GOP: listen to women, minorities, Hispanics, etc, or continue to lose

It's not that the GOP doesn't listen, because they do.

The problem is Liberals insisting that all minorities and genders (yes, according to Liberals there are a myriad of genders) be somehow magically lifted to the highest rungs of society based solely on their ethnicity and/or sexual preference.

The GOP's answer: you want to make something of yourself, then do it yourself on the same playing field and by the same playbook of every other American.

Liberals believe that the fastest surest way to guarantee the success of minorities and the gender-bent is to re-write the book of success in life and to bring down the "haves" to the level of the "have-nots". And this is precisely what we've witnessed since the coronation of Obama.

Fuck that shit. The sick and perverted Liberal mindset is not rooted in the struggles of Americans that build and improve, but in the notion of destroy and degrade to the lowest common denominator so that failure itself becomes success.



But, that isn't what I believe. Why don't you ask what I believe? Are you afraid of how I might answer?
I've expressed my beliefs. Yet you refuse to address them. What are you afraid of?

I support Doma.
A balanced budget.
The Constitutions Original Intent
Voter ID
The Electoral College as is
Tax Cuts
Strict Separation of Powers with Congress being the most powerful.
Freedom Of Religion , not "FROM" Religion as the Left talks of
The enumeration of Federal Abilities and prohibitions
Legal Protection of our Flag with Criminal Charges for those who desecrate it
Complete Freedom of Domestic Energy sources over foreign

How about you Jake?

Starkey supports Obama and ObamaCare
You would kill other Americans for how they vote and still have the nerve to call THEM traitors?

They aren't even human beings, never mind Americans so far as I'm concerned. It's not even about how they vote. It's about how they think. The votes are just the icing on the cake.

Ah, yes..."Thoughtcrime". I read about that in "1984".

Ahhh, Stinkin Thinkin!

I heard about that from the Late, Great Zig Ziglar!

The democrats HATE MEN.

They hate the family as Men and Women work together in it. Doesn't promote democrat ideas!

No kidding, Democrats hate men, and men sense this. Look at the polling from Colorado. Democrats say that Republicans have a problem with women, well . . .

There are a lot of competing numbers on the gender gap, and none of them are good for Udall. A recent Quinnipiac poll found Udall leading by four points among women — but Gardner leading by 13 points among men. Another recent poll, by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, also found Udall up by four points among women, with Gardner leading by 11 points among men. A CNN poll more than a week ago found Udall leading by nine points among women, but Gardner leading by an astonishing 20 points among men. Any of those scenarios would be disastrous for the Democrat.​
The far right, like Mojo and Antares, of course refuse to accept their failures of the last 14 years, insisting they and Rush are right. They aren't. They ignore the 71-27 Hispanic vote for the Dems in 2012, and somehow believe that it never happened.
The far right, like Mojo and Antares, of course refuse to accept their failures of the last 14 years, insisting they and Rush are right. They aren't. They ignore the 71-27 Hispanic vote for the Dems in 2012, and somehow believe that it never happened.

Poor Jake, what are they trying to tell us?
Antares is now benched on the sidelines for not performing to his ability.
Antares is now benched on the sidelines for not performing to his ability.

Why are you so afraid of me Jake?

You tell us we need to "hear" what they are saying but you are unable to tell us what it is?

You look foolish again here jake.

Demographics of the GOP

That isn't just a branding problem. It is the core of what the GOP is about these days.

Demographics of the GOP

That isn't just a branding problem. It is the core of what the GOP is about these days.
Democrats need to fullfil their dead bang winning ticket.

Maxine Waters for President and Sheila Jackson Lee as her running mate. The democrat dream team.
Why do the lefties like Jakey Fakey always have to lump everyone into groups? Why can't they just see Americans as, well, Americans?

Demographics of the GOP

That isn't just a branding problem. It is the core of what the GOP is about these days.

Demographics of the GOP

That isn't just a branding problem. It is the core of what the GOP is about these days.
Democrats need to fullfil their dead bang winning ticket.

Maxine Waters for President and Sheila Jackson Lee as her running mate. The democrat dream team.

Yeah, there's a real brain trust... get the "Guam's gonna tip over" dunderhead in there too... maybe Secretary of State?

Our GOP has no trouble lumping gays, liberals, mongrels, subhumans, feminists, latinos, immigrants into groups, Soggy. Grow up.

The fact is that latinos are not voting for us, along with woman, and if they don't, we continue to lose.
Kosh, you are not GOP, so your opinion is meaningless.

But, then again, it is always meaningless.
Our GOP has no trouble lumping gays, liberals, mongrels, subhumans, feminists, latinos, immigrants into groups, Soggy. Grow up.

The fact is that latinos are not voting for us, along with woman, and if they don't, we continue to lose.

Uhm, you're the only one making a point out of lumping everyone in groups Jake. And drop the "Us" shit you phony. I refuse to treat Latinos any different than any one else. Tell me, what is it that makes Latinos need special treatment? or blacks? Or women?

See, it's you leftists that need to marginalize & victimize everyone by scaring them shitless thinking the white bogeyman is coming to eat their babies and if their only hope for survival is submitting to you and your ilk.

What utter bullshit... talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations.