Great Britain – Jihadi Wonderland


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
From the book ISIS Exposed by Erick Staklebeck, ppg. 144-145

“Great Britain circa 2015, is a place Churchill would not recognize, and that Thatcher fought doggedly to prevent. It’s a place where Mohammed is the most popular name for male babies; where soldiers are murdered on the streets in broad daylight by Islamic fanatics; where Anjem Choudary shouts for sharia law, while leeching off the very government he’s like to see overthrown; where some 85 fully functioning sharia courts operate in major British cities; and where hostile Islamic enclaves have been established in London neighborhoods.”


“In 2011, Islamists in league with London ISIS supplier, Anjem Choudary, put up posters around Tower Hamlets, proclaiming it a “Sharia Controlled Zone”, where Islamic rules are enforced. Harassment of non-Muslims – particularly homosexuals, women, and alcohol consumers – at the hands of self-proclaimed “Muslim London Patrols”, has become a regular occurance in East London.


“How bad are things in the UK ? During my trips to Britain over the past few years, I’ve interviewed >>

1) Saad al-Faqih –an al Qaeda-linked , US designated global terrorist

2) Yasser al Sirri -- an al Qaeda-linked radical, wanted in the US and Egypt, on terrorism charges

3) Noman Benotman * – former Libyan terrorist leader, and associate of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

4) Anjem Choudary – Great Britain’s most notorious and outspoken radical Islamist (jihadist), and supplier of British fighters to ISIS.

“Yet none of my face-to=face interviews with them were conducted behind prison walls. Rather, all of these men are living comfortable lives in London, moving about freely in the land of Churchill and Thatcher (who likely are turning in their graves as I writes this)”

* Reformed and now works against jihadists
Well Anjem Choudhary is now behind bars, but it took far too long and he inspired the killers of Fusilier Lee Rigby and countless other Islamists.
And sadly, Mrs Thatcher ignored warnings from a French minister that we would be in hot water if we didn't do something about the hate preachers who were beginning to spring up around then as well as other issues over security.
Ironic that the warning came from the French, given that they are probably in at least a marginally worse situation than we are now, but that's where socialist gvmnts get us.
  • If ISIS is retreating in Mosul, it is rapidly advancing in Manchester. The Caliphate is winning its war in Europe. Six months ago in Britain, the rise of Jeremy Corbyn, the ultra-pacifist Labour party leader who blamed the "war on terror" for the recent attacks in Manchester and London, would have been unthinkable.
  • As the Caliphate razed to the ground everything in its path, Europe reacted as if that were just the result of regrettable manners that should not concern her. The Islamists, however, had other plans.
  • "Why, in August 2015, did ISIS need to blow up and destroy that temple of Baalshamin? Because it was a temple where pagans before Islam came to adore mendacious idols? No, it was because that monument was venerated by contemporary Westerners, whose culture includes an educated love for 'historical monuments' and a great curiosity for the beliefs of other people and other times. And Islamists want to show that Muslims have a culture that is different from ours, a culture that is unique to them". — Paul Veyne, archeologist.

    ISIS Losing the Battle but Winning the War
From the book ISIS Exposed by Erick Staklebeck, ppg. 144-145

“Great Britain circa 2015, is a place Churchill would not recognize, and that Thatcher fought doggedly to prevent. It’s a place where Mohammed is the most popular name for male babies; where soldiers are murdered on the streets in broad daylight by Islamic fanatics; where Anjem Choudary shouts for sharia law, while leeching off the very government he’s like to see overthrown; where some 85 fully functioning sharia courts operate in major British cities; and where hostile Islamic enclaves have been established in London neighborhoods.”


“In 2011, Islamists in league with London ISIS supplier, Anjem Choudary, put up posters around Tower Hamlets, proclaiming it a “Sharia Controlled Zone”, where Islamic rules are enforced. Harassment of non-Muslims – particularly homosexuals, women, and alcohol consumers – at the hands of self-proclaimed “Muslim London Patrols”, has become a regular occurance in East London.


“How bad are things in the UK ? During my trips to Britain over the past few years, I’ve interviewed >>

1) Saad al-Faqih –an al Qaeda-linked , US designated global terrorist

2) Yasser al Sirri -- an al Qaeda-linked radical, wanted in the US and Egypt, on terrorism charges

3) Noman Benotman * – former Libyan terrorist leader, and associate of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

4) Anjem Choudary – Great Britain’s most notorious and outspoken radical Islamist (jihadist), and supplier of British fighters to ISIS.

“Yet none of my face-to=face interviews with them were conducted behind prison walls. Rather, all of these men are living comfortable lives in London, moving about freely in the land of Churchill and Thatcher (who likely are turning in their graves as I writes this)”

* Reformed and now works against jihadists
Oh dear, another right-wing whack job milking an ever more gullable right-wing audience; this about sums him up nicely,

"It has been almost-comical to see how the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Erick Stakelbeck went from working as a sports reporter to a “terrorism analyst” heralded by Religious Right and anti-Muslim groups, which never seem to question his complete lack of credentials and expertise. But Stakelbeck knows how to please a crowd with his vehement diatribes against Muslims and progressives, warning that they are both have a “shared hatred for this country.”" CBN’s Erick Stakelbeck Mixes ‘Terrorism Analysis’ with Biblical Prophecy | Right Wing Watch

They deserve it all. They have allowed it to happen. The liberal scum are trying to destroy us the same way but we are resisting.
Oh dear, another right-wing whack job milking an ever more gullable right-wing audience; this about sums him up nicely,

"It has been almost-comical to see how the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Erick Stakelbeck went from working as a sports reporter to a “terrorism analyst” heralded by Religious Right and anti-Muslim groups, which never seem to question his complete lack of credentials and expertise. But Stakelbeck knows how to please a crowd with his vehement diatribes against Muslims and progressives, warning that they are both have a “shared hatred for this country.”" CBN’s Erick Stakelbeck Mixes ‘Terrorism Analysis’ with Biblical Prophecy | Right Wing Watch

No doubt about your incompetence to provide ratings. You, a USMB lightweight, attempting to discredit Staklebeck, ? HA HA HA. One look at his book ISIS Exposed, and the treasury of footnote reports it contains, shows the grain of sand on the beach you are next to an accomplished author like him. And you're not much next to me either.

As for Staklebeck's diatribes against Muslims and progressives, warning that they are both have a “shared hatred for this country", he's absolutely right. and they both prove it with their actions and words.

Back to the drawing board for you, liberal brainwash victim.
They deserve it all. They have allowed it to happen. The liberal scum are trying to destroy us the same way but we are resisting.
We ARE resisting, and with Trump in the White House, the SCOTUS going GOP, and more wins for Republicans in the congress, it won;t be long before Islam will be going down and out in the US.
I hope you are right! I joined the NRA again for the first time in 15 years.
They deserve it all. They have allowed it to happen. The liberal scum are trying to destroy us the same way but we are resisting.
We don't all deserve it. The problem is our Conservative Part are barely right wing, and the only one that is, UKIP, has basically imploded and people don't vote for them in any numbers as doing so is likely to open the door to the Commie Labour Party.
They deserve it all. They have allowed it to happen. The liberal scum are trying to destroy us the same way but we are resisting.
We don't all deserve it. The problem is our Conservative Part are barely right wing, and the only one that is, UKIP, has basically imploded and people don't vote for them in any numbers as doing so is likely to open the door to the Commie Labour Party.

Do you think UKIP was our only hope?

If seems to me Nigel Farage was the only one who could actually answer a direct question.
They deserve it all. They have allowed it to happen. The liberal scum are trying to destroy us the same way but we are resisting.
We don't all deserve it. The problem is our Conservative Part are barely right wing, and the only one that is, UKIP, has basically imploded and people don't vote for them in any numbers as doing so is likely to open the door to the Commie Labour Party.

Do you think UKIP was our only hope?

If seems to me Nigel Farage was the only one who could actually answer a direct question.
I think they were our only hope when they had Nigel, in that they are the only party that seemed to genuinely want to do anything about immigration. Theresa May's record at the Home Office doesn't fill me with confidence.
The west needs to understand that Islam is not compatible with Christian religious and secular western values.

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