A look at how criminals get their guns.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Another look at how criminals get their illegal guns.......just to show why universal background checks are pointless....

The article specifically addresses the idea that we need background checks for private sales.....

Yet one publication, the Bangor Daily News, decided to look at how felons actually get guns

Research and public records offer a limited glimpse into the ways restricted people are getting their guns.
One method is so-called straw purchasing, in which someone else buys the guns for a prohibited person. In a rare example of bipartisan gun control, Congress tightened the penalties for straw purchasing last year in the wake of the Uvalde, Texas, shooting.
Johnathan Nathans, an assistant U.S. attorney based in Maine, said that he’s anecdotally seen “a real rise” in straw purchasing in recent years, often connected to drug crime.
“You have people that are vulnerable, that don’t have a criminal history at all, and they are being asked by people, oftentime drug dealers, to go and purchase firearms for them,” Nathans said. “So they’re going in and purchasing one or two or more firearms, and then those firearms are quickly being handed over to a prohibited person.”
Court records offer some examples of this, such as a Massachusetts trafficker forgiving the drug debts of someone who bought seven guns in southern Maine, or a Brewer pawn shop worker falsifying records for 16 straw purchases.
Guns also can be acquired illegally by theft, borrowing or private purchase. That could be from a close acquaintance, the black market, classified ads or gun shows. Maine does not require background checks for private gun sales, and various proposals to enact them have been rejected by voters and lawmakers over the years.
A 2012 study of 253 people incarcerated for gun crimes found that about 40 percent were previously prohibited from having them. Those participants only occasionally got their guns from stores or pawn shops, and none reported using gun shows. Most were obtained from friends, family and dealers on the street — and were usually purchased or borrowed instead of stolen.

But let’s also address the idea of background checks for private sales. The idea that is seemingly presented here is that felons would be caught up if they were required.

The problem with that is that they already note that a lot of them get them from friends and family. In other words, they’re buying them from people who probably already know they’re prohibited from buying a firearm. That’s already a crime. You don’t need more laws.
Even the most dense of the progbots has to know more laws/regs are not going to stop the gun violence since the vast majority are committed by criminals that DGAS about any laws to begin with.
There are no magic fairies that can eliminate all the 400 million private guns already in circulation.
Obviously their masters know this but just want us unable to defend ourselves from the tyranny/lawlessness they are orchestrating

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