Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas: I’ll See You in Court Mr President

Border control is a Federal Issue. If you wish to change the situation, have you representatives enact new legislation.

Also Congress has the power to protect navigation on rivers, and through that the Executive.
State and local authorities can enforce Federal law, Dufus.
Or do you think they just ignore a counterfeiting gang standing in front of them?
Border control is a Federal Issue. If you wish to change the situation, have you representatives enact new legislation.

Also Congress has the power to protect navigation on rivers, and through that the Executive.

States are just going to start telling the feds to pound sand when their rulings endanger the citizens of those states......You want another Republic of Texas....That's how you get one.
It's just Abbott's latest border stunt. He knew his floating barrier wasn't gonna pass muster. That's how he spends our tax dollars. Sooner or later somebody is gonna wheel his crippled ass right into Juarez and just leave him there.
They are still there, Simp.
It's just Abbott's latest border stunt. He knew his floating barrier wasn't gonna pass muster. That's how he spends our tax dollars. Sooner or later somebody is gonna wheel his crippled ass right into Juarez and just leave him there.
The barriers are in full operation, Dufus.
BTW - the 5 bus loads of illegals Abbott sent to California have arrived.
State and local authorities can enforce Federal law, Dufus.
Or do you think they just ignore a counterfeiting gang standing in front of them?
Only in some instances.
The Federal government trumps.
States are just going to start telling the feds to pound sand when their rulings endanger the citizens of those states......You want another Republic of Texas....That's how you get one.
You guys tried that in the 1950s. The 82nd Airborne helped Alabama adjust its expectations in that area.
Evidently that really annoys you, but then again Russobots live where thats a thing isn't it. Did you steal a Ukrainian boy or Ukrainian girl?
Pedo Joe is a POS who hates America.

No wonder the Dimwinger party loves him.
Has any President in our history ever sued his political opponents.....irregardless china joe needs to be impeached....irregardless of whether he is convicted or not....impeachment should be part of his legacy...of which there is noting in it of a positive nature.
Only in some instances.
The Federal government trumps.

You guys tried that in the 1950s. The 82nd Airborne helped Alabama adjust its expectations in that area.

Evidently that really annoys you, but then again Russobots live where thats a thing isn't it. Did you steal a Ukrainian boy or Ukrainian girl?
Shitforbrains thinks local police can’t enforce bank robberies.
The barriers are in full operation, Dufus.
BTW - the 5 bus loads of illegals Abbott sent to California have arrived.
I'm aware of that. It's still nothing more than another one of Abbott's stunts. He's gonna pretend that he's all tuff and when push comes to shove he will comply with federal law and remove em.
Only in some instances.
The Federal government trumps.

You guys tried that in the 1950s. The 82nd Airborne helped Alabama adjust its expectations in that area.

Evidently that really annoys you, but then again Russobots live where thats a thing isn't it. Did you steal a Ukrainian boy or Ukrainian girl?
Since we’re pulling irrelevant crap out of our ass.
Cute, but not cigar. I seriously doubt the President's opposition to the floating barriers has anything to do with somebody making money off of child trafficking, and cheapens the issue.

It certainly does nothing to quell the "Democrat Party Open Borders" label. While not a big fan of Abbott on many issues, I have no doubt an open international border running the length of his state having serious economic, sociological, health and welfare detrimental effects to his state and indeed the country.
I wish Governor Abbott good luck, and hope he can locate Democrat Lawyers to represent his state, to achieve success, as winning this legal political fight will require competence, not seen or demonstrated lately by Republican lawyers at large and in his state.

What exactly is his opposition based on then? Do tell. You voted for the piece of scum, so are in part responsible for the mess our border is in. :dunno:
BS. You have hung out in QANON circles too long, and cheapen the issue.

What is the 'issue'? Why is your president and your party bound and determined to import as many illegals into this country that they possibly can? How can any reason be rationalized and not 'cheapen' it, as you chose to say?
Thanks for not denying it. Btw, Abbott is a good gov, mostly.
Abbott has something like a 50% performance rating on that polling of all governors within their states, of course your state is turning purple, to say the least, which somehow seems sad, but it is what it is.
Border control is a Federal Issue. If you wish to change the situation, have you representatives enact new legislation.

Also Congress has the power to protect navigation on rivers, and through that the Executive.
It was deemed a federal issue because at the time the laws were written no one could imagine a traitorous and out of control federal government not protecting the borders and the sovereignty of the Untied States. Unfortunately that's where we are today, and none of you idiots can give one reasonable or coherent explanation for the lack of border control, and how having a porous border helps the citizens of this country.
Why did the Biden regime stop vetting people they give kids to?
No idea, but if you too, think the main thrust of Abbotts desire to protect his border from illegal immigration is child trafficking, instead of economic, drugs and crime issues in general, than you too are talking like a damned fool, also. Or maybe Abbott so inept, he forgot to mention that as being his primary concern over the years? I doubt it, and doubt you actually believe it either.
Abbott had barriers put up along the Rio Grande to slow the flood of illegals coming in. But Democrats don’t want to see their prosperous child trafficking business impacted, so Joe is threatening to sue to remove the barriers.

Who said Democrats want open borders?

The barrier is most likely illegal.

That is why they are suing.
It was deemed a federal issue because at the time the laws were written no one could imagine a traitorous and out of control federal government not protecting the borders and the sovereignty of the Untied States. Unfortunately that's where we are today, and none of you idiots can give one reasonable or coherent explanation for the lack of border control, and how having a porous border helps the citizens of this country.
I did. Its the law. Your MAGA members have not changed the existing law.

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