Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech...

Imagine a convention hall full of people and all of a sudden they announce that "Everyone now go to your cars and get your guns and come back inside"

How fucking stupid are these lefties?

Trump said that having more guns in people hands out in public would make everybody, including himself I presume, more safe. Instead of just 20 secret service and another 50 police, Trump would have 1,000 armed NRA members to protect him. Why not?

Trump is correct.

Your presumption is your own and has no basis in reality.

Insulting isn't winning your argument...:biggrin:
Considering the death threats made against Trump by the Antifa Brown Shirts and the astroturf campaign sponsored with Soros cash, it is perfectly reasonable to not enable a Lefty Loon to assassinate the President while hiding among NRA members.
Imagine a convention hall full of people and all of a sudden they announce that "Everyone now go to your cars and get your guns and come back inside"

How fucking stupid are these lefties?

Trump said that having more guns in people hands out in public would make everybody, including himself I presume, more safe. Instead of just 20 secret service and another 50 police, Trump would have 1,000 armed NRA members to protect him. Why not?

Trump is correct.

Your presumption is your own and has no basis in reality.

Insulting isn't winning your argument...:biggrin:

Facts are facts even if they offend.
Trump said that having more guns in people hands out in public would make everybody, including himself I presume, more safe. Instead of just 20 secret service and another 50 police, Trump would have 1,000 armed NRA members to protect him. Why not?

Trump is correct.

Your presumption is your own and has no basis in reality.

NRA members are supposed to be the most reponsible gun owners around. So why doesn't Trump trust them? They're his core supporters.
and , feck the so called mental illness , lefties will cheat and lie as they call everything thing mental illness . Heck , they even call conservatives mentally ill and a few days were taking issue with VP Pence and his ways of dealing with women ,
-------------------------------- be alright with me but it was Secret Service decision . SS has to watch out for lefty liberal infiltrators RRight !!

Can't Trump write an EO to override that decision? So why didn't Trump 'make it so'
your ask foolish questions , same as most dems , libs and lefties RRight !!
Considering the death threats made against Trump by the Antifa Brown Shirts and the astroturf campaign sponsored with Soros cash, it is perfectly reasonable to not enable a Lefty Loon to assassinate the President while hiding among NRA members.

I presuming this is a NRA gathering, meaning they would have to be NRA members
Considering the death threats made against Trump by the Antifa Brown Shirts and the astroturf campaign sponsored with Soros cash, it is perfectly reasonable to not enable a Lefty Loon to assassinate the President while hiding among NRA members.

I presuming this is a NRA gathering, meaning they would have to be NRA members

Anyone can purchase an NRA membership. One year is $40. Given how Leftie protestors are often paid, it's not a leap to presume they would also be sponsored to buy an NRA membership to gain access.
I presuming this is a NRA gathering, meaning they would have to be NRA members

Anyone can purchase an NRA membership. One year is $40. Given how Leftie protestors are often paid, it's not a leap to presume they would also be sponsored to buy an NRA membership to gain access.

I would presume the invite was sent to existing members, and not to people who just joined.
Atlanta (CNN)The US Secret Service said Thursday attendees at President Donald Trump's speech Friday at the National Rifle Association's annual meetings in Atlanta will have to leave their firearms outside.

At the rest of the yearly NRA conference -- held this year at the Georgia World Congress Center, near CNN headquarters -- guns are allowed


Secret Service: Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech -

Is protecting the president supposed to be an example of hypocrisy to the incoherent left? The military doesn't carry weapons in the same room with the president either.

Protecting him from what ? Law abiding gun owners ?

Lol, at the notion that the SS decisions overrule the prez .
So what? This is always the case with the POTUS and the SS.

What's more important is that Trump went there and spoke supporting the NRA and the 2A. Yet another reason he's a great POTUS.

So a man supporting that guns can be anywhere including schools with young children , is afraid of having guns out with his supporters ?

I feel that if you support something, you need to show that you support them 100%

Trump is more important than young school children, at the malls and concerts?

He doesn't have to worry about normal, law abiding is the left wingers who will kill him...they have already tried once....
Is protecting the president supposed to be an example of hypocrisy to the incoherent left? The military doesn't carry weapons in the same room with the president either.

Protecting him from what ? Law abiding gun owners ?

Lol, at the notion that the SS decisions overrule the prez .

No...democrats...the democrats shoot up their own neighborhoods and murder people.......and a left winger already tried to murder him....
Atlanta (CNN)The US Secret Service said Thursday attendees at President Donald Trump's speech Friday at the National Rifle Association's annual meetings in Atlanta will have to leave their firearms outside.

At the rest of the yearly NRA conference -- held this year at the Georgia World Congress Center, near CNN headquarters -- guns are allowed


Secret Service: Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech -
I'd bet they were banned when Presidents Obama and Clinton attended NRA conventions.

Oops, they didn't go to any.

How the NRA hijacked the Republican Party

These changes coincided with the arrival of neo-conservatism, a body of theory that saw America as not just the world’s policeman but the harbinger of democracy everywhere with a particular brief to counter radical Islam. Until then it could be argued, citing two world wars, Korea and Vietnam, that the Democrats were the war party and the Republicans the party that put America first. Since the neo-cons that notion has been turned on its head by the persecution of two wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan, both of which were to be abandoned after an inconclusive outcome.

How the NRA hijacked the Republican Party

The NRA and the 2nd Amendment foundation have saved the Republican party this election cycle, and have protected the 2nd Amendment for decades.....without them, the right to bear arms would already be over.
For ALL you right wing fuck heads.......TWO questions:

1. If the owners of the building where the NRA meets do not allow guns....Shouldn't the NRA CHOOSE a venue where guns are FREELY carried????

2. If you want to "blame" the secret service banning come after the orange stench is gone the NRA STILL bans them from their meeting???

You are ALL full of shit, and the slightly smarter among you know it...LOL

Moron....or should I say...dumb ass....

Open Carry at the NRA Meeting 2017 - The Truth About Guns

For the last three NRA Annual Meetings, open and concealed carry have been legal and practiced on the premises. In 2015 it was in Nashville. 2016 was Louisville, Kentucky. In the press room here in Atlanta, there were a few open carriers. From the printing that I noticed here and there, there were a significantly greater number of concealed carriers.

I was one of those. The press room was rather chilly for a Yuma, Arizona resident so I kept my jacket on. Out on the floor, there were few open carriers. Then it hit me. President Trump was scheduled to speak. The Secret Service frowns on anything they consider a weapon in the same room with the President. I noticed one gentleman with an empty holster, heading toward the venue for the President’s speech.

Open and concealed carry at NRA Meetings is a thing. I doubt the NRA will schedule a meeting in a state that doesn’t respect the Second Amendment enough to have a shall-issue concealed carry laws and reasonable reciprocity.

A national reciprocity law could, of course, change that, opening up the 10 to 13 states that severely infringe on Second Amendment rights.

Anyone remember those rallies that Obama had when people from the NRA showed up with rifles and guns?

Man Carrying Loaded Assault Rifle Attends Obama Protest

Pistol-Packing Protesters Target Obama's Texas Visit For Rally

Roseburg Oregon Protesters Greet Obama With Guns In Hand And Confederate Flags Flying

Obama showed up even though they didn't like him and they had guns. Trump is so scared of everyone that even in places where they support him, they have to make sure nobody is armed. are sure stupid......

Try looking up the truth....
So what? This is always the case with the POTUS and the SS.

What's more important is that Trump went there and spoke supporting the NRA and the 2A. Yet another reason he's a great POTUS.

I have to admit, he's got imagination and a talent for paranoia fiction-writing. That eight-year "assault", whatever it was... great first line of a dime novel right there. Beats the pant off "It was a dark and stormy night" :thup:

Dumb ass....obama packed the federal courts with anti gunners....the 4th Circuit just declared military guns are not protected by the 2nd Amendment, one of the worst attacks on the Right to bear arms we have ever seen....and it is in direct conflict with numerous Supreme Court decisions.....dumb ass.

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