Wall St protesters are racist bigoted pigs


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mkFKOCxeHk&feature=player_embedded]Occupy Chicago Joins Destroy Israel Anti-war Peace March - YouTube[/ame]

see for yourself;
Wall street protesters need to start bringing their own toilets! Like that Potty Training Toilet babies use until they are old enough to use the "Modern Adult Toilet". Hey, they are all bunch or crying complaining babies anyway. WAAAAAAAAH!!! I want my free money !! WAAAAAHHH,,,,Mommy !! Mommy !!! Get me my coke and cheeetos! {Buuuurp}

Gee.....did the distributor look anything like this dude?


What's so "Non-Violent" about destroying Israel??? I really believe these protesters are going to become very violent, and if their listening to terrorists to get their ideas of what to do they need to be stopped NOW! This really worry's me....the liberals are getting away with this crap, our government is doing NOTHING to stop it. God help us...........
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"Who knows just what bank CEOs think of the growing Occupy Wall Street movement? BlackRock CEO Larry Fink says the protests are understandable. Goldman Sachs chief Lloyd Blankfein has cancelled a speech at Barnard College, where students were planning events to coincide with the CEO’s talk (company spokespeople say he had a scheduling conflict). One major bank CEO apparently asked a New York Times reporter if he should be scared. And Citi CEO Vikram Pandit said at a breakfast event Wednesday morning that “trust has been broken between financial institutions and citizens” and he’d be happy to talk to the Occupy Wall Street protestors “anytime they want.”

Do you hear us, NOW??
"'People have been yelled out of the park,' she said. 'Someone had a sign the other day that said "Kill the Jew Bankers." They got screamed out of the park. Someone else had a sign with the N-word on it. That person’s sign was ripped up, but that person is apparently still in the park.

“'We’re trying to make this a space that everyone can join...'"

Why the Elites Are in Trouble | Truthout
shit is starting to get violent in the NYC protests................ Protesters Clash With NYPD Officers After Occupy Wall Street Demonstrators March Toward Wall Street « CBS New York

Let me tell you something as a local. This shit keeps up, the regular people in the city are going to see to it that this phoney protest ends............soon. Trust me..........if business really starts to suffer in Manhattan, its affects the whole city. Mob bosses aint going to like that too much, especially those connected to the restaurant industry........and they can engineer some bad shit with one phone call.:D They dont care who gets capped as long as it breaks up the party permanently. Sucks too because the likely victims are going to be some naive assholes who have lived in a fcukking thatched cottage their whole lives.........have no clue how the world really works.

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