GOP sure gets dumber by the moment

The "strict conservative base" under Barry Goldwater stuck up their middle finger and publicly said "FUCK YOU" to the religious right.
Back when Republicans had balls.
They are now a bunch of milk weak pussies waving Bibles around.

if Republicans have balls they should show the middle finger FUCK YOU to this non-issue Senate bill and get to the real issues on a table.

Boehner should just play Harry Reid.

without ANY comment, or use Gingrich method :D

If i was Boehner I would ask reid if gays have butt sex and then oral sex or oral sex first and then butt sex
The problem is the far rightwingers that refuse to vote for anyone who's wishy-washy on abortion. All a dick like Obama has to do to take votes from a Republican is claim that he at one time was supporting abortion. After that he's toast.

It's gotten pretty bad where everything you do or didn't do can be used against you by lying pricks like Obama that seem to be able to find out everything about you.

NSA, thanks alot.

Well, no - It's not anywhere near as simple as that.

Most people don't even know enough about the political process or the candidates to even make a well reasoned decision when it comes to pulling the lever.

When a guy like Romney gets the nod, he has so much sucking up to do that he becomes a watered-down version of himself and folks have no clue where he stands, His Romneycare was one of the models for Obamacare, but rather then slap his party and say "look, it really isn't that bad, quit making a big deal out of nothing!" he rushes to trash it.

If he had just ran on what he really thought was best for America, he might have had a chance.
Well, when the radical far Right of your party has you in a death vice-grip, what else do you expect from a sap like Romney?

It's Party over country with today's Republicans.

Every. last. one of these bastards.
State Sues Florist Who Refused Service to a Gay Wedding | Slog

In an unusual legal maneuver, Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a consumer protection lawsuit today against a florist in Richland, Washington, who last month refused to provide flower arrangements for a same-sex wedding because of her "relationship with Jesus."

As The Stranger reported at the time, Arlene's Flowers owner Barronelle Stutzman told Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed that she refused to do business with them—or "participate in the wedding," as she called it—because she believed as a Christian "that marriage is between a man and a woman."

Filed in Benton County Superior Court, the lawsuit (.pdf) alleges that when Stutzman refused to provide goods or services on the basis of sexual orientation in a place of public accommodation, she was violating the state's anti-discrimination law and was, therefore, also violating laws designed to protect consumers. As a business that sells wedding flowers to opposite-sex couples, the AG's office argues, it must provide the same wedding services to gay couples.

Not seeing a problem here.

This is settled law. You can't refuse to do business with someone because you don't like them.

A business is a public accommedation.

If she refused to sell flowers to an interracial couple because of her religious beliefs, would you take the same position?
Ron and Rand Paul and their followers would argue...yes.

I'm not a Paul follower, but I think a privately-owned business should be able to deny service to anyone for any reason. And, since I'm not an absolutist, I can see exceptions being made for emergency rooms. But a florist or a restaurant? You bet.

If that denial exposes that business owner as a bigot or a racist or whatever, fine. Then I'll know not to do business with them.


I'm not a Paul follower, but I think a privately-owned business should be able to deny service to anyone for any reason. And, since I'm not an absolutist, I can see exceptions being made for emergency rooms. But a florist or a restaurant? You bet.

If that denial exposes that business owner as a bigot or a racist or whatever, fine. Then I'll know not to do business with them.


I don't know about "any reason" but the excuse I heard sounds reasonable.

I'm not a Paul follower, but I think a privately-owned business should be able to deny service to anyone for any reason. And, since I'm not an absolutist, I can see exceptions being made for emergency rooms. But a florist or a restaurant? You bet.

If that denial exposes that business owner as a bigot or a racist or whatever, fine. Then I'll know not to do business with them.

That's a nation run by the majority.

AKA...mob rule.

We're a nation run by laws.

You know this.

I'm not a Paul follower, but I think a privately-owned business should be able to deny service to anyone for any reason. And, since I'm not an absolutist, I can see exceptions being made for emergency rooms. But a florist or a restaurant? You bet.

If that denial exposes that business owner as a bigot or a racist or whatever, fine. Then I'll know not to do business with them.

That's a nation run by the majority.

AKA...mob rule.

We're a nation run by laws.

You know this.

I'm not talking about legality of the issue. I'm merely expressing my opinion of the issue.


I'm not a Paul follower, but I think a privately-owned business should be able to deny service to anyone for any reason. And, since I'm not an absolutist, I can see exceptions being made for emergency rooms. But a florist or a restaurant? You bet.

If that denial exposes that business owner as a bigot or a racist or whatever, fine. Then I'll know not to do business with them.

That's a nation run by the majority.

AKA...mob rule.

We're a nation run by laws.

You know this.

I'm not talking about legality of the issue. I'm merely expressing my opinion of the issue.

I thought we were talking about a legal issue.

My bad.

I'm personally against the gay lifestyle, just as I am about fornication, stealing, lying, and all the other sins the Bible speaks against. I'm not going to single out my pet peeve sin and single it out for demonization. The Bible says that sin is sin, all of it is bad.

The Bible also speaks about hating the sin, not the sinner.

That's the route I take.
The thuggistic TeaPoCrap Party of the far right is not the Republican Party.

It doesn't count as thuggery when someone says to you in a tweet they want to muss your hair, okay?

Besides, the only thing NEUTRAL observers say about the Tea Partiers is that they are not a group associated with violence, law breaking, vile acts of desecration or whatever goes on courtesy of the Occupy movement.

The entrenched members of Congress in BOTH parties are going to be in for a fight of their political careers to win re-election if they supported Obama.

The Tea Party's message is resonating with the people!
That's a nation run by the majority.

AKA...mob rule.

We're a nation run by laws.

You know this.

I'm not talking about legality of the issue. I'm merely expressing my opinion of the issue.

I thought we were talking about a legal issue.

My bad.

I'm personally against the gay lifestyle, just as I am about fornication, stealing, lying, and all the other sins the Bible speaks against. I'm not going to single out my pet peeve sin and single it out for demonization. The Bible says that sin is sin, all of it is bad.

The Bible also speaks about hating the sin, not the sinner.

That's the route I take.

With a post mentioning the Bible a couple of times and an avatar image of Malcolm X, I wonder.

Do you follow the Bible or the Koran or neither or both or what???

The Democrats are playing them

Set up dmonstrations of how out of touch Republicans are from mainstream American thought. Show America how in 2013 you still think Homosexuals are the boogeyman

Democrats need to do the same thing on immigration reform and background checks.

Yup, playing games.

I don't think the GOP has any choice in this. Democrats are totally incompetent, but they win elections by fooling voters into thinking that the GOP is a bunch of evil rich guys.

Well, fact is, Democrats are a bunch of really evil rich guys and to top it off, they can't grab their ass with both hands, but at least they have a better image.

Maybe if the GOP stopped ACTING like a bunch of evil Rich Guys, the Democrats wouldn't have such an easy time of it.

Quick question, when was the last time the GOP put the interests of workers and consumers above that of the rich and big corporations...

I'll wait.
1980 when Carter was kicked to the curb.
The problem is the far rightwingers that refuse to vote for anyone who's wishy-washy on abortion. All a dick like Obama has to do to take votes from a Republican is claim that he at one time was supporting abortion. After that he's toast.

It's gotten pretty bad where everything you do or didn't do can be used against you by lying pricks like Obama that seem to be able to find out everything about you.

NSA, thanks alot.

Well, no - It's not anywhere near as simple as that.

Most people don't even know enough about the political process or the candidates to even make a well reasoned decision when it comes to pulling the lever.

When a guy like Romney gets the nod, he has so much sucking up to do that he becomes a watered-down version of himself and folks have no clue where he stands, His Romneycare was one of the models for Obamacare, but rather then slap his party and say "look, it really isn't that bad, quit making a big deal out of nothing!" he rushes to trash it.

If he had just ran on what he really thought was best for America, he might have had a chance.
Well, when the radical far Right of your party has you in a death vice-grip, what else do you expect from a sap like Romney?

It's Party over country with today's Republicans.

Every. last. one of these bastards.

The radical right hated and despised Romney.
He would not be their candidate in a zillion years.

I'm not a Paul follower, but I think a privately-owned business should be able to deny service to anyone for any reason. And, since I'm not an absolutist, I can see exceptions being made for emergency rooms. But a florist or a restaurant? You bet.

If that denial exposes that business owner as a bigot or a racist or whatever, fine. Then I'll know not to do business with them.


I used to believe that as I own 2 businesses but what happens is you open up a can of worms. But the reality is very few if any gay folks want to do business where they are not wanted.
And this law is employment equality, not getting served somewhere.
And there are a zillion and one ways to get out of working for a gay person or anyone if you want. All that photographer had to do for that gay wedding was say "the press of other business" and that is a vague but valid reason under any law.

I'm not a Paul follower, but I think a privately-owned business should be able to deny service to anyone for any reason. And, since I'm not an absolutist, I can see exceptions being made for emergency rooms. But a florist or a restaurant? You bet.

If that denial exposes that business owner as a bigot or a racist or whatever, fine. Then I'll know not to do business with them.

That's a nation run by the majority.

AKA...mob rule.

We're a nation run by laws.

You know this.

Totally agree but why do I continuously hear "the majority want government health care" argument with Obamacare.
Their entire premise is this is what the majority want and need.

I'm not a Paul follower, but I think a privately-owned business should be able to deny service to anyone for any reason. And, since I'm not an absolutist, I can see exceptions being made for emergency rooms. But a florist or a restaurant? You bet.

If that denial exposes that business owner as a bigot or a racist or whatever, fine. Then I'll know not to do business with them.


So, where should we put up this list of business than can and cannot discriminate? What if you're the only store in town? Should you be able to not sell milk to that Muslim family? It's really easy to say "let them discriminate" when you live in or near a big town, but what if you're a rural dweller?

Regardless, ENDA isn't about public accommodation, but about not being fired if your boss happens to find out you're gay.
I have advised businesses for 30 years on hiring practices such as background pre-employment and employees they have problems with.
I advise to do no drug testing as the majority of drug problems in the workplace are prescription and you open up large problems firing for that even if you could in most instances.
The one thing that is stupid about opposition to this bill is that for years I tell my clients on most all cases where they want to fire someone no matter what to give that employee a written warning the next time that employee shows up late for work. 2nd infraction fire them for that.
I do not advocate firing gay employees for being gay, stupid to me but even under this law gays will be fired for being late the 2nd time when in fact they were being fired for being gay.
It is wrong but no law stops that.
NO law stops any business from getting around the vague details of "laws".

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