GOP poisons children with lead tainted water. It's OK, they're poor.

You want an idea there Rderp as crazy but MORE possible then that CRAP you are saying?

The City of Flint in order to INSURE more democrat voters on PURPOSE switched to lead in the water to turn their children into RETARDS which IS the side effect of lead in order to secure MORE democrat voters in the future.

Haha this thread should be moved under Conspiracy.
If the Democrats did this to their own constituents to keep them retarded?
I think you just put half the 9/11 truthers to shame.
The man is an idiot. The CITY voted SEVEN to one to switch. The CITY is controlled by DEMOCRATS. The state is ONLY there to see its corruption free NOT free of STUPID.

And as one can tell by the DEMOCRAT controlled CITY government is has remained just as stupid as it started.
I see that you are still stuck in stupid mode.
The vote was to switch to the new regional water authority NOT THE FLINT RIVER AS A DRINKING SOURCE!!!!!
I posted the Gov appointed EM that authorized THE SWITH TO USE THE FLINT RIVER AS THE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER...

Keep trying but you continue to prove your ignorance of the issue.
He was ONLY there to OVERSEE the vote of the city NOT make the choice for them.

If neither the EM nor the Mayor did enough to protect the citizens while this was going on, they are both responsible. If their adverse relationship is to blame for why they couldn't work together to fix this, then the Parties should be held responsible for the collateral damage of partisan division.

Just like Katrina, there was a holdup between the local govt authorities approving the help coming in
from the federal level. The bureaucracy, delays and hesitation cost time and lives. To get past that, Bush took the blame just so that people would agree to move forward and help the people in crisis.
At least someone took responsibility.
That's more than I can say here, it looks like!
All the conservatives blathering on this thread don't realize the local elected government has little to no power in Flint anymore with the Emergency Managers that get appointed by Snyder. The EM literally runs EVERYTHING and answer directly to Snyder.

Dear Nyvin would it help if Liberals had a Constitutional sense of authority to check govt?
If everything is decided by elections and appointments, then whoever has control rules.
I thought that was the Liberals idea. And the whole reason Conservatives from Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Republicans, Tea Party and Christian and Vet Party push for Constitutional
LIMITS on govt is to prevent one person, office or branch from imposing unchecked decisions.

Aren't Liberals getting a taste of their own medicine when they avoid Constitutional checks, principles and limits, and just lobby to get into office to control votes by majority rule?

I would agree that the GOP need to do their job and check their own leaders, and not let them abuse power either. If this was done because it can be blamed on Liberal Mayors, then again, it looks like the adverse relationship between the parties gets taken advantage of to dump the blame on each other.
Nynim has no idea what he is talking about. The EM is only there to see what they do is LEGAL. NOT if its ETHICAL.
You want an idea there Rderp as crazy but MORE possible then that CRAP you are saying?

The City of Flint in order to INSURE more democrat voters on PURPOSE switched to lead in the water to turn their children into RETARDS which IS the side effect of lead in order to secure MORE democrat voters in the future.

Haha this thread should be moved under Conspiracy.
If the Democrats did this to their own constituents to keep them retarded?
I think you just put half the 9/11 truthers to shame.
The man is an idiot. The CITY voted SEVEN to one to switch. The CITY is controlled by DEMOCRATS. The state is ONLY there to see its corruption free NOT free of STUPID.

And as one can tell by the DEMOCRAT controlled CITY government is has remained just as stupid as it started.
I see that you are still stuck in stupid mode.
The vote was to switch to the new regional water authority NOT THE FLINT RIVER AS A DRINKING SOURCE!!!!!
I posted the Gov appointed EM that authorized THE SWITH TO USE THE FLINT RIVER AS THE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER...

Keep trying but you continue to prove your ignorance of the issue.
He was ONLY there to OVERSEE the vote of the city NOT make the choice for them.

Actually he has quite a lot of independent authority.

Shouldn't we all retain equal independence and responsibility. So we can track accountability.
Instead of this game of each blaming the other person, passing the buck in circles.
Where does that leave the taxpayer and citizens affected by the outcome.
You want an idea there Rderp as crazy but MORE possible then that CRAP you are saying?

The City of Flint in order to INSURE more democrat voters on PURPOSE switched to lead in the water to turn their children into RETARDS which IS the side effect of lead in order to secure MORE democrat voters in the future.

Haha this thread should be moved under Conspiracy.
If the Democrats did this to their own constituents to keep them retarded?
I think you just put half the 9/11 truthers to shame.
The man is an idiot. The CITY voted SEVEN to one to switch. The CITY is controlled by DEMOCRATS. The state is ONLY there to see its corruption free NOT free of STUPID.

And as one can tell by the DEMOCRAT controlled CITY government is has remained just as stupid as it started.
I see that you are still stuck in stupid mode.
The vote was to switch to the new regional water authority NOT THE FLINT RIVER AS A DRINKING SOURCE!!!!!
I posted the Gov appointed EM that authorized THE SWITH TO USE THE FLINT RIVER AS THE SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER...

Keep trying but you continue to prove your ignorance of the issue.
He was ONLY there to OVERSEE the vote of the city NOT make the choice for them.
Flint Mayor Dayne Walling said Tuesday that the vote to become a partner in the KWA, a new regional water authority, should not be confused with a vote to use the Flint River as a temporary source of drinking water — a vote that never happened.

In contrast to using the river, the city also could have negotiated a short-term contract to continue buying water from DWSD, for example.
While Earley oversaw the switch, the decision to switch was signed by Flint's previous state-appointed emergency manager, Ed Kurtz.

Kurtz signed an order March 29, 2013, for Flint to eventually purchase water from the KWA pipeline after it was finished, but that order says nothing about the city's use of the river.

In June 2013, Kurtz signed another order — this one to enter into acontract with Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam Inc. for professionalengineering services to put the Flint water treatment plant into operation "using the Flint River as a primary drinking water sourcefor approximately two years and then converting to KWA deliveredlake water when available.

Are you literate???
Nynim has no idea what he is talking about. The EM is only there to see what they do is LEGAL. NOT if its ETHICAL.

Shouldn't all civil servants in public office be in the business of defending equal interests and ethics under the Constitution. Isn't that part of EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW.
Or do we give up this responsibility by taking jobs with private city municipalities?

See Code of Ethics for Govt Service. Why shouldn't all public servants be held to equal standards?
Governor helped hush-hush delivery of water filters to Flint pastors

FLINT, MI -- Gov. Rick Snyder quietly helped deliver 1,500 water filters to Flint last month -- even as state officials gave assurances that the city's tap water was safe and meeting all regulatory standards.
The state's involvement in the filter distribution was never publicized and pastors told The Flint Journal-MLive Tuesday, Sept. 29, that they were asked by staffers in the governor's office not to speak about it.
Those filters came from the governor," Poplar said. "The governor seems to be the one with the golden key" to make something happen, she said.

Pastors involved with the giveaway of the filters, which were designed to remove total trihalomethanes (TTHM) as well as lead from water, said they accepted the condition that they not discuss the state's role in securing the equipment, said the Rev. Allen Overton.
They elected two convicted felons in 2013? I'm reading some really crazy shit on line about Flint these days. When my husband was in the auto industry PPG wouldn't allow staff to stay in Flint anymore when they went north for meetings at GM.

I didn't think it could get worse.

All the conservatives blathering on this thread don't realize the local elected government has little to no power in Flint anymore with the Emergency Managers that get appointed by Snyder. The EM literally runs EVERYTHING and answer directly to Snyder.
Seems you are absolutely correct:

Voters oust Flint mayor, elect newcomer amid city's water problems

The original switch happened while Flint was under state emergency financial management.

The Scandal of Michigan’s Emergency Managers
EMs, who are
appointed by the governor, can “exercise any power or authority of any officer, employee, department, board, commission or other similar entity of the local government whether elected or appointed.”

I want to see these right wing fuckers squirm out of this one.

Come on guys. Do it. Squirm.
In Flint, Mich., there’s so much lead in children’s blood that a state of emergency is declared

The suit, which claims to represent “tens of thousands of residents,” alleges that the city and state officials “deliberately deprived” them of their 14th Amendment rights by replacing formerly safe drinking water with a cheaper alternative that was known to be highly toxic.

“For more than 18 months, state and local government officials ignored irrefutable evidence that the water pumped from the Flint River exposed [residents] to extreme toxicity,” the complaint reads. “The deliberately false denials about the safety of the Flint River water was as deadly as it was arrogant.”

LeeAnn Walters, a Flint resident and mother of 4-year-old twins, took every precaution after blood tests revealed that the level of lead in one of her sons had soared after the switch to Flint River.

“I was hysterical,” Walters told the Free Press. “I cried when they gave me my first lead report.”

She had feared lead was the problem when her whole family developed rashes and her son stopped gaining weight.

Toxic Water In Michigan Begins And Ends With Governor Rick Snyder

I cannot recall an instance in my lifetime where an entire city’s population was poisoned with a tasteless, odorless, powerful toxin thanks the actions of their state government that knew what was happening for MONTHS before any action was taken. This will become the legacy of Rick Snyder and his administration. It’s obscene. It’s a scandal. And people should go to prison.


They knew they were poisoning people for 18 months. A doctor, a private citizen paid for the independent study because Republicans running the state simply didn't care. Come on, it's a Republican administration. Is it really any surprise???? Poisoning an entire city because it's cheaper and they are mostly poor? From the GOP perspective, it makes sense, right?
Your ignorance & stupidity are second to none
Nynim has no idea what he is talking about. The EM is only there to see what they do is LEGAL. NOT if its ETHICAL.

Shouldn't all civil servants in public office be in the business of defending equal interests and ethics under the Constitution. Isn't that part of EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW.
Or do we give up this responsibility by taking jobs with private city municipalities?

See Code of Ethics for Govt Service. Why shouldn't all public servants be held to equal standards?
Ethics start with the voting populace. They chose democrat. The EM was put in place AFTER decades of CORRUPTION. He was there ONLY to see LEGAL compliance NOT ethical compliance.
The city still controlled the options as to water use and switched as a budget cutting measure.

So who got that "new" money? Labor unions. And they support democrats, who would have guessed right?
I realize that in all probability the buck will stop at the Governor's desk.

BUT check this out. This is what caused the lead poisoning. And the city of Flint is responsible.

"Initial reports of high bacterial and chemical pollutants in the water reportedly necessitated higher levels of chlorination, which then resulted in Flint violating the federal Safe Drinking Water Act during three tests in 2014."

Ruh roh!

"Reports also found that the treated water was more corrosive than previous supplies and caused high levels of lead to leach out of the city’s ageing pipes into the drinking supply."

Flint mayor declares 'manmade disaster' over lead-tainted water supply
In Flint, Mich., there’s so much lead in children’s blood that a state of emergency is declared

The suit, which claims to represent “tens of thousands of residents,” alleges that the city and state officials “deliberately deprived” them of their 14th Amendment rights by replacing formerly safe drinking water with a cheaper alternative that was known to be highly toxic.

“For more than 18 months, state and local government officials ignored irrefutable evidence that the water pumped from the Flint River exposed [residents] to extreme toxicity,” the complaint reads. “The deliberately false denials about the safety of the Flint River water was as deadly as it was arrogant.”

LeeAnn Walters, a Flint resident and mother of 4-year-old twins, took every precaution after blood tests revealed that the level of lead in one of her sons had soared after the switch to Flint River.

“I was hysterical,” Walters told the Free Press. “I cried when they gave me my first lead report.”

She had feared lead was the problem when her whole family developed rashes and her son stopped gaining weight.

Toxic Water In Michigan Begins And Ends With Governor Rick Snyder

I cannot recall an instance in my lifetime where an entire city’s population was poisoned with a tasteless, odorless, powerful toxin thanks the actions of their state government that knew what was happening for MONTHS before any action was taken. This will become the legacy of Rick Snyder and his administration. It’s obscene. It’s a scandal. And people should go to prison.


They knew they were poisoning people for 18 months. A doctor, a private citizen paid for the independent study because Republicans running the state simply didn't care. Come on, it's a Republican administration. Is it really any surprise???? Poisoning an entire city because it's cheaper and they are mostly poor? From the GOP perspective, it makes sense, right?
Your ignorance & stupidity are second to none
Guess you didn't read the previous post nitwit.
The lead wasn't in the water it was in the pipes. And it was the city that was responsible for the treatment of the water supply and monitoring pollutants/contaminates. This is a dog's breakfast with the city purposefully breaking the federal law in their treatments in 2014.


ETA: they are claiming in another part of that article that Virginia Tech did find lead in the river water. Aye carumba. If you know that part of the world you know you have to have professionals dealing with water supplies.

Why on earth was Virginia Tech involved? Was the city trying to go to an outside investigation so this nightmare wouldn't blow up in their faces?
Last edited:
I realize that in all probability the buck will stop at the Governor's desk.

BUT check this out. This is what caused the lead poisoning. And the city of Flint is responsible.

"Initial reports of high bacterial and chemical pollutants in the water reportedly necessitated higher levels of chlorination, which then resulted in Flint violating the federal Safe Drinking Water Act during three tests in 2014."

Ruh roh!

"Reports also found that the treated water was more corrosive than previous supplies and caused high levels of lead to leach out of the city’s ageing pipes into the drinking supply."

Flint mayor declares 'manmade disaster' over lead-tainted water supply

From your post: "Reports also found that the treated water was more corrosive than previous supplies and caused high levels of lead to leach out of the city’s ageing pipes into the drinking supply."

How is that the fault of the city when it was Republicans who switched to more corrosive water without even an attempt at study.

Oh, that's right. For Republicans, "study" is very close to education and we know what Republicans think of education:

In Flint, Mich., there’s so much lead in children’s blood that a state of emergency is declared

The suit, which claims to represent “tens of thousands of residents,” alleges that the city and state officials “deliberately deprived” them of their 14th Amendment rights by replacing formerly safe drinking water with a cheaper alternative that was known to be highly toxic.

“For more than 18 months, state and local government officials ignored irrefutable evidence that the water pumped from the Flint River exposed [residents] to extreme toxicity,” the complaint reads. “The deliberately false denials about the safety of the Flint River water was as deadly as it was arrogant.”

LeeAnn Walters, a Flint resident and mother of 4-year-old twins, took every precaution after blood tests revealed that the level of lead in one of her sons had soared after the switch to Flint River.

“I was hysterical,” Walters told the Free Press. “I cried when they gave me my first lead report.”

She had feared lead was the problem when her whole family developed rashes and her son stopped gaining weight.

Toxic Water In Michigan Begins And Ends With Governor Rick Snyder

I cannot recall an instance in my lifetime where an entire city’s population was poisoned with a tasteless, odorless, powerful toxin thanks the actions of their state government that knew what was happening for MONTHS before any action was taken. This will become the legacy of Rick Snyder and his administration. It’s obscene. It’s a scandal. And people should go to prison.


They knew they were poisoning people for 18 months. A doctor, a private citizen paid for the independent study because Republicans running the state simply didn't care. Come on, it's a Republican administration. Is it really any surprise???? Poisoning an entire city because it's cheaper and they are mostly poor? From the GOP perspective, it makes sense, right?
Your ignorance & stupidity are second to none
Guess you didn't read the previous post nitwit.
I guess you got beat up a lot as a child. There is no other excuse for the level of hatred you display everyday simply because of 2 letters, r & d.

By far the biggest bitch I've ever met online

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