

Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
When it comes from the other side you simply don't care. You write it off as envy or just political hate. When it comes from the press you write it off as right wing press but when it comes from INSIDE the party you have a whole new problem.

And democrats have that problem right now if or if they do not choose to admit it. Lot of the site liberal democrats are 100% in with Hillary and her trust factor reflects on them.

During the time of Nixon many hard line GOP members had to come to grips with one thing. YOUR pick IS hurting your party. As the GOP finally did with Nixon many had to step out and admit they screwed up. The following election was a slaughter on ALL levels for the GOP in federal/state and even city elections.

The Hillary train wreck WILL happen it's just a matter of when. Some of the "Grumblings".

"The unease was on full display Sunday, with California Gov. Jerry Brown, himself a former White House hopeful whose name has been floated more than once to enter the 2016 race, said he wasn’t sure if Clinton would be the party’s standard-bearer."

You can't get more DNC the California. And if you are a democrat and can't carry it you are done.

"Asked about Biden entering the Democratic primary, Brown replied: “All I can say, if I were Hillary I would say don't jump in. If I were Biden, I'd probably get very serious consideration.”

Jerry is an idiot and even Jerry knows.

"Howard Dean, the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said Clinton’s responses to the controversy had been too “lawyerly.”

“As I was watching that tape, I was thinking to myself, this is a lawyerly answer. And one of the problems is that Hillary Clinton is an incredibly smart lawyer,” the 2004 presidential contender said on Meet the Press after watching a clip of Clinton’s testy press conference."

Howard "The Screamer" Dean knows it as well.

"“So long as our Democratic Party is not talking about the issues that matter most around the kitchen table, the only question that will be asked every day, and it’s a legitimate question, by media people like yourself, or by the Republicans, are questions about Hillary Clinton's emails,” O’Malley said on ABC’s This Week."

Martin O'Malley sees it as well.

"Democrats Are Openly Speculating About an Election without Hillary Clinton"

The Fiscal Times sees it and it only leans towards money. How does an agenda or a person effect YOUR money or the economy? The train wreck IS going to happen. The Democrats are waiting for Hillary to bow out or beg off. And the longer she waits the more she hurts them. Hillary's BIGGEST fault is she puts self BEFORE everything.

The GOP made mistakes with Nixon as they let him stay to long and the GOP paid dearly. This time the DNC has the problem, but did they learn?
Democrats Are Openly Speculating About an Election without Hillary Clinton
:) Deflecting from Trump. Neither DT or HRC will be their party's candidates.
Lot of the site liberal democrats are 100% in with Hillary and her trust factor reflects on them.
Unsubstantiated fallacy..
What a mish mash of nonsense OP is. Is he trying to take credit for the op/ed or is he just confused?

One thing that is true about the RWs is his first line:

"When it comes from the other side you simply don't care. You write it off as envy or just political hate. When it comes from the press you write it off as right wing press but when it comes from INSIDE the party you have a whole new problem."

We saw that yet again last night when Drumpf ran from the journalist's questions and again in Laredo when he blamed the media and ran from the questions.

Note to OP: notice my use of quotes and italics to make it clear what I am saying as opposed to what I am quoting. You should have learned that in junior high but its not too late. Even you should be able to learn it now.
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What a mish mash of nonsense OP is. Is he trying to take credit for the op/ed or is he just confused?

One thing that is true about the RWs is his first line:

"When it comes from the other side you simply don't care. You write it off as envy or just political hate. When it comes from the press you write it off as right wing press but when it comes from INSIDE the party you have a whole new problem."

We saw that yet again last night when Drumpf ran from the journalist's questions and again in Laredo when he blamed the media and ran from the questions.

Note to OP: notice my use of quotes and italics to make it clear what I am saying as opposed to what I am quoting. You should have learned that in junior high but its not too late. Even you should be able to learn it now.
That reporter you speak of had CHOSEN to interrupt another reporter three times. Trump WAS trying to reply to the other reporters question when interrupted. He was more then right to have that man walked out. It was HIS press conference NOT the reporters.
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  • #7
What a mish mash of nonsense OP is. Is he trying to take credit for the op/ed or is he just confused?

One thing that is true about the RWs is his first line:

"When it comes from the other side you simply don't care. You write it off as envy or just political hate. When it comes from the press you write it off as right wing press but when it comes from INSIDE the party you have a whole new problem."

We saw that yet again last night when Drumpf ran from the journalist's questions and again in Laredo when he blamed the media and ran from the questions.

Note to OP: notice my use of quotes and italics to make it clear what I am saying as opposed to what I am quoting. You should have learned that in junior high but its not too late. Even you should be able to learn it now.
Any statements from the link I use I put in quotes. That's called giving CREDIT to that writer. Something YOU seldom do.

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