Gov. Jerry Brown released budget

Seems like a plan. What's the big objection?

Here in Ohio, things are almost as bad. Kasich seems to think he can avoid cutting services and raising taxes if he privatizes enough.

I think Brown is being more honest.
It's not a bad start, although I don't agree with sparing K-12 education. They already get more money than they need to educate kids. Nobody should be spared.
Califorinia already has a 9.5%+ state tax. Its way too high to attract business. Without new jobs, more wealth will not be created and tax revenue will continue to plummet.
They could cut services in open up the Prisons. Maybe tax marijuana sales..once they legalize it.
The schools or services are no better than any of the lowest taxed states in the country.

But let's talk about those obscene public employee pensions which are breaking the backs of taxpayers, such as the one Wry Catcher collects.
Non English students have to attend English classes and pay tuition. They cannot attend public schools until they can pass an English proficiency test. No more ESL teachers.

No more sanctuary cities.

Raise property taxes and sales taxes. It has to hurt, but California is so deep in debt, they have to take drastic steps.

Cut the nutritional program for schools. The state has to fund part of that as well. Parents can get up and pack a lunch.

Privatize the Sanitation department to hire more people.

Place heavy fines on companies that hire illegals.

Start deporting illegals.
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Proposition 25 was passed by the voters in November eliminating the need to pass the budget by a super majority. A simple majority of votes in the CA state legislature is now sufficient to pass the budget. Republicans risk becoming an after thought if they continue to demagogue the tax issue.
If Gov. Brown is successful in convincing the voters to continue the taxes raised two years ago by The Arnold, and is able to rescue the economy, the Republican Party may need to once again reinvent itself and become a moderate, pragmatic and contemplating organization. If Gov Brown is successful, much of the conservative dogma will be exposed as nothing more than hot air.
Proposition 25 was passed by the voters in November eliminating the need to pass the budget by a super majority. A simple majority of votes in the CA state legislature is now sufficient to pass the budget. Republicans risk becoming an after thought if they continue to demagogue the tax issue.
If Gov. Brown is successful in convincing the voters to continue the taxes raised two years ago by The Arnold, and is able to rescue the economy, the Republican Party may need to once again reinvent itself and become a moderate, pragmatic and contemplating organization. If Gov Brown is successful, much of the conservative dogma will be exposed as nothing more than hot air.

That or they could ramble on about California being a "nanny-state" and balancing the budget is a "smoke and mirrors plot by commies to enslave the masses".

Proposition 25 was passed by the voters in November eliminating the need to pass the budget by a super majority. A simple majority of votes in the CA state legislature is now sufficient to pass the budget. Republicans risk becoming an after thought if they continue to demagogue the tax issue.
If Gov. Brown is successful in convincing the voters to continue the taxes raised two years ago by The Arnold, and is able to rescue the economy, the Republican Party may need to once again reinvent itself and become a moderate, pragmatic and contemplating organization. If Gov Brown is successful, much of the conservative dogma will be exposed as nothing more than hot air.

Yes, RAISE taxes. I'm sure it will prove that "conservative dogma" is all hot air. :lol:

Proposition 25 was passed by the voters in November eliminating the need to pass the budget by a super majority. A simple majority of votes in the CA state legislature is now sufficient to pass the budget. Republicans risk becoming an after thought if they continue to demagogue the tax issue.
If Gov. Brown is successful in convincing the voters to continue the taxes raised two years ago by The Arnold, and is able to rescue the economy, the Republican Party may need to once again reinvent itself and become a moderate, pragmatic and contemplating organization. If Gov Brown is successful, much of the conservative dogma will be exposed as nothing more than hot air.

Yes, RAISE taxes. I'm sure it will prove that "conservative dogma" is all hot air. :lol:


Yes, higher taxes will drive people and businesses out to a degree, and not entice new businesses from coming to Ca. It's a tightrope
Proposition 25 was passed by the voters in November eliminating the need to pass the budget by a super majority. A simple majority of votes in the CA state legislature is now sufficient to pass the budget. Republicans risk becoming an after thought if they continue to demagogue the tax issue.
If Gov. Brown is successful in convincing the voters to continue the taxes raised two years ago by The Arnold, and is able to rescue the economy, the Republican Party may need to once again reinvent itself and become a moderate, pragmatic and contemplating organization. If Gov Brown is successful, much of the conservative dogma will be exposed as nothing more than hot air.

and if he is not successful?....
Proposition 25 was passed by the voters in November eliminating the need to pass the budget by a super majority. A simple majority of votes in the CA state legislature is now sufficient to pass the budget. Republicans risk becoming an after thought if they continue to demagogue the tax issue.
If Gov. Brown is successful in convincing the voters to continue the taxes raised two years ago by The Arnold, and is able to rescue the economy, the Republican Party may need to once again reinvent itself and become a moderate, pragmatic and contemplating organization. If Gov Brown is successful, much of the conservative dogma will be exposed as nothing more than hot air.

Yes, RAISE taxes. I'm sure it will prove that "conservative dogma" is all hot air. :lol:


Yes, higher taxes will drive people and businesses out to a degree, and not entice new businesses from coming to Ca. It's a tightrope

in a way I'm all for more taxes in Cali, I live here in Oregon, Oregon that is quickly becoming conservative I might add. Oregon is one of the States grabbing up all the wealthy hard working people ditching the shithole california. I lived in cali for 22 years and am very happy I left.
Proposition 25 was passed by the voters in November eliminating the need to pass the budget by a super majority. A simple majority of votes in the CA state legislature is now sufficient to pass the budget. Republicans risk becoming an after thought if they continue to demagogue the tax issue.
If Gov. Brown is successful in convincing the voters to continue the taxes raised two years ago by The Arnold, and is able to rescue the economy, the Republican Party may need to once again reinvent itself and become a moderate, pragmatic and contemplating organization. If Gov Brown is successful, much of the conservative dogma will be exposed as nothing more than hot air.

and if he is not successful?....

Uhh Duuuh... Then he didn't get "enough" of what he wanted... That way when it fails he can blame it on Republicans and conservatives, he just needed more! Kinda like Obama's stimulus.

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