Gunfire reported at California veterans home

A decorated Army veteran with a high-powered rifle returned to the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, where he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress, and killed three mental health workers Friday, officials said.

He and the victims were found dead about 8 hours after he exchanged gunfire with a Napa County sheriff’s deputy, officials said.

The attack, just after 10 a.m., touched off a daylong lockdown at the nation’s largest veterans home, which occupies a sprawling 600-acre state campus. The victims died in a building where they worked with The Pathway Home, a private organization that helps traumatized veterans transition to civilian life.- Source

Another GUN massacre for the gun nuts to celebrate. What the NRA's response to this going to be? Arm the residents, CNA'a, nurses, doctors and staff?
One more time idjit!
The trigger on that gun did not pull itself.
Another person in need of medical treatment goes off his rocker.
This one knew he needed help and killed the people who refused to help him.
Get over your gun grabbing snowflake.
I wasnt making a joke. What made you think I was joking?
That's what it looked like. Please remember that mass shootings are not just a thing to discuss or look at ironically or satirically. Real people are dying, regularly, in the US. The entire modern world is perplexed that the country allows this to go on and on. It happens so often Americans seem to think it is normal. It isn't. And the gun lobby and gunnuts justifying it by screaming individual freedom and personal rights is disgusting: a perversion of what freedom and constitutional rights mean.
Its a normal thing in the US. The type of white philosophy in the US is directly to blame. When deify gun slingers and cops instead of your teachers and health professionals this is what you get.
I don't understand what you are trying to say.
Culture. The US has a culture of violence.
It's the gun culture and it is not inevitable.

The gun culture is reducing violence.......and saving far more lives than criminals that the democrats keep letting out of jail are taking...

Americans use their guns to stop democrat supported criminals 1,500,000 times a year...and as more Americans own and carry guns our violent crime rates have gone down, not up, you morons......while in Europe...their violent crime rates, after taking guns away from law abiding people are going up..not down...

You have no idea what you are talking about......

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Thanks to the third world immigrants that have flooded in and brought their culture of violence with them.
Nope. The US was conceived in violence and has been that way since inception. Thats why most mass shooters are white.

Then riddle me this batman, why is it that the black and Hispanic communities are orders of magnitude more violent than the white communities?
Its not a riddle if you are intelligent. Its common knowledge that oppression and honor based cultures dont mix well. Whats the excuse for whites and their gun culture of violence?

Who's oppressing who? And if that were in fact true, why would the blacks be killing the blacks, and the Hispanics killing the Hispanics? Your argument is simply idiotic. Anyone with a brain knows that if you are being oppressed, you fight the oppressor, not among yourselves. Only idiots do that.

Are you claiming that blacks and Hispanics are idiots?
I thought you were more intelligent than that? The system whites have created is oppressing non whites. When your enemy is faceless you start striking out at those you can see. You have to be an idiot not to know that.
Uuuuuuh sure. The 130 who died in Paris were merely stoned to death. The 70 or so killed in Norway were drowned. You're about as fucked up as a person can be.

Uuuuuu sure: Thanks to Oreo for posting the below quoted remarks (post 621: Can the Students be Silenced)

Clearly Westwall hope to silence so.

"Republicans have owned the house since 2010. The Aurora theater shooting happened, they did nothing. Virginia Tech happened, they did nothing, Sandy Hook happened, they did nothing, San Bernardino, California happened they did nothing, Orlando, Florida happened they did nothing, Las Vegas, Nevada happened, they did nothing, Sutherland Springs, Texas happened they did nothing, and Parkland, Florida happened and they won't do nothing. A total of 9 mass shootings since Republicans have held the house and they have refused to do anything. They haven't even talked about bump stocks being sold across this country."

Not a single thing that your side has proposed would have prevented a single one of those shootings, and your people admit that. But, they always say "it's a good first step". We know that their goal is an absolute ban on private ownership of guns. All totalitarians demand that. Your arguments are specious, and infantile. We know that, and so did the Founders who were far smarter than you and yours.

The founders wrote that in because they were paranoid. Look what they have done.

es, they set up a country that has gone further, faster, and for the benefit of more people, than any other country before it. Progressives are trying to destroy it so that they can institute yet another pogrom, and stamp out freedom yet again.
They set up a country that has committed more atrocities and killed more people than any nation on the planet. Progressives are trying to blend in with the rest of world instead of the arms race white culture tends to breed.

You are such an ignoramus when it comes to world history, you really need to study someone who isn't a left wing, America hating hack.......the Japanese empire in the 1940s murdered 3 million unarmed civilians, mao murdered more innocent people than anyone else in modern history......Africa still has slavery and they are still murdering each other.........

Progressives create death camps and mass murder you really, really need to study actual history....
Britain, and Australia banned and confiscated guns....and their gun crime rates are going up.
And their firearm crime rate and firearm homicide rate are a fraction of that of the US'.

Not because of their gun laws.

They had low gun crime rates before they banned guns.....and low gun murder rates before they banned guns.....which would mean you would have to show that banning guns lowered the rates of both countries, their gun crime rates are going up, not down, and it hasn't stopped mass shooters in those countries....Britain averaged one mass shooting every 10 years before the gun confiscation....they almost had two school shootings in the last 2 years, which would be an increase....but dumb luck stopped both of them....and Australia has had more shootings in public spaces since they banned and confiscated guns....and again, dumb luck has kept them from being mass public shootings since the shooter, who had a gun, in a public space, didn't shoot and kill more than 4 people....but they did shoot people....they either didnt shoot enough, or didn't kill more than 4 when they shot them....

Gun control is not working in any of those countries......
Gun control does not stop criminals or mass shooters even in Europe
It lowers the firearm homicide rate and the mass shooting rate. doesn't......if criminals actually have more guns since the gun bans and confiscation......gun control is not stopping mass shootings or gun can you even claim that?
A decorated Army veteran with a high-powered rifle returned to the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, where he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress, and killed three mental health workers Friday, officials said.

He and the victims were found dead about 8 hours after he exchanged gunfire with a Napa County sheriff’s deputy, officials said.

The attack, just after 10 a.m., touched off a daylong lockdown at the nation’s largest veterans home, which occupies a sprawling 600-acre state campus. The victims died in a building where they worked with The Pathway Home, a private organization that helps traumatized veterans transition to civilian life.- Source

Another GUN massacre for the gun nuts to celebrate. What the NRA's response to this going to be? Arm the residents, CNA'a, nurses, doctors and staff?

What is your answer to the problem and remember the State the killings happen in was in California and that State laws are strict!?
Sad, people die and the left goes straight to their gun grabbing.

It's getting tiresome watching the loons politicize tragedy to further the agenda
he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress

He should of not been allowed to have a gun in the first place if he suffered from PTSD, and if he was kicked out , they should of notified the police.
A decorated Army veteran with a high-powered rifle returned to the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, where he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress, and killed three mental health workers Friday, officials said.

He and the victims were found dead about 8 hours after he exchanged gunfire with a Napa County sheriff’s deputy, officials said.

The attack, just after 10 a.m., touched off a daylong lockdown at the nation’s largest veterans home, which occupies a sprawling 600-acre state campus. The victims died in a building where they worked with The Pathway Home, a private organization that helps traumatized veterans transition to civilian life.- Source

Another GUN massacre for the gun nuts to celebrate. What the NRA's response to this going to be? Arm the residents, CNA'a, nurses, doctors and staff?

What, that's basically what they want for the arms industry to grow, isn't it? More guns means more gun sales and means more profit for gun makers.
A decorated Army veteran with a high-powered rifle returned to the Veterans Home of California in Yountville, where he had recently been kicked out of a program for treatment of combat stress, and killed three mental health workers Friday, officials said.

He and the victims were found dead about 8 hours after he exchanged gunfire with a Napa County sheriff’s deputy, officials said.

The attack, just after 10 a.m., touched off a daylong lockdown at the nation’s largest veterans home, which occupies a sprawling 600-acre state campus. The victims died in a building where they worked with The Pathway Home, a private organization that helps traumatized veterans transition to civilian life.- Source

Another GUN massacre for the gun nuts to celebrate. What the NRA's response to this going to be? Arm the residents, CNA'a, nurses, doctors and staff?

You liberals are so simple minded….

Thank God you are not in charge..


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