Gore today, "We are seeing rain bombs"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
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Michael was one of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water.
I heard that Al Gore is so predictable that Punxsutawney Phil sets the time on his Rolex by Gore's appearance.
Being a bomb thrower like Gore is a cant miss profession.

If I'm selling button fly jeans, I'm assured I can speak to the certain occurrences of gorgans getting nipped by a zipper and say, "You assholes, told you your Johnson would get ripped up!"


Hurricanes are a certainty in life....like your next deuce stinking up your bathroom.

Climate crusaders are suckers.:2up:

Ok Al.....whatever you say!!

Gore: Jet Stream 'Getting Loopier and Wavier,' So 'We Have a Global Emergency'

Of course, who couldnt guess post-Hurricane Michael this guy would crawl out of the woodwork!!:113::113::113:

Well....at least we can all agree you can set your watch to his public appearances. We heard the same shit from him after Katrina and didnt see a hurricane for 2 dog ages!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
If he had any guts he would go to a Saudi Embassy and rant against big oil. Then after he disappears for good Hollywood could make a great new version of "Eating Raoul"
But the chickenshit did it in a California "sanctuary city".
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Ok Al.....whatever you say!!

Gore: Jet Stream 'Getting Loopier and Wavier,' So 'We Have a Global Emergency'

Of course, who couldnt guess post-Hurricane Michael this guy would crawl out of the woodwork!!:113::113::113:

Well....at least we can all agree you can set your watch to his public appearances. We heard the same shit from him after Katrina and didnt see a hurricane for 2 dog ages!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
If he had any guts he would go to a Saudi Embassy and rant against big oil. Then after he disappears for good Hollywood could make a great new version of "Eating Raoul"
But the chickenshit does it in a California "sanctuary city".


Ok Al.....whatever you say!!

Gore: Jet Stream 'Getting Loopier and Wavier,' So 'We Have a Global Emergency'

Of course, who couldnt guess post-Hurricane Michael this guy would crawl out of the woodwork!!:113::113::113:

Well....at least we can all agree you can set your watch to his public appearances. We heard the same shit from him after Katrina and didnt see a hurricane for 2 dog ages!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

If Al Gore became a spokesman for a national adopt a pet program he could make folks hate puppies.

In the bigger sense he isn't totally wrong, but man, I wish he was propaganda minister for the NAZI's or something.
Hmm. I depend on the weather, or at least I used to. Gore is right, I have seen the changes of climate. Back in the late sixties, the rain used to come every three days during the summer. No Tornadoes, no hail storms. Autumn came along, subtle soft as your mothers whisper. Now? We have urban heat bubbles, rain is scarce as hens teeth and suddenly we go from dry 85 degrees to 30 degree snow squalls. No in-between fall weather. We broke the weather, it was never like this before. Anyone that is observant and worth their salt has seen this happening. And they know this is true as death.
Hmm. I depend on the weather, or at least I used to. Gore is right, I have seen the changes of climate. Back in the late sixties, the rain used to come every three days during the summer. No Tornadoes, no hail storms. Autumn came along, subtle soft as your mothers whisper. Now? We have urban heat bubbles, rain is scarce as hens teeth and suddenly we go from dry 85 degrees to 30 degree snow squalls. No in-between fall weather. We broke the weather, it was never like this before. Anyone that is observant and worth their salt has seen this happening. And they know this is true as death.

And if you are born morning and die that night you never knew it gets dark every night. The point- your experiences are the fraction of a blink of an eye in terms of climate. It means little to nothing.
I have to buy a new roof every three years because of hail. And I cant have a garden anymore, it dries up and shrivels. Like my lawn. The rain that used to come every three days, it takes THREE WEEKS to get a mere tiny spittle. And when we get rain it's torrential flood. With hail the size of a quarter or larger. This is a new phenomena. Weather quirks? Weather is quirky alright.It doesn't explain this.

Ok Al.....whatever you say!!

Gore: Jet Stream 'Getting Loopier and Wavier,' So 'We Have a Global Emergency'

Of course, who couldnt guess post-Hurricane Michael this guy would crawl out of the woodwork!!:113::113::113:

Well....at least we can all agree you can set your watch to his public appearances. We heard the same shit from him after Katrina and didnt see a hurricane for 2 dog ages!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The "kids" were throwing water balloons at his limo again..... nothing to see here!
Here in Denver they are desperate for water .They even tax water run off . Non soluble surfaces they calculate how much so called waste water your property has. They used to even prevent rain water capture, you know rain barrels. I don't garden much anymore. My lawn is beyond hope. I see the fact that climate has changed in my pocket book and so have most cities. This is a relatively new thing, 40 years ago rain wasn't taxed any more than the air you breathe. Cheap bastards will tax the pennies on the eyes of the dead.
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