Gun background checks are dumb. 39 guns purchased with background check, he then gave them to a felon.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is why universal gun background checks are just a Trojan Horse for gun registration.......this guy passed background checks for the purchase of 39 guns from 15 different gun stores........then gave those guns purchased with gun background checks to a convicted felon....

Anti-gun extremists know that background checks do not stop criminals from getting guns.....anti-gun extremists want universal background checks so that when they fail to stop gun crime and mass public shootings, they can come back and demand gun registration.......their real goal...

Court records indicate that over about three months last fall, Keenan D. Hughes, 33, purchased 39 handguns from 15 Wisconsin stores, paying more than $25,000 cash, on behalf of Marvin Powell, 41, of Milwaukee, a repeat felon who can't legally possess, much less purchase, firearms. wan't the gun background check that caught these two guys.......

To that even an anti-gun extremist can understand...

Gun Background checks did not catch these criminals.....

No background check was performed when the gun store called the police....they simply got suspicious...

In early November, something spooked Powell and Hughes after they visited a gun shop in Cross Plains and they left without buying anything, the charges state. The shop's owner shared video of the men and their vehicle, caught on video, with the ATF. Agents traced the car to Powell.

Agents stopped Powell and Hughes Nov. 16 shortly after they exited Powell's house and got in the same car seen in the Cross Plains video. Hughes had two guns in his pockets and there were boxes for three handguns in the car.
"Court records indicate that over about three months last fall, Keenan D. Hughes, 33, purchased 39 handguns from 15 Wisconsin stores, paying more than $25,000 cash, on behalf of Marvin Powell, 41, of Milwaukee, a repeat felon who can't legally possess, much less purchase, firearms."

Background Checks are not the problem or dumb, it is Keenan Hughes and Powell who are the problem, they circumvent the purpose of the check by having someone who can pass it for the singular purpose of passing guns to someone who would have failed the background check.

The NRA says this about scums like Keenan Hughes:

Federal gun control laws are already strong enough

In addition to requiring firearm dealers, manufacturers, and importers to initiate a background check on any non-licensee to whom they intend to transfer a firearm, and prohibiting the possession of firearms by nine categories of prohibited persons,[30] federal law already prohibits things associated with what gun control supporters call “online” or “internet” firearm sales. While a person may advertise a firearm on the internet:

  • Federal law prohibits transferring a firearm to anyone known or believed to be prohibited from possessing firearms. (18 USC992(d))
This is why universal gun background checks are just a Trojan Horse for gun registration.......this guy passed background checks for the purchase of 39 guns from 15 different gun stores........then gave those guns purchased with gun background checks to a convicted felon....

Anti-gun extremists know that background checks do not stop criminals from getting guns.....anti-gun extremists want universal background checks so that when they fail to stop gun crime and mass public shootings, they can come back and demand gun registration.......their real goal...

Court records indicate that over about three months last fall, Keenan D. Hughes, 33, purchased 39 handguns from 15 Wisconsin stores, paying more than $25,000 cash, on behalf of Marvin Powell, 41, of Milwaukee, a repeat felon who can't legally possess, much less purchase, firearms. wan't the gun background check that caught these two guys.......

To that even an anti-gun extremist can understand...

Gun Background checks did not catch these criminals.....

No background check was performed when the gun store called the police....they simply got suspicious...

In early November, something spooked Powell and Hughes after they visited a gun shop in Cross Plains and they left without buying anything, the charges state. The shop's owner shared video of the men and their vehicle, caught on video, with the ATF. Agents traced the car to Powell.

Agents stopped Powell and Hughes Nov. 16 shortly after they exited Powell's house and got in the same car seen in the Cross Plains video. Hughes had two guns in his pockets and there were boxes for three handguns in the car.

This is why the serial number of every gun sold is registered to the buyer. And the buyer is responsible if the weapon has been used in any crime. Unless the gun is reported stolen, he too will be culpable for the crime, and that crime be it a misdemeanor, wobbler or Felony will be sufficient to take him or her into custody and charged with the instant offense.
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This is why universal gun background checks are just a Trojan Horse for gun registration.......this guy passed background checks for the purchase of 39 guns from 15 different gun stores........then gave those guns purchased with gun background checks to a convicted felon....

Anti-gun extremists know that background checks do not stop criminals from getting guns.....anti-gun extremists want universal background checks so that when they fail to stop gun crime and mass public shootings, they can come back and demand gun registration.......their real goal...

Court records indicate that over about three months last fall, Keenan D. Hughes, 33, purchased 39 handguns from 15 Wisconsin stores, paying more than $25,000 cash, on behalf of Marvin Powell, 41, of Milwaukee, a repeat felon who can't legally possess, much less purchase, firearms. wan't the gun background check that caught these two guys.......

To that even an anti-gun extremist can understand...

Gun Background checks did not catch these criminals.....

No background check was performed when the gun store called the police....they simply got suspicious...

In early November, something spooked Powell and Hughes after they visited a gun shop in Cross Plains and they left without buying anything, the charges state. The shop's owner shared video of the men and their vehicle, caught on video, with the ATF. Agents traced the car to Powell.

Agents stopped Powell and Hughes Nov. 16 shortly after they exited Powell's house and got in the same car seen in the Cross Plains video. Hughes had two guns in his pockets and there were boxes for three handguns in the car.

This is why the serial number of every gun sold is registered to the buyer. And the buyer is responsible if the weapon has been used in any crime. Unless the gun is reported stolen, he too will be culpable for the crime, and that crime be it a misdemeanor, wobbler or Felony will be sufficient to take him or her into custody and charged with the instant offense.

And this is want to persecute the victim of a crime because you want to punish them for the sin of owning a gun.

You shitheads should ask yourselves why your party, the democrat party, keeps releasing violent, repeat gun offenders, over and over again, versus creating law after law to punish law abiding gun owners...if you asshats stopped releasing the actual violent gun offenders, our gun crime problem in democrat party controlled cities would drop 95%......

The only reason you idiots want gun registration is so you can confiscate guns when you get the is a side benefit to you if you can use gun registration to destroy the lives of law abiding gun owners while you work to get the power to ban and confiscate guns.
Background checks are absolutely worthless.

The only purpose it serves is make these stupid Moon Bats think they are doing something when in reality they are doing nothing but infringing on Constitutional rights.
This is why universal gun background checks are just a Trojan Horse for gun registration.......this guy passed background checks for the purchase of 39 guns from 15 different gun stores........then gave those guns purchased with gun background checks to a convicted felon....

Anti-gun extremists know that background checks do not stop criminals from getting guns.....anti-gun extremists want universal background checks so that when they fail to stop gun crime and mass public shootings, they can come back and demand gun registration.......their real goal...

Court records indicate that over about three months last fall, Keenan D. Hughes, 33, purchased 39 handguns from 15 Wisconsin stores, paying more than $25,000 cash, on behalf of Marvin Powell, 41, of Milwaukee, a repeat felon who can't legally possess, much less purchase, firearms. wan't the gun background check that caught these two guys.......

To that even an anti-gun extremist can understand...

Gun Background checks did not catch these criminals.....

No background check was performed when the gun store called the police....they simply got suspicious...

In early November, something spooked Powell and Hughes after they visited a gun shop in Cross Plains and they left without buying anything, the charges state. The shop's owner shared video of the men and their vehicle, caught on video, with the ATF. Agents traced the car to Powell.

Agents stopped Powell and Hughes Nov. 16 shortly after they exited Powell's house and got in the same car seen in the Cross Plains video. Hughes had two guns in his pockets and there were boxes for three handguns in the car.

This is why the serial number of every gun sold is registered to the buyer. And the buyer is responsible if the weapon has been used in any crime. Unless the gun is reported stolen, he too will be culpable for the crime, and that crime be it a misdemeanor, wobbler or Felony will be sufficient to take him or her into custody and charged with the instant offense.

And this is want to persecute the victim of a crime because you want to punish them for the sin of owning a gun.

You shitheads should ask yourselves why your party, the democrat party, keeps releasing violent, repeat gun offenders, over and over again, versus creating law after law to punish law abiding gun owners...if you asshats stopped releasing the actual violent gun offenders, our gun crime problem in democrat party controlled cities would drop 95%......

The only reason you idiots want gun registration is so you can confiscate guns when you get the is a side benefit to you if you can use gun registration to destroy the lives of law abiding gun owners while you work to get the power to ban and confiscate guns.

Don't put words in my mouth! Your first sentence is a damn lie. And registration of guns is necessary to protect LE.

Law abiding gun owners have nothing to fear, due process is necessary to confiscate guns and their are people who are a danger to themselves and others who do not have the right to own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun of any type.
This is why universal gun background checks are just a Trojan Horse for gun registration.......this guy passed background checks for the purchase of 39 guns from 15 different gun stores........then gave those guns purchased with gun background checks to a convicted felon....

Anti-gun extremists know that background checks do not stop criminals from getting guns.....anti-gun extremists want universal background checks so that when they fail to stop gun crime and mass public shootings, they can come back and demand gun registration.......their real goal...

Court records indicate that over about three months last fall, Keenan D. Hughes, 33, purchased 39 handguns from 15 Wisconsin stores, paying more than $25,000 cash, on behalf of Marvin Powell, 41, of Milwaukee, a repeat felon who can't legally possess, much less purchase, firearms. wan't the gun background check that caught these two guys.......

To that even an anti-gun extremist can understand...

Gun Background checks did not catch these criminals.....

No background check was performed when the gun store called the police....they simply got suspicious...

In early November, something spooked Powell and Hughes after they visited a gun shop in Cross Plains and they left without buying anything, the charges state. The shop's owner shared video of the men and their vehicle, caught on video, with the ATF. Agents traced the car to Powell.

Agents stopped Powell and Hughes Nov. 16 shortly after they exited Powell's house and got in the same car seen in the Cross Plains video. Hughes had two guns in his pockets and there were boxes for three handguns in the car.

This is why the serial number of every gun sold is registered to the buyer. And the buyer is responsible if the weapon has been used in any crime. Unless the gun is reported stolen, he too will be culpable for the crime, and that crime be it a misdemeanor, wobbler or Felony will be sufficient to take him or her into custody and charged with the instant offense.

And this is want to persecute the victim of a crime because you want to punish them for the sin of owning a gun.

You shitheads should ask yourselves why your party, the democrat party, keeps releasing violent, repeat gun offenders, over and over again, versus creating law after law to punish law abiding gun owners...if you asshats stopped releasing the actual violent gun offenders, our gun crime problem in democrat party controlled cities would drop 95%......

The only reason you idiots want gun registration is so you can confiscate guns when you get the is a side benefit to you if you can use gun registration to destroy the lives of law abiding gun owners while you work to get the power to ban and confiscate guns.

Don't put words in my mouth! Your first sentence is a damn lie. And registration of guns is necessary to protect LE.

Law abiding gun owners have nothing to fear, due process is necessary to confiscate guns and their are people who are a danger to themselves and others who do not have the right to own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun of any type.

Registration doesn't protect Law enforcement and has nothing to do with stopping criminals.

Law abiding gun owners have everything to fear from gun registration, we know from actual human history and experience....Britain, France, Germany, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Russia..........they all first registered guns, then, when people like you took power, they banned and confiscated guns, and they used the same fake arguments you and the other anti-gunners have put forward.....

You think lying about gun registration will get you the power you want to ban and confiscate guns....we know what you want, we know, from actual history and human experience what you want to do and how you will go about we say no.....we will not give up without fighting you words, and one day maybe in actual combat...since you guys never stop at guns and you always go to mass graves as your solutions....
This is why universal gun background checks are just a Trojan Horse for gun registration.......this guy passed background checks for the purchase of 39 guns from 15 different gun stores........then gave those guns purchased with gun background checks to a convicted felon....

Anti-gun extremists know that background checks do not stop criminals from getting guns.....anti-gun extremists want universal background checks so that when they fail to stop gun crime and mass public shootings, they can come back and demand gun registration.......their real goal...

Court records indicate that over about three months last fall, Keenan D. Hughes, 33, purchased 39 handguns from 15 Wisconsin stores, paying more than $25,000 cash, on behalf of Marvin Powell, 41, of Milwaukee, a repeat felon who can't legally possess, much less purchase, firearms. wan't the gun background check that caught these two guys.......

To that even an anti-gun extremist can understand...

Gun Background checks did not catch these criminals.....

No background check was performed when the gun store called the police....they simply got suspicious...

In early November, something spooked Powell and Hughes after they visited a gun shop in Cross Plains and they left without buying anything, the charges state. The shop's owner shared video of the men and their vehicle, caught on video, with the ATF. Agents traced the car to Powell.

Agents stopped Powell and Hughes Nov. 16 shortly after they exited Powell's house and got in the same car seen in the Cross Plains video. Hughes had two guns in his pockets and there were boxes for three handguns in the car.

This is why the serial number of every gun sold is registered to the buyer. And the buyer is responsible if the weapon has been used in any crime. Unless the gun is reported stolen, he too will be culpable for the crime, and that crime be it a misdemeanor, wobbler or Felony will be sufficient to take him or her into custody and charged with the instant offense.

And this is want to persecute the victim of a crime because you want to punish them for the sin of owning a gun.

You shitheads should ask yourselves why your party, the democrat party, keeps releasing violent, repeat gun offenders, over and over again, versus creating law after law to punish law abiding gun owners...if you asshats stopped releasing the actual violent gun offenders, our gun crime problem in democrat party controlled cities would drop 95%......

The only reason you idiots want gun registration is so you can confiscate guns when you get the is a side benefit to you if you can use gun registration to destroy the lives of law abiding gun owners while you work to get the power to ban and confiscate guns.

Don't put words in my mouth! Your first sentence is a damn lie. And registration of guns is necessary to protect LE.

Law abiding gun owners have nothing to fear, due process is necessary to confiscate guns and their are people who are a danger to themselves and others who do not have the right to own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun of any type.

Okay, dumb shit, let's play...

How does gun registration protect Law Enforcement? Let's hear your lame argument that makes no sense after 5 seconds of thinking it through...
This is why universal gun background checks are just a Trojan Horse for gun registration.......this guy passed background checks for the purchase of 39 guns from 15 different gun stores........then gave those guns purchased with gun background checks to a convicted felon....
Which is illegal and we should know who is buying guns so we can prosecute those who are illegally giving to criminals.
"Court records indicate that over about three months last fall, Keenan D. Hughes, 33, purchased 39 handguns from 15 Wisconsin stores, paying more than $25,000 cash, on behalf of Marvin Powell, 41, of Milwaukee, a repeat felon who can't legally possess, much less purchase, firearms."

Background Checks are not the problem or dumb, it is Keenan Hughes and Powell who are the problem, they circumvent the purpose of the check by having someone who can pass it for the singular purpose of passing guns to someone who would have failed the background check.

The NRA says this about scums like Keenan Hughes:

Federal gun control laws are already strong enough

In addition to requiring firearm dealers, manufacturers, and importers to initiate a background check on any non-licensee to whom they intend to transfer a firearm, and prohibiting the possession of firearms by nine categories of prohibited persons,[30] federal law already prohibits things associated with what gun control supporters call “online” or “internet” firearm sales. While a person may advertise a firearm on the internet:

  • Federal law prohibits transferring a firearm to anyone known or believed to be prohibited from possessing firearms. (18 USC992(d))
Anyone prohibited from possession a firearm should not be walking the streets and should not be paroled. Anyone who has served his/her/it/they time should be fully restored.

This has created a gun black market that is likely impossible to control.
This is why universal gun background checks are just a Trojan Horse for gun registration.......this guy passed background checks for the purchase of 39 guns from 15 different gun stores........then gave those guns purchased with gun background checks to a convicted felon....

Anti-gun extremists know that background checks do not stop criminals from getting guns.....anti-gun extremists want universal background checks so that when they fail to stop gun crime and mass public shootings, they can come back and demand gun registration.......their real goal...

Court records indicate that over about three months last fall, Keenan D. Hughes, 33, purchased 39 handguns from 15 Wisconsin stores, paying more than $25,000 cash, on behalf of Marvin Powell, 41, of Milwaukee, a repeat felon who can't legally possess, much less purchase, firearms. wan't the gun background check that caught these two guys.......

To that even an anti-gun extremist can understand...

Gun Background checks did not catch these criminals.....

No background check was performed when the gun store called the police....they simply got suspicious...

In early November, something spooked Powell and Hughes after they visited a gun shop in Cross Plains and they left without buying anything, the charges state. The shop's owner shared video of the men and their vehicle, caught on video, with the ATF. Agents traced the car to Powell.

Agents stopped Powell and Hughes Nov. 16 shortly after they exited Powell's house and got in the same car seen in the Cross Plains video. Hughes had two guns in his pockets and there were boxes for three handguns in the car.

This is why the serial number of every gun sold is registered to the buyer. And the buyer is responsible if the weapon has been used in any crime. Unless the gun is reported stolen, he too will be culpable for the crime, and that crime be it a misdemeanor, wobbler or Felony will be sufficient to take him or her into custody and charged with the instant offense.

And this is want to persecute the victim of a crime because you want to punish them for the sin of owning a gun.

You shitheads should ask yourselves why your party, the democrat party, keeps releasing violent, repeat gun offenders, over and over again, versus creating law after law to punish law abiding gun owners...if you asshats stopped releasing the actual violent gun offenders, our gun crime problem in democrat party controlled cities would drop 95%......

The only reason you idiots want gun registration is so you can confiscate guns when you get the is a side benefit to you if you can use gun registration to destroy the lives of law abiding gun owners while you work to get the power to ban and confiscate guns.

Don't put words in my mouth! Your first sentence is a damn lie. And registration of guns is necessary to protect LE.

Law abiding gun owners have nothing to fear, due process is necessary to confiscate guns and their are people who are a danger to themselves and others who do not have the right to own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun of any type.

Okay, dumb shit, let's play...

How does gun registration protect Law Enforcement? Let's hear your lame argument that makes no sense after 5 seconds of thinking it through...

Responding to 911 calls.
This is why universal gun background checks are just a Trojan Horse for gun registration.......this guy passed background checks for the purchase of 39 guns from 15 different gun stores........then gave those guns purchased with gun background checks to a convicted felon....

Anti-gun extremists know that background checks do not stop criminals from getting guns.....anti-gun extremists want universal background checks so that when they fail to stop gun crime and mass public shootings, they can come back and demand gun registration.......their real goal...

Court records indicate that over about three months last fall, Keenan D. Hughes, 33, purchased 39 handguns from 15 Wisconsin stores, paying more than $25,000 cash, on behalf of Marvin Powell, 41, of Milwaukee, a repeat felon who can't legally possess, much less purchase, firearms. wan't the gun background check that caught these two guys.......

To that even an anti-gun extremist can understand...

Gun Background checks did not catch these criminals.....

No background check was performed when the gun store called the police....they simply got suspicious...

In early November, something spooked Powell and Hughes after they visited a gun shop in Cross Plains and they left without buying anything, the charges state. The shop's owner shared video of the men and their vehicle, caught on video, with the ATF. Agents traced the car to Powell.

Agents stopped Powell and Hughes Nov. 16 shortly after they exited Powell's house and got in the same car seen in the Cross Plains video. Hughes had two guns in his pockets and there were boxes for three handguns in the car.

This is why the serial number of every gun sold is registered to the buyer. And the buyer is responsible if the weapon has been used in any crime. Unless the gun is reported stolen, he too will be culpable for the crime, and that crime be it a misdemeanor, wobbler or Felony will be sufficient to take him or her into custody and charged with the instant offense.

And this is want to persecute the victim of a crime because you want to punish them for the sin of owning a gun.

You shitheads should ask yourselves why your party, the democrat party, keeps releasing violent, repeat gun offenders, over and over again, versus creating law after law to punish law abiding gun owners...if you asshats stopped releasing the actual violent gun offenders, our gun crime problem in democrat party controlled cities would drop 95%......

The only reason you idiots want gun registration is so you can confiscate guns when you get the is a side benefit to you if you can use gun registration to destroy the lives of law abiding gun owners while you work to get the power to ban and confiscate guns.

Don't put words in my mouth! Your first sentence is a damn lie. And registration of guns is necessary to protect LE.

Law abiding gun owners have nothing to fear, due process is necessary to confiscate guns and their are people who are a danger to themselves and others who do not have the right to own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun of any type.

Okay, dumb shit, let's play...

How does gun registration protect Law Enforcement? Let's hear your lame argument that makes no sense after 5 seconds of thinking it through...

Responding to 911 calls.

Are you dumb? Every call a cop responds to they assume there is a weapon involved and they know at least one gun is at every place they go....their own..that is how they are trained.......and, dumb ass....gang members do not register their illegal guns, and by law, they are not required to..........

You can still try.....please, explain to us how gun registration helps police.....

Some actual information to help you......

Eighty percent of illegal guns recovered in Michigan have been on the street for at least three years. The average time between a firearm being stolen and turning up in a criminal context — what police call the “time to crime” — is a long 13 years.

Editorial: How to get illegal guns off the streets

Canada Tried Registering Long Guns -- And Gave Up

The law passed and starting in 1998 Canadians were required to have a license to own firearms and register their weapons with the government. According to Canadian researcher (and gun enthusiast) Gary Mauser, the Canada Firearms Center quickly rose to 600 employees and the cost of the effort climbed past $600 million. In 2002 Canada’s auditor general released a report saying initial cost estimates of $2 million (Canadian) had increased to $1 billion as the government tried to register the estimated 15 million guns owned by Canada’s 34 million residents.

The registry was plagued with complications like duplicate serial numbers and millions of incomplete records, Mauser reports. One person managed to register a soldering gun, demonstrating the lack of precise standards. And overshadowing the effort was the suspicion of misplaced effort: Pistols were used in 66% of gun homicides in 2011, yet they represent about 6% of the guns in Canada. Legal long guns were used in 11% of killings that year, according to Statistics Canada, while illegal weapons like sawed-off shotguns and machine guns, which by definition cannot be registered, were used in another 12%.

So the government was spending the bulk of its money — about $17 million of the Firearms Center’s $82 million annual budget — trying to register long guns when the statistics showed they weren’t the problem.

There was also the question of how registering guns was supposed to reduce crime and suicide in the first place. From 1997 to 2005, only 13% of the guns used in homicides were registered. Police studies in Canada estimated that 2-16% of guns used in crimes were stolen from legal owners and thus potentially in the registry. The bulk of the guns, Canadian officials concluded, were unregistered weapons imported illegally from the U.S. by criminal gangs.

Finally in 2011, conservatives led by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper voted to abolish the long-gun registry and destroy all its records. Liberals argued the law had contributed to the decline in gun homicides since it was passed. But Mauser notes that gun homicides have actually been rising in recent years, from 151 in 1999 to 173 in 2009, as violent criminal gangs use guns in their drug turf wars and other disputes. As in the U.S., most gun homicides in Canada are committed by young males, many of them with criminal records. In the majority of homicides involving young males, the victim and the killer are know each other.

As to solving doesn't...
10 Myths About The Long Gun Registry

Myth #4: Police investigations are aided by the registry.
Doubtful. Information contained in the registry is incomplete and unreliable. Due to the inaccuracy of the information, it cannot be used as evidence in court and the government has yet to prove that it has been a contributing factor in any investigation. Another factor is the dismal compliance rate (estimated at only 50%) for licensing and registration which further renders the registry useless. Some senior police officers have stated as such: “The law registering firearms has neither deterred these crimes nor helped us solve any of them. None of the guns we know to have been used were registered ... the money could be more effectively used for security against terrorism as well as a host of other public safety initiatives.” Former Toronto Police Chief Julian Fantino, January 2003.


Tracking physical objects that are easily transferred with a database is non-trivial problem. Guns that are stolen, loaned, or lost disappear from the registry. The data is has to be manually entered and input mistakes will both leak guns and generate false positive results.

Registries don’t solve straw-purchases. If someone goes through all of the steps to register a gun and simply gives it to a criminal that gun becomes unregistered. Assuming the gun is ever recovered you could theoretically try and prosecute the person who transferred the gun to the criminal, but you aren’t solving the crime you were trying to. Remember that people will prostitute themselves or even their children for drugs, so how much deterrence is there in a maybe-get-a-few-years for straw purchasing?

Registries are expensive. Canada’s registry was pitched as costing the taxpayer $2 million and the rest of the costs were to be payed for with registration fees. It was subject to massive cost overruns that were not being met by registrations fees. When the program was audited in 2002 the program was expected to cost over $1 billion and that the fee revenue was only expected to be $140 million.

No gun recovered. If no gun was recovered at the scene of the crime then your registry isn’t even theoretically helping, let alone providing a practical tool. You need a world where criminals meticulously register their guns and leave them at the crime scene for a registry to start to become useful.

Say I have a registered gun, and a known associate of mine was shot and killed. Ballistics is able to determine that my known associate was killed with the same make and model as the gun I registered. A registry doesn’t prove that my gun was used, or that I was the one doing the shooting. I was a suspect as soon as we said “known associate” and the police will then being looking for motive and checking for my alibi.

Bullet tracking..

Maryland scraps gun "fingerprint" database after 15 failed years
Millions of dollars later, Maryland has officially decided that its 15-year effort to store and catalog the "fingerprints" of thousands of handguns was a failure.

Since 2000, the state required that gun manufacturers fire every handgun to be sold here and send the spent bullet casing to authorities. The idea was to build a database of "ballistic fingerprints" to help solve future crimes.

But the system — plagued by technological problems — never solved a single case. Now the hundreds of thousands of accumulated casings could be sold for scrap.

"Obviously, I'm disappointed," said former Gov. Parris N. Glendening, a Democrat whose administration pushed for the database to fulfill a campaign promise. "It's a little unfortunate, in that logic and common sense suggest that it would be a good crime-fighting tool."

The database "was a waste," said Frank Sloane, owner of Pasadena Gun & Pawn in Anne Arundel County. "There's things that they could have done that would have made sense. This didn't make any sense."
LOL: "Every call a cop responds to they assume there is a weapon involved and they know at least one gun is at every place they go....their own..that is how they are trained.......and, dumb ass....gang members do not register their illegal guns, and by law, they are not required to.........."

It seems you pretend to know what ever "cop" knows or is trained in. That's absurd; policies are often ignored, as we've seen over the past months when the Use of Force is abused by many cops.

What makes an illegal gun?
It works great. It's going to get illegal arms dealer Keenan Hughes off the street and into prison.

Since when is mass incarceration considered a virtue by the libs?

BTW, the man committed this non-violent violation scores of times before being caught.
LOL: "Every call a cop responds to they assume there is a weapon involved and they know at least one gun is at every place they go....their own..that is how they are trained.......and, dumb ass....gang members do not register their illegal guns, and by law, they are not required to.........."

It seems you pretend to know what ever "cop" knows or is trained in. That's absurd; policies are often ignored, as we've seen over the past months when the Use of Force is abused by many cops.

What makes an illegal gun?

Moron, I have two cops in the family, and took classes myself.

An illegal gun is a gun in the hands of a criminal who is prohibited by law from buying, owning or carrying a gun......

And by Supreme Court ruling, criminals do not have to register their illegal guns....
LOL: "Every call a cop responds to they assume there is a weapon involved and they know at least one gun is at every place they go....their own..that is how they are trained.......and, dumb ass....gang members do not register their illegal guns, and by law, they are not required to.........."

It seems you pretend to know what ever "cop" knows or is trained in. That's absurd; policies are often ignored, as we've seen over the past months when the Use of Force is abused by many cops.

What makes an illegal gun?

Moron, I have two cops in the family, and took classes myself.

An illegal gun is a gun in the hands of a criminal who is prohibited by law from buying, owning or carrying a gun......

And by Supreme Court ruling, criminals do not have to register their illegal guns....

You're funny.
LOL: "Every call a cop responds to they assume there is a weapon involved and they know at least one gun is at every place they go....their own..that is how they are trained.......and, dumb ass....gang members do not register their illegal guns, and by law, they are not required to.........."

It seems you pretend to know what ever "cop" knows or is trained in. That's absurd; policies are often ignored, as we've seen over the past months when the Use of Force is abused by many cops.

What makes an illegal gun?

Moron, I have two cops in the family, and took classes myself.

An illegal gun is a gun in the hands of a criminal who is prohibited by law from buying, owning or carrying a gun......

And by Supreme Court ruling, criminals do not have to register their illegal guns....

You're funny.

And you have nothing........
Time will tell if the true believers of the 2nd A. continue to ignore the slaughters of innocent people in Schools, Movie Theaters, Restaurants, Concerts, Road Rages; then of course suicides, and the death of children when guns are left out in the open and children find them.


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