Governor Wolf vetoes Pennsylvania liquor privatization bill


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Governor Wolf vetoes Pennsylvania liquor privatization bill - State

Why is it that when democrats do something they need to be dishonest? I mean even the little things they are just dishonest.

In PA they sell beer in one of two ways. They have licenses for selling beer by the case and bars can sell six packs. (there are also some six pack stores opening). So if you want beer and don't want to go to a bar you are forced to buy a case of beer.

Liquor is sold by state run stores with obviously state employees. No where else can liquor be bought, that I know of.

So the legislature votes to end the monopoly and privatize the sale of liquor, a step in the right direction.

Yet Wolf vetoes it. Everyone knows why, to protect the public service employees that got him elected.

His reason, given, is that it would raise the price of liquor. That makes absolutely no sense. Competition never causes price to rise it moderates prices. What could have been done is to privatize the liquor sales but keep the states stores. If what Wolf said is true then no one would get into the business because the states stores would sell the liquor cheaper.

Any way not a big deal but just another example of democrats not being able to be honest.
Governor Wolf vetoes Pennsylvania liquor privatization bill - State

Why is it that when democrats do something they need to be dishonest? I mean even the little things they are just dishonest.

In PA they sell beer in one of two ways. They have licenses for selling beer by the case and bars can sell six packs. (there are also some six pack stores opening). So if you want beer and don't want to go to a bar you are forced to buy a case of beer.

Liquor is sold by state run stores with obviously state employees. No where else can liquor be bought, that I know of.

So the legislature votes to end the monopoly and privatize the sale of liquor, a step in the right direction.

Yet Wolf vetoes it. Everyone knows why, to protect the public service employees that got him elected.

His reason, given, is that it would raise the price of liquor. That makes absolutely no sense. Competition never causes price to rise it moderates prices. What could have been done is to privatize the liquor sales but keep the states stores. If what Wolf said is true then no one would get into the business because the states stores would sell the liquor cheaper.

Any way not a big deal but just another example of democrats not being able to be honest.

I finally managed to muddle my way through your overly complex post here and decided that the state run liquor stores seems to be your biggest gripe.

As I recall, state owned liquor stores was the norm in Idaho as well. And once the state gets their hands on something as profitable as alcohol, they're never gonna give it up.
Governor Wolf vetoes Pennsylvania liquor privatization bill - State

Why is it that when democrats do something they need to be dishonest? I mean even the little things they are just dishonest.

In PA they sell beer in one of two ways. They have licenses for selling beer by the case and bars can sell six packs. (there are also some six pack stores opening). So if you want beer and don't want to go to a bar you are forced to buy a case of beer.

Liquor is sold by state run stores with obviously state employees. No where else can liquor be bought, that I know of.

So the legislature votes to end the monopoly and privatize the sale of liquor, a step in the right direction.

Yet Wolf vetoes it. Everyone knows why, to protect the public service employees that got him elected.

His reason, given, is that it would raise the price of liquor. That makes absolutely no sense. Competition never causes price to rise it moderates prices. What could have been done is to privatize the liquor sales but keep the states stores. If what Wolf said is true then no one would get into the business because the states stores would sell the liquor cheaper.

Any way not a big deal but just another example of democrats not being able to be honest.

I finally managed to muddle my way through your overly complex post here and decided that the state run liquor stores seems to be your biggest gripe.

As I recall, state owned liquor stores was the norm in Idaho as well. And once the state gets their hands on something as profitable as alcohol, they're never gonna give it up.

If that was too complex for you then I suggest you have been down to the state store. :D

Yeah I could have left the beer part out, or maybe both parts and just made it simple and said that democrats lie, but then again why even say that big run on sentence it is redundant the Sun comes up in the morning and democrats lie, dog bites man.
Yeah well you know, it was just a lot of stuff to wade through when you could have said it all with the few words used in the above reply.

It's the democrats fault. ;)

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