentally kill children.

Actually, Guns Do Kill People
For those who are quick to argue that "guns don't kill people, people kill people," it is instructive that the Norway killer took many more lives with his guns than with his explosives. Violent individuals intent on inflicting multiple fatalities don't choose knives or baseball bats. With few exceptions, they choose guns.
Dennis A. Henigan: Actually, Guns Do Kill People

But people use guns to kill. Guns are the enablers of mass killers. Never heard of anyone beating more than one person to death. My exes cousin killed his wife, 3 kids, inlaws and an uncle with a pair of scissors. Try googling Guns allowed in anyone’s hands is gun in the hands of criminals.That's an ignorant thing to say. bad people use guns to kill as well as good law abiding people. Guns easily turn good people into killers just because the gun is readily available. are you on meds? Guns in good homes to protect children often accidentally kill children. often they save the lives of the people in that home. again, GOOGLE
Guns are tools of massive destruction.

The SCOTUS clearly indicates that governments can regulate gun ownership in many ways.

2nd Amendment wacks: get over it.
Whether they know it or not anti-gun people are pro crime. Most of them are intelligent enough to understand that laws only impact the law abiding and that they are working to empower criminals. And then they try to claim they somehow hold the moral high ground. How silly.
The first step in creating a dictatorship is to disarm the general public.

Car accidents kill people. Let's outlaw cars...make everybody ride government transit systems.

Big trucks kill people. Let's outlaw big trucks.

Lung cancer kills people. Let's outlaw smoking.

Obesity kills people. Let's outlaw fat people.

I could easily kill you with a No.2 Mirado wooden pencil. Let's outlaw sharp objects.

All you tenderhearted wimps that can't handle a firearm should receive mandatory training in the care and feeding of an automatic weapon...of at least .38 caliber.
GUNS DON’T KILLBut people use guns to kill. Guns are the enablers of mass killers. Never heard of anyone beating more than one person to death.

No, but I did hear of some guys who used some box cutters and a couple of airplanes to kill THOUSANDS of people.
Not in the age of atomic weapons, guided missile frigates, Abrams and fighting vehicles, and the NSA eavesdropping.

Our household weapons will stop nobody.

Only the loyalty of our military troops to constitutional government protects us. If we lost that, then it is over.

The 1st Amendment, far more than the 2nd Amendment, protects our rights.
GUNS DON’T KILLBut people use guns to kill. Guns are the enablers of mass killers. Never heard of anyone beating more than one person to death. Guns allowed in anyone’s hands is gun in the hands of criminals. bad people use guns to kill as well as good law abiding people. Guns easily turn good people into killers just because the gun is readily available. Guns in good homes to protect children often accidentally kill children.

Actually, Guns Do Kill People
For those who are quick to argue that "guns don't kill people, people kill people," it is instructive that the Norway killer took many more lives with his guns than with his explosives. Violent individuals intent on inflicting multiple fatalities don't choose knives or baseball bats. With few exceptions, they choose guns.
Dennis A. Henigan: Actually, Guns Do Kill People

How many people do you think you could kill with your car.

44,000 people per year are killed by cars.

Obviously cars kill people.

Cars should be fitted with reckless driving alarms, sobriety testers and outfitted to alert law enforcement when driven over the legal speed limit.

Constant monitoring must be instituted to save lives.

In vehicle streaming cameras can record seatbelt and child safety seat infractions.

It's for the children.

P.S. - we license people to drive cars...not to buy them. We license people to carry guns, not to purchase them.
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Ok...I am going to steer away from my fellow liberals here... TAKE NOTE CONSERVATIVES: Just want to mention this for the next time one of you call me some kind of lockstep Democrat.

I don't believe in this aspect of least not entirely. I don't think that we, as a general population need to be running around with fully automatic weapons... But when it comes to sporting arms and handguns, I have no problem with it, and own similar weapons myself. I am a country boy who likes to hunt, target shoot and shoot clays.

On the other hand... I am not some paranoid freak that feels the need to keep a loaded weapon in my home, nor walk around with a handgun strapped to my side or concealed beneath my clothing. However, if you are a paranoid freak, I don't have a problem with you doing long as you realize the potential for disaster and have no problem with being held accountable if you are some kind of "tough guy" and ends up shooting someone in anger because of something stupid(bar room fights, wife/husband fucking around on you, neighbors kids keep walking on your precious fucking lawn, etc).
GUNS DON’T KILLBut people use guns to kill. Guns are the enablers of mass killers. Never heard of anyone beating more than one person to death. Guns allowed in anyone’s hands is gun in the hands of criminals. bad people use guns to kill as well as good law abiding people. Guns easily turn good people into killers just because the gun is readily available. Guns in good homes to protect children often accidentally kill children.

Actually, Guns Do Kill People
For those who are quick to argue that "guns don't kill people, people kill people," it is instructive that the Norway killer took many more lives with his guns than with his explosives. Violent individuals intent on inflicting multiple fatalities don't choose knives or baseball bats. With few exceptions, they choose guns.
Dennis A. Henigan: Actually, Guns Do Kill People

You should read more then.
When my kids were younger I had a sweet gun collection to include revolvers, autoloaders and a pump shotgun with pistol grip and sling. My wife actually picked out the scattergun. While stationed in Florida, stories of kids being shot with their patents' weapons were popping up often. I trusted my two kids not to mess with them but we had the go-to house in base housing and the thought of some kid getting shot with my gun in my house freaked me out, even though I had taken measures to prevent that. I sold them all and had none in the house for a long time.

My kids are grown now. My daughter and her future husband have a gun and go to the range with me. My son is a member of the world's ultimate gun club, the USMC, and my wife shoots as good as I do. I've built my arsenal back up and am in the market for more. 2A all the way.
Ok...I am going to steer away from my fellow liberals here... TAKE NOTE CONSERVATIVES: Just want to mention this for the next time one of you call me some kind of lockstep Democrat.

I don't believe in this aspect of least not entirely. I don't think that we, as a general population need to be running around with fully automatic weapons... But when it comes to sporting arms and handguns, I have no problem with it, and own similar weapons myself. I am a country boy who likes to hunt, target shoot and shoot clays.

On the other hand... I am not some paranoid freak that feels the need to keep a loaded weapon in my home, nor walk around with a handgun strapped to my side or concealed beneath my clothing. However, if you are a paranoid freak, I don't have a problem with you doing long as you realize the potential for disaster and have no problem with being held accountable if you are some kind of "tough guy" and ends up shooting someone in anger because of something stupid(bar room fights, wife/husband fucking around on you, neighbors kids keep walking on your precious fucking lawn, etc).

I'm a paranoid freak.

I always have I loaded weapon close by.

I carry a Taurus Ultralite Nine .22 caliber revolver every time I leave the house.

I find that having a firearm close at hand has the opposite effect of the one you describe...I am constantly aware that any altercation can easily escalate into a fatal situation.

I feel the same way about my firearm as I do about my spare tire, or my life insurance policy...better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
When my kids were younger I had a sweet gun collection to include revolvers, autoloaders and a pump shotgun with pistol grip and sling. My wife actually picked out the scattergun. While stationed in Florida, stories of kids being shot with their patents' weapons were popping up often. I trusted my two kids not to mess with them but we had the go-to house in base housing and the thought of some kid getting shot with my gun in my house freaked me out, even though I had taken measures to prevent that. I sold them all and had none in the house for a long time.

My kids are grown now. My daughter and her future husband have a gun and go to the range with me. My son is a member of the world's ultimate gun club, the USMC, and my wife shoots as good as I do. I've built my arsenal back up and am in the market for more. 2A all the way.

I too would definitely have a different SOP if I had children.
Ok...I am going to steer away from my fellow liberals here... TAKE NOTE CONSERVATIVES: Just want to mention this for the next time one of you call me some kind of lockstep Democrat.

I don't believe in this aspect of least not entirely. I don't think that we, as a general population need to be running around with fully automatic weapons... But when it comes to sporting arms and handguns, I have no problem with it, and own similar weapons myself. I am a country boy who likes to hunt, target shoot and shoot clays.

On the other hand... I am not some paranoid freak that feels the need to keep a loaded weapon in my home, nor walk around with a handgun strapped to my side or concealed beneath my clothing. However, if you are a paranoid freak, I don't have a problem with you doing long as you realize the potential for disaster and have no problem with being held accountable if you are some kind of "tough guy" and ends up shooting someone in anger because of something stupid(bar room fights, wife/husband fucking around on you, neighbors kids keep walking on your precious fucking lawn, etc).

I'm a paranoid freak.

I always have I loaded weapon close by.

I carry a Taurus Ultralite Nine .22 caliber revolver every time I leave the house.

I find that having a firearm close at hand has the opposite effect of the one you describe...I am constantly aware that any altercation can easily escalate into a fatal situation.

I feel the same way about my firearm as I do about my spare tire, or my life insurance policy...better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

As long as you are aware of it, and accept responsibility if something tragic does happen, I have no issue with you carrying.

I'm not worried about someone killing me, so I keep mine in my gun safe until I have a recreational use for them.
Ok...I am going to steer away from my fellow liberals here... TAKE NOTE CONSERVATIVES: Just want to mention this for the next time one of you call me some kind of lockstep Democrat.

I don't believe in this aspect of least not entirely. I don't think that we, as a general population need to be running around with fully automatic weapons... But when it comes to sporting arms and handguns, I have no problem with it, and own similar weapons myself. I am a country boy who likes to hunt, target shoot and shoot clays.

On the other hand... I am not some paranoid freak that feels the need to keep a loaded weapon in my home, nor walk around with a handgun strapped to my side or concealed beneath my clothing. However, if you are a paranoid freak, I don't have a problem with you doing long as you realize the potential for disaster and have no problem with being held accountable if you are some kind of "tough guy" and ends up shooting someone in anger because of something stupid(bar room fights, wife/husband fucking around on you, neighbors kids keep walking on your precious fucking lawn, etc).

I'm a paranoid freak.

I always have I loaded weapon close by.

I carry a Taurus Ultralite Nine .22 caliber revolver every time I leave the house.

I find that having a firearm close at hand has the opposite effect of the one you describe...I am constantly aware that any altercation can easily escalate into a fatal situation.

I feel the same way about my firearm as I do about my spare tire, or my life insurance policy...better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

As long as you are aware of it, and accept responsibility if something tragic does happen, I have no issue with you carrying.

I'm not worried about someone killing me, so I keep mine in my gun safe until I have a recreational use for them.
Danny Rolling used knives.
I don't know which lib is more out of touch with reality, Truthmatters or LilOlLady:

GUNS DON’T KILLBut people use guns to kill.

Key word PEOPLE

Guns are the enablers of mass killers.

One word: "Bombs"

Never heard of anyone beating more than one person to death.

Never heard of a gun killing someone without a person being involved.

LilOlLady;4269643 Guns allowed in anyone’s hands is gun in the hands of criminals. [/QUOTE said:
Idiotic statement.

bad people use guns to kill as well as good law abiding people.

That doesn't even make sense.

Guns easily turn good people into killers just because the gun is readily available.

Ignorant garbage.

Alright, this is too stupid to continue with.

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