Gun control question


May 14, 2011
So where would Obamination's Fast Furious program that gave assault weapons to Mexican gangs/terrorists with no intent of getting those weapons back.....where would that fall in some Gun Ban????

Like say the .50cal weapons given to scumbags south of the border. Do they need .50 cal weapons to shoot taco eating bunny rabbits south of the border???
So where would Obamination's Fast Furious program that gave assault weapons to Mexican gangs/terrorists with no intent of getting those weapons back.....where would that fall in some Gun Ban????

Like say the .50cal weapons given to scumbags south of the border. Do they need .50 cal weapons to shoot taco eating bunny rabbits south of the border???

Guess you have not heard.. That shit does not matter! Only gun problems that matter are when they meet criteria for lefty agendas
I say we create a reality show where all the people who have the guns that Bush sent to Mexico fight all the people who have the guns Obama sent to Mexico.

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Gun Ban only applies to white Americans dumb enough to turn in their weapons or too scared to be arrested owning a once legal gun.

Criminals and terrorists don't fall under the Gun Ban.....especially when they have dark skin.
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Uh, most of the guns used during Bush's era were tracked and recovered from the criminals when those criminals were captured....that is the point.

Obamination had no intention of catching the criminals, their plan was the weapons would cause so much carnage along the border then average Americans and Mexicans would attack the gun sales in the US as the all blew up with the US Border Agent was killed and they couldn't cover up where they weapons came from.

I say we create a reality show where all the people who have the guns that Bush sent to Mexico fight all the people who have the guns Obama sent to Mexico.

um dude.

when this issue hit the attention of the American spotlight the republicans were reduced to dust in light of the facts.

If you recall a couple of days of news coverage on the facts the republican party dropped Fand F like a red hot poker.

they got outed for LYING about nearly every fact in the case.
Gun Ban only applies to white Americans dumb enough to turn in their weapons or too scared to be arrested owning a once legal gun.

Criminals and terrorists don't fall under the Gun Ban.....especially when they have dark skin.

We'll have an American version of Fast and Furious where obama arms the gangs.
Taco eating bunny rabbits? Are you fucking trying to be derogatory here? Well no worries, we already knew you hated Mexicans.
Uh, most of the guns used during Bush's era were tracked and recovered from the criminals when those criminals were captured....that is the point.

No, they were not. That's a bullshit fantasy of your little mind.

Those guns were lost.

The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty of Mad Dawg Global informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[33]
With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[12] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[32] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[7][33][34][35]

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Strange the mainstream media hasn't brought up what the voices in your head told you.....that would be a good defense of Obamination's criminal actions....."Bush did it too!!!!"

Get to work liar, call the media now!!!!

Uh, most of the guns used during Bush's era were tracked and recovered from the criminals when those criminals were captured....that is the point.

No, they were not. That's a bullshit fantasy of your little mind.

Those guns were lost.

The willful blindness is amazing to behold.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty of Mad Dawg Global informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[33]
With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[12] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[32] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[7][33][34][35]
Hmmm, what voting group do taco eating rabbits fall in???

Are they between blacks, asians and hispanics??? But they might be different colors if like American carrot eating rabbits. are fucking insane.

Taco eating bunny rabbits? Are you fucking trying to be derogatory here? Well no worries, we already knew you hated Mexicans.
Another, smaller probe occurred in 2007 under the same ATF Phoenix field division. The Fidel Hernandez case began when the ATF identified Mexican suspects who bought weapons from a Phoenix gun shop over a span of several months. The probe ultimately involved over 200 guns, a dozen of which were lost in Mexico. On September 27, 2007, ATF agents saw the original suspects buying weapons at the same store and followed them toward the Mexican border. The ATF informed the Mexican government when the suspects successfully crossed the border, but Mexican law enforcement were unable to track them.[4][10]
Less than two weeks later, on October 6, William Newell, then ATF's Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Phoenix field division, shut down the operation at the behest of William Hoover, ATF's assistant director for the office of field operations.[36] No charges were filed. Newell, who was Phoenix ATF SAC from June 2006 to May 2011, would later play a major role in Operation Fast and Furious.[4][12]

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shitbag....the ATF under Buuuuuush used surveillance to track their weapons sold.

Obamination did away with tracking the weapons.....

This is too difficult for you.

Oh, wikipedia is a hack website that people can add their opinion. I can add Obamination personally sold weapons in his pink tu-tu on that website and it will be there unless someone catches it and has the motive to remove it.

The willful blindness is amazing to behold.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty of Mad Dawg Global informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[33]
With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[12] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[32] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[7][33][34][35]
So where would Obamination's Fast Furious program that gave assault weapons to Mexican gangs/terrorists with no intent of getting those weapons back.....where would that fall in some Gun Ban????

Like say the .50cal weapons given to scumbags south of the border. Do they need .50 cal weapons to shoot taco eating bunny rabbits south of the border???

Are you really this stupid?

You are asking what the tracking of illegal gun smuggling has to do with a gun ban? Really?

And I see what you did there. "...with no intent of getting those weapons back..."

I'd like to see your evidence the feds had no intention of getting the guns back, please.

Psycho....the documents Obamination is hiding from Congress are with some Federal court awaiting what will be released to Congress.

Of course, a piece of shit like you with a short attention span has no clue about this fact. You lost focus when the TV commercial came on about 6 months ago.

um dude.

when this issue hit the attention of the American spotlight the republicans were reduced to dust in light of the facts.

If you recall a couple of days of news coverage on the facts the republican party dropped Fand F like a red hot poker.

they got outed for LYING about nearly every fact in the case.
The 2008 Alejandro Medrano case involved both ATF SAC William Newell and cooperating Tucson gun dealer Mike Detty of Operation Wide Receiver. ATF Phoenix allowed about 100 guns to be taken into Mexico over the objections of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel who became aware of the case. Phoenix ATF SAC Newell acknowledged to ICE "that letting guns cross the border was part of ATF’s plan".

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So where would Obamination's Fast Furious program that gave assault weapons to Mexican gangs/terrorists with no intent of getting those weapons back.....where would that fall in some Gun Ban????

Like say the .50cal weapons given to scumbags south of the border. Do they need .50 cal weapons to shoot taco eating bunny rabbits south of the border???

This is about as retarded as asking what a drug sting has to do with a drug ban.

Scumbag....when ATF officials that worked under Bush said their program was tracking the weapons to catch the end targets with the weapons your lameass arugment falls apart.

Obamination is in trouble because his ATF was told not to track the weapons and because this strategy was done to cause mass murder along the border to hopefully repeal the Second Amendment.

If Buuuuuuuuuuuuush was guilty like Obamination, then the GOP in Congress would be put to shame months ago when the investigation and hearings started.

A liberal pile of shit like you is demented in the first place, so you believe your own lies that Buuuuuuuuuuush did the same thing in a different program than Fast & Furious.

So when is Holder going to arrest the ATF officials that ran Buuuuuuuuush's program? Eh dumbfuck.

So where would Obamination's Fast Furious program that gave assault weapons to Mexican gangs/terrorists with no intent of getting those weapons back.....where would that fall in some Gun Ban????

Like say the .50cal weapons given to scumbags south of the border. Do they need .50 cal weapons to shoot taco eating bunny rabbits south of the border???

Are you really this stupid?

You are asking what the tracking of illegal gun smuggling has to do with a gun ban? Really?

And I see what you did there. "...with no intent of getting those weapons back..."

I'd like to see your evidence the feds had no intention of getting the guns back, please.

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Yeah, the DEA when they do drug deals....they let the drug dealers get away with tons of are really insane.

So where would Obamination's Fast Furious program that gave assault weapons to Mexican gangs/terrorists with no intent of getting those weapons back.....where would that fall in some Gun Ban????

Like say the .50cal weapons given to scumbags south of the border. Do they need .50 cal weapons to shoot taco eating bunny rabbits south of the border???

This is about as retarded as asking what a drug sting has to do with a drug ban.


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