Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech...

/---- I'm not disagreeing with you. Many in the GOP leadership are establishment career politicians and just as bad, just as evil as the DemocRATS. Trump wants to drain the swamp and the sludge is fighting back.

People voted for Trump because he was a sucessful billionaire, who knew the "art of the deal" and who was the great "negotiator" His claim to fame was that he could "get 'er done" We warned you that running a country wasn't like running a company where what you say is law, and if you don't like it, "you're fired"

And now Trump is nothing but excuses about how being president is harder than running a business where you're the boss.
Atlanta (CNN)The US Secret Service said Thursday attendees at President Donald Trump's speech Friday at the National Rifle Association's annual meetings in Atlanta will have to leave their firearms outside.

At the rest of the yearly NRA conference -- held this year at the Georgia World Congress Center, near CNN headquarters -- guns are allowed


Secret Service: Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech -

It's not NRA members they are concerned about. SS would never allow guns near a president. I remember when Obama wouldn't allow an audience at a dinner speech to have any metal eating utensils.
You do realize that he has kept the promises he could do on his own...

That's like a guy bragging he's having all the sex he could on his own. Trump has the house, the senate, and the executive branch, and still can't do shit.

Oh, so it's Trump's fault that Obamacare was not defeated, alright then.

What Trump actually can do gets done very efficiently, just how many regulations has he removed already?

If Trump was smart he would just leave the Obamacare thing alone and try to fix it...every time they try to pull the roots on the whole thing they look hysterically stupid when they fail.

They should just stick with the NRA and look manly :alcoholic:
Atlanta (CNN)The US Secret Service said Thursday attendees at President Donald Trump's speech Friday at the National Rifle Association's annual meetings in Atlanta will have to leave their firearms outside.

At the rest of the yearly NRA conference -- held this year at the Georgia World Congress Center, near CNN headquarters -- guns are allowed


Secret Service: Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech -

It's not NRA members they are concerned about. SS would never allow guns near a president. I remember when Obama wouldn't allow an audience at a dinner speech to have any metal eating utensils.

Now that would be a link to see, have you got one?
/---- I'm not disagreeing with you. Many in the GOP leadership are establishment career politicians and just as bad, just as evil as the DemocRATS. Trump wants to drain the swamp and the sludge is fighting back.

People voted for Trump because he was a sucessful billionaire, who knew the "art of the deal" and who was the great "negotiator" His claim to fame was that he could "get 'er done" We warned you that running a country wasn't like running a company where what you say is law, and if you don't like it, "you're fired"

And now Trump is nothing but excuses about how being president is harder than running a business where you're the boss.

Don't tell us why we voted for Trump. You always get it wrong because your mindlessly partisan dumbass.
Why would a person need to bring a gun to a presidential speech?

An NRA convention
Do you support open carry, EW? Do you support stronger gun rights or stronger anti-gun laws?

I support private personal protection by having a gun, but I don't support people cramming down their views on everyone else( Really it is the NRA cramming it down the throats of those who just had a family member murdered }

The laws to get a gun should be stricter especially for those with mental illness pre-excisting conditions on their records.
The Alt Right want it back to the days where a person with a pre-excisting conditions = no medical insurance...

It is all about money and nothing else Divine Wind.. Money for the NRA
Thanks for the input. I don't see it in such black & white terms, but do agree those who are criminals or mentally ill shouldn't have access to dangerous items, which can include knives, cars, etc.

The NRA can be annoying with their money drives and, IMO, theatrical politics. Still, they're the only group really supporting our Constitutional Second Amendment rights. I also blame the Democrats, specifically the anti-gun mob, for driving the NRA to an extreme. As most of us have seen over the past 35ish years, American politics has grown more partisan and more extreme. The NRA political extremism, IMO, is a direct consequence of Democrat anti-gun extremism. The NRA is simply pushing back. Bill Clinton bans "assault weapons", a fabricated legal term since there is no such thing, "high capacity magazines", etc. The NRA was crucial in fighting against that legislation and keeping it a "temporary ban". When the ban ran out, the NRA, again, was crucial to preventing President Obama from re-enacting it.

I've been a on and off again member of the NRA (mostly off) for all of my adult life. It was only when President Obama and the anti-gun mob in the Democratic Party sought to put such huge restrictions on gun-owners in 2013 that I not only signed up for the NRA again, but did so until 2021.

Most Americans polled seek "common sense" gun regulations, but what is "common sense" to most Americans and what is "common sense" to the anti-gun mob are as different as night and day.

IMO, the Democrats cannot be trusted when it comes to "common sense" gun regulations since, when they've been given an inch, will always try to take a mile.
/---- I'm not disagreeing with you. Many in the GOP leadership are establishment career politicians and just as bad, just as evil as the DemocRATS. Trump wants to drain the swamp and the sludge is fighting back.

People voted for Trump because he was a sucessful billionaire, who knew the "art of the deal" and who was the great "negotiator" His claim to fame was that he could "get 'er done" We warned you that running a country wasn't like running a company where what you say is law, and if you don't like it, "you're fired"

And now Trump is nothing but excuses about how being president is harder than running a business where you're the boss.
As a head of a company he could just walk away not giving a f for those left behind Can't do that as President
Atlanta (CNN)The US Secret Service said Thursday attendees at President Donald Trump's speech Friday at the National Rifle Association's annual meetings in Atlanta will have to leave their firearms outside.

At the rest of the yearly NRA conference -- held this year at the Georgia World Congress Center, near CNN headquarters -- guns are allowed


Secret Service: Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech -

It's not NRA members they are concerned about. SS would never allow guns near a president. I remember when Obama wouldn't allow an audience at a dinner speech to have any metal eating utensils.
----------------------------------------------- thanks for the incident report Clementine , I have a link for EWings proving the incident that you describe .
Makes no sense
Guns don't kill people, people do
They don't ask people about their politics before the enter so if any libtarded terrorist wanted to come in and shoot the president they could have....Simple common sense.

Trump is a just wimp

Nah, you can always tell who the real Alt Right, Tea Parties are...a Democrat could be spotted a mile away and would not show up

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Funny, but another reason why the anti-gun Left is often rightfully tagged as propagating "fake news" AKA lying.
Then the mental illness condition should come up if it has ever been on their record when buying a weapon....

Just how stupid is it to hand out a gun to a schizophrenic manic...
How many people do you think want to "hand out a gun to a schizophrenic manic"?

That's not the problem. The problem is taking away the rights of someone forever due to a singular incident.

Example 1: A 19 year old college student's mother dies and becomes depressed. The student goes to a doctor, receives a prescription for antidepressants and some therapy. Six months later, the student is fine, off depressants, eventually graduates and has a very successful career. 25 years later, the student wants to join some friends rabbit hunting and tries to buy a shotgun only to find they are "on the list" and denied their Constitutional rights.

Example 2: Young soldier loses friends in combat and, after completing a year in a combat zone comes home but is diagnosed with PTSD. The soldier is treated and, after 18 months stateside, is due to be rotated by into combat. For fun, the soldier wants to go rabbit hunting with high school friends and goes to buy a shotgun only to find they are "on the list" and denied their Constitutional rights.

Like President Obama's plan to deny Constitutional rights to those on the "No Fly List", the anti-gun Left is quick to put people on lists but never provides a means to get them off the list. Why? Best guess is because the anti-gun Left wants everyone on "the list" and never, ever able to get off of it.
and blanket prohibitions , dems and liberals like them . Started with 'Lautenberg act' back in the late 90s I think . Get in a fight with your brother and some dummy family member calls the cops and poof , there go your gun RIGHTS . Same with non violent felonies which leads me to say that there are too many rules and laws DWind
and blanket prohibitions , dems and liberals like them . Started with 'Lautenberg act' back in the late 90s I think . Get in a fight with your brother and some dummy family member calls the cops and poof , there go your gun RIGHTS . Same with non violent felonies which leads me to say that there are too many rules and laws DWind
Nanny Staters believe the best way to solve all of society's problems is to pass more laws banning shit.

So what? This is always the case with the POTUS and the SS.

What's more important is that Trump went there and spoke supporting the NRA and the 2A. Yet another reason he's a great POTUS.

Sure. People are suckered in by the NRA which is a marketing concern to gun manufacturers. Why wouldn't a capitalist racketeer President attend?
lots of gun rights groups , NRA is the biggest and may it grow larger and more assertive and hardcore 1percenter !!
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Notorious anti-2nd Amendment senator Teddy Kennedy's privately employed bodyguard was arrested trying to enter the Senate Office Building while carrying unregistered fully automatic weapons. How could this happen without the senator's full authorization? We can only presume that the left wing political elite and the very rich assume to be exempt from the laws and agenda that they promote. The charges were later dismissed by a friendly judge who might have been invited to the next lavish Kennedy outing.
Also from the article.
Federal law provides the Secret Service the authority to prevent guns from entering sites visited by protectees, even in states that allow open carry of firearms. Law enforcement officials are allowed to bring guns into the secure areas. Such restrictions are commonplace for any event where the US President is speaking, even an event devoted to gun ownership and rights.
Is protecting the president supposed to be an example of hypocrisy to the incoherent left? The military doesn't carry weapons in the same room with the president either.

Protecting him from what ? Law abiding gun owners ?

Lol, at the notion that the SS decisions overrule the prez .

No...democrats...the democrats shoot up their own neighborhoods and murder people.......and a left winger already tried to murder him....

Dude . It's the NRA convention ! Literally THE lobby group of "law abiding gun owners!" .

Lol. You can't spin out of this one . Trump is against gun free zones , unless he is there, then gun free zone is ok!
But it would let one of your lefty loonies in, no matter how many would die.
Is protecting the president supposed to be an example of hypocrisy to the incoherent left? The military doesn't carry weapons in the same room with the president either.

Protecting him from what ? Law abiding gun owners ?

Lol, at the notion that the SS decisions overrule the prez .

No...democrats...the democrats shoot up their own neighborhoods and murder people.......and a left winger already tried to murder him....

Dude . It's the NRA convention ! Literally THE lobby group of "law abiding gun owners!" .

Lol. You can't spin out of this one . Trump is against gun free zones , unless he is there, then gun free zone is ok!

Moron....they have to let anyone in who has a membership...any left wing antifa nut job can get one, get a gun and try to kill assholes already tried it once.....

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