Guns are not the answer...and other stupid things people say....

please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeah…if we get rid of welfare…you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing you’ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit “defensive use” stat.
If we get rid of guns, do you think people will stop committing suicide?

Statistics report there will be fewer successful attempts.
But not less suicides

Unless you assume that people will only attempt suicide once

Anyone who really wants to kill himself will and there is nothing you can do to stop them

Just reporting the stats. 80% who try with a gun are successful.

In japan, jumping off of buildings and in front of trains is more successful, that is why their suicide rate is higher than ours....

No guns needed, you moron...
Guns are not the problem.....

Don’t Take the Wrong Lessons from NYC’s Murder Drop

New York City’s formerly high-crime neighborhoods have experienced a stunning degree of gentrification over the last 15 years, thanks to the proactive-policing-induced conquest of crime. It is that gentrification which is now helping fuel the ongoing crime drop. Urban hipsters are flocking to areas that once were the purview of drug dealers and pimps, trailing in their wake legitimate commerce and street life, which further attracts law-abiding activity and residents in a virtuous cycle of increasing public safety.

The degree of demographic change is startling.

In Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, for example, the number of white residents rose 1,235 percent from 2000 to 2015, while the black population decreased by 17 percent, reports City Lab.

In Bushwick, Brooklyn, the number of whites rose 610 percent over that same decade and a half; the black population was down 22 percent. Central Harlem’s white population rose 846 percent; the black share dropped 10 percent. In 2000, whites were about three-quarters of the black population in Brownsville-Ocean Hill; by 2015, there were twice as many whites as blacks.

In 2000, whites were one-third of the black population in Crown Heights North and Prospect Heights; now they exceed the black population by 20,000. The Brooklyn Navy Yards has now been declared the next cool place to be by the tech industry. Business owners are moving their residences as well as their enterprises to the area.

This demographic transformation has enormous implications for crime.

A black New Yorker is 50 times more likely to commit a shooting than a white New Yorker, according to perpetrator identifications provided to the police by witnesses to, and victims of, those shootings.

Those victims are overwhelmingly minority themselves.

When the racial balance of a neighborhood changes radically, given those crime disparities, its violent-crime rate will as well. (This racial crime disparity reflects the breakdown of the black family and the high percentage of black males — upwards of 80 percent in some neighborhoods — being raised by single mothers.)


The high-crime areas of Baltimore and Chicago have not been gentrified. Baltimore is experiencing its highest per capita murder rate for the third year in a row. While Chicago’s homicide numbers are down somewhat this year, thanks to the aggressive use of shot-spotter technology, they remain at a level far higher than in the past decade.
They are the answer if you crave violence.
Trump supporters crave violence.

Coincidence? No.

Coming from a moron liberal. Guns save more lives then they take. Get your facts straight dickhead. Don’t comeback with some liberal media report. I have seen them all.

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We have more gun deaths than any other advanced nation.....
We also have the most guns.

If what you're saying was true...shouldn't we have the least amount of violence....

Our gun violence has gone down every year. More guns less violence. Do you think Venezuela is rethinking there no gun policy as the crime rate has tripled since they did Look at England and there stabbing incidents over the past 6 months. It’s off the charts. Do you think it would be like that if there wasn’t a gun ban. I can go on with Australia as well. All countries with gun bans aren’t doing to well. So to answer your question, any gun ban will raise violence through the roof.

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England's murder rate is 4 times LOWER

Homicide in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics
again, you mix suicide with gun you are lying.

And no, Europe was set back by the destruction caused by the 2nd World War.....they are now at a point where their social welfare states are creating fatherless boys, whose teen mothers can't turn them into adult men.....their violence rates are going through the roof.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since we’re on the topic…lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okay…lets pretend you’re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants them…guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal is…isn’t it?

If it isn’t…please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeah…if we get rid of welfare…you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing you’ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit “defensive use” stat.

We need to find a way to get men to be fathers and husbands, and to get teenage girls to stop having children without them.....our crime, the crime in Britain, is driven by fatherless boys....

Except over here, the “fatherless boys” can buy as many guns as they can afford.
Over there? Not so much.

So what is better, “fatherless boys” who can purchase tons of guns, ammunition, etc… or “fatherless boys” who can’t purchase those implements of death?

Oh…you sound like you’d be against the cuts your blob has made to low-cost contraception. You’re against that right?

The fatherless boys he can’t buy gun because 90% of them have a record. If you morons paid attention you would see that the ATF just had a stockpile of guns stolen from there destruction facility. Obviously an inside job but now all those guns are back on the street. That’s thousands of guns and you wonder where they get them from. Fed Ex got hit and thousands of guns were stolen from there wear house.

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again, you mix suicide with gun you are lying.

And no, Europe was set back by the destruction caused by the 2nd World War.....they are now at a point where their social welfare states are creating fatherless boys, whose teen mothers can't turn them into adult men.....their violence rates are going through the roof.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since we’re on the topic…lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okay…lets pretend you’re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants them…guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal is…isn’t it?

If it isn’t…please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeah…if we get rid of welfare…you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing you’ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit “defensive use” stat.

We need to find a way to get men to be fathers and husbands, and to get teenage girls to stop having children without them.....our crime, the crime in Britain, is driven by fatherless boys....

Except over here, the “fatherless boys” can buy as many guns as they can afford.
Over there? Not so much.

So what is better, “fatherless boys” who can purchase tons of guns, ammunition, etc… or “fatherless boys” who can’t purchase those implements of death?

Oh…you sound like you’d be against the cuts your blob has made to low-cost contraception. You’re against that right?

None of this matters because there not going to ban guns. If they try they will have a revolt on there hands. You think people are just going to turn over there guns. Not happening.

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No shit. All the states with strict gun laws have higher crime rates because you can’t carry a gun but can have one at home. Most conservatives have guns at home but the tough gun control states are all Democrats who mostly don’t own guns while some do and lie about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ALASKA--very pro-gun = higher murder rate than NY, IL and CA

NH very pro gun has the lowest murder rate in the country

There is more to the causes of murder than simply guns
....NH has been mentioned many times--this is ridiculous because it's population is HALF of the CITY of Chicago--density -11,000 psm
NH density --147---monumental difference there
11,000 to 147 ..!!!!!
....the gun controlled states of NY and CA---huge populations/densities--have a lower murder rate than very pro-gun Mo and Alaska
..people always bring up Chicago--Chi's murder rate is about 50% LOWER than very pro-gun STL---funny how no brings up St Louis referring to murder--since it's the murder capital of the US and most dangerous city

Yes....cherry picking...then explain Baltimore, you doofus......the most extreme gun control laws, just like New York and Chicago.......and higher gun murder...

And Baltimore, extreme gun control....vs. Houston..... it borders the Narco state of Mexico, gun stores on every doofus....and baltimore has a smaller population.......and more gun murders.....

Dittos chicago, you moron......more than twice the gun murders than Houston.....again, extreme gun control, no gun stores or ranges in the city......and more gun murder than Houston...

You have no point.....j

As more Americans own and carry guns, the gun murder rate went down 49%, that is a fact.....

Population of cities 2016:

Chicago........2.7 million

N.Y................8.5 million
Houston........2.3 million

Murder rate 2016:

L.A.......... .....293
Houston .......301
......I'm pointing out the clear, obvious bullshit you people put out--plain and simple
elong said the gun free states/cities are less violent/less murders/etc = bullshit

Not gun free moron Gun friendly states. The only bullshit being spit out is from you and your moron friends.

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please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeah…if we get rid of welfare…you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing you’ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit “defensive use” stat.

We need to find a way to get men to be fathers and husbands, and to get teenage girls to stop having children without them.....our crime, the crime in Britain, is driven by fatherless boys....

Except over here, the “fatherless boys” can buy as many guns as they can afford.
Over there? Not so much.

So what is better, “fatherless boys” who can purchase tons of guns, ammunition, etc… or “fatherless boys” who can’t purchase those implements of death?

Oh…you sound like you’d be against the cuts your blob has made to low-cost contraception. You’re against that right?

You don't want to acknowledge what the British police have stated to the press....they can't control the increasing flow of illegal guns into, with more fatherless boys committing murder, those boys are going to start using those illegal guns....

Britain is at the same point the United States was at going into the 1960s, with violence on the rise.....

Contraception isn't the answer moron, values are the answer....

What values does your blob have?

Liberal imbeciles like you spit out bullshit information all the time. Same crap copied from other liberal assholes. You guys site the same false source all the time. Why don’t you ask cops what they prefer.

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....if guns stopped/lowers crime, then the US should have one of the lowest crime rates in the world--but it doesn't

No shit. All the states with strict gun laws have higher crime rates because you can’t carry a gun but can have one at home. Most conservatives have guns at home but the tough gun control states are all Democrats who mostly don’t own guns while some do and lie about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ALASKA--very pro-gun = higher murder rate than NY, IL and CA

NH very pro gun has the lowest murder rate in the country

There is more to the causes of murder than simply guns
....NH has been mentioned many times--this is ridiculous because it's population is HALF of the CITY of Chicago--density -11,000 psm
NH density --147---monumental difference there
11,000 to 147 ..!!!!!
....the gun controlled states of NY and CA---huge populations/densities--have a lower murder rate than very pro-gun Mo and Alaska
..people always bring up Chicago--Chi's murder rate is about 50% LOWER than very pro-gun STL---funny how no brings up St Louis referring to murder--since it's the murder capital of the US and most dangerous city

Then why are you whining about AK there isn't a huge population there.

And if you state murders per 1000 it doesn't matter what the population is
again, you mix suicide with gun you are lying.

And no, Europe was set back by the destruction caused by the 2nd World War.....they are now at a point where their social welfare states are creating fatherless boys, whose teen mothers can't turn them into adult men.....their violence rates are going through the roof.

Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since we’re on the topic…lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okay…lets pretend you’re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants them…guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal is…isn’t it?

If it isn’t…please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeah…if we get rid of welfare…you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing you’ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit “defensive use” stat.

We need to find a way to get men to be fathers and husbands, and to get teenage girls to stop having children without them.....our crime, the crime in Britain, is driven by fatherless boys....

Except over here, the “fatherless boys” can buy as many guns as they can afford.
Over there? Not so much.

So what is better, “fatherless boys” who can purchase tons of guns, ammunition, etc… or “fatherless boys” who can’t purchase those implements of death?

Oh…you sound like you’d be against the cuts your blob has made to low-cost contraception. You’re against that right?
You can't buy a gun until you are 18 therefore no "boys" can buy guns
Whatever cultural influences we have in the US, they have in W Europe.

We have 30,000 gun deaths a year, they have maybe one a week

Plus not having an armory on every street corner where you can buy as many guns as you or your Al Queda sponsor can afford is a big help to curbing the death that guns bring.

But since we’re on the topic…lets take a cartoonish plunge into the make believe world where more guns means more safety...

Okay…lets pretend you’re right for a second even though you clearly are not. Everyone in Europe buys a gun much like we have here, millions and millions of guns. Every Wal*Mart, Aldi, and other store sells guns to whomever wants them…guns out of gum ball machines. Just like we have here. Mass shootings every week. Schools with metal detectors to keep guns out; kids who kill their moms then shoot up an elementary school Yay us!!!

Soon they will have what we have, a dangerous society where you have to lock your doors, sleep with a gun under your pillow and have idiots who proudly state that they carry revolvers to church.

Right? That is what your goal is…isn’t it?

If it isn’t…please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeah…if we get rid of welfare…you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing you’ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit “defensive use” stat.

We need to find a way to get men to be fathers and husbands, and to get teenage girls to stop having children without them.....our crime, the crime in Britain, is driven by fatherless boys....

Except over here, the “fatherless boys” can buy as many guns as they can afford.
Over there? Not so much.

So what is better, “fatherless boys” who can purchase tons of guns, ammunition, etc… or “fatherless boys” who can’t purchase those implements of death?

Oh…you sound like you’d be against the cuts your blob has made to low-cost contraception. You’re against that right?
You can't buy a gun until you are 18 therefore no "boys" can buy guns

Sure…you also can’t buy a gun without an ID or background check right?
please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeah…if we get rid of welfare…you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing you’ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit “defensive use” stat.

We need to find a way to get men to be fathers and husbands, and to get teenage girls to stop having children without them.....our crime, the crime in Britain, is driven by fatherless boys....

Except over here, the “fatherless boys” can buy as many guns as they can afford.
Over there? Not so much.

So what is better, “fatherless boys” who can purchase tons of guns, ammunition, etc… or “fatherless boys” who can’t purchase those implements of death?

Oh…you sound like you’d be against the cuts your blob has made to low-cost contraception. You’re against that right?
You can't buy a gun until you are 18 therefore no "boys" can buy guns

Sure…you also can’t buy a gun without an ID or background check right?

So tell me how many 12 year olds do you know who bought gun ?

What gun ever used in a mass shooting was actually purchased by a minor?
Last edited:
Legally owned guns used by the law abiding are the great equalizer. It gives older people, women, and the average citizen a chance to defend themselves against ruthless criminals who prey upon them. Why take away that right, and ability of self defense, often against younger, stronger, male attackers that are sometimes in groups or gangs?
....if guns stopped/lowers crime, then the US should have one of the lowest crime rates in the world--but it doesn't

No shit. All the states with strict gun laws have higher crime rates because you can’t carry a gun but can have one at home. Most conservatives have guns at home but the tough gun control states are all Democrats who mostly don’t own guns while some do and lie about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ALASKA--very pro-gun = higher murder rate than NY, IL and CA

NH very pro gun has the lowest murder rate in the country

There is more to the causes of murder than simply guns
....NH has been mentioned many times--this is ridiculous because it's population is HALF of the CITY of Chicago--density -11,000 psm
NH density --147---monumental difference there
11,000 to 147 ..!!!!!
....the gun controlled states of NY and CA---huge populations/densities--have a lower murder rate than very pro-gun Mo and Alaska
..people always bring up Chicago--Chi's murder rate is about 50% LOWER than very pro-gun STL---funny how no brings up St Louis referring to murder--since it's the murder capital of the US and most dangerous city

Then why are you whining about AK there isn't a huge population there.

And if you state murders per 1000 it doesn't matter what the population is
DIFFERENCE--NH is a dumbass stat because of the population difference
--with a more dense population/bigger population, you would expect a higher murder rate--but NY, Cali, and Chi,NYC, LA have a LOWER rate than Missouri/StL and AK
please let us know what you want to be done so they can avoid the calamity that we have here.

Get rid of the social welfare state that allows teenage girls to raise young males without husbands and fathers...that is what drives violent crime..not law abiding people owning and carrying guns.

Oh yeah…if we get rid of welfare…you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing you’ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit “defensive use” stat.

We need to find a way to get men to be fathers and husbands, and to get teenage girls to stop having children without them.....our crime, the crime in Britain, is driven by fatherless boys....

Except over here, the “fatherless boys” can buy as many guns as they can afford.
Over there? Not so much.

So what is better, “fatherless boys” who can purchase tons of guns, ammunition, etc… or “fatherless boys” who can’t purchase those implements of death?

Oh…you sound like you’d be against the cuts your blob has made to low-cost contraception. You’re against that right?
You can't buy a gun until you are 18 therefore no "boys" can buy guns

Sure…you also can’t buy a gun without an ID or background check right?

Only in a private sale.....and it is still illegal to sell a gun to a felon, and the felon already knows it is against the law for a felon to buy, own or carry a gun...see, we already have all the laws you want to stop criminals from buying and using a gun...

Our problem? The democrat party keeps letting known, repeat gun offenders out of jail, they are the ones doing the shootings, and yet the democrats want them out of jail...why is that?
Oh yeah…if we get rid of welfare…you think people will stop having sex?

This is the dumbest thing you’ve put out since you last trotted out that bull shit “defensive use” stat.

We need to find a way to get men to be fathers and husbands, and to get teenage girls to stop having children without them.....our crime, the crime in Britain, is driven by fatherless boys....

Except over here, the “fatherless boys” can buy as many guns as they can afford.
Over there? Not so much.

So what is better, “fatherless boys” who can purchase tons of guns, ammunition, etc… or “fatherless boys” who can’t purchase those implements of death?

Oh…you sound like you’d be against the cuts your blob has made to low-cost contraception. You’re against that right?
You can't buy a gun until you are 18 therefore no "boys" can buy guns

Sure…you also can’t buy a gun without an ID or background check right?

Only in a private sale.....and it is still illegal to sell a gun to a felon, and the felon already knows it is against the law for a felon to buy, own or carry a gun...see, we already have all the laws you want to stop criminals from buying and using a gun...
Sure we do. Gun owners/sellers go right through the gun show loopholes like fish through a hole in the net.

The holes built by the NRA.

Our problem? The democrat party keeps letting known, repeat gun offenders out of jail, they are the ones doing the shootings, and yet the democrats want them out of jail...why is that?

Yet another lie. Don’t you ever get tired of the lies?

Up until November, 30+ states were run by the GOP. They made the laws—the state laws—that govern gun purchases in their states. Most had a GOP run judiciary.

Don’t Republican governors take responsibility for anything? Or are you just a political hack?
No shit. All the states with strict gun laws have higher crime rates because you can’t carry a gun but can have one at home. Most conservatives have guns at home but the tough gun control states are all Democrats who mostly don’t own guns while some do and lie about it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ALASKA--very pro-gun = higher murder rate than NY, IL and CA

NH very pro gun has the lowest murder rate in the country

There is more to the causes of murder than simply guns
....NH has been mentioned many times--this is ridiculous because it's population is HALF of the CITY of Chicago--density -11,000 psm
NH density --147---monumental difference there
11,000 to 147 ..!!!!!
....the gun controlled states of NY and CA---huge populations/densities--have a lower murder rate than very pro-gun Mo and Alaska
..people always bring up Chicago--Chi's murder rate is about 50% LOWER than very pro-gun STL---funny how no brings up St Louis referring to murder--since it's the murder capital of the US and most dangerous city

Then why are you whining about AK there isn't a huge population there.

And if you state murders per 1000 it doesn't matter what the population is
DIFFERENCE--NH is a dumbass stat because of the population difference
--with a more dense population/bigger population, you would expect a higher murder rate--but NY, Cali, and Chi,NYC, LA have a LOWER rate than Missouri/StL and AK

And know the reason that St. Louis has a high gun murder problem......democrats in control of the city keep letting known, repeat gun offenders out of jail...which is also why Chicago has high gun murder....

And, of course, the major cities in Missouri, in particular St. Louis and Arkansas have been run by the democrats for decades.....and they are letting the gun criminals out of jail with a revolving door...

It isn't law abiding gun owners doing the shooting, it is the criminals the democrats keep letting out of jail doing the shooting...

And you ignored Baltimore....since it has extreme gun control, a smaller population than New York, and yet more gun murders....

And, of course, you ignore this fact...

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

And another fact you want to ignore...our gun murder is confined to tiny, 10 block areas of cities controlled by democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors.....

Dems want $50 million for biased research to attack gun ownership

But in their focus to control guns, they are missing what causes the violence. Over 50 percent of murders occur in just two percent of the counties and even in those counties, it is mainly in very small areas of about 10 blocks.

The problem causing a great deal of violence is drug gangs. If you are going to solve the problem you have to reduce the profits those gangs get from selling drugs.
We need to find a way to get men to be fathers and husbands, and to get teenage girls to stop having children without them.....our crime, the crime in Britain, is driven by fatherless boys....

Except over here, the “fatherless boys” can buy as many guns as they can afford.
Over there? Not so much.

So what is better, “fatherless boys” who can purchase tons of guns, ammunition, etc… or “fatherless boys” who can’t purchase those implements of death?

Oh…you sound like you’d be against the cuts your blob has made to low-cost contraception. You’re against that right?
You can't buy a gun until you are 18 therefore no "boys" can buy guns

Sure…you also can’t buy a gun without an ID or background check right?

Only in a private sale.....and it is still illegal to sell a gun to a felon, and the felon already knows it is against the law for a felon to buy, own or carry a gun...see, we already have all the laws you want to stop criminals from buying and using a gun...
Sure we do. Gun owners/sellers go right through the gun show loopholes like fish through a hole in the net.

The holes built by the NRA.

Our problem? The democrat party keeps letting known, repeat gun offenders out of jail, they are the ones doing the shootings, and yet the democrats want them out of jail...why is that?

Yet another lie. Don’t you ever get tired of the lies?

Up until November, 30+ states were run by the GOP. They made the laws—the state laws—that govern gun purchases in their states. Most had a GOP run judiciary.

Don’t Republican governors take responsibility for anything? Or are you just a political hack?

There is no gun show loophole.....anyone can sell their private property, including guns, anywhere they want, you twit.

Wrong....the major cities in the Red states are controlled by the democrat party and their soft on gun crime moron.

And, moron.......if it is his private property, he can sell it without a background check.....and if a felon buys the gun, that felon can already be arrested under existing you not realize twit?
Except over here, the “fatherless boys” can buy as many guns as they can afford.
Over there? Not so much.

So what is better, “fatherless boys” who can purchase tons of guns, ammunition, etc… or “fatherless boys” who can’t purchase those implements of death?

Oh…you sound like you’d be against the cuts your blob has made to low-cost contraception. You’re against that right?
You can't buy a gun until you are 18 therefore no "boys" can buy guns

Sure…you also can’t buy a gun without an ID or background check right?

Only in a private sale.....and it is still illegal to sell a gun to a felon, and the felon already knows it is against the law for a felon to buy, own or carry a gun...see, we already have all the laws you want to stop criminals from buying and using a gun...
Sure we do. Gun owners/sellers go right through the gun show loopholes like fish through a hole in the net.

The holes built by the NRA.

Our problem? The democrat party keeps letting known, repeat gun offenders out of jail, they are the ones doing the shootings, and yet the democrats want them out of jail...why is that?

Yet another lie. Don’t you ever get tired of the lies?

Up until November, 30+ states were run by the GOP. They made the laws—the state laws—that govern gun purchases in their states. Most had a GOP run judiciary.

Don’t Republican governors take responsibility for anything? Or are you just a political hack?

There is no gun show loophole.....anyone can sell their private property, including guns, anywhere they want, you twit.

Wrong....the major cities in the Red states are controlled by the democrat party and their soft on gun crime moron.

The prisons are run by the state. If there is anyone “letting them out of jail”, it’s the state jails dumb ass.

There is a gun show loophole:

Here is the proof:

Let me guess…this was the one time in the history of Red State America that a guy was able to purchase a weapon no-questions-asked. And that was all a set-up right? Fake news…right?


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