Governor Palin said she is sick and tired of the Presidents Manufactured Crisis.

She has 2 categories of followers:

1. Those too stupid to know any better.

2. Those who refuse to admit their mistake in jumping on her bandwagon in 2008, before they realized how daft she is.

Why is it you guys can't come up with anything original, say refuting what your opponents say? Why is it always "He/she's stupid!" "He/she lies!" or "He/she is racist/bigot/homophobe!"

You know, you can keep doing the personal attacks, but people aren't going to be persuaded by them.

Where Sarah's concerned, what's to refute? She never has any substance to anything she ever says, just a bunch of platitudial talking points that we've heard a gazillion times before, only more shrill.

Wow.. you nailed Obama PERFECTLY save the gender portion...
I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.”

When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

Excuse me, but if you recall, and I am sure you do, it was then candidate Senator Obama who used his experience as a community organizer as one of the reasons why he should be considered a valid presidential candidate.

So why shouldn't she refer to it? Becuase it embarrasses you?

So whats wrong with that? If it was ONE of his experiences it deserves to be mentioned. What is blatantly deceptive is Palins continued use of "Community Organizer" as Obamas sole experience.......especially based on her own limited resume
Avatar4321 said:
You know, you can keep doing the personal attacks, but people aren't going to be persuaded by them.

Gee, what a concept. Those of us who continue to support Obama aren't going to be persuaded by all the personal attacks either. But we can tango around this phenomenon forever...
Where Obama's concerned, what's to refute? He never has any substance to anything he ever says, just a bunch of platitudial talking points that we've heard a gazillion times before, only more shrill.

When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

Excuse me, but if you recall, and I am sure you do, it was then candidate Senator Obama who used his experience as a community organizer as one of the reasons why he should be considered a valid presidential candidate.

So why shouldn't she refer to it? Becuase it embarrasses you?

So whats wrong with that? If it was ONE of his experiences it deserves to be mentioned. What is blatantly deceptive is Palins continued use of "Community Organizer" as Obamas sole experience.......especially based on her own limited resume

What else has he done? I'd say she has more experience than Obama the boy king.
When is Palin going to realize the "community organizer" button is getting pretty lame?

Considering her quitting as Governor of Alaska, her continuing to denigrate the President because he was a community organizer 15 years ago is getting almost laughable. In that 15 years, Obama was a lawyer, college professor, served 7 years in the Illinois legislature, 4 years as a Senator and 15 months as president.

What was Palin doing 15 years ago? Beauty pagents?

Excuse me, but if you recall, and I am sure you do, it was then candidate Senator Obama who used his experience as a community organizer as one of the reasons why he should be considered a valid presidential candidate.

So why shouldn't she refer to it? Becuase it embarrasses you?

So whats wrong with that? If it was ONE of his experiences it deserves to be mentioned. What is blatantly deceptive is Palins continued use of "Community Organizer" as Obamas sole experience.......especially based on her own limited resume

That is not accurate. She blantantly brings it up in the same light he did. When the question of his ability to "lead" and "govern" came up, he referred to his experience as a community organizer as he had no other "leadership" experience to fallback on.

She is not at all being misleading. She is simply reminding HIM and the people that he was wrong to think that his leadership experience in community organizing prepped him well to lead a country.

It did not. Thus why he admits "uniting the parties" is difficult and admits that "stopping the backroom deals" is out of his control.

Those were two things he was admant about in his campaign and now he admits defeat in those areas. Maybe if he was a leader of a state and dealt with trying to govern with two parties beneath him, he would have known better?

Or did he simply lie when he said he was goiung to do it?

She's RIGHT. This administration and congress are so far left--they might as well be on Mars. They do not understand how this economy works--they never have. They're nothing but a bunch of overly educated MORONS. None of them have taken economics 101. They do not understand capitalism in which this country was founded. They do not understand the socialism that our forefathers left for the "land of opportunity" and wish to change it back to European style socialism which equals 3rd world poverty--which our forefathers FLED.

"The problem with socialism is that government eventually runs out of other peoples money to spend"--Margaret Thatcher.

WHAT??? Home schooled are ya? They fled England because of religious persecution, period.

She's RIGHT. This administration and congress are so far left--they might as well be on Mars. They do not understand how this economy works--they never have. They're nothing but a bunch of overly educated MORONS. None of them have taken economics 101. They do not understand capitalism in which this country was founded. They do not understand the socialism that our forefathers left for the "land of opportunity" and wish to change it back to European style socialism which equals 3rd world poverty--which our forefathers FLED.

"The problem with socialism is that government eventually runs out of other peoples money to spend"--Margaret Thatcher.

remember from the left Palin is daft.
funny how a lot of us grasped what she was saying.

Kindly translate.

welcome to the board PoP. good postings so far and don't let anyone here except a moderator tell you what you can and can't post, as you found out a lot of the lefties here believe they can tell others what to do (typical liberal like):lol:. Look forward to seeing more from you.

Good postings? He's bumping up his sock puppet. Now that takes a lot of brains, eh?
Does she even know how to spell Obama? Seriously, this woman should just go away. Whatever, she represents republicans perfectly by never having solutions only criticisms.

I think if you had read her statement, you'd know that.

This statement?
“I’m sick and tired of Obama and the White House coming out with yet another new crisis that has to be fixed by government sticking it to the people and taking more of what we earn and produce. Instead of allowing our small businesses especially to keep what we earn… But see, to many in the White House including our own president, I don’t know when they’ve run a business. I don’t know when they’ve been a CEO where they had to look out for the bottom line and they had to make payroll and live within their own means with a budget. They’re from government. They’re community organizers. They’ve been spending other people’s money for so long that the free enterprise principles that all of us believe in, it’s all foreign to them.“

She makes the subject "statement," then starts rambling about something entirely off topic. So typically a Sarah Screed.[/QUOTE]
Gasp! Like Obama hasn't done this himself? Truly laughable!

Editors note: why the hell isn't this quoting correctly? Stupid technology!
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I don't agree with Palin on everything but i gotta admit that sometimes she really does nail things. She's bold & honest and that's a pretty rare trait for politicians. I can see why the Left hates her so much. She definitely nailed this one. Everything's a "Crisis" with this President. This Administration uses Fear Mongering propaganda like Hitler & Goebbels did in Nazi Germany. If they don't get what they want,the Earth's gonna explode immediately. They are becoming pretty tiresome with their fear stuff. So kudos to Palin for speaking blunt truth on this one.
Since I am new I can't post a link yet. Have to wait 14 more posts. How about this? I took off the links]70%[/url] of Arizona Voters Favor New State Measure Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration - Rasmussen Reports[/url]][/url] blogs - Political Insider - PoliticalInsider - New poll finds strong support for immigration bill[/url]

Here is a hint newby, when I say link us to something credible, do not use Rassmussen. Fucking newby's are funny though.

I live here and I can tell you 70% of us do not like this. Do a little reading of local stuff here and come back with your tail between your legs.

By the way, a convention already said they arent coming here. Truckers are already not coming here (the independants), Jeb Bush and McCains daughter said they dont even like it. lol

He everyone, this newby used a rassmussen poll! LOL :lol:

Says the guy who uses MSNBC to back up his 'opinions'. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Look everyone, Zona made an ass of himself..... oh, wait..... he does that with every post so nothing new here.

How do you know he quotes from MSNBC? I thought you didn't pay attention to any MSM. No? Oh well, seems we on the other hand, are supposed to accept without question anything Fox & Co. blathers about, Rasmussen poll numbers, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseaum.
Oh please. Stop with the semantics. You know what I am saying.

Yeah, you're saying Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president than John McCain, but less qualified than my governor David Paterson.

No. You said that, not me.

I said the experience of a governor is more applicable than the experience of a junior legislator to that of President.

You opted to read it any way you wish. But I never said anything of the kind.

You just repeated it. If governor experience is more applicable, than more governor experience trumps less governor experience.
I don't agree with Palin on everything but i gotta admit that sometimes she really does nail things. She's bold & honest and that's a pretty rare trait for politicians. I can see why the Left hates her so much. She definitely nailed this one. Everything's a "Crisis" with this President. This Administration uses Fear Mongering propaganda like Hitler & Goebbels did in Nazi Germany. If they don't get what they want,the Earth's gonna explode immediately. They are becoming pretty tiresome with their fear stuff. So kudos to Palin for speaking blunt truth on this one.

To the contrary, I am not yet 100% convinced that she doesnt simply say what she believes the crowd wants to hear.

I admire her tenancity and I agree with her basic conservative values. As for honesty? Havent met a politician I can give that label to yet.
Yeah, you're saying Sarah Palin is more qualified to be president than John McCain, but less qualified than my governor David Paterson.

No. You said that, not me.

I said the experience of a governor is more applicable than the experience of a junior legislator to that of President.

You opted to read it any way you wish. But I never said anything of the kind.

You just repeated it. If governor experience is more applicable, than more governor experience trumps less governor experience.

Nope. You repeated it.

I am simply saying that one that has governed a state has exerience that is more applicable than one that has not.

More experience as a governnor may play a role, but not necessarily. But one with compared to one without? No comparison.

It is quite difficult to deal with two opposing parties as you try to govern.

Something this President is finding to be sooo true and yet he seemed to be sooo surprised by it.
"Give us your Money or the Earth is going to explode Tomorrow!!" That pretty much sums up this Administration at this point. Their "Crisis" B.S. is getting pretty old.
We are taking economic advice from Sarah palin??

God save us

Why? Do you feel she did a poor job overseeing the economy of Alaska?
You feel better with a President with no experience overseeing a state's economy actually making decisions for our economy than you do about one that successfully oversaw a multi billion dollar economy offering free advice?

I find that really strange Rightwinger. Bordering absurd.

If you read through some of these exchanges, you'll find that many of Sarah's opinions on the economy actually favor what the Obama administration has already done. Others show how her handling of Alaska's economy wasn't all that great at all, and still others show that she talks in a special kind of jargon which comes out as gobbledygook that no one can figure out the meaning of.

Sarah Palin on Budget & Economy
We are taking economic advice from Sarah palin??

God save us

Why? Do you feel she did a poor job overseeing the economy of Alaska?
You feel better with a President with no experience overseeing a state's economy actually making decisions for our economy than you do about one that successfully oversaw a multi billion dollar economy offering free advice?

I find that really strange Rightwinger. Bordering absurd.

If you read through some of these exchanges, you'll find that many of Sarah's opinions on the economy actually favor what the Obama administration has already done. Others show how her handling of Alaska's economy wasn't all that great at all, and still others show that she talks in a special kind of jargon which comes out as gobbledygook that no one can figure out the meaning of.

Sarah Palin on Budget & Economy

The same can be done with just about every politician out there.
And I believe you know that.
Why? Do you feel she did a poor job overseeing the economy of Alaska?
You feel better with a President with no experience overseeing a state's economy actually making decisions for our economy than you do about one that successfully oversaw a multi billion dollar economy offering free advice?

I find that really strange Rightwinger. Bordering absurd.

80% of the revenue Alaska needs to run its government is handed to it by the oil companies.

I do not think we were talking about her ability or knowledge as it pertains to generating revenue. As a matter of fact, I know we were not.

We were discussing her knowledge as it pertains to overseeing/running a mullti billion dollar economy.

And I find it absurd that one would criticize her knowledge about running an economy when, in fact she has proof she can do it, but at the same time vote for a man that has absolutely no proven experience or knowledge in running an economy.

It is hypocrisy at its finest in my eyes.

You talk as if Sarah ran the whole state of Alaska all by herself. She had mucho help from her husband, Todd, who was at her side 99% of the time. Alaska aside, has Sara Palin ever proposed what SHE would do to immediately bring an uplift to the economy (and I don't mean talking points like "less taxes, less spending," blah blah blah, I mean SPECIFICS on each of those). Seems no one in the GOP can be specific. Yet people are so damned eager to have these guys take over? Please...If their recent history is any indication, they wouldn't do any better job than the Obama Administration, except their policy would continue to be "Don't-Tax-But-Spend-Anyway."

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