Green Utopians: Back to the drawing board!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Seems Realville has officially slammed the environmental radicals in the face ( or the groin).

Apparently, the jackasses once again are changing the game plan. First it was "global warming". They lost. Then it became "climate change". They lost. Now? Ready for this...............

The new mantra for the climate nutters?

"sustainable development"

Editorial: Green utopians trying again | world, green, global - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Where is the meeting destination for the environmental bomb throwers? they get to check out some nice ass. Because once they leave.......its back to Realville.

You cant even make this shit up!!! Sustainable development...............:coffee::coffee::2up:
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I was reading an article about how much UN horsecrap is PEGGED to climate change.. Whole conferences (I kid you not) on the implications of Climate change to global women's rights.

It's NOT a climate debate, it's a 3 ring circus..
I was reading an article about how much UN horsecrap is PEGGED to climate change.. Whole conferences (I kid you not) on the implications of Climate change to global women's rights.

It's NOT a climate debate, it's a 3 ring circus..

a 3 ring circus with one single goal: wealth redistribution.

The hopelessly duped all wrapped up in the science might be smart, but they have the political IQ's of a handball. This shit has always been about wealth redistribution which in 2012 is the only thing the UN cares about.

They even have a playbook:eek::eek: "Guide to assist UN Country integrating climate risk/opportunities".................

They go to these countries and drop nuclear bombs about global warming = scare the shit out of people and soften them up for the mega-taxes. Centralizing control of the herd...........Plato, Hobbes and Moore would be proud.:clap2:

Most of the environmentalists think the UN is involved out of noble intentions for saving the planet!!!:up::up::up::funnyface:
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They're just crossing their fingers that another UN food riot doesn't break out at the conference...

One of my favorite political snippets from ALL TIME.. A moldy oldy goldy..

Food Fight - TIME

But as tensions grew and stomachs growled, a high-ranking U.N. official boldly ordered that all the cafeterias open their doors for business even without staff. The restaurants had been locked shut by security until about 1:00 pm when the doors flung open.

The decision to make the cafeterias into "no pay zones" spread through the 40-acre complex like wildfire. Soon, the hungry patrons came running. "It was chaos, wild, something out of a war scene," said one Aramark executive who was present. "They took everything, even the silverware," she said. Another witness from U.N. security said the cafeteria was "stripped bare." :eek: And another told TIME that the cafeteria raid was "unbelievable, crowds of people just taking everything in sight; they stripped the place bare." And yet another astonished witness said that "chickens, turkeys, souffles, casseroles all went out the door (unpaid)." :eusa_hand:

The mob then moved on to the Viennese Café, a popular snack bar in the U.N.'s conference room facility. It was also stripped bare. The takers included some well-known diplomats who finished off the raid with free drinks at the lounge for delegates. When asked how much liquor was lifted from the U.N. bar, one U.S. diplomat responded: "I stopped counting the bottles." He then excused himself and headed towards the men's room.

These are the folks chartered with saving mankind from itself.... :cool:
They're just crossing their fingers that another UN food riot doesn't break out at the conference...

One of my favorite political snippets from ALL TIME.. A moldy oldy goldy..

Food Fight - TIME

But as tensions grew and stomachs growled, a high-ranking U.N. official boldly ordered that all the cafeterias open their doors for business even without staff. The restaurants had been locked shut by security until about 1:00 pm when the doors flung open.

The decision to make the cafeterias into "no pay zones" spread through the 40-acre complex like wildfire. Soon, the hungry patrons came running. "It was chaos, wild, something out of a war scene," said one Aramark executive who was present. "They took everything, even the silverware," she said. Another witness from U.N. security said the cafeteria was "stripped bare." :eek: And another told TIME that the cafeteria raid was "unbelievable, crowds of people just taking everything in sight; they stripped the place bare." And yet another astonished witness said that "chickens, turkeys, souffles, casseroles all went out the door (unpaid)." :eusa_hand:

The mob then moved on to the Viennese Café, a popular snack bar in the U.N.'s conference room facility. It was also stripped bare. The takers included some well-known diplomats who finished off the raid with free drinks at the lounge for delegates. When asked how much liquor was lifted from the U.N. bar, one U.S. diplomat responded: "I stopped counting the bottles." He then excused himself and headed towards the men's room.

These are the folks chartered with saving mankind from itself.... :cool:

All liberals.............who in my experience are rarely anything but miserable and angry all the time. In a perpetual state of shit like this doesnt surprise me.
Granny says, "Dat's right - we all gonna die if dem politicians don't get onna same page an' do sumpin' `bout it...
Climate Change ‘As Dangerous’ as Iran’s Nukes and Possibility of War
August 2, 2012 – The situation facing the planet because of climate change is “as dangerous” as the possibility of war over Iran’s nuclear activities, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) told the U.S. Senate on Wednesday.
Delivering what his office described as “a major address and current assessment of the global climate change challenge,” Kerry acknowledged and bemoaned the success of those who question the notion of human-induced global warming. He compared skeptics to flat-earthers and decried what he called a “concerted assault on reason.” “I believe that the situation we face, Mr. President, is as dangerous as any of the sort of real crises that we talk about – today we had a hearing in the Foreign Relations Committee on the subject of Syria, and we all know what’s happening with respect to Iran, and nuclear weapons and the possibility even of a war,” Kerry said. “Well, this issue [climate change] actually is of as significant a level of importance, because it affects life itself on the planet,” he said.

Kerry said the term climate change had become “an unusable word in American politics.” “Climate change, over the last few years, has regrettably lost credibility in the eyes and ears of the American people, because of a concerted campaign of disinformation – a concerted campaign to brand the concept as somehow slightly out of the mainstream of American political thinking.” “I have to say it’s been a remarkably effective campaign, you can’t sit here and say it hasn’t worked,” Kerry conceded. “Every opportunity to cast a pall on facts with some kind of cockamamie theory has been taken advantage of, and a lot of money has been spent, Mr. President, a lot of money has been spent in this process of disinformation and of discrediting.” “We have in effect, with respect to climate change in America today, what is fundamentally a flat-earth caucus, a bunch of people – some of them within the United States Congress itself – who still argue, against all the science, all the evidence, they argue that somehow we don’t know enough about climate change, or they argue that the evidence isn’t sufficient, or they argue that it just is a hoax.”

Kerry did not name his congressional targets, but earlier in the day, during a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing, ranking member Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) declared that “the global warming movement has completely collapsed and cap-and-trade is dead and gone.” Inhofe was referring to the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, which sought to set up a system to limit and trade the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other “greenhouse gases” blamed for climate change. The measure passed in the U.S. House in June 2009 by a margin of just seven votes, but died in the Senate. Noting that the committee had not held a hearing on “global warming science” since early 2009, Inhofe said, “I suspect a look back over the past three years will be a little painful for some.” Back then, with a Democratic president in the White House and Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, “the global warming alarmists were on top of the world – they thought they would reach their goal.”

Inhofe attributed the failure to “Climategate,” the scandal triggered by the leaking of emails revealing the apparent manipulation of data by some scientists linked to the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). After reading excerpts of several articles critical of the IPCC from “publications that were on the alarmist side of this issue,” including the New York Times, Inhofe asked, “just how unpopular is the global warming movement now?” “The Washington Post recently published a poll revealing that Americans no longer worry about global warming and one of the reasons is that they don’t trust the scientists and their motives,” he added. In the poll, 18 percent of respondents identified “global warming/greenhouse effect/climate change” as the biggest single environmental problem facing the world, down from 25 percent in 2008 and 33 percent in 2007. Twenty-nine percent of respondents identified pollution as the biggest problem.

‘A whole lot of people are getting angry about this’
Granny says, "Dat's right - we all gonna die if dem politicians don't get onna same page an' do sumpin' `bout it...
Climate Change ‘As Dangerous’ as Iran’s Nukes and Possibility of War
August 2, 2012 – The situation facing the planet because of climate change is “as dangerous” as the possibility of war over Iran’s nuclear activities, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) told the U.S. Senate on Wednesday.
Delivering what his office described as “a major address and current assessment of the global climate change challenge,” Kerry acknowledged and bemoaned the success of those who question the notion of human-induced global warming. He compared skeptics to flat-earthers and decried what he called a “concerted assault on reason.” “I believe that the situation we face, Mr. President, is as dangerous as any of the sort of real crises that we talk about – today we had a hearing in the Foreign Relations Committee on the subject of Syria, and we all know what’s happening with respect to Iran, and nuclear weapons and the possibility even of a war,” Kerry said. “Well, this issue [climate change] actually is of as significant a level of importance, because it affects life itself on the planet,” he said.

Kerry said the term climate change had become “an unusable word in American politics.” “Climate change, over the last few years, has regrettably lost credibility in the eyes and ears of the American people, because of a concerted campaign of disinformation – a concerted campaign to brand the concept as somehow slightly out of the mainstream of American political thinking.” “I have to say it’s been a remarkably effective campaign, you can’t sit here and say it hasn’t worked,” Kerry conceded. “Every opportunity to cast a pall on facts with some kind of cockamamie theory has been taken advantage of, and a lot of money has been spent, Mr. President, a lot of money has been spent in this process of disinformation and of discrediting.” “We have in effect, with respect to climate change in America today, what is fundamentally a flat-earth caucus, a bunch of people – some of them within the United States Congress itself – who still argue, against all the science, all the evidence, they argue that somehow we don’t know enough about climate change, or they argue that the evidence isn’t sufficient, or they argue that it just is a hoax.”

Kerry did not name his congressional targets, but earlier in the day, during a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing, ranking member Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) declared that “the global warming movement has completely collapsed and cap-and-trade is dead and gone.” Inhofe was referring to the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, which sought to set up a system to limit and trade the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other “greenhouse gases” blamed for climate change. The measure passed in the U.S. House in June 2009 by a margin of just seven votes, but died in the Senate. Noting that the committee had not held a hearing on “global warming science” since early 2009, Inhofe said, “I suspect a look back over the past three years will be a little painful for some.” Back then, with a Democratic president in the White House and Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, “the global warming alarmists were on top of the world – they thought they would reach their goal.”

Inhofe attributed the failure to “Climategate,” the scandal triggered by the leaking of emails revealing the apparent manipulation of data by some scientists linked to the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). After reading excerpts of several articles critical of the IPCC from “publications that were on the alarmist side of this issue,” including the New York Times, Inhofe asked, “just how unpopular is the global warming movement now?” “The Washington Post recently published a poll revealing that Americans no longer worry about global warming and one of the reasons is that they don’t trust the scientists and their motives,” he added. In the poll, 18 percent of respondents identified “global warming/greenhouse effect/climate change” as the biggest single environmental problem facing the world, down from 25 percent in 2008 and 33 percent in 2007. Twenty-nine percent of respondents identified pollution as the biggest problem.

‘A whole lot of people are getting angry about this’

Irrelevant drivel FTL..........nobody cares what John Kerry says.............

Thanks for pulling this thread up again s0n..........outstanding thread it is.
i was reading an article about how much un horsecrap is pegged to climate change.. Whole conferences (i kid you not) on the implications of climate change to global women's rights.

It's not a climate debate, it's a 3 ring circus..

a 3 ring circus with one single goal: Wealth redistribution.

The hopelessly duped all wrapped up in the science might be smart, but they have the political iq's of a handball. This shit has always been about wealth redistribution which in 2012 is the only thing the un cares about.

They even have a playbook:eek::eek: "guide to assist un country integrating climate risk/opportunities".................

they go to these countries and drop nuclear bombs about global warming = scare the shit out of people and soften them up for the mega-taxes. Centralizing control of the herd...........plato, hobbes and moore would be proud.:clap2:

Most of the environmentalists think the un is involved out of noble intentions for saving the planet!!!:up::up::up::funnyface:

The alternative is, then, continuing with unsustainable development.
The alternative is, then, continuing with unsustainable development.

Funny thing -- the free market has been able to adjust to "sustainability" just fine without UN help and tying Sustainability to Global Womens Rights and every other Collectivist cause.

When resources start to become scarce, changes are made. Like the move to farm raised fish and electronic paper. But the scary prognostications about running out of metals, food, and all those other things simply have not proven to be a huge problem..
Seems Realville has officially slammed the environmental radicals in the face ( or the groin).

Apparently, the jackasses once again are changing the game plan. First it was "global warming". They lost. Then it became "climate change". They lost. Now? Ready for this...............

The new mantra for the climate nutters?

"sustainable development"

Editorial: Green utopians trying again | world, green, global - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Where is the meeting destination for the environmental bomb throwers? they get to check out some nice ass. Because once they leave.......its back to Realville.

You cant even make this shit up!!! Sustainable development...............:coffee::coffee::2up:
You noticed,...and in each case the "solution" is an attempt to create a nanny state. "Sustainable development" is just another rhetoric construct that makes as much sense as saying half-full or half-empty in an attempted sales pitch with a spin that works on folks with no brains.
One sucker already swallowed the hook and asked You, so what is the answer "unsustainable development"?..without being able to define what the f..k that would be. Developing a resource means that You make it usable and nothing else. "Sustainable development" is left wing idiot talk for leaving oil, gas, coal, metals and other resources in the ground, pine forest for the pine beetles so that massive forest fires consume them instead of saw mills producing building materials, growing veggies in a pot on a New York balcony instead of efficient farming and so on. Most of it is straight out of doomsday preppers handbooks that preach essentially the same garbage as the GW doomsday prophets.
"Sustainable" and "development" are 2 different concepts. Most reasonable people know what development means and also what "sustainable" means. A way of life is either sustainable or not.
Take a look at the countries that are the least able to sustain their way of life:
Poorest Countries in the World
They are also the least developed
and then at the richest, which also happen to be the most developed:
Richest Countries in the World

It also makes a whole lot of nonsense how "over-population" is defined by the same crackpots, because the most populated countries also happen to be the most developed and the richest. It`s no problem sustaining life in any of these. To put it bluntly, the "over" in "over-population" is in reality the utterly useless excess-population and is the part of the human race that is too stupid to feed itself or too useless to contribute to the rest of the world`s productive population and opted to annoy the rest of us as left wing activists. There are makers and takers and it`s not the makers that fuck things up.
Just a bit off topic, I just finished reading this article about the new BMW 320D

BMW designed it to please the enviro idiots. The 320D has 184 hp and uses at 130 km/h (~ 80mph) only 4.1 liters diesel per 100 km.
Now these freaks are quoting "medical studies" that claim that the "Diesel" nano particles that make it through the exhaust filter that German cars use causes "brain stress". The "study" they refer to had a few enviro-freak volunteers inhaling Diesel exhaust in a room for 1/2 an hour while their EEG was monitored.
Only an anti-oil nut with an agenda could get the idea to do such "medical" study. According to Yadvashem they should not just have "brain stress",...we Germans have been accused of having gassed Jews in Treblinka just like that, according to eye witnesses that for some reason were allowed to live to tell the tale ~ 2000 every 15 minutes in a room no larger than the average school class room with a Diesel engine. But the Engine and the ~ 1million corpses disappeared without a trace, else we could do autopsies if any Diesel particles were in their brains.
Doesn`t that make your trigger finger twitch?...The world was a better place when idiot brains were blown out with lead macro particles.
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The alternative is, then, continuing with unsustainable development.

Yep, the definition of sustainable development is of course death. As in, if you are merely maintaining your base level of food production and energy production what happens when the inevitable natural disaster comes along and screws up your program?

Yep, you guessed it, you get to die...just like has happened throughout time.

You might want to read some history some time, you might actually learn something.
Seems Realville has officially slammed the environmental radicals in the face ( or the groin).

Apparently, the jackasses once again are changing the game plan. First it was "global warming". They lost. Then it became "climate change". They lost. Now? Ready for this...............

The new mantra for the climate nutters?

"sustainable development"

Editorial: Green utopians trying again | world, green, global - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Where is the meeting destination for the environmental bomb throwers? they get to check out some nice ass. Because once they leave.......its back to Realville.

You cant even make this shit up!!! Sustainable development...............:coffee::coffee::2up:
You noticed,...and in each case the "solution" is an attempt to create a nanny state. "Sustainable development" is just another rhetoric construct that makes as much sense as saying half-full or half-empty in an attempted sales pitch with a spin that works on folks with no brains.
One sucker already swallowed the hook and asked You, so what is the answer "unsustainable development"?..without being able to define what the f..k that would be. Developing a resource means that You make it usable and nothing else. "Sustainable development" is left wing idiot talk for leaving oil, gas, coal, metals and other resources in the ground, pine forest for the pine beetles so that massive forest fires consume them instead of saw mills producing building materials, growing veggies in a pot on a New York balcony instead of efficient farming and so on. Most of it is straight out of doomsday preppers handbooks that preach essentially the same garbage as the GW doomsday prophets.
"Sustainable" and "development" are 2 different concepts. Most reasonable people know what development means and also what "sustainable" means. A way of life is either sustainable or not.
Take a look at the countries that are the least able to sustain their way of life:
Poorest Countries in the World
They are also the least developed
and then at the richest, which also happen to be the most developed:
Richest Countries in the World

It also makes a whole lot of nonsense how "over-population" is defined by the same crackpots, because the most populated countries also happen to be the most developed and the richest. It`s no problem sustaining life in any of these. To put it bluntly, the "over" in "over-population" is in reality the utterly useless excess-population and is the part of the human race that is too stupid to feed itself or too useless to contribute to the rest of the world`s productive population and opted to annoy the rest of us as left wing activists. There are makers and takers and it`s not the makers that fuck things up.
Just a bit off topic, I just finished reading this article about the new BMW 320D
BMW 320d Efficient Dynamics Edition: Der sparsame Dienstwagen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
BMW designed it to please the enviro idiots. The 320D has 184 hp and uses at 130 km/h (~ 80mph) only 4.1 liters diesel per 100 km.
Now these freaks are quoting "medical studies" that claim that the "Diesel" nano particles that make it through the exhaust filter that German cars use causes "brain stress". The "study" they refer to had a few enviro-freak volunteers inhaling Diesel exhaust in a room for 1/2 an hour while their EEG was monitored.
Only an anti-oil nut with an agenda could get the idea to do such "medical" study. According to Yadvashem they should not just have "brain stress",...we Germans have been accused having gassed Jews in Treblinka just like that, ~ 2000 every 15 minutes with a Diesel engine
Doesn`t that make your trigger finger twitch?...The world was a better place when idiot brains were blown out with lead macro particles.

"Lead macro particles":lol::lol::lol: Love it!
Granny says dat's why its been so hot this summer an' why we havin' a drought - `cause o' climate change an' gay marriage advocates goin' against the word of God...
New study links events with climate change
Mon, Aug 06, 2012 - The relentless, weather-gone-crazy type of heat that has blistered the US and other parts of the world recently is so rare that it cannot be anything but man-made global warming, a new statistical analysis from a top government scientist says.
The research by a man often called the “godfather of global warming” says that the likelihood of such temperatures occurring from the 1950s through the 1980s was rarer than one in 300. Now, the odds are closer to one in 10, according to the study by NASA scientist James Hansen. He says that statistically, what is happening is not random or normal, but pure and simple climate change. “This is not some scientific theory. We are now experiencing scientific fact,” Hansen said.

Hansen is a scientist at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York and a professor at Columbia University. However, he is also a strident activist who has called for government action to curb greenhouse gases for years. While his study was published online on Saturday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, it is unlikely to sway opinion among the remaining climate change skeptics. However, several climate scientists praised the new work.

In a blunt departure from most climate research, Hansen’s study — based on statistics, not the more typical climate modeling — blames these three heat waves purely on global warming: last year’s devastating Texas-Oklahoma drought; the 2010 heat waves in Russia and the Middle East, which led to thousands of deaths; the 2003 European heat wave blamed for tens of thousands of deaths, especially among the elderly in France.

The analysis was written before the current drought and record-breaking temperatures that have seared much of the US this year. The new research makes the case for the severity of global warming in a different way than most scientific studies and uses simple math instead of relying on complex climate models or an understanding of atmospheric physics. It also does not bother with the usual caveats about individual weather events having numerous causes. The increase in the chance of extreme heat, drought and heavy downpours in certain regions is so huge that scientists should stop hemming and hawing, Hansen said.

When these things 'run out', the scale of dependence on them will be so overwhelming that the consequences will surpass your worst imaginings. So, don't do anything obvious like adopt a wiser path.

And how could 'Granny' be wrong?
When these things 'run out', the scale of dependence on them will be so overwhelming that the consequences will surpass your worst imaginings. So, don't do anything obvious like adopt a wiser path.

And how could 'Granny' be wrong?

Look Bullwinkle.. Granny is hardly ever wrong. But Granny ain't storing blackberry preserves for your apocalypse yet.

My indoctrination to become an enviromentalist came from reading all those 70s apocalyptic doom boom books like "The Population Bomb".. After many years of college and learning how the economy really works, I realized how silly that whole methodology was. And I became a Pragmatic enviromentalist instead of a useless hysterical demonstrator.

Tell me more about how we are gonna be "overwhelmed" on a scale beyond my "worst imaginings"..

I'll go get the popcorn... ((Don't tell me POPCORN is part of it -- Wait --- the envirolobby is trying to make corn expensive by burning it for fuel aren't they?)) Wow -- you're right. Our STUPIDITY can cause things to "run out"... :lol:

Be sure to be specific now on how the market WILL and SHOULD react to all your deepest percieved fears.. I have this hunch that your fears are all because leftists in general have no concept how a free market works..
When these things 'run out', the scale of dependence on them will be so overwhelming that the consequences will surpass your worst imaginings. So, don't do anything obvious like adopt a wiser path.

And how could 'Granny' be wrong?

In 100 years when the fossil fuels will now supposedly run out (well oil, natural gas and coal are good for at least another 200 years) I would hazard a guess that the technology will be so advanced that we wouldn't even begin to recognize it.

But that's the difference between us and you. You are so extrememly anti science that any progress is considered evil, instead you insist we go backwards. You claim to care about people but you don't. All you care about is your religion...and it is failing.
What a group of projecting, prejudiced minds, purposely misinterpreting and over generalizing.
There is nothing anti-science in what I've posted. I do not represent what you are projecting. You cannot answer what I say because you only hear what you have heard and trained yourselves to believe. You want me to represent some cause you dislike so you can dump on it, but you are in error.
It is exactly creativity and inventiveness that I encourage. I want to go on to the new and more beautiful, not the old and ugly.
We already have had wars for oil. We will soon have wars for food (again). There will probably be conflict over water.
If religion is involved, it is your blind faith in technology. Not every development is progress. I have no religion and only seek what works. I am eclectic.
Peddle your support of the established repressive system somewhere else.

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