Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas: I’ll See You in Court Mr President

Abbott has something like a 50% performance rating on that polling of all governors within their states, of course your state is turning purple, to say the least, which somehow seems sad, but it is what it is.
Yeah it's all the queers from California moving to Austin, queer capitol of the world.
Besides, anyone believing a poll is stupid.
They are. Current law permits claims of refugee status to be adjudicated. If you don't like it (which I don't) change the law.

Federal law and Bill of Rights does not permit machine gunning illegal aliens crossing the border.
We need to change that law. Blast them.
Abbott had barriers put up along the Rio Grande to slow the flood of illegals coming in. But Democrats don’t want to see their prosperous child trafficking business impacted, so Joe is threatening to sue to remove the barriers.

Who said Democrats want open borders?

Way to show the rightwing cruelty, folks.
Yeah it's all the queers from California moving to Austin, queer capitol of the world.
Besides, anyone believing a poll is stupid.
Thats inaccurate. Houston has a larger population, and had the first lesbian mayor. Austin is just an extension of the Bay Area techie community at this point. PLus Tesla of course.
What is the 'issue'? Why is your president and your party bound and determined to import as many illegals into this country that they possibly can? How can any reason be rationalized and not 'cheapen' it, as you chose to say?
My President, as I am an American Citizen, but not my party. Personally, I think Joe has been wrong on the border since day 2 of his administration. It really is an "open border" without regard for immigration reform policy. It is bad for US labor in the lower and middle class, bad for immigrants themselves creating a new (foreseeable) permanent second class non-citizen demographic, unfair to legal immigrants that went through the proper legal system, obviously bad for crime and gang criminality across the country (of which drugs and human trafficking are only part of the problem, bad for encouraging Americans business to engage in illegal employment use of cheap foreign labor, bad on any number of a basically all fronts, as costs of unintended consequence passed on to all Americans in all cities, all local government at every level. Just plain fkn wrong! I think Abbott realizes this, and not just viewing as a human trafficking/child trafficking issue. I don't even care for the guy in general, but he is right on this one and anybody thinking one aspect of the problem leads the issue, is almost as wrong as Joe.

Is that plain enough for you?
Yeah it's all the queers from California moving to Austin, queer capitol of the world.
Besides, anyone believing a poll is stupid.
Polls are not pure reality, only momentary indicators and everybody with a clue already know it, but they are generally reasonable indicators.
My President, as I am an American Citizen, but not my party. Personally, I think Joe has been wrong on the border since day 2 of his administration. It really is an "open border" without regard for immigration reform policy. It is bad for US labor in the lower and middle class, bad for immigrants themselves creating a new (foreseeable) permanent second class non-citizen demographic, unfair to legal immigrants that went through the proper legal system, obviously bad for crime and gang criminality across the country (of which drugs and human trafficking are only part of the problem, bad for encouraging Americans business to engage in illegal employment use of cheap foreign labor, bad on any number of a basically all fronts, as costs of unintended consequence passed on to all Americans in all cities, all local government at every level. Just plain fkn wrong! I think Abbott realizes this, and not just viewing as a human trafficking/child trafficking issue. I don't even care for the guy in general, but he is right on this one and anybody thinking one aspect of the problem leads the issue, is almost as wrong as Joe.

Is that plain enough for you?

No, you listed all the reasons our sovereignty should be protected, you didn't list one single reason why the man that you support and voted for is a traitor and doesn't protect the citizens of this country?
No, you listed all the reasons our sovereignty should be protected, you didn't list one single reason why the man that you support and voted for is a traitor and doesn't protect the citizens of this country?
Not being a partisan hack, committed to a party or cult, I have a more objective view, than the morons that casually pitch around the "T" word for political opportunism of partisan cults. I don't even think Abbott has said that, and it is his issue and legal action we are discussing, or did you forget the topic?
QANON...hahahahaha. You usually don't use the Dem propaganda talking points.
Lots of fringe nut job groups around in the political theater these days. Linking Abbott's desire to have border protection of his state for the single issue of child trafficking is akin to the nutball Q-Crazies and perv pizza parlor politics of idiot like MTG and yes, QANON, if they still exist. Never did figure out who that damned Q was, anonimity and lack of accountability, being the draw card of those idiots.
That's not what it is about. The feds are citing the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899, which bars the "creation of any obstruction not affirmatively authorized by Congress".

That barrier in the Rio Grande was not authorized by Congress.
Not being a partisan hack, committed to a party or cult, I have a more objective view, than the morons that casually pitch around the "T" word for political opportunism of partisan cults. I don't even think Abbott has said that, and it is his issue and legal action we are discussing, or did you forget the topic?

So, in other words, you have zero rationalization as to why the party you voted for and support is not protecting the citizens and the sovereignty of this country? What else would you call it? Please give us the reasons this is happening that doesn't make it treason?
Lots of fringe nut job groups around in the political theater these days. Linking Abbott's desire to have border protection of his state for the single issue of child trafficking is akin to the nutball Q-Crazies and perv pizza parlor politics of idiot like MTG and yes, QANON, if they still exist. Never did figure out who that damned Q was, anonimity and lack of accountability, being the draw card of those idiots.

Only a nutball would even talk about 'Q', it's an asinine concept started by the people that you support, and as a conspiracy nut, you apparently buy into it hook, line and sinker. :cuckoo:

Please elaborate on why the man you voted for and support is allowing the national disgrace that is our southern border to continue?

Not only does he allow it, he encouraged it.
That's not what it is about. The feds are citing the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899, which bars the "creation of any obstruction not affirmatively authorized by Congress".

That barrier in the Rio Grande was not authorized by Congress.

Then apparently you, along with our federal government, are traitors and are trying to end the sovereignty of the United States, and don't give a damn about protecting our citizenry.
Then apparently you, along with our federal government, are traitors and are trying to end the sovereignty of the United States, and don't give a damn about protecting our citizenry.
Silence, gimp. I live in Texas and I have to foot the bill for Abbott's stunts. Come on down here, we're having a yard sale. Need a river barrier, it's cheap now
Lots of fringe nut job groups around in the political theater these days. Linking Abbott's desire to have border protection of his state for the single issue of child trafficking is akin to the nutball Q-Crazies and perv pizza parlor politics of idiot like MTG and yes, QANON, if they still exist. Never did figure out who that damned Q was, anonimity and lack of accountability, being the draw card of those idiots.
Abbott has been protesting the conditions on the border...well Governor Rick "Not my Hair!" Perry was sending PoPo to interdict before him.
It highlights why I can't become a Democrat even though I agree with a lot of their stances lately.

How about this. The river (or at least 1/2 of it) belongs to the US Government. The other half belongs to Mexico. Texas owns none of it.

Don't sue. Don't ask. Just send in some agents from some USFWS and get rid of them. Easy.
Silence, gimp. I live in Texas and I have to foot the bill for Abbott's stunts. Come on down here, we're having a yard sale. Need a river barrier, it's cheap now

You're 'footing the bill' for all of the illegals collecting money from the feds, if you even have a job to begin with, which I doubt.
It highlights why I can't become a Democrat even though I agree with a lot of their stances lately.

How about this. The river (or at least 1/2 of it) belongs to the US Government. The other half belongs to Mexico. Texas owns none of it.

Don't sue. Don't ask. Just send in some agents from some USFWS and get rid of them. Easy.

Bolded - :laughing0301:

Why do you want to get rid of them?

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