GOP: listen to women, minorities, Hispanics, etc, or continue to lose

Since you wish to deflect from the fact my OP is 100% accurate: so Antares, you certainly are not a mainstream Republican.

Why not?
I responded to Blackhawk in another thread because he has no idea to get women, minorities, Hispanics, etc. to vote for the GOP.

If we don't, the Dems will be the majority party for a long time to come.

So many far right reactionaries are so full of nonsense about Catholics, and Hispanics, and other folks, like women and minorities, the needs of which they have no idea how to resolve.

They can talk to those groups until they are blue in the face and nothing will happen, nothing good for the GOP, UNTIL the reactionaries start LISTENING.

The far right wants to tell those groups what they must do instead of listening to them telling the GOP want they want it to do.

If the GOP continues to not seriously listen and act, those groups will continue to tune the GOP out.
Women need a good orgasm. Coloreds need drugs. Hispanics need tacos. How hard is that?
Since you wish to deflect from the fact my OP is 100% accurate: so Antares, you certainly are not a mainstream Republican.

Why not?

Afraid to answer?

WHAT makes you"different"than a Democrat, very easy question.

If you think Hispanics are worried about "Gay Marriage"you clearly don't know any.
Why are not a mainstream Republican, Antares, since you have given up on the OP?
Anathema, since you don't understand the document, what you opine is worthless.

If the GOP does not actively listen and respond to these voting groups, within the voting cycles the House will be blue.
jake, as it is, the democrats are losing women and they are losing the youth.
Republicans could start by staying out of women's wombs.
I don't agree with late term abortions.............I think they are BS............and I will continue to have that opinion..............

Perhaps accountability need apply..........Use birth control.............

Or perhaps you could stay out of someone else's business that has nothing to do with you.
Does that apply to murder too? What's it to you if person A murders person B, if you're not person B?

What does abortion have to do with murdering someone?
Republicans could start by staying out of women's wombs.
I don't agree with late term abortions.............I think they are BS............and I will continue to have that opinion..............

Perhaps accountability need apply..........Use birth control.............

Or perhaps you could stay out of someone else's business that has nothing to do with you.
Does that apply to murder too? What's it to you if person A murders person B, if you're not person B?

What does abortion have to do with murdering someone?
Why is it illegal for prison officials to conduct an execution for a female death row prisoner while she is pregnant?
Republicans could start by staying out of women's wombs.
I don't agree with late term abortions.............I think they are BS............and I will continue to have that opinion..............

Perhaps accountability need apply..........Use birth control.............

Or perhaps you could stay out of someone else's business that has nothing to do with you.
Does that apply to murder too? What's it to you if person A murders person B, if you're not person B?

What does abortion have to do with murdering someone?
Republicans could start by staying out of women's wombs.
I don't agree with late term abortions.............I think they are BS............and I will continue to have that opinion..............

Perhaps accountability need apply..........Use birth control.............

Or perhaps you could stay out of someone else's business that has nothing to do with you.
Does that apply to murder too? What's it to you if person A murders person B, if you're not person B?

What does abortion have to do with murdering someone?
Why is it illegal for prison officials to conduct an execution for a female death row prisoner while she is pregnant?

Because it is not their choice.
It's not that the GOP doesn't listen, because they do.

The problem is Liberals insisting that all minorities and genders (yes, according to Liberals there are a myriad of genders) be somehow magically lifted to the highest rungs of society based solely on their ethnicity and/or sexual preference.

The GOP's answer: you want to make something of yourself, then do it yourself on the same playing field and by the same playbook of every other American.

Liberals believe that the fastest surest way to guarantee the success of minorities and the gender-bent is to re-write the book of success in life and to bring down the "haves" to the level of the "have-nots". And this is precisely what we've witnessed since the coronation of Obama.

Fuck that shit. The sick and perverted Liberal mindset is not rooted in the struggles of Americans that build and improve, but in the notion of destroy and degrade to the lowest common denominator so that failure itself becomes success.



But, that isn't what I believe. Why don't you ask what I believe? Are you afraid of how I might answer?
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Jake you are a joke, truly the board joke :)

Now, what are minorities and women saying that we need to hear?
Only to the very foolish, such as you some others.

If you truly think we in the GOP are reaching out correctly to the minorities and women and Hispanic, then expect the same counter results than what you expect, as you foolishly have in the past.
Only to the very foolish, such as you some others.

If you truly think we in the GOP are reaching out correctly to the minorities and women and Hispanic, then expect the same counter results than what you expect, as you foolishly have in the past.

What are they saying to us Jake?
You are right: it is my thread.

I have been quite clear that the far right want to preach rather than let the women, minorities, and Hispanics teach what they want.

If you don't get it, I suggest A R T for you, anal relaxation therapy, because you are so tight about this that you can't shit.
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