Gore: Soon we'll all be 30 feet underwater!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Ahead of the climate talks, the chief guru of the climate k00ks are out there and once again, they cant help themselves!!!

Al Gore spreads environmental gospel before climate talks

The bombs keep getting bigger and bigger!!! Next year, it will be we are going to be "under 80 feet of water"!!

And these bozo's have always been wrong!!!!

Leave it to this clown to create even more skeptics!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
God I love this forum.......not sure why but Ive always gotten a kick out of making fun of fringe oddballs.....since I was a kid. The arrogant "legends in their own mind" and in this forum, we got a bunch of them.:funnyface::funnyface::rock:
The Failed predictions are laughable. Why by this time next year, all frogs will be left-handed!
The Failed predictions are laughable. Why by this time next year, all frogs will be left-handed!

Frank........Im always spying on DRUDGE for the next Gore mega-bomb. Guy is to stoopid to realize that you can disappear for months and months and then show up at a predictable time and start lobbing MOAB's. WOrks with the low-information people but they don't care about global warming anyway!!! So its win-win any time he crawls out of the woodwork.

And did you notice Frank? He was meeting with a "panel of experts".........lol......his panel of experts. Still has not debated anybody on this crap.........duh
I starting to get really pissed...

I have a warehouse full of water wings, life rafts, and other flotation gear waiting for resale at GREATLY inflated prices.

all on his 'scientific' stance.
We need algore underneath 30 feet of water along with all the imbeciles who believe him.

Ahead of the climate talks, the chief guru of the climate k00ks are out there and once again, they cant help themselves!!!

Al Gore spreads environmental gospel before climate talks

The bombs keep getting bigger and bigger!!! Next year, it will be we are going to be "under 80 feet of water"!!

And these bozo's have always been wrong!!!!

Leave it to this clown to create even more skeptics!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Guess you haven't heard the news out of Alaska and thawing permafrost and Alaska sinking huh? :)
Ahead of the climate talks, the chief guru of the climate k00ks are out there and once again, they cant help themselves!!!

Al Gore spreads environmental gospel before climate talks

The bombs keep getting bigger and bigger!!! Next year, it will be we are going to be "under 80 feet of water"!!

And these bozo's have always been wrong!!!!

Leave it to this clown to create even more skeptics!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Guess you haven't heard the news out of Alaska and thawing permafrost and Alaska sinking huh? :)

So Alaska is sinking because of Global Warming? And the permafrost has been melting for over 10,000 yrs. Pittsburgh was covered in permafrost not so long ago.. Isn't all that much left to melt...

The other effect is that we are now ACTIVELY MONITORING the permafrost. And some of this is being observed and quantified like never before. That's like the difference in tornado reporting before Doppler radar. BOUND to look larger than the historical record.
Ahead of the climate talks, the chief guru of the climate k00ks are out there and once again, they cant help themselves!!!

Al Gore spreads environmental gospel before climate talks

The bombs keep getting bigger and bigger!!! Next year, it will be we are going to be "under 80 feet of water"!!

And these bozo's have always been wrong!!!!

Leave it to this clown to create even more skeptics!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Guess you haven't heard the news out of Alaska and thawing permafrost and Alaska sinking huh? :)

So Alaska is sinking because of Global Warming? And the permafrost has been melting for over 10,000 yrs. Pittsburgh was covered in permafrost not so long ago.. Isn't all that much left to melt...

The other effect is that we are now ACTIVELY MONITORING the permafrost. And some of this is being observed and quantified like never before. That's like the difference in tornado reporting before Doppler radar. BOUND to look larger than the historical record.

Images showing homes flipped on their melted foundations show it's happening quickly. Not over thousands of years since presumedly the homes were on level ground when constructed.
Ahead of the climate talks, the chief guru of the climate k00ks are out there and once again, they cant help themselves!!!

Al Gore spreads environmental gospel before climate talks

The bombs keep getting bigger and bigger!!! Next year, it will be we are going to be "under 80 feet of water"!!

And these bozo's have always been wrong!!!!

Leave it to this clown to create even more skeptics!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Guess you haven't heard the news out of Alaska and thawing permafrost and Alaska sinking huh? :)

So Alaska is sinking because of Global Warming? And the permafrost has been melting for over 10,000 yrs. Pittsburgh was covered in permafrost not so long ago.. Isn't all that much left to melt...

The other effect is that we are now ACTIVELY MONITORING the permafrost. And some of this is being observed and quantified like never before. That's like the difference in tornado reporting before Doppler radar. BOUND to look larger than the historical record.

Images showing homes flipped on their melted foundations show it's happening quickly. Not over thousands of years since presumedly the homes were on level ground when constructed.

Well there is an issue that requires you to think a bit. HOMES are a GUARANTEED way to melt permafrost.

In order to REMAIN frozen, the ground needs exposure to the sky where all the surface heat eventually goes.
Not to mention the self-generated heating of the home itself. Seems like some soils engineer needs to be sued. Not an Al Gore/Global Warming problem.

BTW -- Build a ROAD and you'll eventually melt the permafrost under it. Quit being FRIGHTENED and think a bit.. Let;s leave this the Al Gore mocking thread and you go back and ponder all that on your thread...
Ahead of the climate talks, the chief guru of the climate k00ks are out there and once again, they cant help themselves!!!

Al Gore spreads environmental gospel before climate talks

The bombs keep getting bigger and bigger!!! Next year, it will be we are going to be "under 80 feet of water"!!

And these bozo's have always been wrong!!!!

Leave it to this clown to create even more skeptics!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Guess you haven't heard the news out of Alaska and thawing permafrost and Alaska sinking huh? :)

So Alaska is sinking because of Global Warming? And the permafrost has been melting for over 10,000 yrs. Pittsburgh was covered in permafrost not so long ago.. Isn't all that much left to melt...

The other effect is that we are now ACTIVELY MONITORING the permafrost. And some of this is being observed and quantified like never before. That's like the difference in tornado reporting before Doppler radar. BOUND to look larger than the historical record.

Images showing homes flipped on their melted foundations show it's happening quickly. Not over thousands of years since presumedly the homes were on level ground when constructed.

Well there is an issue that requires you to think a bit. HOMES are a GUARANTEED way to melt permafrost.

In order to REMAIN frozen, the ground needs exposure to the sky where all the surface heat eventually goes.
Not to mention the self-generated heating of the home itself. Seems like some soils engineer needs to be sued. Not an Al Gore/Global Warming problem.

BTW -- Build a ROAD and you'll eventually melt the permafrost under it. Quit being FRIGHTENED and think a bit..

Fair point. Not frightened. Even if every doom n gloom forcast re: climate change came true it's not like the world's gonna end. It's at worst a rising tide you walk calmly away from. But it is happening and it's not all as unremarkable as you seem to believe.

How would you explain away Pacific island towns now underwater due to rising sea levels? Surely that's not something like the weight of the town caused the island to sink? :)
Ahead of the climate talks, the chief guru of the climate k00ks are out there and once again, they cant help themselves!!!

Al Gore spreads environmental gospel before climate talks

The bombs keep getting bigger and bigger!!! Next year, it will be we are going to be "under 80 feet of water"!!

And these bozo's have always been wrong!!!!

Leave it to this clown to create even more skeptics!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Guess you haven't heard the news out of Alaska and thawing permafrost and Alaska sinking huh? :)

So Alaska is sinking because of Global Warming? And the permafrost has been melting for over 10,000 yrs. Pittsburgh was covered in permafrost not so long ago.. Isn't all that much left to melt...

The other effect is that we are now ACTIVELY MONITORING the permafrost. And some of this is being observed and quantified like never before. That's like the difference in tornado reporting before Doppler radar. BOUND to look larger than the historical record.

Images showing homes flipped on their melted foundations show it's happening quickly. Not over thousands of years since presumedly the homes were on level ground when constructed.

Well there is an issue that requires you to think a bit. HOMES are a GUARANTEED way to melt permafrost.

In order to REMAIN frozen, the ground needs exposure to the sky where all the surface heat eventually goes.
Not to mention the self-generated heating of the home itself. Seems like some soils engineer needs to be sued. Not an Al Gore/Global Warming problem.

BTW -- Build a ROAD and you'll eventually melt the permafrost under it. Quit being FRIGHTENED and think a bit..

Fair point. Not frightened. Even if every doom n gloom forcast re: climate change came true it's not like the world's gonna end. It's at worst a rising tide you walk calmly away from. But it is happening and it's not all as unremarkable as you seem to believe.

How would you explain away Pacific island towns now underwater due to rising sea levels? Surely that's not something like the weight of the town caused the island to sink? :)
name one pacific island town now underwater.
Ahead of the climate talks, the chief guru of the climate k00ks are out there and once again, they cant help themselves!!!

Al Gore spreads environmental gospel before climate talks

The bombs keep getting bigger and bigger!!! Next year, it will be we are going to be "under 80 feet of water"!!

And these bozo's have always been wrong!!!!

Leave it to this clown to create even more skeptics!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Guess you haven't heard the news out of Alaska and thawing permafrost and Alaska sinking huh? :)

Nope you dummy..........did see this as a top story on DRUDGE today though..............:coffee:

Fairbanks, Alaska - Largest September snowfall on record - Ice Age Now

Dang s0n......you stick your toe in here once in a blue moon and ALWAYS get pwned.:fu: Whats up with that?
Anybody else notice that over the years, any threads with Al Gore mentioned are very unpopular amongst the AGW nutters. And why would that be? Back in 2006, they'd all have walked off a cliff for him!!

Its because generally speaking, he's now viewed as an enviro-nut........and the religion doesnt want to be viewed as nuts, thus, the AGW crowd steers clear of these threads.

Even the founder of Green Peace disputes his findings, but heck just think what the government could do with all that money from cap and trade! Maybe Al should take his little lock box and private jet back to the hanger before he is exposed for the charlatan he is.

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