Grocery store


Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2009
I was grocery shopping today, and having to watch and plan my meals carefully, because I have bills to pay and stuff like that. And in front of me there is one of these people who had steaks and all kinds of lovely foods, fresh veggies and fruits. She swiped her little card and then said that if she did not have enough WIC to pay for her fresh veggies and fruit that she would use her government debit card to pay for the rest. How thoughtful of her. :clap2:

It made me happy, NOT, cuz I work hard everyday to feed someone else well. Don't get me wrong. I want people to eat well, but not by taking it out of my mouth, thank you

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It always amazes me to see this scenero at the grocery store. Here I am with my basket of stuff and it usually has lots of generic stuff, hamburger, hot dogs, etc. - regular old stuff. Then comes the person who swipes their card as you say and is on the public dole. They always have the good steaks, brand name stuff and seem to be getting along very well. It makes me happy to see at least some of my tax money is going to make a turd for somebody else and not be used for something like building tunnels for turtles to use to cross the road and not get hit by a damned car.
It always amazes me to see this scenero at the grocery store. Here I am with my basket of stuff and it usually has lots of generic stuff, hamburger, hot dogs, etc. - regular old stuff. Then comes the person who swipes their card as you say and is on the public dole. They always have the good steaks, brand name stuff and seem to be getting along very well. It makes me happy to see at least some of my tax money is going to make a turd for somebody else and not be used for something like building tunnels for turtles to use to cross the road and not get hit by a damned car.

I was really bothered by that today. This woman was perfectly healthy looking and younger than myself. I was unemployed for a while. But never on the public dole. They give these cards to people now to save on their dignity. Makes them feel like they are using a debit card instead of your and my money.

I had to put a couple of things back because I remembered I have a city tax bill to pay, because I work outside my city :evil:
There is a real need in this country for welfare in some cases and I don't have a bad thing to say about welfare when it is really necessary. However, when it is obvious that it is being abused, that is a completely different colored horse. That is what makes me angry.
I could never work in a grocery store, standing on my feet all day and watching this go down time and again! How depressing of a job would that be :(
There is a real need in this country for welfare in some cases and I don't have a bad thing to say about welfare when it is really necessary. However, when it is obvious that it is being abused, that is a completely different colored horse. That is what makes me angry.


Especially when you have to watch every cent, because the tax man cometh
Here's my take. She's going to get the hand out, whether you like it or not..

Would you be more, or less pissed off if she were buying complete shit, rather than fresh fruits/veggies and healthier cuts of meat?
Here's my take. She's going to get the hand out, whether you like it or not..

Would you be more, or less pissed off if she were buying complete shit, rather than fresh fruits/veggies and healthier cuts of meat?

The point is, that WIC covers her buying the veggies and fruit. That is some expensive eating these days. The steaks were T bones and filets. She could plan her meals better. Oh and they pay cash for their beer :evil:
And by the way, I would be happier if she got a job.
When I was working my way through college (and living on very little money), I knew students who bought stereos, cars, skis, and vacations with their government grants.

I'm the oldest of five kids; my dad made about $1,000 above the maximum amount allowable to receive financial aid. The counselor told me to have my parent spend ALL of their (small) amount of savings and a big chunk of their income on my education so that my siblings could qualify for aid.

I told that person where he could shove it and got a job. I sometimes wonder where the kids who lived it up on free money while I worked to pay for my education are. Somehow, I think I'm better off no matter how successful they may be. I know I've earned mine.
When I was working my way through college (and living on very little money), I knew students who bought stereos, cars, skis, and vacations with their government grants.

I'm the oldest of five kids; my dad made about $1,000 above the maximum amount allowable to receive financial aid. The counselor told me to have my parent spend ALL of their (small) amount of savings and a big chunk of their income on my education so that my siblings could qualify for aid.

I told that person where he could shove it and got a job. I sometimes wonder where the kids who lived it up on free money while I worked to pay for my education are. Somehow, I think I'm better off no matter how successful they may be. I know I've earned mine.

:clap2: Me too

I had a plumbing problem the other day. I had to call the city, to make sure it was not a problem coming from the street. It was my problem, (it turned out). The city worker told me I could sign up for a program. The next day I called a plumber and a couple of old employees and got the job done with my own money and time
Way back when I was in college and had very little extra money to live on, I used to buy a case of Receipe Dog Food every two weeks. When you heated it up on the stove, it looked just like beef stew and it really didn't taste so bad. Then one day I woke up in the hospital emergency room with medical people working on me. I asked what happened as I didn't remember anything happening that would cause me to be taken to the hospital. The doctor said that an eye-witness watched me stop in the middle of the street I was crossing and I began to lick my balls and got hit by a car.

This is why you should always be careful about what you eat.
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