Great Reset: German Govt Wants to Remote Control Home Heat, Electric Car Charge


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And the rest of the West, including Democrats in America, are eying the same thing.

A government agency in Germany has announced a new scheme that will see power suppliers able to remotely limit home heating and electric car charging.

Germany’s Federal Network Agency, a government watchdog responsible for the regulation of electricity and gas in the country, has announced a new plan that will allow power grid operators to remotely limit the use of heat pumps and electric car chargers in Germany next winter without the user’s permission.

With the plans set to be put in place by January 2024, the measure has been described as a way of ensuring energy grid operators have the ability to artificially curb electricity demand should consumption outstrip supply.

According to a report on the new scheme penned by Die Welt, the plan has been drawn up in response to the German energy grid being put under more and more strain by an increasing number of electric car chargers and people using more ‘environmentally friendly’ but electricity-intense heat pumps in their homes.

Such an increased demand reportedly cannot be caught up to with increased supply, at least in the short term, meaning that authorities within the Federal Network Agency believe that remote consumption restrictions must be rolled out on certain devices.

As a result, the agency reportedly says that an “acceptance of necessary comfort restrictions” on the part of the general public is now required, with it to be mandated that heat pumps — often used to heat homes and hot water — as well as electric car chargers, become remotely controllable by energy grid operators.


Some fear the autonomous machine, but it is really the humans behind technology that are the problem.
They're Germans, I mean, what did you expect?

what your horde´s buddies are gonna eat ? the own children 🇷🇺 again ?



Which dimwit moved this from Current Events to the dead end of Europe thread?

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