GOP strategy - disrupted Dem town hall meetings

Naw, it's not a strawman... actually it's just a coincidence. It's just a fluke of nature that the agenda of the GOP and the financial interests of big corporations and polluting industries coincide...

And I'm sure all the $$funding$$ by those same big corporations and polluting industries that finds it's way into "conservative" think tanks and environmental skeptic organizations is just happenstance...

How could I be so presumptuous?

"My hero is St. Francis of Assisi because he understood the connection between spirituality and the environment. He understood the way God communicates to us most forcefully is through the fish, the birds and the trees and that it is a sin to destroy those things."
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


Hell no. You people just keep giving us daily fodder. The Neanderthal died out when the Cro Magna emerged and outsmarted them.

you'll be missed.

nice brow, BTW, did you have it enhanced or is it natural?
Ok, let's rewind about, say, 6 years.

Would those cons on here who are applauding the efforts of Tea-Partiers be as supportive of people who were anti-war protestors if they were carrying on like this and a memo surfaced that showed that this deliberately disruptive behavior was being coordinated by different Liberal groups? There was plenty of shit going down back then, but I don't recall hearing of anything like this on their part.

When they have this as part of their guidelines....

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate: “The goal is to rattle him, get him off his prepared script and agenda. If he says something outrageous, stand up and shout out and sit right back down. Look for these opportunities before he even takes questions.”

....WTF is the point of even having a town hall meeting, then?
HEREIN lies your gross ignorance...there is a VAST difference between constructive debate; challenging a representative on ISSUES and POLICY vs. busing in people trained and coached for the SOLE purpose of DISRUPTING a town hall meeting so no one can have a civil debate...

If the policies can't stand the debate, then they aren't worth having.

I don't think the disruptor's are shouting out the recipe to Mrs Butterworths famous syrup. I got a feeling that it's about the issue. Just a hunch. And if the politicians can't stand it, well thats just too f'ing bad.

Sorry, but these crowds represent a bunch of fools who sit around their local taverns and kitchen tables getting all ginned up by telling each other how the country's going to hell in a handbasket. OH YEAH!!!! I HEAR'ED THERE WAS A DIMORAT TOWN HALL MEETING TODAY!! LET'S ALL GRAB A BEER AND A SIGN AND GO KICK SOME ASS!!

I'll bet if I asked any one of them to give me a logical explanation (LOGICAL) as to why they're so pissed off, I would get nothing more than a bunch of hummina hummina hummina...OBAMA ISN'T A CITIZEN...type of bullshit. They are not interested in listening to ANYONE.
Keep in mind that "Town Hall Meetings" are supposed to be citizen's meetings not democrat citizen's meetings. If they are meant to be Democrat meetings they would be campaign events. We are not in the campaign season now, we are in a season of public input and debate for and about policies being proposed into bills to be voted on in both houses of congess. This is how representative democracy works.

REALLY, "public input and debate for and about policies being proposed..."

– Be Disruptive Early And Often:

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate:

HOW is THAT "public input and debate for and about policies being proposed..." ???

Being disruptive and subversive to undermine any legitimate "debate for and about policies being proposed" is NOT HOW our representative democracy is SUPPOSED to work...

It is a form of domestic terrorism... orchestrated by Pete Sessions (R-Texas)....

THIS Pete Sessions (R-Texas)...


Friday, February 6, 2009

Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions compares GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency


"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

Paragraph from

Congressman Pete Sessions Compares House Republicans To Taliban | Capitol Annex

Anger is seldom without an argument but seldom with a good one.
Lord Halifax

It's not HOW things are suppose to work at town hall meetings...being disruptive is nothing but being disruptive... true DISORDERLY CONDUCT :D in a public setting with intent to cause riotous behavior..... (unlike what gates did... ;) )
If the policies can't stand the debate, then they aren't worth having.

I don't think the disruptor's are shouting out the recipe to Mrs Butterworths famous syrup. I got a feeling that it's about the issue. Just a hunch. And if the politicians can't stand it, well thats just too f'ing bad.

WHAT part of:
– Be Disruptive Early And Often: “

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate:

do you need an explanation on???

Oh yeah. BTW, those little quotes in red were a characterization of the memo by the leftist site thinkprogress. They weren't part of the memo itself. The memo actually states:

When the formal Q&A session begins get all your hands up and keep them up ..
be persistent throughout the entire session. Keep body language neutral and look
positive to improve chances of being selected. When called on, ask a specific
prepared question that puts the onus on him to answer.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with any of this. Thinkprogress was just trying to slander the oppositions attempt at a national debate. Too bad their characterization is completely wrong to anyone who actually reads the memo.

THIS part...if people are bused in, HOW are they part of that TOWN??????????????

Townhall is a format. Not necessarily specific to that town. The issues that are being debated are national ones. Too bad if the politicians can't stand the debate.

Yeah, right, that's like instructing a bunch of 3-year olds not to get all excited at a birthday party. There are stories of unruly behavior all over the internet.
So constituents are exercising their freedoms, and unsurprisingly Democrats have a problem with this.

Anything else?

What comes around goes around bitch. I have no illusions that the republican brand name will ever recover from the treason and debauchery perpetrated by you neo cons.

I hope it is political war and you dumb fucks start something you can't stop.
Oh, so YOU are declaring victory huh? WOW, what a courageous act...

Let's recap PEA brain...

We have a group of outsiders that are trained to disrupt town hall meetings held by Democratic House members; which is a way for citizens of THAT district to debate, discuss and ask questions of THEIR district representative on issue that effect THEIR district. These outsiders are trained TO:

– Artificially Inflate Your Numbers:

– Be Disruptive Early And Often:

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate:

WHO is behind this effort to disrupt these town hall meetings? Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions...

HIS strategy...

"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

You right wing pea brains defend WAR, TORTURE and now TERRORISM...

But Democrats are the "radicals"...

YOU are a MORON...

Wow, let's count the lies here:

We have a group of outsiders

Lie #1. Nowhere in the memo does it say anything about outsiders. As a matter of fact the memo outlines how people within the district should respond and organize when notice of a future townhall is posted.

Lie #2. The memo only says that the members need to spread out among the hall and sit up front. This is in no way "artificially inflating numbers".

– Be Disruptive Early And Often:

Lie #3. The memo clearly states that the members should not carry on and make a scene.

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate:

Lie #4. The memo clearly states that the members need to be prepared with specific questions pertaining to the issue and also be prepared with a pointed and direct follow up question. This is not, as you characterize, "not having an intelligent debate". If the representative cannot answer a question which pertains to the debate, and this rattles him, well then too damn bad.

You fail. Utterly and completely. You are only embarrassing yourself. Better quit while you are ahead.


Then why aren't they doing that? Simple question.
So constituents are exercising their freedoms, and unsurprisingly Democrats have a problem with this.

Anything else?

What comes around goes around bitch. I have no illusions that the republican brand name will ever recover from the treason and debauchery perpetrated by you neo cons.

I hope it is political war and you dumb fucks start something you can't stop.

Uh, this guy doesn't strike me as a neo-con.
Oh, so YOU are declaring victory huh? WOW, what a courageous act...

Let's recap PEA brain...

We have a group of outsiders that are trained to disrupt town hall meetings held by Democratic House members; which is a way for citizens of THAT district to debate, discuss and ask questions of THEIR district representative on issue that effect THEIR district. These outsiders are trained TO:

– Artificially Inflate Your Numbers:

– Be Disruptive Early And Often:

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate:

WHO is behind this effort to disrupt these town hall meetings? Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions...

HIS strategy...

"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

You right wing pea brains defend WAR, TORTURE and now TERRORISM...

But Democrats are the "radicals"...

YOU are a MORON...

Wow, let's count the lies here:

Lie #1. Nowhere in the memo does it say anything about outsiders. As a matter of fact the memo outlines how people within the district should respond and organize when notice of a future townhall is posted.

Lie #2. The memo only says that the members need to spread out among the hall and sit up front. This is in no way "artificially inflating numbers".

Lie #3. The memo clearly states that the members should not carry on and make a scene.

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate:

Lie #4. The memo clearly states that the members need to be prepared with specific questions pertaining to the issue and also be prepared with a pointed and direct follow up question. This is not, as you characterize, "not having an intelligent debate". If the representative cannot answer a question which pertains to the debate, and this rattles him, well then too damn bad.

You fail. Utterly and completely. You are only embarrassing yourself. Better quit while you are ahead.


Then why aren't they doing that? Simple question.

democrats set the standard. Now you complain.
drama queen!

More Far-Right Violence? Anti-Immigrant Suspects In Arizona Killing Have Ties To White Supremacists

By Zachary Roth - June 16, 2009, 12:48PM

The recent murders of a Kansas doctor who performed late-term abortions and of a guard at the National Holocaust Museum have stoked fears of a rise in right-wing extremist violence -- just as that much-maligned DHS report predicted. And now it looks like we've got another one to add to the list...

According to local law enforcement, three people posing as police officers forced their way into the home of Raul Flores in Arivaca, Arizona, about 10 miles from the Mexican border, on May 30. They shot and killed Flores and his nine-year-old daughter, and wounded Flores' wife. The three, Shawna Forde, Jason Bush, and Albert Gaxiola, were arrested and charged last Thursday and Friday.

nice deflection. well, not really.

so far we've got informed citizens going to town hall meetings and questioning their elected reps.

ooooooooh, those evil right wing, statist, pea brains!


It would be fine if that's really what they were doing, and their intent. Obviously you've been out of sync for several days. You need to catch up, Del. People are behaving as though they're going after the Frankenstein monster.
If the policies can't stand the debate, then they aren't worth having.

I don't think the disruptor's are shouting out the recipe to Mrs Butterworths famous syrup. I got a feeling that it's about the issue. Just a hunch. And if the politicians can't stand it, well thats just too f'ing bad.

WHAT part of:
– Be Disruptive Early And Often: “

– Try To “Rattle Him,” Not Have An Intelligent Debate:

do you need an explanation on???

Oh yeah. BTW, those little quotes in red were a characterization of the memo by the leftist site thinkprogress. They weren't part of the memo itself. The memo actually states:

When the formal Q&A session begins get all your hands up and keep them up ..
be persistent throughout the entire session. Keep body language neutral and look
positive to improve chances of being selected. When called on, ask a specific
prepared question that puts the onus on him to answer.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with any of this. Thinkprogress was just trying to slander the oppositions attempt at a national debate. Too bad their characterization is completely wrong to anyone who actually reads the memo.

THIS part...if people are bused in, HOW are they part of that TOWN??????????????

Townhall is a format. Not necessarily specific to that town. The issues that are being debated are national ones. Too bad if the politicians can't stand the debate.

Dammit Radio...I cannot pos rep you again because I pos repped your post earlier in this thread.

In the future, please attempt to post your most rep worthy thoughts first, followed by thoughts in descending rep worthy order.

This will help alleviated feelings of 'rep regret' in those that pos rep your posts.

Thanks in advance,

so we got Chrissies life partner Sniveling there a thread this meatball doesnt cry about something.....even his fellow lib Rocks said it goes both ways,and Willow showed some examples....yet the wimp still cries about it.....GET A SET Bfg....

The YouTube videos Willow Tree put up were NOT elected officials. I could go back in recent history and find all sorts of rowdy protests against specific speakers at college events. Sorry, but it's hardly the same thing.
I guess you missed THIS part of the "memo"

We will be travelling the state to provide a similar reality-check for all five of the Reps, and of course Chris Dodd.

Still fail. The context clearly indicates that they will be traveling the state in order to organize the constituents within the district where the townhall is being held.


Well gee, wee one, at least we know where YOU spend the majority of YOUR time--scouring the Internet for cutesy pics you can use to make a statement.
HEREIN lies your gross ignorance...there is a VAST difference between constructive debate; challenging a representative on ISSUES and POLICY vs. busing in people trained and coached for the SOLE purpose of DISRUPTING a town hall meeting so no one can have a civil debate...

If the policies can't stand the debate, then they aren't worth having.

I don't think the disruptor's are shouting out the recipe to Mrs Butterworths famous syrup. I got a feeling that it's about the issue. Just a hunch. And if the politicians can't stand it, well thats just too f'ing bad.

Sorry, but these crowds represent a bunch of fools who sit around their local taverns and kitchen tables getting all ginned up by telling each other how the country's going to hell in a handbasket. OH YEAH!!!! I HEAR'ED THERE WAS A DIMORAT TOWN HALL MEETING TODAY!! LET'S ALL GRAB A BEER AND A SIGN AND GO KICK SOME ASS!!

I'll bet if I asked any one of them to give me a logical explanation (LOGICAL) as to why they're so pissed off, I would get nothing more than a bunch of hummina hummina hummina...OBAMA ISN'T A CITIZEN...type of bullshit. They are not interested in listening to ANYONE.

Since you've made it ok to stereotype and all.

That's like saying ACORN members all around drinking 40 oz bottles of Colt 45, smoking blunts talking about they're tired of whitey keeping them down. YEAAAA !! I HEARD A BUNCH OF THESE CRACKA ASS CRACKA'S GONNA SHOW UP TODAY AND VOTE AGAINST THE BROTHA, LET'S ALL GRAB A 40 AND A 9, WE GONNA BUS SOME CAPS AND SHOW THESE MUTHAFUCKA'S WHAT TIME IT IS !!

Most of the people that voted for Obama can't give you a LOGICAL reason why and were not interested in finding a good reason why, " hope" and "change" were good enough for them. Now that he's been royally screwing up and about to make another disastrous move, people are listening and that's the worst thing that can happen for the left......

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