GOP wants a 2% tax on money immigrants send home. That will fund the WALL


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Why are foreigners allowed to send ANY money out of america.?? The money they get is either thru crime or welfare or a job they stole from an american.

GOP says border wall funds should come from immigrants in U.S.

march 30 2017 A group of House Republicans on Thursday introduced the first major bill to fund President Trump’s border wall, saying the government could collect billions of dollars by imposing a 2 percent fee on all the money Mexicans and other immigrants send back home.

Estimates vary, but remittances from those in the U.S. to their relatives back home could top $130 billion a year. A 2 percent tax could net more than $2 billion a year if it applied to all money regardless of who’s sending it.

“This bill is simple — anyone who sends their money to countries that benefit from our porous borders and illegal immigration should be responsible for providing some of the funds needed to complete the wall,” Rep. Mike Rogers, Alabama Republican, said in a statement. “This bill keeps money in the American economy, and most importantly, it creates a funding stream to build the wall.”
2% is way too low.....25% is fair if you ask me. What is wrong with these politicians? You always start high and then work out a deal.....idiots
I don't see how it'll be lawful for any agency to be forced to check your nationality when wiring money from the U.S. do you? Seems to me that 2% would have to be applied universally whether mommy and daddy are sending dough to daughter visiting Europe or some foreigner is sending money home.
2% is way too low.....25% is fair if you ask me. What is wrong with these politicians? You always start high and then work out a deal.....idiots
$25B in remittance payments to Mexico per year.
$25B*.02=$500M/yr. TBH, I think you are correct. The wall is estimated to cost between $15B and $25B.
I don't see how it'll be lawful for any agency to be forced to check your nationality when wiring money from the U.S. do you? Seems to me that 2% would have to be applied universally whether mommy and daddy are sending dough to daughter visiting Europe or some foreigner is sending money home.
Actually the first example can be handled by a domestic bank transfer. There will be other examples before the tax is done passing court muster so $20 processing fee plus 2% would have greater bite.
This is the 800lb gorilla in the room that the Republicrats dont want to touch. The employers who are utilizing illegals. Der Trump Fuhrer has made no comments regarding enforcement on the employment of illegals. Big industry employs a lot of mojados kids.
Why are foreigners allowed to send ANY money out of america.?? The money they get is either thru crime or welfare or a job they stole from an american.

GOP says border wall funds should come from immigrants in U.S.

march 30 2017 A group of House Republicans on Thursday introduced the first major bill to fund President Trump’s border wall, saying the government could collect billions of dollars by imposing a 2 percent fee on all the money Mexicans and other immigrants send back home.

Estimates vary, but remittances from those in the U.S. to their relatives back home could top $130 billion a year. A 2 percent tax could net more than $2 billion a year if it applied to all money regardless of who’s sending it.

“This bill is simple — anyone who sends their money to countries that benefit from our porous borders and illegal immigration should be responsible for providing some of the funds needed to complete the wall,” Rep. Mike Rogers, Alabama Republican, said in a statement. “This bill keeps money in the American economy, and most importantly, it creates a funding stream to build the wall.”
The national socialist right wing, strikes again? I thought, we subscribed to Capitalism.
This is the 800lb gorilla in the room that the Republicrats dont want to touch. The employers who are utilizing illegals. Der Trump Fuhrer has made no comments regarding enforcement on the employment of illegals. Big industry employs a lot of mojados kids.

As I've said elsewhere nobody should believe either Party is serious about getting rid of these criminals until we see big company employers doing the Perp Walk. A dozen or so CEO's locked up for 6 to 10 years and fines for shareholders to cover the costs plus penalties for years of violations would end it pretty quick.
Oh, I now caught it, bogus headline and opening sentence about this applying only to immigrants is later contradicted by:

“This bill is simple — anyone who sends their money to countries that benefit from our porous borders and illegal immigration should be responsible for providing some of the funds needed to complete the wall,” Rep. Mike Rogers, Alabama Republican, said in a statement. “This bill keeps money in the American economy, and most importantly, it creates a funding stream to build the wall.”​

That's Washington Times for you.
Oh, I now caught it, bogus headline and opening sentence about this applying only to immigrants is later contradicted by:

“This bill is simple — anyone who sends their money to countries that benefit from our porous borders and illegal immigration should be responsible for providing some of the funds needed to complete the wall,” Rep. Mike Rogers, Alabama Republican, said in a statement. “This bill keeps money in the American economy, and most importantly, it creates a funding stream to build the wall.”​

That's Washington Times for you.
The bill is silly. They should hold the institutions accountable who are transferring the funds. Those institutions should be required to have individuals present any number of documents (W2/SSN/Work Visa/Green Card). Additionally, they should hold the employers responsible as well in their hiring processes. ICE should start hitting known industry offenders hard. Meat packers, Construction, Farming of all types.
Every time I wire transfer money overseas through my bank there are documents that must be processed and I must answer the most basic questions. Western Union? Money Gram? They could give a rat's ass. 10% on the head, no questions asked.
This problem is easily remedied by putting the onus on those known offenders. However...they make mealy mouthed, specious, horse shit worthless bills like this.
These immigrants should be taxed an adjustable rate that is prorated against any appreciating value in the country to which that money is sent. That way they will be forced to stop undercutting American contractors for American work because they'd lose the incentive to underbid.
Para ejemplo...
A $50 bid that is worth $200 in Mexico, if sent to Mexico, is taxed 75% leaving a net of $12.50 which also becomes only $50 in Mexico.
As I've said elsewhere nobody should believe either Party is serious about getting rid of these criminals until we see big company employers doing the Perp Walk. A dozen or so CEO's locked up for 6 to 10 years and fines for shareholders to cover the costs plus penalties for years of violations would end it pretty quick.

Trump should use sting operations to catch these criminal employers. Let the companies know that the brownskin asking for a job may be working for the FBI.

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