Gun death Thread

Lots of new crazies doing copycat rampage shootings today -- the crazy who shot the bus driver and carried a six-year-old boy into his bunker; the Alabama office building shooting, the Chicago shooting.

I suddenly realized reading all this news today where we are headed --- we'll be like Brazil or Mexico, with people constantly kidnapping and robbing everyone with guns everywhere. That's typical of societies all around the world where guns are common. I guess we were halfway between the South American gun-crazed culture and the less violent, more civilized European and Asian cultures, but now we're going down to the lowest common denominator. In gun culture as well as many other ways, such as education, lack of marriage, and so on. A lowest-common-denominator plunge. All the other countries are like that in this hemisphere (except Canada), so it's not really remarkable, I guess. Lots of mayhem and murder coming our way, though, from now on.

I find it shocking that so many people are in denial about the gun violence and instead try to derail it into a gun rights persuassion.

Also I find a lot of gun rights activists to be hot tempered. They are not the kind of people I want abusing gun rights,

I find it shocking that so many gun control advocates are so in denial about the facts. I blame rabid unthinking, uncaring, and illogical left wing indoctrination.
After a year, won't it be great to add up all the people who have died due to gun violence, and then ask the right wingers (for the billionth time) if your country still doesn't have a problem with guns?

I read that book "The Copycat Effect" by Loren Coleman, which makes the case that these psychotic shooters are triggered by shootings, sometimes in large numbers, and also they compete with each other for a high kill score.

Another aspect we can easily see as a new psychosis fashion is that rampage shootings are the new way to commit suicide. Suicide was always a very hostile act -- I'll show YOU, YOU'll be sorry! -- and now the hostility is becoming overt. They go into the mass shooting planning on killing themselves, and most of them do it.

So I agree with Noomi that now it is plain a genuine epidemic of mass shootings has broken out, and presumably these rampages will get more and more frequent with more and more fatalities.

The brakes are off.

And that no matter how many mass shootings there are, gun nuts will always say that there aren't any shootings to speak of, no problem here, nobody uses assault rifles, guns LOWER the crime rate.

Probably the country will have to fix this problem without them, or else sink into this constant fear of danger from madmen. There seem to be so many madmen now! They are popping up all over and so many want to kill children, like the guy who raided the school bus yesterday.

I think a civilized country would deal with this, but I have little hope that this country will. The fact that all the sporting goods stores and Walmart gun departments and gun shows are sold out of so many guns and one can hardly find ammo, I hear, is not a good sign. No one is trying to fix the problem, just to stock up on more and more guns that can be stolen or used by madmen to kill lots of people in schools and malls.
After a year, won't it be great to add up all the people who have died due to gun violence, and then ask the right wingers (for the billionth time) if your country still doesn't have a problem with guns?

When a gun gets up and hurts someone, we'll have problem with them. Until then, it's people that cause problems, not inanimate objects.

Now, you could say America has a problem with murderers, but then there are over 100 countries that have a higher murder rate than America. Maybe your ire would be better directed towards those countries? Just a thought.
Now, you could say America has a problem with murderers, but then there are over 100 countries that have a higher murder rate than America. Maybe your ire would be better directed towards those countries? Just a thought.

Soon we'll have the same murder rates they do. That's where we're headed, of course. The inner city ghettos are free-fire zones as we all can see. Now the white suburbs are catching up with madmen indulging in a new psychosis fashion of suicide while taking as many people with them as possible, targeting children and shoppers because they are the easiest for scoring a high kill rate.

There is a reason other countries have higher murder rates: they have the customs we are rapidly developing.

Sometimes I wonder if this is an inchoate response to overpopulation, or just the natural response to lack of civilization paired with a lot of modern weapon technology. We'll soon have as high a murder rate as everywhere else -- Brazil, Algeria, Sudan, Nicaragua, etc., etc.
Now, you could say America has a problem with murderers, but then there are over 100 countries that have a higher murder rate than America. Maybe your ire would be better directed towards those countries? Just a thought.

Soon we'll have the same murder rates they do. That's where we're headed, of course. The inner city ghettos are free-fire zones as we all can see. Now the white suburbs are catching up with madmen indulging in a new psychosis fashion of suicide while taking as many people with them as possible, targeting children and shoppers because they are the easiest for scoring a high kill rate.

There is a reason other countries have higher murder rates: they have the customs we are rapidly developing.

Sometimes I wonder if this is an inchoate response to overpopulation, or just the natural response to lack of civilization paired with a lot of modern weapon technology. We'll soon have as high a murder rate as everywhere else -- Brazil, Algeria, Sudan, Nicaragua, etc., etc.

Actually, our murder and violent crime rates are on the decrease, as is our rate of mass killings...rather dramatically so. Whatever the future may bring, it's up to us to ensure no laws are enacted that only serve to put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing armed thugs that don't care about regulations.
After a year, won't it be great to add up all the people who have died due to gun violence, and then ask the right wingers (for the billionth time) if your country still doesn't have a problem with guns?

When a gun gets up and hurts someone, we'll have problem with them. Until then, it's people that cause problems, not inanimate objects.

Now, you could say America has a problem with murderers, but then there are over 100 countries that have a higher murder rate than America. Maybe your ire would be better directed towards those countries? Just a thought.

I worry about my country first and foremost. I am not interested in nation building.

According to your logic we should ban people, not guns.

A nuclear weapon isan inanimate object. Not to worry?
Now, you could say America has a problem with murderers, but then there are over 100 countries that have a higher murder rate than America. Maybe your ire would be better directed towards those countries? Just a thought.

Soon we'll have the same murder rates they do. That's where we're headed, of course. The inner city ghettos are free-fire zones as we all can see. Now the white suburbs are catching up with madmen indulging in a new psychosis fashion of suicide while taking as many people with them as possible, targeting children and shoppers because they are the easiest for scoring a high kill rate.

There is a reason other countries have higher murder rates: they have the customs we are rapidly developing.

Sometimes I wonder if this is an inchoate response to overpopulation, or just the natural response to lack of civilization paired with a lot of modern weapon technology. We'll soon have as high a murder rate as everywhere else -- Brazil, Algeria, Sudan, Nicaragua, etc., etc.

Actually, our murder and violent crime rates are on the decrease, as is our rate of mass killings...rather dramatically so. Whatever the future may bring, it's up to us to ensure no laws are enacted that only serve to put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing armed thugs that don't care about regulations.

Can you offer some valid statistics for your claim?
Actually, our murder and violent crime rates are on the decrease, as is our rate of mass killings...rather dramatically so.

Black is white and white is black?

It is plain to all that mass killings are increasing at a frightening rate. They have been rising rapidly since Columbine in 1999, which started the copycat trigger effect. The use of rampage murder-suicides and rampage shootings as a psychosis fashion is growing exponentially, and faster than I expected. After Newtown I supposed we'd be seeing madman mass murders every month now, but it's much more frequent now: daily already as of yesterday, the office killings and the madman on the school bus.

I think this needs to be stopped, but so many people are fine with it and their response, as above, is to deny that it is happening at all, even though everyone can see it's happening.
Actually, our murder and violent crime rates are on the decrease, as is our rate of mass killings...rather dramatically so.

Black is white and white is black?

It is plain to all that mass killings are increasing at a frightening rate. They have been rising rapidly since Columbine in 1999, which started the copycat trigger effect. The use of rampage murder-suicides and rampage shootings as a psychosis fashion is growing exponentially, and faster than I expected. After Newtown I supposed we'd be seeing madman mass murders every month now, but it's much more frequent now: daily already as of yesterday, the office killings and the madman on the school bus.

I think this needs to be stopped, but so many people are fine with it and their response, as above, is to deny that it is happening at all, even though everyone can see it's happening.

2012 is tragic, but mass shootings not increasing, experts say - Los Angeles Times
Actually, our murder and violent crime rates are on the decrease, as is our rate of mass killings...rather dramatically so.

Black is white and white is black?

It is plain to all that mass killings are increasing at a frightening rate. They have been rising rapidly since Columbine in 1999, which started the copycat trigger effect. The use of rampage murder-suicides and rampage shootings as a psychosis fashion is growing exponentially, and faster than I expected. After Newtown I supposed we'd be seeing madman mass murders every month now, but it's much more frequent now: daily already as of yesterday, the office killings and the madman on the school bus.

I think this needs to be stopped, but so many people are fine with it and their response, as above, is to deny that it is happening at all, even though everyone can see it's happening.

2012 is tragic, but mass shootings not increasing, experts say - Los Angeles Times

That can change in a heartbeat.
Soon we'll have the same murder rates they do. That's where we're headed, of course. The inner city ghettos are free-fire zones as we all can see. Now the white suburbs are catching up with madmen indulging in a new psychosis fashion of suicide while taking as many people with them as possible, targeting children and shoppers because they are the easiest for scoring a high kill rate.

There is a reason other countries have higher murder rates: they have the customs we are rapidly developing.

Sometimes I wonder if this is an inchoate response to overpopulation, or just the natural response to lack of civilization paired with a lot of modern weapon technology. We'll soon have as high a murder rate as everywhere else -- Brazil, Algeria, Sudan, Nicaragua, etc., etc.

Actually, our murder and violent crime rates are on the decrease, as is our rate of mass killings...rather dramatically so. Whatever the future may bring, it's up to us to ensure no laws are enacted that only serve to put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing armed thugs that don't care about regulations.

Can you offer some valid statistics for your claim?

Already did in posts 15 and 20. Stop with the trolling please.
Actually, our murder and violent crime rates are on the decrease, as is our rate of mass killings...rather dramatically so.

Black is white and white is black?

It is plain to all that mass killings are increasing at a frightening rate.

Nope. Not in America. Mass killings peaked in 1929 and are on the decline in the last few decades:

Grant Duwe, a criminologist with the Minnesota Department of Corrections who has written a history of mass murders in America, said that while mass shootings rose between the 1960s and the 1990s, they actually dropped in the 2000s. And mass killings actually reached their peak in 1929, according to his data. He estimates that there were 32 in the 1980s, 42 in the 1990s and 26 in the first decade of the century.
Chances of being killed in a mass shooting, he says, are probably no greater than being struck by lightning.

I previously cited a National Review article on the subject, here's one from Yahoo:
No rise in mass killings, but their impact is huge - Yahoo! News

They have been rising rapidly since Columbine in 1999, which started the copycat trigger effect. The use of rampage murder-suicides and rampage shootings as a psychosis fashion is growing exponentially, and faster than I expected. After Newtown I supposed we'd be seeing madman mass murders every month now, but it's much more frequent now: daily already as of yesterday, the office killings and the madman on the school bus.

You may FEEL that way, but that's not reality.

I think this needs to be stopped, but so many people are fine with it and their response, as above, is to deny that it is happening at all, even though everyone can see it's happening.

I don't think anyone is denying mass killings happen. And I don't think anyone is "fine" with it. However, we will NOT let you pass laws that put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing armed crazies that couldn't care less about regulations. THAT'S the point.

Here is a great thread, lots of hard data that proves that

1) mass murder is not on the rise
2) murder is not on the rise
3) crime/violence is not on the rise

There are to many variables to offer a concise evaluation of this matter.

I think if you lived in my neighboorhood you would be afraid to go out after dark here.

Not too long ago a guy was killed at a Rallyburgers that is two blocks from my house with a clear view.

I could have been hit by a stray bullet.

I guess I will check some crime statistics of my own to try and get an accurate report of the matter.

Saying that the rates are going down makes no difference to the too many people killed each year, no matter where or what.

Some people here think or insinuate that I am for total gun control, which I am not.

I would like to take away granny's Ak-47, though.
Actually, our murder and violent crime rates are on the decrease, as is our rate of mass killings...rather dramatically so. Whatever the future may bring, it's up to us to ensure no laws are enacted that only serve to put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing armed thugs that don't care about regulations.

Can you offer some valid statistics for your claim?

Already did in posts 15 and 20. Stop with the trolling please.

And I already refuted your links. I do not accept them as valid.
You may FEEL that way, but that's not reality.

Even according to your LA Times article it is indeed reality: 2012 was off the scale for mass murdering. My point -- and correct public perception -- is that madmen have developed a copycat fashion for mass murders, especially mass murder with suicide. This is all too likely to continue increasing in frequency and kill rates, since that's what has been happening all year.

I don't think anyone is denying mass killings happen. And I don't think anyone is "fine" with it. However, we will NOT let you pass laws that put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing armed crazies that couldn't care less about regulations.

Yes, lots of gun nuts say nothing is happening; this denial is the most striking thing going on in this national debate. Nothing is happening, no problem here, let us keep our assault weapons because we so much luuvvve them.

I don't think any honest homeowner needs to defend his home with an assault rifle fitted with a high-capacity magazine like Adam Lanza used to make hamburger of those little children's heads. You don't need arms like that. The crazies do need them, to steal them from you and make a big publicity splash killing lots of children and getting in the record books.

Here is a great thread, lots of hard data that proves that

1) mass murder is not on the rise
2) murder is not on the rise
3) crime/violence is not on the rise

There are to many variables to offer a concise evaluation of this matter.

I think if you lived in my neighboorhood you would be afraid to go out after dark here.

Not too long ago a guy was killed at a Rallyburgers that is two blocks from my house with a clear view.

I could have been hit by a stray bullet.

I guess I will check some crime statistics of my own to try and get an accurate report of the matter.

Saying that the rates are going down makes no difference to the too many people killed each year, no matter where or what.

Some people here think or insinuate that I am for total gun control, which I am not.

I would like to take away granny's Ak-47, though.

Sure, if you wanted to focus on your individual neighborhood, its entirely possible crime is on the rise. However when you look at the United States as a whole, it's very obvious that we hit a peek in the mid 80's and have been on a pretty steady decline since.

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