GOP To FAA: Drop Dead

The Wingnuts in the House targeted only small airports in Blue states, stuck it in the bill without any negotiation with the Senate, then left town.

That shit don't fly, and they know it.

How is the GOP going to make up this lost revenue?

They don't know what that word means. Revenue? Who needs revenue?
The Wingnuts in the House targeted only small airports in Blue states, stuck it in the bill without any negotiation with the Senate, then left town.

That shit don't fly, and they know it.

How is the GOP going to make up this lost revenue?

They don't know what that word means. Revenue? Who needs revenue?

Spend wisely and meet lessor resistance.

FAA Shutdown Looms In House-Senate Showdown Over Union Organizing



I kinda figured you for a headline reader, and nothing else. Read the fucking text. This is political gamemanship at its worst with long-term ramifications for innocent working taxpayers. Who do you think these 74,000 people suddenly out of work, because some asshole Republican wants to still play the just-say-no game, will vote for next time around?

From your link:
Democrats say they won't let a bill pass the Senate with the subsidies provision, which they described as a symbolic gesture aimed at trying to force them to negotiate with the House on the labor issue.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has insisted the labor provision be dropped. Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, acknowledged that he included the airline service subsidies provision in part to prod the Senate to cut a deal.

"We're trying to do something to motivate them," Mica told reporters.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., chief sponsor of the Senate FAA bill, told Mica in a letter Tuesday that he won't let the House force him to accept their policy positions by attaching them to extension bills.

But that's exactly what Mica says he plans to do. In comments to reporters and on the House floor, Mica said he's prepared to effectively pass the entire House long-term funding bill by continually attaching provisions of it to extension bills necessary to keep FAA in operation.

"If I have to do the entire bill one extension and one (provision) at a time, I will," Mica said.
Remember the days when the dimocrats took the wh, the senate and the house? Know what they said to us? "Elections have consequences" now they are having a meltdown because the Republicans reside in the house. I think it's just too damn funny.

So what have Republicans done in a year and a half? I'll echo you people:

why don't you ask the anti american anti business obie doodle? he'll tell ya.

FAA Shutdown Looms In House-Senate Showdown Over Union Organizing



I kinda figured you for a headline reader, and nothing else. Read the fucking text. This is political gamemanship at its worst with long-term ramifications for innocent working taxpayers. Who do you think these 74,000 people suddenly out of work, because some asshole Republican wants to still play the just-say-no game, will vote for next time around?

From your link:
Democrats say they won't let a bill pass the Senate with the subsidies provision, which they described as a symbolic gesture aimed at trying to force them to negotiate with the House on the labor issue.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has insisted the labor provision be dropped. Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, acknowledged that he included the airline service subsidies provision in part to prod the Senate to cut a deal.

"We're trying to do something to motivate them," Mica told reporters.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., chief sponsor of the Senate FAA bill, told Mica in a letter Tuesday that he won't let the House force him to accept their policy positions by attaching them to extension bills.

But that's exactly what Mica says he plans to do. In comments to reporters and on the House floor, Mica said he's prepared to effectively pass the entire House long-term funding bill by continually attaching provisions of it to extension bills necessary to keep FAA in operation.

"If I have to do the entire bill one extension and one (provision) at a time, I will," Mica said.

NOW? you don't want to compromise? last week it was all about compromise.
AS the Amercian empire is slowly drained of its vitality you can expect that the services that were formerly paid for by the FED will degrade.

Get used to the steady erosion of civil society because this is going to be what's happening, I think, for the rest of your and my lifetimes.

So people can't be civil without government handouts?
Anybody notice how many aircraft have just been dropping out of the skies since the FAA was shut down?

Nope...Didn't think so.

Well, considering how many workers are being furloughed as well as the thousands of construction workers who are now on hold (what happened to "jobs, jobs jobs"?), as well as the fact that the government is losing several BILLION dollars in tax revenues for this, it's not just the airplanes dropping out of the sky that you've got to worry about.

It's also jobs and the economy.

By the way.......what happened to Boehner saying it's all about the jobs? This particular little snafu really demonstrates its about greed and union busting.

FAA Shutdown Looms In House-Senate Showdown Over Union Organizing



I kinda figured you for a headline reader, and nothing else. Read the fucking text. This is political gamemanship at its worst with long-term ramifications for innocent working taxpayers. Who do you think these 74,000 people suddenly out of work, because some asshole Republican wants to still play the just-say-no game, will vote for next time around?

From your link:
Democrats say they won't let a bill pass the Senate with the subsidies provision, which they described as a symbolic gesture aimed at trying to force them to negotiate with the House on the labor issue.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has insisted the labor provision be dropped. Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, acknowledged that he included the airline service subsidies provision in part to prod the Senate to cut a deal.

"We're trying to do something to motivate them," Mica told reporters.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., chief sponsor of the Senate FAA bill, told Mica in a letter Tuesday that he won't let the House force him to accept their policy positions by attaching them to extension bills.

But that's exactly what Mica says he plans to do. In comments to reporters and on the House floor, Mica said he's prepared to effectively pass the entire House long-term funding bill by continually attaching provisions of it to extension bills necessary to keep FAA in operation.

"If I have to do the entire bill one extension and one (provision) at a time, I will," Mica said.

NOW? you don't want to compromise? last week it was all about compromise.

Huh? Read it again. Not working out a compromise resulting in DEfunding was what it was always about. If you had bothered to read the guidelines for how a bill is passed, which you obviously did not, you would know that because of the disagreement in text between the Senate and House versions, it should have automatically gone to conference. It didn't and the House refused interim funding until it could be. It's as simple as that.
The "message" the Republican obstructionists attempted to send this time backfired, big time. Maybe they'll put their thinking caps on before making ignorant demands the next time they don't get their way.

Deal reached to fund FAA and put thousands back to work -
Congressional leaders reached a deal Thursday to temporarily resume funding for the Federal Aviation Administration, ending an impasse that put thousands of federal employees out of work and halted activity on 200 construction projects...According to a Senate Democratic leadership aide, the Senate will pass the necessary legislation by unanimous consent on Friday in a so-called "pro forma" session being held while the chamber is in recess.
I kinda figured you for a headline reader, and nothing else. Read the fucking text. This is political gamemanship at its worst with long-term ramifications for innocent working taxpayers. Who do you think these 74,000 people suddenly out of work, because some asshole Republican wants to still play the just-say-no game, will vote for next time around?

From your link:

NOW? you don't want to compromise? last week it was all about compromise.

Huh? Read it again. Not working out a compromise resulting in DEfunding was what it was always about. If you had bothered to read the guidelines for how a bill is passed, which you obviously did not, you would know that because of the disagreement in text between the Senate and House versions, it should have automatically gone to conference. It didn't and the House refused interim funding until it could be. It's as simple as that.

the senate should have stayed in town to get the "compromise" worked out, they don't care about workers. dew they?
The Wingnuts in the House targeted only small airports in Blue states, stuck it in the bill without any negotiation with the Senate, then left town.

That shit don't fly, and they know it.

How is the GOP going to make up this lost revenue?

The Senate was perfectly free to pass its own version of the bill and send it to a conference committee, the same way things have been done for over 200 years.. Where is that bill?
Sometimes I'm actually shocked at your ignorance. The HOUSE HOLDS THE FUCKING PURSE STRINGS. When a SPENDING bill passes both chambers, it then goes back to the H.O.U.S.E. Appropriations Committee (now controlled by REPUBLICANS) for the funding. The sheer urgency of this situation called for immediate passage of an extension by THE HOUSE with no goddamned strings attached, which it refused to do.

Get it now? Or shall I have my neighbor's three-year old explain it to you?

Oh I got it. the house did it's part, the Senate instead of debating and giving the bill an up or down vote left DC and will be off til roughly SEPT. If they care a wit about those employees they'd have done their jobs.

No, you don't get it.

About the Appropriations Process
...Once funds are appropriated, Congress expects that these funds will be used during the fiscal year for which they are appropriated. Congress must enact annual appropriations bills prior to the beginning of the each fiscal year (October 1) or provide interim funding for the affected programs through a "continuing resolution." Sometimes, the Congress will combine several appropriations bills at the end of the year and pass them all together as an "omnibus."
How does the appropriations process work?

An appropriations bill is considered in much the same way as other bills that pass through Congress. It is introduced by Members of the House and Senate, subcommittee hearings are held, subcommittees and committees amend the bills and vote on them, they are considered by the full House and Senate and votes are taken, a conference committee is appointed to reconcile differences between the two chambers' versions, and the conference report (i.e. the final bill) is then voted on by the House and Senate and sent to the President for signature or veto.
The House starts voting on appropriations bills in May and seeks to complete this by the August district work period. In recent years, however, many of these votes have not occurred until the fall. The Senate may begin committee work on its 11 spending bills and may even vote on the bills before the House completes its work.

After the House and the Senate have each voted on its versions of an appropriations bill, a conference committee meets. That committee consists of equal number of House and Senate members who reconcile any differences between the spending bills.

The conference committees make the final decisions on bills and reconcile the differences. The conference report is then sent to both the House and Senate for approval. If approved, it is then sent to President. After the President signs a bill, each impacted department or agency reviews the bill, makes the regulatory changes mandated by Congress and begins allocating the funding to appropriate departments and projects referenced in the bill. When there is a direct appropriation to an outside entity, the agency will usually allocate funding to the organization or community in the spring (mid-March through May).
The issue here with the FAA funding is that the proper approach would have been to do a continuing resolution setting some date in early fall to resolve all the political issues now attached to a very simple, and necessary, piece of legislation.

The House did that, and Reid even promised a vote on it. What happened?
The Dems got pissed because Hatch brought up a bill that would defund some very unused rural area airports, about 10 of them. They don't' have enough traffic to keep them going without Federal subsidies.
We could save about 200 billion a year with them being shut down.
Most of them were built by pork, by Dem's, so that they would have more convince. They had these rural airports built for them, to fly home on weekends, instead of having to drive from the bigger airports.
Poor little Dem's will have to drive a few miles out of their way to go home to their districts.
Alaska and Hawaii were exempt because that is mostly how they travel, in samll planes.

Ironically, most of those "rural airports" are used by people who own private planes, and they're the ones who get a tax break for owning said planes. For that reason, I'm not sure this particular argument will have a leg to stand on. When Republicans start actually looking at tax breaks (i.e., subsidies) that go for such things, they may decide it's better not to open that can of worms regarding where those private airplanes are parked.

Not so ironically, you have no idea what you are talking about.
Saved by a House bill provision. Plain and simple. False crisis manufactured by your friends at the Democratic Party.

Surely you jest.

This will be interim funding, and the riders have yet to be debated.

You've actually surpassed rdean and Truthmatters for partisan dipshittedness. :clap2: Bravo!

Congress has temporarily extended FAA's funding 20 times since the law expired in 2007. Congress has stalled on the 21st extension because the House version of the bill included cutbacks to rural airport subsidies. Senate leaders cried foul, saying that stopgap bills are no place for policy debates. Only once since 2007 have lawmakers added policy-related provisions to the FAA extensions. After the Colgan Flight 3407 accident in 2009 in Buffalo, N.Y., the FAA extension that Congress passed the following year included pilot-safety provisions.

Need 'compromise' or FAA won't function, Transportation secretary says --

I kinda figured you for a headline reader, and nothing else. Read the fucking text. This is political gamemanship at its worst with long-term ramifications for innocent working taxpayers. Who do you think these 74,000 people suddenly out of work, because some asshole Republican wants to still play the just-say-no game, will vote for next time around?

From your link:

NOW? you don't want to compromise? last week it was all about compromise.

Huh? Read it again. Not working out a compromise resulting in DEfunding was what it was always about. If you had bothered to read the guidelines for how a bill is passed, which you obviously did not, you would know that because of the disagreement in text between the Senate and House versions, it should have automatically gone to conference. It didn't and the House refused interim funding until it could be. It's as simple as that.

LOL Unions are us and we put people out of work and lie about the number affected.

Why compromise with Liars.

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