Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech...

Makes no sense
Guns don't kill people, people do
They don't ask people about their politics before the enter so if any libtarded terrorist wanted to come in and shoot the president they could have....Simple common sense.

Trump is a just wimp

Nah, you can always tell who the real Alt Right, Tea Parties are...a Democrat could be spotted a mile away and would not show up

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View attachment 123896
Actually if you google it anti gun nut leftists promised to disrupt the convention so common sense measures were used.

Now you know that I am thinking about getting a small gun, due to all of the break-ins in my neighborhood... Why should I force others to agree that it is ok to carry it around even in areas where kids were murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....
murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....


Trump Repeals Rule Designed To Block Gun Sales To Certain Mentally Ill People

“The Republicans are so hypocritical on this issue,” said Senator Christopher Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut. He has fought for both stronger gun controls and better mental health care in the aftermath of the 2012 school massacre in Newtown, Conn. A mentally troubled individual used a legally purchased assault weapon and shot to death 20 children and six school workers. The disability rule was a response to that tragedy after Congress refused to tighten gun safety laws.


It's easier to get a gun than to get a puppy

It's easier to get a gun than to get a puppy -

Huge list of a diagnosed mentally ill person buying a gun..

Air Force base shooting Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington 6/20/1994 1994 Former airman Dean Allen Mellberg, 20, opened fire inside a hospital at the Fairchild Air Force Base before he was shot dead by a military police officer outside. 5 23 28 Military Yes He was repeatedly diagnosed with emotional problems during his two years of service. Yes Gun dealer in Spokane, Wash

Long Island Rail Road massacre Garden City, New York 12/7/1993 1993 Colin Ferguson, 35, opened fire on an eastbound Long Island Rail Road train as it approached a Garden City station. He was later arrested. 6 19 25 Other Yes Psychiatrists and others said he suffered from racial paranoia and was obsessed with nonexistent conspiracies. His landlord said he had "delusions of grandeur." Yes Turner's Outdoorsman in Signal Hill, Calif. One semiautomatic handgun

Watkins Glen killings Watkins Glen, New York 10/15/1992 1992 John T. Miller, 50, killed four child-support workers in a county office building before turning the gun on himself. Miller was upset about a court order garnishing his paycheck to cover overdue child-support payments. 5 0 5 Other Yes The day before the shooting, he told child-support collection office workers that he was considering suicide. He had been convicted of felonious assault for pointing a revolver at police officers responding to a domestic violence report at this girlfriend's apartment. Yes

Royal Oak postal shootings Royal Oak, Michigan 11/14/1991 1991 Laid-off postal worker Thomas McIlvane, 31, opened fire at his former workplace before committing suicide. 5 5 10 Workplace Yes Police revoked his CCW permit after determining he was mentally unstable. Yes Local gun store One rifle .22-caliber Ruger sawed-off semiautomatic rifle white Male; Monday ceremony marks 20 years since post office shooting in Royal Oak 42.4894801 -83.1446485 Mass

University of Iowa shooting Iowa City, Iowa 11/1/1991 1991 Former graduate student Gang Lu, 28, went on a rampage on campus and then committed suicide at the scene. 6 1 7 School Unclear He was described as darkly disturbed and isolated.

Standard Gravure shooting Louisville, Kentucky 9/14/1989 1989 Joseph T. Wesbecker, 47, gunned down eight people at his former workplace before committing suicide. 9 12 21 Workplace Yes Prior to the shooting, he had voluntarily checked into hospitals for mental problems at least twice and attempted suicide three times. Yes AK-47 purchased from Tilford's Gun Sales in Louisville, Ky.
Mother Jones' Investigation: US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016


. It would have required the Social Security Administration to add about 75,000 people, currently on disability support, to the national background check database and deny them gun purchases

That's why. Its horse shit and discriminatory. I get disability and its not for ANY mental issue its physical,my father has the same issues plus some...can't grasp things in his hands,really bad knee issues and degenerated spine among other issues....we can own guns but this was a HUGE step towards banning MILLIONS of people on disability from owning a gun.

I get disability too.....but the SS people should at least be looked into to make sure that their disability is not mental illness.
It is wrong just to hand out a gun to anyone .
SS DOES look into it...they know exactly why each person gets disability and I wouldn't tell them if I owned a gun or not and sure in the hell wouldn't get one that leaves a evidence trail....very easy to do simple person to person sale and its legal. Guns aren't just handed out there are laws.
So what? This is always the case with the POTUS and the SS.

What's more important is that Trump went there and spoke supporting the NRA and the 2A. Yet another reason he's a great POTUS.

So a man supporting that guns can be anywhere including schools with young children , is afraid of having guns out with his supporters ?

I feel that if you support something, you need to show that you support them 100%

Trump is more important than young school children, at the malls and concerts?

Garbage. There are many reasons that a POTUS is in way more danger than your average person. That's why he has Secret Service and you and I don't.

You have nothing there, give it up and use your brain before you speak next time.
So what? This is always the case with the POTUS and the SS.

What's more important is that Trump went there and spoke supporting the NRA and the 2A. Yet another reason he's a great POTUS.

So a man supporting that guns can be anywhere including schools with young children , is afraid of having guns out with his supporters ?

I feel that if you support something, you need to show that you support them 100%

Trump is more important than young school children, at the malls and concerts?
Predfan stated it was the Secret Service making the call, not President Trump, which is correct. The President is not King and his/her life isn't their own. It's one reason why many don't want to be President.

Michelle Obama did a Carpool Karaoke and President Obama did a "Cars, Comedians and Coffee". Neither of them ever left the White House grounds because of Secret Service requirements.

This is interesting:

The President, because he has authority over not just the CIA and the Secret Service, but also over the military, the State Department, and the NSA. The President also has the power to sign in laws and treaties, issue Executive Orders, and nominate Supreme Court Justices -- all of which can have far-reaching impact.

Jesus, that is ignorant!
about 20 years ago, doctor put me on a drug to help me quit smoking.

It was used under a different name for mental health issues.

Same drug, 2 different names.

So, I've got that on my record, my daughter does my taxes and takes care of my finances.

Should I be prevented from buying a firearm?

According to Obamas EO, the answer is yes.

Another personal story full of bullshit......

Yes, those smoking secession drugs have their adverse reaction.........

The Food and Drug Administration today said smoking cessation drugs varenicline (Chantix) and bupropion (Zyban and generics) must now carry a "black box" warning that they can increase the risk of psychological side effects. These include unusual changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts, and attempted suicide.
Garbage. There are many reasons that a POTUS is in way more danger than your average person. That's why he has Secret Service and you and I don't.

You have nothing there, give it up and use your brain before you speak next time.

I'll ask AGAIN for you morons.......

AFTER Trump left......GONE........did the convention organizers urge everyone in attendance to go back to their rooms to get their trusted guns????

I mean its a fucking GUN-ADVOCACY convention, after all....LOL
There's nothing here people. You lefties can try to spin a meaning out of it but you are as usual, wrong.

There aren't any guns allowed anywhere the president goes. That's especially important today with the totally unhinged and violent democrat party.

There is no hypocrisy, no contradiction, and no logical or rational argument for any. You moron are just so butthurt and filled with hate that you will lie to yourselves and everyone else.

Grow the fuck up already.
point is that we still have our guns and part of the reason is the good old NRA Nat !!
Actually if you google it anti gun nut leftists promised to disrupt the convention so common sense measures were used., anti-gun leftists scare the shit out of right wing gun advocates???

Garbage. There are many reasons that a POTUS is in way more danger than your average person. That's why he has Secret Service and you and I don't.

You have nothing there, give it up and use your brain before you speak next time.

I'll ask AGAIN for you morons.......

AFTER Trump left......GONE........did the convention organizers urge everyone in attendance to go back to their rooms to get their trusted guns????

I mean its a fucking GUN-ADVOCACY convention, after all....LOL

Absolutely irrelevant dumbass.
Garbage. There are many reasons that a POTUS is in way more danger than your average person. That's why he has Secret Service and you and I don't.

You have nothing there, give it up and use your brain before you speak next time.

I'll ask AGAIN for you morons.......

AFTER Trump left......GONE........did the convention organizers urge everyone in attendance to go back to their rooms to get their trusted guns????

I mean its a fucking GUN-ADVOCACY convention, after all....LOL
--------------------------------------------------------------- i already explained to you plus its not the Convention Organizers place to tell anyone what to do Nat !!
Actually if you google it anti gun nut leftists promised to disrupt the convention so common sense measures were used., anti-gun leftists scare the shit out of right wing gun advocates???

---------------------------------- sure , no telling what lefty halfwits will try to do to President Trump Nat !!
about 20 years ago, doctor put me on a drug to help me quit smoking.

It was used under a different name for mental health issues.

Same drug, 2 different names.

So, I've got that on my record, my daughter does my taxes and takes care of my finances.

Should I be prevented from buying a firearm?

According to Obamas EO, the answer is yes.

Another personal story full of bullshit......

Yes, those smoking secession drugs have their adverse reaction.........

The Food and Drug Administration today said smoking cessation drugs varenicline (Chantix) and bupropion (Zyban and generics) must now carry a "black box" warning that they can increase the risk of psychological side effects. These include unusual changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts, and attempted suicide.

Somehow, I just knew you would miss the point
Garbage. There are many reasons that a POTUS is in way more danger than your average person. That's why he has Secret Service and you and I don't.

You have nothing there, give it up and use your brain before you speak next time.

I'll ask AGAIN for you morons.......

AFTER Trump left......GONE........did the convention organizers urge everyone in attendance to go back to their rooms to get their trusted guns????

I mean its a fucking GUN-ADVOCACY convention, after all....LOL
--------------------------------------------------------------- i already explained to you plus its not the Convention Organizers place to tell anyone what to do Nat !!

Imagine a convention hall full of people and all of a sudden they announce that "Everyone now go to your cars and get your guns and come back inside"

How fucking stupid are these lefties?
---------------------------------- sure , no telling what lefty halfwits will try to do to President Trump Nat !!

If those "lefty halfwits" want to meet up with Trump.......They stand a better chance if they take up golfing at Mar-A-Largo....LOL
Imagine a convention hall full of people and all of a sudden they announce that "Everyone now go to your cars and get your guns and come back inside"

How fucking stupid are these lefties?

Trump said that having more guns in people hands out in public would make everybody, including himself I presume, more safe. Instead of just 20 secret service and another 50 police, Trump would have 1,000 armed NRA members to protect him. Why not?
boy o boy , you are fulla hate and thats good to see , have another drink Nat !!
Imagine a convention hall full of people and all of a sudden they announce that "Everyone now go to your cars and get your guns and come back inside"

How fucking stupid are these lefties?

Trump said that having more guns in people hands out in public would make everybody, including himself I presume, more safe. Instead of just 20 secret service and another 50 police, Trump would have 1,000 armed NRA members to protect him. Why not?

Trump is correct.

Your presumption is your own and has no basis in reality.
Imagine a convention hall full of people and all of a sudden they announce that "Everyone now go to your cars and get your guns and come back inside"

How fucking stupid are these lefties?

Trump said that having more guns in people hands out in public would make everybody, including himself I presume, more safe. Instead of just 20 secret service and another 50 police, Trump would have 1,000 armed NRA members to protect him. Why not?
-------------------------------- be alright with me but it was Secret Service decision . SS has to watch out for lefty liberal infiltrators RRight !!
Makes no sense
Guns don't kill people, people do
They don't ask people about their politics before the enter so if any libtarded terrorist wanted to come in and shoot the president they could have....Simple common sense.

Trump is a just wimp

Nah, you can always tell who the real Alt Right, Tea Parties are...a Democrat could be spotted a mile away and would not show up

View attachment 123895


View attachment 123896
Actually if you google it anti gun nut leftists promised to disrupt the convention so common sense measures were used.
Now you know that I am thinking about getting a small gun, due to all of the break-ins in my neighborhood... Why should I force others to agree that it is ok to carry it around even in areas where kids were murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....
murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....


Trump Repeals Rule Designed To Block Gun Sales To Certain Mentally Ill People

“The Republicans are so hypocritical on this issue,” said Senator Christopher Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut. He has fought for both stronger gun controls and better mental health care in the aftermath of the 2012 school massacre in Newtown, Conn. A mentally troubled individual used a legally purchased assault weapon and shot to death 20 children and six school workers. The disability rule was a response to that tragedy after Congress refused to tighten gun safety laws.


It's easier to get a gun than to get a puppy

It's easier to get a gun than to get a puppy -

Huge list of a diagnosed mentally ill person buying a gun..

Air Force base shooting Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington 6/20/1994 1994 Former airman Dean Allen Mellberg, 20, opened fire inside a hospital at the Fairchild Air Force Base before he was shot dead by a military police officer outside. 5 23 28 Military Yes He was repeatedly diagnosed with emotional problems during his two years of service. Yes Gun dealer in Spokane, Wash

Long Island Rail Road massacre Garden City, New York 12/7/1993 1993 Colin Ferguson, 35, opened fire on an eastbound Long Island Rail Road train as it approached a Garden City station. He was later arrested. 6 19 25 Other Yes Psychiatrists and others said he suffered from racial paranoia and was obsessed with nonexistent conspiracies. His landlord said he had "delusions of grandeur." Yes Turner's Outdoorsman in Signal Hill, Calif. One semiautomatic handgun

Watkins Glen killings Watkins Glen, New York 10/15/1992 1992 John T. Miller, 50, killed four child-support workers in a county office building before turning the gun on himself. Miller was upset about a court order garnishing his paycheck to cover overdue child-support payments. 5 0 5 Other Yes The day before the shooting, he told child-support collection office workers that he was considering suicide. He had been convicted of felonious assault for pointing a revolver at police officers responding to a domestic violence report at this girlfriend's apartment. Yes

Royal Oak postal shootings Royal Oak, Michigan 11/14/1991 1991 Laid-off postal worker Thomas McIlvane, 31, opened fire at his former workplace before committing suicide. 5 5 10 Workplace Yes Police revoked his CCW permit after determining he was mentally unstable. Yes Local gun store One rifle .22-caliber Ruger sawed-off semiautomatic rifle white Male; Monday ceremony marks 20 years since post office shooting in Royal Oak 42.4894801 -83.1446485 Mass

University of Iowa shooting Iowa City, Iowa 11/1/1991 1991 Former graduate student Gang Lu, 28, went on a rampage on campus and then committed suicide at the scene. 6 1 7 School Unclear He was described as darkly disturbed and isolated.

Standard Gravure shooting Louisville, Kentucky 9/14/1989 1989 Joseph T. Wesbecker, 47, gunned down eight people at his former workplace before committing suicide. 9 12 21 Workplace Yes Prior to the shooting, he had voluntarily checked into hospitals for mental problems at least twice and attempted suicide three times. Yes AK-47 purchased from Tilford's Gun Sales in Louisville, Ky.
Mother Jones' Investigation: US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016


. It would have required the Social Security Administration to add about 75,000 people, currently on disability support, to the national background check database and deny them gun purchases

That's why. Its horse shit and discriminatory. I get disability and its not for ANY mental issue its physical,my father has the same issues plus some...can't grasp things in his hands,really bad knee issues and degenerated spine among other issues....we can own guns but this was a HUGE step towards banning MILLIONS of people on disability from owning a gun.

I get disability too.....but the SS people should at least be looked into to make sure that their disability is not mental illness.
It is wrong just to hand out a gun to anyone .
SS DOES look into it...they know exactly why each person gets disability and I wouldn't tell them if I owned a gun or not and sure in the hell wouldn't get one that leaves a evidence trail....very easy to do simple person to person sale and its legal. Guns aren't just handed out there are laws.

Then the mental illness condition should come up if it has ever been on their record when buying a weapon....

Just how stupid is it to hand out a gun to a schizophrenic manic...

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